Girls should be coming to you...not the other way around.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cheat_LBJ
Basically, what you're saying boils down to this:

Women choose men based on physical attractiveness and appearence, and make themselves available (through any number of subtle and not-so-subtle) to those men when they want his attention.

Women do not choose men based on physical attraviness. I didn't say that. I was simply describing what women DO when they find a man attractive - and what makes a woman find a man attractive is much more complicated than how he looks.

If you think about my analogy about Ashton Kutcher in Punk'd vs. My Bosses Daughter, you'll realize that I'm not talking about physical attractiveness. I was comparing the same guy to himself, and citing one as an example of a guy who girls like and the other as a guy who girls don't.

If you think you are a good-looking guy, then you probably are. But that doesn't mean you are attractive. So what makes you attractive? Ah but what is this website for if not to help people figure that out!

You say this is a worthless thread, but I submit that it is actually one of the most worthwhile that has come about in a while, because it presents this question for people to think about:

Have you been getting the amount of attention you should be from girls?

If you aren't, it's time to start thinking about what you aren't doing that you could be, or what you are doing that you shouldn't be. If you really were doing everything right, then you'd better believe girls would be coming to you.

I'm not talking at all about a method for meeting chicks. Of course you're supposed to talk to them - but they should at least want to talk to you before you do. In some notable experiences, I have seen girls who weren't attracted to me switch when something I said or did changed their impression of me, but that's not easy to do so why would you want to be starting from that point every time you talk to a girl? You guys rely on verbal game so heavily because you haven't realized that there's so much that you can do so that you don't have to talk them into giving you a chance if you take care of a few things to begin with.

Look at Mystery. He's a worshipped PUA. Does he rely 100% on game? Hell no! He dresses to impress (he calls it peackocking), he has VIP access, limos and celebrity friends all backing him up. Trust me you don't have to be a master PUA to get chicks when you have all that going for you. Half of his ingenious is the way he figured out to get all that when he started with none of it. In fact, if you read his method, it focuses heavily on what the girls see you doing before you ever talk to them, so that they have already noticed you in a positive way before you even seem to notice them.

And this still has no more to do with physical looks then it does attitude, personality, and status.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Proof
The realnezz...

I understand what you are saying. Most all of my sucesses have been from girls that CAME TO ME. I literally mean it....THEY CAME TO ME@! What if I went to them first? Would it have mattered? I dont think so. I think the main idea is the more girls you approch....the more situations you have to put yourself in a situation of success.

However, you do need to have some sort of game to keep her interested. I also agree with you that whole you need to be in shape, have nice clothes, AND BE A GENTLEMAN (unless you have other factors like god-like looks, a deep pocket, known good lay, ect.). That is very important.... when i started reading sites like this a while back I *always* thought be nice would never lead to anything. I treated every girl I crossed as a *****....which didnt work, that just made women avoid me. But being a pushover is also not good, so one just has to find a medium.

That is what sites like this are for.

My personal opinion is most guys fail at the whole social aspect of life. If you dont smile, look mean, act awkward, and say stupid things than I dont think your looks, game, money, ect. will matter period. I think most people that have problems with girls need to improve thier basic social skills. I also think most guy defend their ego way to hard (there was a thread about it) just kick back and have fun with yourself and others. Make jokes about yourself and others, try new things. If you cant do that...than forget about women? MAN, good luck even having friends, noone wants to be around some serious stuck up prick.

I think guys can get some buy not acting like a prick.But never as much as a natural..never as effortlessly.

I don't think sites like this help cuz it's usually backwards info designed to keep men coming back.

I agree with you and I said that in the thread opener..attitude matters.If you look like you don't wanna talk..then why would anybody..especially women come over and talk to you??

What I'm saying is don't waste your time with women that don't really like you.And if your having problems then it most likley your looks.

Is that so hard to accept?

I don't know what's happening in these other kids lives but i'm getting looks and approaches from women every day,everywhere I go...and look at my pic.

Do I look gorgeous?It's the attitude also..Lighten up,people.

Desperation reeks and frustration is worse.

Women can sense that a mile away and if you blindly approach you'll just come off as a perv.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by BrotherAP

You say this is a worthless thread, but I submit that it is actually one of the most worthwhile that has come about in a while, because it presents this question for people to think about:

Have you been getting the amount of attention you should be from girls?

If you aren't, it's time to start thinking about what you aren't doing that you could be, or what you are doing that you shouldn't be. If you really were doing everything right, then you'd better believe girls would be coming to you.


Funny how the only person who gets it is a fellow ph'er


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
What I don't get.

I have read in some posts that girls say that the reason why they don't approach, is because they were intimidated.

If that were the case, why do chicks always throw themselves at celebrities and big names in hollywood? I mean don't you think celebrities would be more likely to blow off a chick than some average guy?

So I don't necessarily agree with this. I was in shape good looking and I girls never told me that they really liked me and they were too afraid.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Re: What I don't get.

Originally posted by crossboss
I have read in some posts that girls say that the reason why they don't approach, is because they were intimidated.

If that were the case, why do chicks always throw themselves at celebrities and big names in hollywood? I mean don't you think celebrities would be more likely to blow off a chick than some average guy?

So I don't necessarily agree with this. I was in shape good looking and I girls never told me that they really liked me and they were too afraid.
There is a big difference between approaching a celebrity and approaching a regular guy. Most girls expect to get rejected by a celebrity but they will throw themselves at him just for the hell of it. Hell, I would mack on Beyonce if I saw her. Do I think I have a chance with her? Hell no, but I would do it anyway. With regular guys, it's different because most girls seriously want this guy but if they get rejected, it will hurt more because the approach would be for something real rather than just for the thrill of it. Make sense?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Silverback82
Even though I was over bulked I used to get signs from high quality girls all the time. Smiles, strong eye contact, initiating conversations. I lost some of the excess weight and now look leaner and more muscular. My face also looks better after losing the excess weight. Overall I look better yet these days I get nothing more than simple eye contact. No more smiles from girls and they never inititate anything with me. :(

I thought things would get even easier but now I have to do all the work.

explain that one to me
any thoughts?


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
Good thread Tha Realnezz, has got some good debate going. Guys, here's my perspective on what he's trying to say.

- Recognise when a woman is placing herself in a position to be opened by you. Many don't...if you know the signs it's sooo easy to get digits, kiss, f-close or whatever terms you want to use. Half the battle is already won.

- Be the best you can be. He doesn't mention this specifically but read between the lines. Confidence breeds success. All that talk about get your inner game sorted is 100% correct. Get enough exercise, eat right, hang with people who are a positive influence. This will result in people's perception of you changing for the better, as a result of your improved mental and physical wellbeing...this **** shows on the outside even though it may not be obvious to you.

- Develop a style that you are comfortable with and that works for you. Tha Realnezz wore his Pimp shirt and it was noticed then used to start a convo. You don't necessarily have to 'peacock' but get clothes that fit you right and suit your body. Ask a female (or gay male) shop assistant for help. You don't have to spend mega $$$ but know what looks good on you and suits your personality.

- Smile! Or at least look friendly. Walk tall, don't frown and slouch. Positive attitude all the time.

Tha Realnezz may be a "natural" compared to some here but I bet he's working on continual self-improvement and getting to where he wants to be. All he's done is share his methods with you. Might not be for everyone but it's good to get another point of view.



Don Juan
Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Silverback82
any thoughts?
How's your self-image now that you've slimmed down? It may be that you think you aren't as buff as you like, which may show as a relative lack of confidence when you are out.

Another explanation is that some girls just like uber-buff guys, you could have a face like a can of smashed arseholes and they'd still think you are hot. One of my mates ended up marrying a girl who picked him up because she liked his arms...

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by danziger
Tha Realnezz may be a "natural" compared to some here but I bet he's working on continual self-improvement and getting to where he wants to be. All he's done is share his methods with you. Might not be for everyone but it's good to get another point of view.

Yes I am working on bettering myself.Thank you..

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Great thread!

Your look is what gets you "in", but it is by no means a full synopsis of a man's game.

Game is all about keepin your cool and not ruining the fantasy a woman creates in her mind about you. Eye contact, passing comments, touch...these are the ways that women tell you they want to be fukked. After a while you learn to pick up on these signals. With practice you become like a fukkin SHARK and you can smell them getting wet from a mile away, which only makes you more of a the point where you just want to rip their clothes of right in the middle of the mall and bang them silly. But you don't of course, since there is always token resistance and social "rules".

So the shark must play the game and learn only to strike when the iron is blistering hot. So the primary goal is to elevate the temperature between her legs. At first you think it's all a matter of pushing buttons and spitting out lines. Eventually you discover that 90% of communication is subconscious and you learn to speak with your body, expressions and conversational timing. The type of sh!t that only comes from repetition and practice. (Hint: you wont learn this here)

One day things start to "click" and you finally settle into your own skin. You are amazed at how easy this game is when you take a deep breath and just chill the fukk out. At this point, she can't help but be drawn to your dare you not worship her good genetics!! Your interest is obvious, but she can sense that she is just another b!tch to you and this makes them crazy because women have an innate need to feel special and compete with each other, especially when there is a prize shark at stake.

Already you have set the proper frame...she is qualifying herself to you in subtle ways, hoping that you will bite the bait. You only indulge half of what she says. Remembering that 90% of guys hand sh!t to her on a platter, you make her work for it. Get her jumping through all YOUR hoops and then reward her with affection. Escalation is gradual, pushing and pulling until you are all up in her gut.

Congratulations, you have just unraveled the Matrix and flipped the game!

El MonoLoco

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2001
Reaction score
Chico, Ca, USA
Damn I just realized that I'm just too damn sexy to be approached by women.....

Which hardly happens, but they do try to get noticed that's for sure.

I actually had a girl tell me after we had been talking for a while that she thought I was too good looking and would never have talked to her....

Talk about having the tables turn on ya....and here I was thinking that I was the one who wasn't that good looking....Boy was I wrong.....

Now I know what my problem is.....
I'm too hot.......ha ha ha ha ha

Gonna have to use that one to my advantage later on



Don Juan
Mar 31, 2005
Reaction score

Tha Realness,

PROPS on looking at this thing in a LOGICAL manner and not just blindly believing the hype.

However, good luck trying to get the blindfold off these guys, because it's going to be tough. Too many people here are PUA hero-worshippers and are too scared to look at things in a logical, objective, common-sense manner.

They'll just say "you suck!", but can't logically tell you why you are wrong.

1. It doesn't matter if you were born with under-average looks. You can still fix your body, clear your skin, and dress in great looking clothes.

2. You then go out and make yourself inviting (friendly face and demeanor, social).

3. Women are not going to jump on you and start sucking your ****, BUT they will give you eye contact, stay in your proximity, throw you a smile, or even say "hi".

4. You have been CHOSEN.

5. You are free to approach and not get a drink thrown in your face.

So quit *****in and tighten up your game! (Improve yourself)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by danziger
How's your self-image now that you've slimmed down? It may be that you think you aren't as buff as you like, which may show as a relative lack of confidence when you are out.

Another explanation is that some girls just like uber-buff guys, you could have a face like a can of smashed arseholes and they'd still think you are hot. One of my mates ended up marrying a girl who picked him up because she liked his arms...
I look better but I definitly look and feel smaller. Maybe that does somehow make a difference in my body language.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Ronny
Great thread!

Your look is what gets you "in", but it is by no means a full synopsis of a man's game.

Game is all about keepin your cool and not ruining the fantasy a woman creates in her mind about you. Eye contact, passing comments, touch...these are the ways that women tell you they want to be fukked. After a while you learn to pick up on these signals. With practice you become like a fukkin SHARK and you can smell them getting wet from a mile away, which only makes you more of a the point where you just want to rip their clothes of right in the middle of the mall and bang them silly. But you don't of course, since there is always token resistance and social "rules".

So the shark must play the game and learn only to strike when the iron is blistering hot. So the primary goal is to elevate the temperature between her legs. At first you think it's all a matter of pushing buttons and spitting out lines. Eventually you discover that 90% of communication is subconscious and you learn to speak with your body, expressions and conversational timing. The type of sh!t that only comes from repetition and practice. (Hint: you wont learn this here)

One day things start to "click" and you finally settle into your own skin. You are amazed at how easy this game is when you take a deep breath and just chill the fukk out. At this point, she can't help but be drawn to your dare you not worship her good genetics!! Your interest is obvious, but she can sense that she is just another b!tch to you and this makes them crazy because women have an innate need to feel special and compete with each other, especially when there is a prize shark at stake.

Already you have set the proper frame...she is qualifying herself to you in subtle ways, hoping that you will bite the bait. You only indulge half of what she says. Remembering that 90% of guys hand sh!t to her on a platter, you make her work for it. Get her jumping through all YOUR hoops and then reward her with affection. Escalation is gradual, pushing and pulling until you are all up in her gut.

Congratulations, you have just unraveled the Matrix and flipped the game!

Thank you.

I agree with your post but the thing is do most guys here have the confidence in themselves to turn the tables on a woman?I doubt it.

They don't even belive girls approach

But you are right...that's all it is.The "game" women play is just smoke and mirrors.

If you look good then you can do the same things women do to us on a daily basis.

That's all it is..glad to see some people get it.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by El MonoLoco
I actually had a girl tell me after we had been talking for a while that she thought I was too good looking and would never have talked to her....

Talk about having the tables turn on ya....and here I was thinking that I was the one who wasn't that good looking....Boy was I wrong.....
Some girls have said that to me.

You can use this to your advantagde by having them do stuff for your attention...basically flipping the game on them.

I'm not gonna get into that here too many symps..

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Props!

Originally posted by Dominant
Tha Realness,

PROPS on looking at this thing in a LOGICAL manner and not just blindly believing the hype.

However, good luck trying to get the blindfold off these guys, because it's going to be tough. Too many people here are PUA hero-worshippers and are too scared to look at things in a logical, objective, common-sense manner.

They'll just say "you suck!", but can't logically tell you why you are wrong.

1. It doesn't matter if you were born with under-average looks. You can still fix your body, clear your skin, and dress in great looking clothes.

2. You then go out and make yourself inviting (friendly face and demeanor, social).

3. Women are not going to jump on you and start sucking your ****, BUT they will give you eye contact, stay in your proximity, throw you a smile, or even say "hi".

4. You have been CHOSEN.

5. You are free to approach and not get a drink thrown in your face.

So quit *****in and tighten up your game! (Improve yourself)

Another thing you can do is start conversations with the people around you so she can jump in.

^Notice I'm mentioning things women do.This is how they play and want to be played.