ima str8 up pimp said:
Like Ive stated prolly 293889425647825640786230 times, everyone is an individual so if the advice doesn't work for you, then dont ****in' listen to it. All I can say is overall, look your best, and stop being sucha scared *****, fear, generalizing women, and bad looks are your enemys so do the opposite and you will get some.

Thats my advice and I will always stick to it.
That's the only truly intelligible and important statement to come from this whole thread.
Let it be remembered, just as every one of us is different, so is every woman on the planet. So let's leave the "most important tip you'll ever read" and "guaranteed to get you laid" threads out of it. Nothing will work on everybody.
Nothing will guarantee you anything except for hard work improving yourself, diligence and patience to the cause, never-ending struggle to always be better that you ever thought you could be, acceptance that no matter how good you are, you won't win every battle, and understanding that not winning every battle should never stop you from trying your damnedest to do so.
Saying that women should not be on here is self-defeating, as even if you disagree with every word a woman say, knowing what she is saying can still be helpful to you if you know how to apply it. Knowledge is power, and knowledge doesn't care where it comes from, only how it is used. It is up to the individual to know how to use the knowledge that is presented to him.
All the talk about alpha males lately, there is only one thing that will make you a true alpha, and alpha not just in name, but in everything. The true alpha is one who can take everything he knows, all of the knowledge that has been conferred to him by not only good sources, but bad and undeterminable sources as well, and use that knowledge to lead himself and those who may be reliant upon them to a better place. It's not just about leading, G W Bush will never be an alpha. It's not just about forcing superiority on others, Hitler, was never an alpha. It's not just about being viewed in a golden light, it's about being a man that others look up to, that others will follow without being told to, that others can count on to be the strong and capable person that will help thm to achieve what everyone wants. It's about being the person that everyone turns to in times of need, the person that people will talk about as the one who gets things done, the one with not only the courage to do what is needed, but the one with the audacity to try what's never been tried before, just because he knows it's the best thing to do.
One cannot be that person, that true alpha, by ingoring that which he doesn't like to hear in favor of listening to what already conforms to his pre-existing beliefs. If you don't like what someone says, read it anyway, file it away for later use. If you don't agree with what someone says, don't just call them an idiot or a flamer without first trying to look at it from their viewpoint. If someone bad-mouths you, take it, listen, even if they're just doing it to spite you, there might be something, even just a tiny sliver of truth or understanding that you missed, and that might be the key that you need later to unlock something that has been evading you, or the little bit of information that you didn't know previously, that changes your whole outlook. Everything is important, no matter how small, because everything big is just a bunch of small things intertwined.
I may disagree with most of what is posted on this board these days, but don't think for a second that anything I read goes without ever bit of attention that I can give to it. I will argue, but only after picking through every word I have read, comparing it to what I think, and conscienciously trying to use it do disprove my own thoughts. Only after that, do I respond, and I do so with the knowledge that I put every effort possible into saying only what I believe and feel. Yes, I have been guilty numerous times of some of the things I am chastising in this post, but if anything, that shold just prove the point I am trying to make, everything should matter, everything should be weighed and measured, and when that happens, your outlook can change in a heartbeat.
I know this post is a little scatterbrained and somewhat off topic, but it just felt like the most appropriate place to put most of it. Take it, read it, know it, and apply it. That's the Cliff's Notes, I guess.
And even more off-topic, Lil Miss Pixie here must be one sexy little number to have guys approaching despite the wedding ring, the husband, the fcuk-off vibes, and whatever else that would turn many away even individually.