I'll toss my two pesos in right quick.
First off, st8 up pimp is right, we don't know him irl, whether he's lying or not is a moot point, everyone on this site could be a lie, so I'm gonna assume he's telling the truth. GJ on landing the ladies.
Two, I don't support the lying ****, but hey, to each his own, every man can play a game on different settings (that's a pretty ****ing sick analogy).
Anyway, I don't think women should be banned on this site because not only do they provide the other viewpoint, but most of the really really down to earth women, will read this **** about being a man, etc, and go, "Yea that's what I want", i've seen it done.
About women being the enemy and ****, i don't buy into that, but again, everyone has their own opinion. What's sad is that the principals we're supposed to be based on get tossed out of hte window when somenoe comes with a conflicting view, like str8 up pimp, which is why I'm GLAD we have people like him on this site. Though I don't always agree with everything said, its refreshing to see a guy just type what he feels and ignore all the social barriers and **** that alot of people are afraid of upsetting on this site.
Guys aren't we supposed to be the laid back, suave, relaxed guys? Instead everyones yelling and flaming each other like hungry dogs. Relax, chill out, if you don't agree with what's said that's fine, you don't have to start *****ing and whining about it.
Oh, but on the link she posted, everyone interpreted that **** wayy too fast, I don't think she was out there to hurt the guy, cuz she's obviously not calling him a loser, etc, so that post is kinda a moot point for wanting a woman banned off the site.
Seriously though, and its kind of sad, but str8 up pimp is more chill then the people yelling at him that are supposed to be the definition of laid back and chill. Guys, you aren't hurting him by flaming, you are just wasting valuable time that could be spent getting out there.
Learn to accept guys, people have different opinions, and they may not express em the way you like, tough ****, this is life, you only have control over youself, so start acting like it, I'm not your teacher or anything, but this is for your own best interest. So what if people don't act the way you want, grow up, you don't control everyone.
P.S. - Keep tokin mannn
