Girls that genuenly want a nice guy?


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
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How do you figure out if this one is that one.

Im sure some of you will argue, but what im saying that there are girls out there that genuenly (sp?) want a nice guy, not a complete door matt but just a nice guy who just does nice things all the time.

I see those all the time

So how do you know if this one is the one like that

They all say they want a nice guy but most of them dont as we all know, but every once in a while there is this one that truly does


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
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First off, how do you know they want a nice guy? Because they say so?

Any guy can be "nice" in an attractive way, without being a jerk. Come on, you know what I'm talking about.

Only thing I can say is that any girl who doesn't want a guy who is a challenge has some deep rooted issue, is a feminazi, a combination of both, or is immature/crazy--> It can only mean trouble later.


New Member
May 27, 2004
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Originally posted by Vovchandr
How do you figure out if this one is that one.

Im sure some of you will argue, but what im saying that there are girls out there that genuenly (sp?) want a nice guy, not a complete door matt but just a nice guy who just does nice things all the time.

I see those all the time

So how do you know if this one is the one like that

They all say they want a nice guy but most of them dont as we all know, but every once in a while there is this one that truly does
I have no doubt that there are girls out there just looking for a nice girl. However they are in the extreme minority nowadays.

I met the only girl I've ever loved when I was 15. We went out together for over 2 years & even got engaged. Shortly after that it all went down the ****ter.

All this hearing I want a nice/decent guy from her, went seriously out the window when I found out she started dating the biggest no-user in school a few weeks after we split up.

So I'll never ever, ever no matter what kind of guy she says or thinks she wants. Drop the man part of me in favour of the nice gentleman that I tried to become.

Bascially take what kind of man she says she's looking for with a pinch of salt. She probably doesn't really know what she wants herself. You can be the nice guy, if that's what you really are. However don't drop your guard with her & always keep her wondering about you. The moment she thinks she has you figured out. There is a serious threat of her going to look for pastures new, unless you have a nice bank account!


Oct 25, 2001
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Yes, women do want a nice guy...but a woman's definition of a nice guy...NOT a guy's definition of a nice guy. Men and women define "nice guy" in a completely different way.

To women, a nice guy is exactly that...a guy who is a nice person.

To men, a nice guy is a desperate, clingy guy who only ACTS nice because he thinks it will get him into the girl's pants and heart. He pretends to be a friend when all along he wants more. He does favors with expectations that it will make the woman fall in love with him.

The difference between a woman's "nice guy" ad a man's "nice guy" is that the woman's definition is of a genuinely nice person who has no alterior motives by being nice. He's just nice because he likes being nice and that alone makes him feel good inside. His motives are pure. A guy's "nice guy" is really a fraud...he's not really very nice at all because he is scheming, lying and pretending to be someone he's not, like things he doesn't and everything he does and says is riddled with unspoken expectations. When those expectations aren't met he resents people over it...even though he never says he is expecting anything.

I'm a woman who likes the female definition of a "nice guy". I can't stand the male definition of a "nice guy"...they are dishonest and phony.

Hope that helps clear it up for you.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
To play it safe, I'd ask them for their definition of a 'nice guy.' There are definitely some women out there that want a doormat.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
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Originally posted by Wyldfire
Yes, women do want a nice guy...but a woman's definition of a nice guy...NOT a guy's definition of a nice guy. Men and women define "nice guy" in a completely different way.

To women, a nice guy is exactly that...a guy who is a nice person.

To men, a nice guy is a desperate, clingy guy who only ACTS nice because he thinks it will get him into the girl's pants and heart. He pretends to be a friend when all along he wants more. He does favors with expectations that it will make the woman fall in love with him.

The difference between a woman's "nice guy" ad a man's "nice guy" is that the woman's definition is of a genuinely nice person who has no alterior motives by being nice. He's just nice because he likes being nice and that alone makes him feel good inside. His motives are pure. A guy's "nice guy" is really a fraud...he's not really very nice at all because he is scheming, lying and pretending to be someone he's not, like things he doesn't and everything he does and says is riddled with unspoken expectations. When those expectations aren't met he resents people over it...even though he never says he is expecting anything.

I'm a woman who likes the female definition of a "nice guy". I can't stand the male definition of a "nice guy"...they are dishonest and phony.

Hope that helps clear it up for you.
wow fantastic post

Originally posted by Gonzalo
First off, how do you know they want a nice guy? Because they say so?
because i see it all the time, a typicall non DJ guy, but not an AFC, who does not follow the DJ principles of being a "nice jerk" and playing around, genuenly expresses all the feelings to the girl, and she loves it, and them 2 usually make a great pair without game or anything

(im talking LTR here)


New Member
Nov 21, 2005
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Originally posted by Vovchandr

because i see it all the time, a typicall non DJ guy, but not an AFC, who does not follow the DJ principles of being a "nice jerk" and playing around, genuenly expresses all the feelings to the girl, and she loves it, and them 2 usually make a great pair without game or anything

(im talking LTR here)
someone please say something about this


Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2003
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Originally posted by Vovchandr
because i see it all the time, a typicall non DJ guy, but not an AFC, who does not follow the DJ principles of being a "nice jerk" and playing around, genuenly expresses all the feelings to the girl, and she loves it, and them 2 usually make a great pair without game or anything

(im talking LTR here)
Hmm yeah I know what you mean. In a perfect world, we'd all get mating partners that way. But we're talking about seducing women here, not "waiting till the right one comes along and get lucky" (which is, of course, always nice when it happens).



Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
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Originally posted by Bill
Hmm yeah I know what you mean. In a perfect world, we'd all get mating partners that way. But we're talking about seducing women here, not "waiting till the right one comes along and get lucky" (which is, of course, always nice when it happens).

which is why i started this thread

how do you find out if this chick is one of them rare ones

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
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confidence is always going to be key. whether you play all of the ****y/funny/neghit games or not...

for what its worth, i cant wait until i run into a nice girl. i remember when id go out on a date, and itd be exciting to hold hands for the first time. to pull her close... to run your hands through her hair. to kiss her for the first time. and as DJ as you are, it actually took a couple weeks of dating before she was ready to give her body to you.

but ive been caught up in the bar life for a while... and its pretty much: get drunk, get touchy feely, and if you start making out, 10 mins later youre guaranteed to be railing her.

it was fun at first but i miss the slower, nicer girls. =(



Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
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Northern New Jersey
Experienced women who have been hurt by players avoid pick-up artists like the plague. The only woman I ever loved would not have loved me back if I wasn't an AFC. Yes, there are women who have a preference for Nice Guys.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
Originally posted by strong like bull

for what its worth, i cant wait until i run into a nice girl. i remember when id go out on a date, and itd be exciting to hold hands for the first time. to pull her close... to run your hands through her hair. to kiss her for the first time. and as DJ as you are, it actually took a couple weeks of dating before she was ready to give her body to you.
i hear ya man, I've been in those relationships before. I enjoy them because of all the patience it takes. my current girlfriend took me over a month to get a kiss. It was so much fun to have to do that. I absolutely loved it.



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
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Originally posted by Wyldfire
Yes, women do want a nice guy...but a woman's definition of a nice guy...NOT a guy's definition of a nice guy. Men and women define "nice guy" in a completely different way.

To women, a nice guy is exactly that...a guy who is a nice person.

To men, a nice guy is a desperate, clingy guy who only ACTS nice because he thinks it will get him into the girl's pants and heart. He pretends to be a friend when all along he wants more. He does favors with expectations that it will make the woman fall in love with him.

The difference between a woman's "nice guy" ad a man's "nice guy" is that the woman's definition is of a genuinely nice person who has no alterior motives by being nice. He's just nice because he likes being nice and that alone makes him feel good inside. His motives are pure. A guy's "nice guy" is really a fraud...he's not really very nice at all because he is scheming, lying and pretending to be someone he's not, like things he doesn't and everything he does and says is riddled with unspoken expectations. When those expectations aren't met he resents people over it...even though he never says he is expecting anything.

I'm a woman who likes the female definition of a "nice guy". I can't stand the male definition of a "nice guy"...they are dishonest and phony.

Hope that helps clear it up for you.
You won't find just a "nice" man without motives. The "nice" jerk is the closest that you'll get.

There is no major difference in a females "nice guy" and a mans version of a "nice guy." The only thing is, a females version of a nice guy is more complicated than a males version. A males nice guy is "nice"...but does the wrong stuff...a females "nice" is nice aswell and still doesn't seem to do it...they both end the same.....Now, unless you live inside your subconcious can you prove that a females nice guy is much different than a males, when it comes to's a nice jerk that wins a woman's heart.

I walk up to you, and I act "nice," without motives of sex, like you said, would you feel attraction? probably not! why? because it's too "easy"......why? because I'm nice, I'd do anything without saying no, just because I'm nice and can do anything without wanting.......I don't or shouldn't expect sex or anything?...for you to have those expectation of a man is selfish......and that's why most of us guys have changed our approach..... Now, when the nice guy starts to say "no" to women's requests, it's challenging to women. Now, a female nice guy, you said, "does things without motives," how can you prove the motives of someone else? Without a motive, there lacks assertiveness....which assertiveness in a man is attractive to women (fact)......not very many "female version" nice guys are assertive.....they just seem to go with the flow....just as a "male version" nice guy would. A nice guy for both "male and female versions" will not be willing to ever say anything "****y and funny or mean" to a be mean is a "jerk" trait. Also, to say "no" shows self control is a trait that's in the middle of "nice and jerk."

When men are nice....they expect something.....Just like when women are nice, they usually expect something.....there are motives behind everything we do....whether it's waking up early in the morning to go to the store or to get our car detailed...there is a motive behind it....

And the fact that women can be complicated, they aren't often direct when they say "nice" guy....

Nice guy=confident, nice, honest, challenging, self controlled, funny, mysterious, independent...and the list goes on.....

Challenging is more so a "jerk" trait, confident can be either or...but says more towards a "jerk" than a "nice guy" because many nice guys just do nice things because for whatever reason...and they just believe in being nice hard to say no.....which leads to self control.....self control is more of a "jerk" trait but can go both....having the ability to say no WITHOUT feeling guilty for not being nicer....being funny is 50-50.....****y and funny is arrogant humor...which can be done nicely or in a jerk manner....depends on how much of ****y and how much of funny...try to aim between the middle of the two. Nice guys can be indepent just as much as a jerk.....but as far as mystery.....nice guys usually tend to lack it because they become a womans companion too quickly....nice guys just wants to be kind (male version or female) and they just want to be there....usually not giving much space.....and that turns women off because it show's neediness...honesty is a nice guy thing....which is good for all DJ's to have....the jerk tends to lie alot..which is bad....

So, basically...a nice guy is a nice guy (male version or female)...because they have motives (whatever they are)....just like a nice guy, a nice girl has motives to be nice to hopes of peoples good will back on them...and it rarely happens.

Women want a Nice Jerk...not a nice guy.
Last edited:


Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
“I just want a nice guy” how many times have you heard a girls say that? And when they say it what do guys do? They get down on their knees, sing love song, start crying and profess their everlasting love to said girl.

We are brought up with a flawed view of what women want they say "nice" and we associate nice with what we see in the movies.



Perfect Man (Nice Guy)
- Confident
- Funny
- Mysterious
- In control of his emotions
- Affectionate (when he needs to be)
- Goal orientated
- Mature (but still knows how to have fun)
- Is a winner and always tries to win
- Respectful
- Has dreams and chases them (doesn’t just float through life)
- A leader

Pu*sy Nice guy
- Needy
- Spends every moment with her
- Showers her with gifts/compliments
- Tells her he loves her before they are even dating (hahahahaha)
- Puts her on a pedestal
- Takes her ****
- Lets her make decisions
- Asks for permission

So women don’t like Pus*y nice guys but they do like Nice guys.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Do girls like guys with big wangs? Do girls like guys that are successful? Do girls like girls?

fuk you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
A guy's "nice guy" is really a fraud...he's not really very nice at all because he is scheming, lying and pretending to be someone he's not, like things he doesn't and everything he does and says is riddled with unspoken expectations.

Also, have you notice that the so-called "AFCs" on movies are actually very confident, have very successful lives, and are also very adventurous?


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score

oh woooeh, thanks, i needed a good laugh.....great thread though....really.
Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
how nice you are isn't relavent to getting a chick. some girls are just attracted to a certain personality in a guy, this could be due to past issues in their life, but all girls are technically looking for a nice guy. most sane girls want a guy who's nice to them, so why would you think banishing niceness from your personality. the only time being a nice guy would be a problem, is if you are being too nice.