Fascinating thread, guys. I'm one of those pretentious pricks that people call "bi-coastal", and I have a pretty interesting perspective on this topic, at least to those of you have that stayed on one coast for your whole lives.
Let me break this down into several points:
1) The Allure of the West
The West Coast, especially California, occupies a place in many East Coast people where legends reside. I would compare it to the "Swedish Phenomenon", where people automatically assume that everyone there is blonde, beautiful, and perfect. The truth is that that's not even close to being true - just as there are ugly people and darker-complected people in Sweden, there are pitfalls to living in California. For example, if you live in L.A. it SUCKS to be poor (like, below the poverty line). Because of the spatial layout of the city and how spread out it is (urban sprawl), you'll find that if you don't have a car, you're literally TRAPPED in your rough neighborhood. This is the reality that many poor blacks and Latinos (Mexicans) deal with in L.A.. Sucks. Other bad points include the superficial nature of the people, their lack of attention span, indolence, and [in certain places] blistering summer heat. Also, rent isn't exactly cheap, either. People are also not exactly..... intellectual, overall. A lot of airheads and meatheads. And the economy/job market is limited to certain sectors - you won't find the overwhelming variety of lines of work that is available in NYC, for example.
2) The Women of the West Coast vs. East Coast
Another prevailing myth. In terms of the literal genepool, I would say that they are pretty much evenly matched. Well except that perhaps the women are more tanned out in California, and slimmer in Manhattan proper because they walk everywhere without driving (but the LA hotties are still very hot).
One thing I've noticed though is that in the NE United States (where I am now - temporary move), there is a heavy Southern European (esp. Italian), Puerto Rican/Dominican and Jewish presence. This manifests itself in the genepool, with the particular 'looks' that are unique to each ethnicity. This is especially true in the state of New York. Out West, the greater non-Anglo influences include Hispanics and Asians. Also, the "All-American look" (God, I fvcking hate that term... why the fvck is 'blonde and blue-eyed' considered "representative" of American-ness? Sounds quasi-racist to me...

) is more prevalent out West, because most of the white folks out West are descended from the original land speculators of the Wild West (of Anglo-Germanic-Celtic-Nordic stock), and also from the 'Okies' (Oklahoma hicks and rednecks that migrated over during the 1930s Great Depression/Dust Bowl phenomenon) and other Midwesterners that migrated to the West in the past century (similar stock). Thus, for those of us who still consider being blonde and light-skinned the epitome of human beauty, the decidedly blonder and blue eyed Caucasian population of California might make it seem that "Cali girls are hotter". IMO though - I don't think it's that. Not even close. It's about the
attitude of the girls. More on this in my next point.
3) East Coast - West Coast: Differences in Attitude
I think that 'inner beauty' really does factor into a man's attraction to a female. And I don't mean that mushy crap - I'm talking about a woman's ability to be engaging, to make men feel comfortable. This is only my personal opinion, but
the women in California are just more open, outgoing, and friendlier, once you break thru the initial resistance which pretty much exists anywhere. It could be just me, but in general I've found East Coast girls (with the exception of some lovely Latin/Dominican/Puerto Rican girls) to be a bit cold, and distant. I'm sure they're great once you gain their trust, but the learning curve in trying to do that is much steeper out East.
A friend told me that the best way to meet women out East (this is *especially* true in New York City) is through personal introductions. I believe him now. The cold approach here on the East Coast is a dicier proposition than out West - you'll meet greater resistance and even complete shut-outs. Hey, I'm not bytching, coz I can take my lumps like a man - but I'm just telling it as it is. Out West, you'll find that the bytch-shield isn't as high, but on the other hand you'll find many more flakes. Ironically, I guess the guardedness of East Coast girls will pretty much sort out that problem for you, because only those girls with strong interest will give you clear signals or give you her number.
4) Attitudes
Yes, people really are more laid back in California. This is 1000% true. But sometimes this can also be irritating when you're a person with high energy, who is a mover and a shaker. If you want to do big things with your life, Southern (or even Northern) California is probably not the place for you to be. There's too much of a "regional" mindset and life-outlook in California, despite that it has the 2nd and 5th largest cities in the country (Los Angeles and San Fransisco). Unless you want to make it in showbiz or cosmetic surgery.