Girls with mainly male friends


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
I was reflecting on my many past relationships and noticed a trend that nearly all the girls have had mainly male friends (90%+ male friends in friendship ratio) and held close male friends.

Then I think of how each of them have ended... progressing from my very first relationship where I held heavy jealousy issues all the way through to now with the current gf where I still struggle to commit (all relationships have ended <12 months) due to this key factor - that they have significant male friendships.

My question to you all is, is there something that you guys can see that I cannot with this trend in my selection?

What views do you hold of a girl whom has mainly male friends.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
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girls that can't have normal relationships with girls are sucky with people in general. Seriously guys are easy to deal with we sleep **** and eat. Pretty east to deal with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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smurfs said:
My question to you all is, is there something that you guys can see that I cannot with this trend in my selection?

What views do you hold of a girl whom has mainly male friends.
Yes. The trend is that your insecurities are holding you back from progress.

What exactly about other men is so threatening? Women will horde male attention....its part of evolutionary psychology. As long as a woman is not overly flirting, touching, going on "1on1"'s all the time.....there is no real reason for this to be an issue. Fear is one he11 of an emotion.....but it is based upon undiscovered reality.Think about are worrying about her fidelity without being given reason to question it.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
When a girl has mainly guy friends, it's a red flag. These girls are not the ones you want to pursue a LTR with, there is little chance at having a healthy relationship with them... THE END.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
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Los Angeles
TheException said:
Yes. The trend is that your insecurities are holding you back from progress.

What exactly about other men is so threatening? Women will horde male attention....its part of evolutionary psychology. As long as a woman is not overly flirting, touching, going on "1on1"'s all the time.....there is no real reason for this to be an issue. Fear is one he11 of an emotion.....but it is based upon undiscovered reality.Think about are worrying about her fidelity without being given reason to question it.
I agree with this.

ITs not always a red flag, some girls prefer male friendship but that doesnt mean there slutting around bro's.

With some it might be true, the red flag to this will be true with some woman but thats not always the case.

Yall need to chill Man lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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smurfs said:
What views do you hold of a girl whom has mainly male friends.
Find a girl who has mainly female friends.

Having mainly male friends is a red flag. Usually a slvt or an attention wh0re. Women who can't make female friends can't relate well on a 1:1 basis without having the built in advantage that the sexual tension gives them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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Jair213 said:
I agree with this.

ITs not always a red flag, some girls prefer male friendship but that doesnt mean there slutting around bro's.

With some it might be true, the red flag to this will be true with some woman but thats not always the case.

Yall need to chill Man lol
she is slutting around but she only want the male attencion, and she will lead, string guys around, and she will normally say she do friendships easier with mens (with you can guess most then want to bang her and she knows it), also this kind of girl love to lie and hide things as long she can get anything from you with just her looks.

and I know this behavior pretty well, I have dealt with a girl like this, you can also be sure when she started a LTR with a guy, who was a pretty nice work, and she could string him and lie to her and he would never even question it, in less then 6 months she was pregnant of the guy, and waiting for the marriage to him, really a nice love history right?

only question here is you want to deal with a AW like her? if yes go ahead, jsut please never make her your main plate and never be on a ltr with her


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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Glaring read flag. Avoid monogamy at all costs


May 17, 2013
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America is best
It is a red flag, if she had many male friends so she can have attention, and emotional support from multiple sources, this is like a pre-preemptive power play.

In a way its like she has many safety nets in case your relationship gets rocky, or your not doing what she wants, she can use her "male" friends as temporary supports, it gives her an edge in the game. Security.

Or she could just be a whovre.

Basically she is insecure, it makes her to feel secure to have potential boyfriends already lined up.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Women consider men that are gaming them "friends". So when a woman tells me all she has are guy friends, all she's really telling me is that she has orbiters or that she is orbiting or just banging him/them outright.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Alvafe said:
she is slutting around but she only want the male attencion, and she will lead, string guys around, and she will normally say she do friendships easier with mens (with you can guess most then want to bang her and she knows it), also this kind of girl love to lie and hide things as long she can get anything from you with just her looks.
See? Total attention wh0re. And don't expect that behavior to change if you get into a LTR or marriage with her. She expects this as her right.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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The guys are right. These girls have an army of dıck behind them because:

  • instant boyfriends when they don't wanna be single
  • can't get along with other females
  • can't relate to other females (red flagaroon right here)
  • they love controlling the orbiters with the scent of potential poossay, so they feel all-powerful 24/7
  • makes them feel like a celebrity when they are fawned over by all those chump diggity AFCs
  • instant favors granted and muscle for physical needs are met
  • all she has to do is smile and show some tit meat for all of the above to happen (financially, it's cheap)

    Still thinking about an LTR with such a girl? lol


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
So wtf am i suppose to do now, dump my gf?
She does have fm friends but more guy friends.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
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here and there
TheException said:
Yes. The trend is that your insecurities are holding you back from progress.

What exactly about other men is so threatening? Women will horde male attention....its part of evolutionary psychology. As long as a woman is not overly flirting, touching, going on "1on1"'s all the time.....there is no real reason for this to be an issue. Fear is one he11 of an emotion.....but it is based upon undiscovered reality.Think about are worrying about her fidelity without being given reason to question it.
Don't be so naive. It has nothing to do with having any fear. It has to do with being smart. Smart men shouldn't be in an LTR with chicks who have lot of dudes as friends for obvious reasons. You have no idea who her "friends" really are. Her "friends" are dudes she's hooked up with before. Dudes she wants to fvck but hasn't been able to yet. And dudes who can't wait to pound her the moment she gives the green light to.

She will be talking to these guys all the time about YOU. It won't be one of her chick friends, it will be another dude. If there is a problem in the relationship she will rely on them for input. Most of those guys will be jealous that you're the boyfriend anyway. So, they will do what they can to get you out of the picture and plant the "seed of doubt in her head".

I had a chick a couple of years ago say to me "I think my boyfriend might be cheating on me." I told her "Yeah, you're probably right, always trust your gut." She came over and fvcked me the next day to get even with her boyfriend, but as it turns out, he never cheated on her to begin with . LOL :crackup:

So, If I wasn't a "friend", she wouldn't have cheated. That's what chicks having dudes as friends will do to you.

I know plenty of chicks who have lot of dudes as friends, none of them should be taken seriously for a LTR. I know dudes who pounded chicks who were friends. And I know chicks who cheated on their boyfriends who has lots of dudes as friends. I also know a few who were faithful at the start, but it was really easy to dump the dude when she could compare her boyfriend to her friends who had better status.

It's not that you are worrying about her fidelity, you have other dudes all around trying to get rid of you. When the sh1t hits the fan or some problem starts in the relationship, one of those dudes will be there to pounce on her.

I've seen this happen a lot, so it's best to steer clear of those chicks. Also, chicks who don't have chicks as friends have jealousy issues and have been the biggest wh0res I've known. So, save yourself the time and trouble. Fvck them, but don't invest in anything long term because it won't turn out very good for you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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rascal99v said:
I know dudes who pounded chicks who were friends.
(Puts hand up). I've banged chicks who were friends. It's easy. The proximity only helps. Even with classic "friendzoned" cases, she'll put out at least a little hanky panky to keep the guy interested.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
Jair213 said:
So wtf am i suppose to do now, dump my gf?
She does have fm friends but more guy friends.

You're fvcked....seriously though keep your eyes open. If she's actively texting other dudes and hanging out with them one on one then you might as well start spinning plates now.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
JoeMarron said:
You're fvcked....seriously though keep your eyes open. If she's actively texting other dudes and hanging out with them one on one then you might as well start spinning plates now.

hahahhah will do bro.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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The main problem is that men are behind in evolution. Our society has changed dramatically. Gays, bisexuals, and everything in-between is in high abundance. Women have more rights and more control. Because of women's rights, we can no longer club them over the head and drag them back to their cave where they belong. We have to accept that they have the right to make male friends. But that doesn't mean we won't feel jealous about it. THAT is built into our nature. We still feel the natural desire to protect our investment. That isn't going to go away anytime soon. The problem is women have no clue how or why we have that natural built-in jealousy of them interacting with other men. Women in turn see it as insecurity instead of it being nature. We can't lock them in the house anymore, so they're free to do what they want.

Now, women generally have two kinds of male friends: the ones that are "like a brother to them", and ones that want to fvck them. The ones in the latter category are usually in higher abundance than the ones in the first category. The key is to NEVER let your jealousy show, even though it's naturally built in. You need to be more attractive, more confident, and more interesting than any of her male friends. Even if your woman has no male friends, she's going to get approached by men who want to fvck her. You need to be BETTER than the majority of the men out there. This isn't too difficult, because the majority of the men out there are AFCs.

So here's what happens to the male friends when she gets into a LTR:

- The ones that are "like a brother" are securely locked into the friend zone. They are generally no threat.
- The ones that want to fvck her weed themselves out by either confessing their true love for her (putting her on a pedestal), or they turn into a55holes (be insecure).

So where is the problem? I'll tell you.... The problem is your own insecurity. She's going to fvck the most attractive man in her vicinity whether it be a male friend, a guy who approaches her at the bus stop, or her boyfriend. If you're not the most attractive man in her vicinity, then you're going to run into problems.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2014
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JoeMarron said:
You're fvcked....seriously though keep your eyes open. If she's actively texting other dudes and hanging out with them one on one then you might as well start spinning plates now.
This is exactly what I did with the girls when they started being overly active in texting (particularly in front of me) and hanging out one on one. Problem is i'm not good at hiding, and got caught spinning plates each time.

Another method that I have found useful in correcting such behaviour was to simply withdraw attention. How is this done? example:
I call my girl and she mentions that a guy friend over at her house watching a tv series... I end the call and withdraw attention simply by not answering texts (or when I answer it is one word) and cutting conversations short over phone. I keep this up every time for the next 3 times this occurs and she eventually gets the message and stops hanging out one on one.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
If the girl your talking to or your girlfriend has many Male friends and you have a problem with it, The very FIRST thing people are going to tell you is "Your insecure" and "You need to be a man and not be so insecure" and you should reply "F--K you". A real man knows that any other man, if given the opportunity and your GF/Wife is hot, Will try to fvck her if it "somehow" just happens.

I definitely know about this. My first GF was very pretty from the south and she had a few guy friends who were... "Just friends" but secretly they wanted to get into her pants. At a very young age we lived together for a brief time and I remember this guy who used to call her to talk about "School". he would constantly call her until one night she was in the shower and i picked up asking "who the fvck is this?" He replied "Sorry wrong number" and hung up. An hour later he calls again and she picks up and i guess he had the right number all of a sudden. Her other guy friends were the same thing. When i would bring it up she would get upset and say "they are just my friends!" After we didnt work out and i dumped her, we kept in touch here and there and she told me one night "That some of her guy friends were trying to bang her after i dumped her and she genuinely thought they were just being friendly, How naive. I was thinking,..."Hm no sh*t they were trying to f*ck her" and all this was BEFORE facebook, Texts, Social websites, Dating sites etc... So can you imagine what its like now?

My second GF, that was MUCH more serious (5Years) tried to do the same to me but from the get go... When i even sniffed that there was a guy friend around.. I would get my stuff and ready to leave the relationship without a blink. One night a guy friend of hers called and she put him on speaker because she didnt want me to feel she was hiding something from her. I could hear the guy's voice being just a bit flirty. Did i get mad and throw a tantrum? No, I got up from the bed and began putting my sneakers and jeans on and ready to walk the fvck out. She looked up at me in panic. She hung up the phone and said "Where are you going!!?!" I calmly said... "Listen i told you that i dont like guy friend and i am not going to tell you what to do, im leaving. You can have your guy friends, i just wont be around for that" She literally threw herself on the floor on her knees and begged me to stay. I was VERY conflicted because i liked her A LOT! but i knew i couldnt go back on my own word. It pained me to see her on the floor on her knees crying her eyes out but i began to walk out and she started shaking... i Stopped and stayed but i told her "I told you, Im not fvcking around and i mean what i say, You can have your guy friends but i am not going to stick around for that" She apologized and promised she will never do it again. That relationship blossomed into a wonderful thing because she highly respected me and believed when i say im leaving. Over the course of 5 years i got lazy and didnt hold the frame the same and let her do whatever because after all, we were in love and we were going to get married. Long story short she left me for another guy and got engaged to him soon after leaving me. Im sure it was a guy friend she's been "talking" to behind my back.

Guy friends are a VERY grey area but a red flag also. Women are naive to male friends or atleast act naive but deep down they know. I never subscribed to the whole Guy and Girl friends thing and ive witnessed and been part of the dark side of Male friends and if your GF is hot,.. forget it because guys will be guys and it WILL cross their mind to fvck her if your a BF or not. Even if she's not hot.. and a HB4, There is a guy out there somewhere that will still try to go for it. Some guys are sneaky with it to.. They will play the friend role but with a deceptive agenda to fvck her somewhere down the line. He could even be a big "Beta" but all it takes is for her to feel your neglecting her or a big fight and that friend magically is there for her.

A real man is not insecure but He is also not naive to this fact and as a Man.. He leads and sets the rules. Women follow. Dont let ANYONE tell you your being insecure about this. In today's society Men are expected to turn a blind eye and play dumb to things like this. Get the fvck outta here with that.