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Gf is crazy literally


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Alright Cap, let's look at this objectively.

You accept that she has no motherly qualities, she's rude, she has an anger problem, you've sneaked through her phone, she's stressing you out.

Is she crazy or are you?

You wonder if you'll ever find a woman as hot as her again who's apparently into you. Scarcity mentality is running deep.

You are already snooping through her phone, soon you'll find she's going to cheat on you and you'll feel devastated. Murphy's law.

A lot many times, women behave like dogs, if we are happy they are happy, if we are pissed they are pissed, if we act nervous, they'll act nervous.

They need an emotional rock to temper their own emotions not someone who can be emotionally rocked.

Don't be afraid to lose pvssy, or you'll lose it anyway, cut your losses and move on.

Let me clarify bro, i went through her phone very early in the relationship. I don't anymore because I don't give a **** anymore. I am emotionally detached, she sees it and she's complaining that I don't care anymore. I told her that her personality has affected my attraction towards her and if she doesn't change it I don't see a future with us. So I am moving out. The sex is good so I really would like to have feelings for this girl and have a life with her but I just wanna know if I'm wasting my time or not. Can she get better ?

I just wish she would conduct herself like a woman in public and not have a drinking issue anymore.I wish she would treat people kinder and not always put her needs first. If she could do those things I would be happy.


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
Yes. Go to ADAP and get 1 quart of Motherly Qualities (Synthetic) and 1 quart of Happiness. Change the fluids and (optionally) the air filter.
Definitely less expensive than the professional psych therapy that she needs…


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
OP wasn't expecting this advice and now is trying to argue with everyone telling him to leave. OP has already made his decision and is looking for validation on it which he hasn't got.

Here's the best I can do for you OP.

Do not live your life based on suggestions from an anonymous internet forum. It's much easier for us to tell you "leave her bro, you can do better" than it actually is to do in real life. Life is more nuanced than that.

If you believe she is loyal and the sex is good then stay. However, you need to inform her on behaviors of hers you don't like. Tell her that sometimes she can be selfish and rude and that this might lead to the end of relationship. This will give her a chance to improve. If you see her making an effort cut her some slack, if not you need to demote her on your list of priorites and start looking elsewhere for what you want out of a relationship.

Though unlikely, people change. People improve. If you want her to be better you need to lead by example and strive to be better as well.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
She already has gotten me into situations where the cops had to be called because she was getting so out of hand. She has even thrown chairs at me. She has punched people in the past and tried to fight her friends. When she drinks she wants to fight people.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Let me clarify bro, i went through her phone very early in the relationship. I don't anymore because I don't give a **** anymore. I am emotionally detached, she sees it and she's complaining that I don't care anymore. I told her that her personality has affected my attraction towards her and if she doesn't change it I don't see a future with us. So I am moving out. The sex is good so I really would like to have feelings for this girl and have a life with her but I just wanna know if I'm wasting my time or not. Can she get better ?
Short Answer:

Yes, you are wasting your time.
No, she's not going to get better, but worse.

Long answer:

This post is for every guy PMing me for advice around one specific girl and is going to be long, I'm on monk mode for my MBA and got more time after daily studies and workouts.

Nobody here knows the situation like you do, just like every other poster sharing his problem being smitten by one specific girl cue ONEITIS.

1) Humans desire things which are scarce.
Attraction through scarcity. Think back to the time when she wasn't in your life, you got her, you can do better now that you have experience.

2) Law of investment
Every moment spent thinking about her, complying to her, taking any action revolving around her is an investment which will make you all the more attached to her.

If person A does something for person B, Person B doesn't like A more but the investment itself.

Ironically person A likes the person B more.

By making all these posts, guys smitten by one girl are investing more time and energy pondering over a worthless b!tch undeserving of it all.

3) Denial is the most predictable of human behaviour.

The problem arises when people try to attack a person to shake his denial, making him doubt his self worth, putting him on the defensive and ultimately feed his denial.

I've been where you are, struggled in the trenches with many women and saw freedom once I crossed through, you will too.

Just be self aware and keep moving forward.

4) Recognise progressive signs of oneitis:

- Thinking about her when she's not with you.
- Trying to make it work with her.
- Wanting to build a life with her.
- Fixating on her special qualities
- Getting stressed and feeling helpless
- Thinking you won't get another girl like her
- Separation anxiety
- Heart palpitations
- Loss of hunger
- Loss of motivation
- Depression and Fatigue
- Obsessions
- Suicidal thoughts

5) My personal hacks to beat oneitis.

- Understand that she's NOT special even if she might have some unique qualities.

Why? The next girl will appear special too

- Everytime you think of her, force yourself to think of her taking a giant dump in the loo.

Why? To condition her image to disgust every time she pops in your head simultaneously depedestalising her.

I even approach extremely hot girls with ease by just imagining them taking a dump and feeling a little disgusted and funny.

- Workout, cook your food, study, earn money, indulge in yourself, it'll release the right chemicals and hormones.

Invest in yourself.
Why? Read connection with point 2.

- Set a goal to get rejected by 30 women by the next month. You will fail this goal. I guarantee this.

Why? Because you'll get another girl long before 30.

- Push forward to approach more women when you feel oneitis creeping up.

Why? Oneitis creates aloofness and disinterest naturally, you'll rack up more notches and numbers, if you exploit it using reason.
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Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
My chick is hot as hell but an unstable person. Rude, narcissistic, stresses me out, has shown no signs of being a reliable potential mother of my kids. I know there are better women out there for me but part of me feels like its so hard to lock down a hot woman these days I might not have it happen again. I like the status of being seen with a beautiful woman as well. Sometimes I wonder if it was luck I got a chick that hot.

Can anyone else relate? I'm just very shallow with looks
REALLY beta attitude. You need confidence training asap. You're letting a woman walk all over you because "she's hot." Wow. have kids? Double WOW.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Here's the real problem, not so much the girl:

Captain55 said:
but part of me feels like its so hard to lock down a hot woman these days I might not have it happen again
Captain55 said:
Sometimes I wonder if it was luck I got a chick that hot.
When in a scarcity mindset, you make decisions based on need. You need her--as "it may not happen again" and "could have been just luck that you got her."

Your need manifests in your communications/sub-communications. Ergo, she knows you need her. Hence, her unrestricted, boundless shvtty attitude with no regard.

1) Recognize your need;
2) Get better and improve your SMV;
3) Release the need as your value increases and high-end options expand;
4) Impose your boundaries;
5) She defers or you give her the boot.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Bro you are going to end up in jail or dead or fukked up in some other way if you keep playing with fire.Your talking about how do you give up the sex, you wont need to when you get punked in jail and get passed around like a blow up doll.

She already got you involved with cops etc...whatever dude get it how you live


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Been there my friend.. My ex although not as bad as your chick, disrespected me on several occasions.. I stayed with her, because she was hot, she was successful and the sex was good..

It broke my confidence..

Yes I called her out.. did things get better? Nope.. some chicks are just toxic, and nothing you can do will change that..

Your girl WILL eventually leave you.. She knows you are a weak man.. She knows you lack self respect.. She will leave you...

You know what you will be left with, once she is gone and riding the new mans dik?

You will be left with DISGUST for yourself.. Utter shame for allowing yourself to be treated like dog crap on her shoe, for the sake of SEX

You will not even feel like a man.. You sold your dignity for a pretty face and sex..

She already knows your are happy and willing to be treated like big piles of horse chit...

Eventually she will leave you... A woman who has zero respect for you, does not hang around long..

If this RS means so much to you... then let her know, that her BS will no longer be tolerated..

She either falls into line.. Or you kick that hoe to the fukin curb!!!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2017
Reaction score
United States
She already has gotten me into situations where the cops had to be called becusse she was getting so out of hand. She has even thrown chairs at me. She has punched people in the past and tried to fight her friends. When she drinks she wants to fight people.

I'm moving out next week and she's begging for me to stay. So I don't think she's cheating she's probably be able to get away with it easier now...but I think she could potentially get me into trouble which is why I'm going to try dating her while not living with her.

Never said I was gonna marry the girl but why do you say I'm dellusional? I'm thinking with my **** but I'm not delusional in thinking she's a good woman. There are tons of loyal women that aren't good wives or girlfriends...that's just one factor.

How do I give up the sex? That's the question.
Whoa dude you are still with her and she throws chairs at you??


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
Whoa dude you are still with her and she throws chairs at you??
That's what he said, and the violence will only get worse with time. Whatever her problem is, it sounds to me like she may have a ways to go before full scale crazy mode kicks in.
Cops have only been called once or more and she's only throwing chairs now…
What could go wrong, the sex is great…
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Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
- I live with her
- I know where she works and everyone she works with
- I know exactly where she is 24/7.
- I've gone through her phone when she's sleeping many times and never found anything.
^None of this means squat. This is how it was with my kids mom and she eventually cheated on me with a couple guys (maybe more). She was also really hot, narcissistic, rude, stressed me out, the sex was great, would get violent, would throw things at me, etc. Your girl isn't going to get better or change. People rarely change, especially women like this.

No women are loyal anymore. Some are just worse then others. This girl will most likely cheat on you and leave you. I'm not saying its 100% going to happen, but the odds are stacked against you.

You said you don't see her as a reliable potential mother of your kids. If you want kids in the future, why are you wasting your time on this women if you know this?

Your going to do what you want in the end, but my advice is to drop her. If your worried about not having a hot woman to bang, you could always start shopping around for a replacement behind her back and drop her once you find a good one. Women do this all the time, so men can do it to...


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
has shown no signs of being a reliable potential mother of my kids.
she hasn't shown me any qualities that she can be a potential mom some day.
preface: unless you're already 30+ or 35+ you shouldn't even be remotely concerned with this, and if you were that old you'd be wise enough to not get into serious relationships with crazy

My chick is hot as hell but an unstable person. Rude, narcissistic, stresses me out, has shown no signs of being a reliable potential mother of my kids. I know there are better women out there for me but part of me feels like its so hard to lock down a hot woman these days I might not have it happen again. I like the status of being seen with a beautiful woman as well. Sometimes I wonder if it was luck I got a chick that hot.

Can anyone else relate? I'm just very shallow with looks
It's not so black and white..The sex is amazing and I know she's loyal. Most hot chicks suck in bed and loyalty is hard to find so i stick around. Those two qualities are what have kept me around.

The things I don't like- she has an anger problem, she's selfish,she's gotten violent before,my family doesn't like her, she hasn't shown me any qualities that she can be a potential mom some day.

I figure I could find a hot chick with a better personality but it's really hard to walk away from a hot chick that's commited to you so I settle
it's moronic to deal with bad treatment because you want a 9 when you could find a 7 who was mentally stable and kind who still gives great sex

it's also moronic to assume that you can't get another hot girl when you got this one, that obviously means you can get a hot girl.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Been here myself, made numerous posts over the last year and from the sounds of things she was very similar to the girl you are with.

I'm now 5 months out and my life has taken a massive turn for the good.

I'm excelling at the gym, financially, feeling closer to my friends/family and do not miss her at all. I've also met someone much better who I get along with a lot easier, and I'm much more attracted too. I have also changed as a person, feel a lot more grown and masculine as a man.

My one regret??

That I didn't kick her to the curb the first time she pulled a daft disrespectful stunt on me!


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
She already has gotten me into situations where the cops had to be called becusse she was getting so out of hand. She has even thrown chairs at me. She has punched people in the past and tried to fight her friends. When she drinks she wants to fight people.

I'm moving out next week and she's begging for me to stay. So I don't think she's cheating she's probably be able to get away with it easier now...but I think she could potentially get me into trouble which is why I'm going to try dating her while not living with her.

Never said I was gonna marry the girl but why do you say I'm dellusional? I'm thinking with my **** but I'm not delusional in thinking she's a good woman. There are tons of loyal women that aren't good wives or girlfriends...that's just one factor.

How do I give up the sex? That's the question.
OP, cops, drinking with problems resulting, drama, rudeness, fights, self serving, narcissist, selfish, probably no empathy, etc etc etc. And you ask, "how do I give up the sex". How do I start to explain?
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Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Dear Captain obvious,

Your girl and relationship is beyond toxic. Stop being a co-dependant b*tch and move on with your life. Amazes me what some guys put up with for sum püssy. Misery loves company,
she's a succubus get out now.

4yrs on this site bro, have you not learned anything?!?!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Manchester, England
I live with her
- I know where she works and everyone she works with
- I know exactly where she is 24/7

Snap! I was in exactly the same situation.....

Guess what?.....She began a relationship with someone from work, who I had met briefly, not 60 days after we split up.

She's devious as fvck, by her nature you aren't going to catch her or find any evidence of her cheating or talking to another guy. If shes a seasoned cheat, believe me you wont know until its too late. Texts, whattsap messages and missed calls on her phone are too obvious, she will simply find another way to see/meet/fck him.

This is her nature.

She will NEVER change. Ever

If you go to the zoo and see a Silverback Gorilla wearing a suit and tie, drinking Darjeeling and reading the Sunday Times, does that mean it's safe enough to approach and start a game of monopoly with??

No, of course not! Because it's a Gorilla. Irrespective of its appearance it's still going to rip you appart just for making eye contact.

- I've gone through her phone when she's sleeping many times and never found anything.

The very fact you are doing this tells me you know you don't trust her. I did this myself.
If she seems untrustworthy, that's because she is.

Listen to your gut, not your loins


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Sounds like she's your soulmate. I think if you put a ring on it all your troubles will disappear...