Advice from the old lady:
I’m with both
@Mazer and
@stringpuller on this one. If you enjoy her and can hold your frame it might be just fine. But you must consider how she envisions her future & how you envision yours.
If you absolutely see no long term future? You don’t move her in. Period.
If you aren’t sure about the long term future? You are better off not moving her in because once she lives with you your lives are entwined and the relationship inertia can make breaking up/moving out tougher, should that occur.
If you are certain you see a long term future then it is worth consideration. She is feminine, submissive and pleasant & is also neat and clean. All positive attributes…but in time she may also want marriage.
You start with what you see long term as well as your preferences. Most women worth having eventually require marriage or at least cohabitation as a progression of the relationship. And if they never can achieve this they’ll leave to find another guy.
I’ve only ever lived with two men. My first husband (not until we were married) and my second (current & final) husband who moved in after we got engaged.
For us living together helped with the adjustment ahead of getting married, but we knew that marriage was coming so the long term future made sense.
And string is correct. Right now he’s in the other room listening to EDM & writing code. Doesn’t bother me a bit. I’m organizing the house, doing laundry and playing chess. You can keep the mystery and the individual interests alive despite living in the same house. In fact it’s healthy to do so.
What you see in your future with her determines the decision you make in my view.