Girls with mainly male friends


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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goldengoose said:
FYI, Desdinova just posted in the Mature Man forum that he broke up with his girlfriend due to her having male friends who she was involved with. He thought there was "something" to have a preemptive break up.
Holy sh!t that thread was crazy! Perfect example of why we should be avoiding women with a ton of male friends. Desdinova if you read this consider posting that in the main forum. Perhaps some younger men will read it and realize that they don't need to put up with blatant disrespect in a relationship and should leave immediately when it happens.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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JoeMarron said:
Holy sh!t that thread was crazy! Perfect example of why we should be avoiding women with a ton of male friends. Desdinova if you read this consider posting that in the main forum. Perhaps some younger men will read it and realize that they don't need to put up with blatant disrespect in a relationship and should leave immediately when it happens.
That is very true, sooner or later those male friends will become more than friends. You have guys like The Exception though, who feels its ok for his girlfriend to have a lot of male friends but he likes to insult and shame other men for not allowing their woman to have them hanging around. One day one of her male friends will be bending her over somewhere banging her. Then he can come back and report to us how wrong he was about male oribters who he feels are harmless betas.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I have a friend who was married to a girl who was always bringing male friends home. He had no problem with it whatsoever. Of course, eventually she started cheating with one of them and filed for divorce.

Women will shame men who object to their male friends by calling them jealous, controlling, and insecure. And hey, who wants to be those things? But those are simply tactics they use in order to get their way, so they can do whatever they want. Because society has brainwashed them into thinking nothing they do is wrong. Unfortunately, many men will also use this shaming tactic and call men insecure if they are not totally on board with their women spending time with other males. But, as has been explained, there are very good reasons for not being okay with this.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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zekko said:
I have a friend who was married to a girl who was always bringing male friends home. He had no problem with it whatsoever. Of course, eventually she started cheating with one of them and filed for divorce.

Men who don't set boundaries with their women aren't taken seriously by them. When you're not giving her the attention she wants, the orbiter is, then the wheels start turning in her head. I knew a guy who didn't care either and let his girlfriend hang out with other guys. He never thought she would leave him. When she left him for the orbiter she told him he was there for me and you weren't. She starts looking to have other male friends when her interest in you starts to sag. I don't know of any solid relationship where a chick wants to have other men hanging around when she already has a man who she wants. There would be no need for the other men.

zekko said:
Women will shame men who object to their male friends by calling them jealous, controlling, and insecure. And hey, who wants to be those things? But those are simply tactics they use in order to get their way, so they can do whatever they want. Because society has brainwashed them into thinking nothing they do is wrong. Unfortunately, many men will also use this shaming tactic and call men insecure if they are not totally on board with their women spending time with other males. But, as has been explained, there are very good reasons for not being okay with this.
Women will do what they want without your consent as long as they think it's ok. If you don't agree to it, then you're the problem taking away all her fun. Why would she care what you think when you let her hang out with men all the while? She then has a great reason to dump you. All this happens when her interest is lowered for you and higher for the other man. This is why boundaries are very important. I agree with everything you said zekko.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
zekko said:
I have a friend who was married to a girl who was always bringing male friends home. He had no problem with it whatsoever. Of course, eventually she started cheating with one of them and filed for divorce.

Women will shame men who object to their male friends by calling them jealous, controlling, and insecure. And hey, who wants to be those things? But those are simply tactics they use in order to get their way, so they can do whatever they want. Because society has brainwashed them into thinking nothing they do is wrong. Unfortunately, many men will also use this shaming tactic and call men insecure if they are not totally on board with their women spending time with other males. But, as has been explained, there are very good reasons for not being okay with this.
100% Truth.

This is why Men need to step up and put their foot down if their GF or Wife tries to get you to accept it. Some Women will genuinely be naive to this and think "that guy is ONLY a friend!" Then she becomes upset with you for not accepting this and begin thinking you are an insecure, controlling man but what your doing is protecting your relationship/family from the other guys motives which i stated before.... if your GF or wife is cute/hot, The male friend is there for one reason and one reason only... to try to get her to be his sexually but women dont see it this way till its too late. Her female friends will push that into her mind further and the more they do, the more the Male friend looks like a "better" man in a brighter light which will fuel her becoming closer to him and confide in him when suddenly... shes cheating or having an affair and leaves you for him. It's a big mind fvck and most Women dont know how to get out of their own way because once their emotions get involved... forget all logic and rational thinking.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2014
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Men have been brainwashed into thinking they have to accept women hanging out with mainly male friends. We are called controlling and jealous if we don't accept this but it is bull****. Be Alpha and a girl will see you as worth quitting her male friends for. It is a Beta mindset that allows women to get away with this because your not man enough to walk away if she disagrees. A high quality women will have mostly female friends and only a few beta male friends who you can screen and only allow her to meet them with a group of her female friends or with you. That is as much compromise you can give. It is likely she will have male acquaintances at her work, but that should remain within the confines of the work place. If she is texting and meeting guys from work, then that is game over. Remember if you wan't Wifey material, you need a women to be fully present in YOUR world and female friends are there to take the slack for when she needs down time. Her male friends are only ever going to take a slice of that world sharing one slice at a time, until there are only crumbs left.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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LondonTowers said:
Men have been brainwashed into thinking they have to accept women hanging out with mainly male friends. We are called controlling and jealous if we don't accept this but it is bull****. Be Alpha and a girl will see you as worth quitting her male friends for. It is a Beta mindset that allows women to get away with this because your not man enough to walk away if she disagrees. A high quality women will have mostly female friends and only a few beta male friends who you can screen and only allow her to meet them with a group of her female friends or with you. That is as much compromise you can give. It is likely she will have male acquaintances at her work, but that should remain within the confines of the work place. If she is texting and meeting guys from work, then that is game over. Remember if you wan't Wifey material, you need a women to be fully present in YOUR world and female friends are there to take the slack for when she needs down time. Her male friends are only ever going to take a slice of that world sharing one slice at a time, until there are only crumbs left.

It's the betas who allow their women to hang out with male friends because they are afraid to set any kind of boundaries with her in fear she will leave. Women who love their man are afraid of destroying the relationship and the women who are not afraid of losing him, disrepect the man as they do what they please. Confronting a woman works when she is afraid of losing him, it doesn't work when she lost interest in him. I've never know any woman who is 100% in love with her man wanting to spend her days with other men. Women who are looking to get out of the relationship are looking for new men to be with. Social networking is one of the first places women find new men besides going out.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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Danger said:

Exactly. Most of the taken women had historically fvked were out in social settings without their man.

Why? Because they were looking for a higher SMV man.

You are 100% correct. A lot of times it isn't the beta orbiter the man thinks it is. It's another dude that gets her vag to tingle that he doesn't even know about. Having a lot orbiters is just a red flag that shows that a chick is wanting other attention from men and not really into the relationship. She can put herself out there for her ego stroke while she gets a man she really wants to be with. These beta boyfriends will let their women do anything and the women know it. It's funny to see these beta boyfriends act alpha when the women own their ass.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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If a woman is attractive enough to command the attention of a lot of beta orbiters, chances are she's attractive enough to at least occasionally catch the attention of a higher quality male as well. One who makes the vag wet, as you say.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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zekko said:
If a woman is attractive enough to command the attention of a lot of beta orbiters, chances are she's attractive enough to at least occasionally catch the attention of a higher quality male as well. One who makes the vag wet, as you say.
Of course, but then again, I know guys who called the other men betas who really weren't. Some men like to think the other guy(s) is a beta so he doesn't feel threatened by him.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
the whole alpha/beta thing is a massive red herring when it comes to this issue. Most women today, especially ones with mostly guy friends, are hors that love variety the same way men do. They will fvck guys just because they're DIFFERENT than you, the same way I would fvck a big booty ho even if my gf was a fashion model.

Alpha/beta goes out the window if they guy is at least as good looking as you and has a new car smell, like being a musician or artist.
The orbiters might get a taste now and then, but it's usually the guy that has higher value than you that she really wants to be with instead. The guy might not look better physically, but he has more to offer her than you do.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Let me explain via pictures:

Tiger Woods cheated on This:

with This:

Simply because he wanted variety.

Granted, this is an extreme example because only the most extreme slvts would do this.

But my point is, women will sometimes cheat on this:

with this:

Just because its DIFFERENT.

Many women are no longer monogamous.

Your example is extreme and it is also a very bad one.

Why do you people always have to use famous people to make your point? You can't compare famous people to regular people in society. That doesn't work.

Women will fvck Tiger Woods on just his name recognition alone. Could you fly around the country having women wanting to fvck you on just your name recognition? No.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Women will give the orbiters a taste. Which means a bl0w job or a fvck if she wants to. She isn't fvcking them on the regular, like a guy she deems as higher value. The higher value guy might not have better looks than you, but if he has more money and status, that is the value she's looking for. She will leave you for him no matter what she was telling you previously.

Yes, some are not monogamous, which is why you don't have a relationship with those women.

High quality women are monogamous, they don't have lots of oribters and men they they spend alone 1 on 1 time with.

Seems to me like you never had a high quality woman, because what I'm saying sounds foreign to you.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
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smurfs said:
I was reflecting on my many past relationships and noticed a trend that nearly all the girls have had mainly male friends (90%+ male friends in friendship ratio) and held close male friends.

Then I think of how each of them have ended... progressing from my very first relationship where I held heavy jealousy issues all the way through to now with the current gf where I still struggle to commit (all relationships have ended <12 months) due to this key factor - that they have significant male friendships.

My question to you all is, is there something that you guys can see that I cannot with this trend in my selection?

What views do you hold of a girl whom has mainly male friends.

You can tell if she has a lot of guys on facebook she will also talk about her male friends often when you start to date. Lots of male friends means she is a slut usually.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I'm with PairPlus on this.

For all the talk about hypergamy on this site, sometimes women will make a lateral move just because the guy is new and different. He may not have more value than you, but to her he is fresh and exciting.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I'm dating a high quality woman right now...

You didn't do a very good job with my analogy. People use analogies of famous people because its a frame of reference for all of us. Further, my point has nothing to do with who would fvck tiger, its that tiger would fvkc the UGs just to get variety. Almost any man or woman can do this.

Of course high quality women prefer monogamy but I would base any broad statement about modern women on that small subsection. I would also caution you from putting any woman on a pedestal.
I agree with you man, I'm just saying that a High Quality woman who values her man won't hang around other men like that. It's not putting a woman on a pedestal, it's the actions that she is showing to you that shows her to be High Quality. Does your woman have orbiters?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I agree with you that high quality women wont hang around other men. Mine has a few out of state friends from childhood. Im not going to tell her to stop talking to them although I told her if she goes on anything remotely like a date with another guy she is done. One of them may be an orbiter, I'm not sure. He is certainly a beta but as we know that does not preclude cheating...I have my eyes open.
Keep your eyes open for anything because these dudes can always have a secret trip to see her that you don't know about. I've know people who had that happen to them. Yeah 1 0n 1 dates are out of the question. Keep your frame and you should be good.