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Freddie Gray Protests

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
The news has reported another black prisoner in the van said it was a smooth ride to the police station and that it sounded like Freddie Gay was banging around inside the van intentionally trying to hurt himself. The medical exam reports that Gray had an injury to the back of his head consistent with striking a bolt in the van's door.

But did anyone here actually believe they were really rioting over Gray and police excessive force? No, they have a racial supremacist agenda and create hoaxes all the time as justification.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Maximus Rex said:
America isn't the problem, it white supremacists who are hellbent on keeping minorities disenfranchised that's the problem.
That's ridiculous. No one is more disenfranchised-by the media and government etc- than white supremacist groups and even nationalist-who aren't supremacist but just want to live in their own nation.

I don't want black supremacy, I want people to be treated fairly .[/QUOTE]

Do you want to end affirmative action? No, your definition of being treated fair is outcomes based on race, not merit, behavior or effort.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Rex is Done

Stagger Lee said:
That's ridiculous. No one is more disenfranchised-by the media and government etc- than white supremacist groups and even nationalist-who aren't supremacist but just want to live in their own nation.
How are you disenfranchised when the government acts in your favor? F*ck out of here with that bullsh*t.

I don't want black supremacy, I want people to be treated fairly .[/QUOTE]

Do you want to end affirmative action? No, your definition of being treated fair is outcomes based on race, not merit, behavior or effort.[/QUOTE]

This is why I usually stay out these conversations because muthaf*ckas will come out of left field with some absolute bullsh*t that has nothing to with the conversation at hand. We're we talking about Affirmative Action? Did I mention Affirmative Action? You just went an put words in my mouth. By the white women are the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action programs.
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( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Please big daddy alpha gubmint. Enough with the "favors"

Maximus Rex said:
How are you disenfranchised when the government acts in your favor?
What ...you mean besides flooding the country with hordes of low IQ, ideologically incompatible net drain non-whites who despise him with the end game goal of his genocide and the countless trillions he's had to pay for that "favor"? A government which promotes his culture to be endlessly mocked, derided, insulted and demonized just to make said hostile hordes feel better about themselves? Or maybe the "favor"of being systematically discriminated against in hiring, in school admissions, and in government benefits? :crazy:

But wait there's more. Now another low IQ career criminal dindu rolled the dice (hit his head in the back of a police van?) and it's once again down to him being "favored" by the big gov you anti-white gibsmedat dingbats voted in.

EDIT: lulz I just noticed the obongo logo in your sig. This just get better.
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 28, 2014
Reaction score
On Fox Propaganda tonight, they reported that Baltimore's local ABC and NBC affiliates are producing videos to exonerate the white cops. They are claiming that Gray sustained his injuries that caused his death while inside the van trying to prove the white cops innocence.

So, if the local mainstream media is so "Liberal biased" against whites and cops, they wouldn't be trying to exonerate the white cops in this incident, they would be trying to prove their guilt showing favor for Gray. Fox propaganda just debunked their own myths in their broadcast when they keep trying to claim "Liberals" and the "Liberal biased Media" hate whites and cops. Just another nail in the coffin for a "Biased Liberal Media" right wing claim.

( . )( . ) said:
Then maybe sh!tlibs should stop crying out for MO MONEY FO DEM PROGRAMS? Did you even read the survey of who's leeching the most welfare?
Maybe the sh!tcons should practice what they preach and not give out the welfare that they claim to hate? Don't you think that would fix the problem? They hate that bad old welfare but they keep dishing it out to the people in their red states.

Let this sink into your soft brain again....If conservatives were really fiscally conservative against welfare as they claim, they wouldn't give out one dollar of welfare to anybody. Conservatives complain about welfare, but their right wing red states lead the nation as welfare queens. They are hypocrites and liars and you eat it up like an idiot. If they were against welfare, they would end it, but they don't, because they want government handouts for their debt ridden red states.

Your survey is inaccurate and has been debunked by several sources including Gallup, a gold standard of surveys and WalletHub.

2015’s States Most & Least Dependent on the Federal Government


Blue States are LESS Dependent on The Federal Government




Red States Are Welfare Queens

Flip to any news channel in the past three years, and you can almost be certain to see any number of Republican governors, blustering about how Washington spends too much money and how they'd never spend that much money if they were President. It's a lot of tough talk, really. But is there any truth to it?

Well, all of this tough budget talk from Republicans got me thinking about the central: who really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers.

The truth? Not so fast, Michele Bachmann.

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States — the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut — are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill.

Take a look at the difference between federal spending on any given state and the federal taxes received from that state. We measure the difference as a dollar amount: Federal Spending per Dollar of Federal Taxes. A figure of $1.00 means that particular state received as much as it paid in to the federal government. Anything over a dollar means the state received more than it paid; anything less than $1.00 means the state paid more in taxes than it received in services. The higher the figure, the more a given state is a welfare queen.

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

New Mexico: $2.03
Mississippi: $2.02
Alaska: $1.84
Louisiana: $1.78
West Virginia: $1.76
North Dakota: $1.68
Alabama: $1.66
South Dakota: $1.53
Kentucky: $1.51
Virginia: $1.51
Montana: $1.47
Hawaii: $1.44
Maine: $1.41
Arkansas: $1.41
Oklahoma: $1.36
South Carolina: $1.35
Missouri: $1.32
Maryland: $1.30
Tennessee: $1.27
Idaho: $1.21

Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Where can we find liberal bastions California, New York, and Massachusetts? California is 43rd, getting back only $0.78 for every dollar it sends to Washington. New York is 42nd, and one penny better off, at $0.79 per dollar. Massachusetts is 40th, receiving $0.82 for every dollar it sends to DC.

Go ahead and bookmark this article. The next time some smarmy teabagger tries to tell you it's liberals who are ruining the country and spending us into oblivion, kindly point them to the evidence that shows it is GOP states, not Democrat states, who are Welfare Queens. It is GOP states who spend more than they collect in taxes. It is GOP states who are out of balance, nationally.

See if they still want to cut off funding when it means no more socialism for slave states.


Republican States Receive the Most Federal Welfare

It’s time we have an honest discussion about what different states give to the federal government and receive in return. We talk a lot about social welfare, but we don’t talk about the federal welfare that transfers money from one state to another.

Is it fair that some states give the federal government much more than they receive in return, and then we are asked to compare the fiscal responsibility of these states as if there is an even playing field?

Many “red states” beat their chest as being fiscally conservative. Proud of their low income tax, business friendly environment, and self-reliance rhetoric.

But is it fair?

California, a “blue state,” gets just $.80 back for every $1 they put in. New York, even worse. They get less than $.75 on their dollar.

Whose going to start calling out the hypocrisy of some of the red states who point fingers at states like California and New York as the problem? These states want self-reliance? On what? California and New York’s goodwill?

This isn’t something Democrats should be proud of. They’re leaders are the one’s sitting there while their citizens get the short end of the stick.

Not something Republicans should be proud of either. Kinda hard to be the fiscal conservative when you ask Uncle Sam to pay your bills.


Tictac said:
Yes, "we've been over this". You typing does not make something true or accurate. Something typed about in "at least three other threads" doesn't mean a thing except in the empty head of a drooling, empty-headed, parrot proglib like yourself embers. Your pedantry is classic lefty drool - the Lewis Carrol school 'what I tell you three times is true'. And it's laughable anywhere people have actual thought instead of knee-jerk, proglib pap which you demonstrate over and over and over is all you can manage.

The referenced poll is from Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Public Affairs. That you cannot read it (without your lips moving) or understand it (because your brain left your head long ago) is your problem.

'Three other threads' - what a moron.

Look old man, it gets tiring to keep re-posting the same facts that dunks his garbage each time he keeps posting. I don't have free time to sit online all day like you two do posting messages to debunk your crap. I do it when I have the time.

I already re-posted it again to debunk his claims, so go look at it. Gallup Poll and Wallethub independent companies debunk "Maxwell" who is a conservative hack promoting the propaganda.

Let's say that everything Maxwell said is 100% correct. That shows the right still to be liars and hypocrites taking in federal money for welfare when they claim they are against it. If they were truly conservative as they say, all welfare would be abolished in Red States all together. But you and that other dummy still can't understand that. Both of you are morons.




speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Maximus Rex said:
Rex is done
That's the only part you got right, pal.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Look ball-less boy.

You are a low grade wannabe that tries to get off sounding smart by troping liberal sh8.

You've had your balls handed to you day after day, post after post here. You have nothing because you are nothing but an empty shell - a proglib dictaphone with no ability for thought beyond the crap you read on lame myopic lefty websites and vomit back here with no involvement of intellect which is a good thing because you are void of one.

You mindlessly type about states, states, states. You were made a joke of on that count 3 days back.

Type on dictaphone. All your ****-taking has finally flooded your few brain cells.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Embers84 said:
Your survey is inaccurate and has been debunked by several sources including Gallup, a gold standard of surveys and WalletHub.

2015’s States Most & Least Dependent on the Federal Government

Forget states. You want to keep going back to "states" when it's already been shown to you it's sh!tlibs (by an overwhelming majority) within those states leeching the welfare. For an example: Sweden is now just behind Lesotho as the rape capital of the world, yet we don't say "Swedes are rapists" because we know it's their new enrichers living within Sweden. Do you see the difference?

Like I said before, statistically it's not blue states that sh!tlibs are white flighting to once they wreck their own states. They move to safer white enclaves where the entire process starts all over again.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 28, 2014
Reaction score
Tictac said:
Look ball-less boy.

You are a low grade wannabe that tries to get off sounding smart by troping liberal sh8.

You've had your balls handed to you day after day, post after post here. You have nothing because you are nothing but an empty shell - a proglib dictaphone with no ability for thought beyond the crap you read on lame myopic lefty websites and vomit back here with no involvement of intellect which is a good thing because you are void of one.

You mindlessly type about states, states, states. You were made a joke of on that count 3 days back.

Type on dictaphone. All your ****-taking has finally flooded your few brain cells.
Old luntaic ranting like a fool again. I thought you said you were going to ignore me? I've provided the facts backed by government sources that shows the data to debunk your propaganda and that pisses you off. Are you incapable of reading government and state numbers and statistics?

Your balls have been handed to you each time old timer. You were wrong on the Iraq War when Gen. Colin Powell and his Chief Of Staff Col. Wilkerson debunked your bogus claims with their own words.

Your balls were handed to you when you were wrong about the Labor Participation Rate when it is not the lowest of all time. A meangingless 0.31% drop due the largest labor work force starting to retire. Economists knew for deacades the Labor rate would decrease in huge numbers from 2011-2030.

Your balls were handed to you with welfare and everything else as well. Red States numbers are documented through their own state data, that indeed shows them to be takers and welfare queens. If they hated that bad old welfare they wouldn't hand it out would they? Why are you complaining about welfare? Next year, you'll be on it taking money from the Government with Social Security and Medicare. Don't forget to thank the Democrats who gave it to you.

Stop ranting like a lunatic. Make a warm glass of milk, take your pills, and go to bed.

( . )( . ) said:
Forget states. You want to keep going back to "states" when it's already been shown to you it's sh!tlibs (by an overwhelming majority) within those states leeching the welfare. For an example: Sweden is now just behind Lesotho as the rape capital of the world, yet we don't say "Swedes are rapists" because we know it's their new enrichers living within Sweden. Do you see the difference?

Like I said before, statistically it's not blue states that sh!tlibs are white flighting to once they wreck their own states. They move to safer white enclaves where the entire process starts all over again.
Again, right wingers promote "States Rights". Therefore they should NOT be handing out welfare to ANYBODY Democrat or Republican if they were truly conservative. Are you still that stupid not to understand that?

It was shown to you that your survey is false and inaccurate. Red States are worse off fiscally, are more poor, and take in the most welfare.

Blue States are more wealthy, are less poor and don't depend on the Federal Government for hand outs like Red states do.

Blue States are BETTER OFF than Red States in every possible way. That is a FACT and can be looked at on any States Government website. Go look it up.

Instead of reading and listening to biased right wing propaganda, go to each states government web site, look up and crunch the numbers according to each states data, compare red states to blue states, rank them and you will see the same exact results that I posted. All the numbers are there, so go and do it. Maybe that will finally shut you up. Are you going to go do that or are you still going to spin false propaganda from your right wing media?

Tictac said:
States, states, states, states, states....

Be sure to tell that to your Right Wingers who constantly promote and endorse "States Rights". So, if it isn't state rights you want then it's the Federal Government that the right cries about so much? Looks like your ass is handed to you again, switching your tune on your GOP ideals they support.

( . )( . ) said:
lol at this nincompoop having a brain fart and undoing the reams of "white rural men = baaaaad" narrative it's been trying to sell since it created it's account here.
I Never said the white rural man is bad for taking welfare if he needs it. You just have a problem with the black man getting a helping hand if he needs it. Like I said, you would be taking that bad old welfare too if you were starving for a month. States have programs to help people out, and Republicans and Democrats use it if they need it.

Are you going to start crunching those States fiscal numbers or are you still going to parrrot your propaganda and insults?


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
You are the only one thinking you have any grip on reality.

You are a narcissist.

Look up the symptom list.

Embers84 to a T.

States, states, states, states, states....


( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Oy Vey we HATE fly-over state white gentiles. *wink wink nudge nudge*

Embers84 said:
Don't forget to thank the Democrats who gave it to you.
lol at this nincompoop having a brain fart and undoing the reams of "white rural men = baaaaad" narrative it's been trying to sell since it created it's account here.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Embers - What! No quoting learned economists that don't know the difference between a quantity and a rate?

Who are these 'economists'?

Now type some more about states, states, states, states and maybe states.....

And grab what's left of your cheeks with both hands before nothing is left.

You are the only one here that believes you have made a single coherent point.

Go jerk off some more you can ever get it up E84.

What a loon!

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
What ...you mean besides flooding the country with hordes of low IQ, ideologically incompatible net drain non-whites who despise him with the end game goal of his genocide and the countless trillions he's had to pay for that "favor"? A government which promotes his culture to be endlessly mocked, derided, insulted and demonized just to make said hostile hordes feel better about themselves? Or maybe the "favor"of being systematically discriminated against in hiring, in school admissions, and in government benefits? :crazy:

But wait there's more. Now another low IQ career criminal dindu rolled the dice (hit his head in the back of a police van?) and it's once again down to him being "favored" by the big gov you anti-white gibsmedat dingbats voted in.

EDIT: lulz I just noticed the obongo logo in your sig. This just get better.
As a white male, in my lifetime no one represents me and my interest in the government, the mainstream media, in the education system, in corporations or any of the institutions. It's all against us and has been since at least the '60's. Anyone claiming otherwise is smoking something. Pro-blacks are just like the feminist. One is motivated primarily by race the other by sex. Feminist ruin everything for us, take everything from us and sh1t on us, and claim they are the victim and need more power over us.

Baltimore and for the most part the state of Maryland has been run by democrats and blacks since the '60's. There's even a black president and US attorney general and they're still crying for more representation and power. The more power they get, the more aggressive and demanding for more they get.

White elites and jews after affirmative auctioning, immigration and outsourcing to 3rd world have left a small slice of the pie left for white males to compete fiercely against each other over like rats. And that's really all there is to it.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Embers84 said:
Just another good example of the biased conservative media at work. Not one media news outlet even bothered to show any coverage when the protests were peaceful.
Please give an example where a peaceful protest was brought to city hall at a city council meeting where it could be presented to people who can actually make a change as opposed to marching on places where all that happens is that they piss off more people.

Marching on a police station won't do a thing, marching on a highway during rush hour won't do anything, having a "die-in" at a mall won't do anything, walking into restaurants and disturbing guests won't do anything. Yet, these are the places where most people meet "to be heard."

It's almost as if they don't really want anything to change. Yeah, the waitstaff at a popular eatery has the power to make their demands a reality... :rolleyes: Either that or electing politicians who say on the news that allowing people to destroy a city is permissible. I apologize in advance for expecting that these angry people are capable of being a catalyst of change in ways other than vandalism.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 28, 2014
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Please give an example where a peaceful protest was brought to city hall at a city council meeting where it could be presented to people who can actually make a change as opposed to marching on places where all that happens is that they piss off more people.

Marching on a police station won't do a thing, marching on a highway during rush hour won't do anything, having a "die-in" at a mall won't do anything, walking into restaurants and disturbing guests won't do anything. Yet, these are the places where most people meet "to be heard."

It's almost as if they don't really want anything to change. Yeah, the waitstaff at a popular eatery has the power to make their demands a reality... Either that or electing politicians who say on the news that allowing people to destroy a city is permissible. I apologize in advance for expecting that these angry people are capable of being a catalyst of change in ways other than vandalism.
As American citizens, it our Constitutional right to assemble publicly to protest demonstrating over any issue that is concerning to it's citizens. Who are you or anybody else to say they can't? Seems to me you have a problem with a certain group of people speaking out against injustice in our society.

The idea of trying to change right away isn't the point if you know about history. Blacks did not achieve civil rights on the first march and protest they assembled. It was an ongoing commitment that finally lead to acquiring those rights. People are marching and protesting to voice their concerns about violent police treatment in the black community. Citizens are hoping one day to end the discrimination and violent treatment that is occurring in inner cities all across America. Our police is here to serve and protect, not to kill and maim. That is the point of the protesting, to make people aware, hoping one day it will stop.

The Right Wing media continues to push their propaganda telling us that Liberals hate "whites and cops" and President Obama and the "Liberal Media" incites them. A total lie, but that is what they spin.

The "Liberal Media" did not bother to show one ounce of coverage when the protests were peaceful. If the media was so "Liberal" and "anti white" and "anti police", don't you think the "Liberal Media" would be all over it to trash the white cops showing a clear bias for blacks and Liberals?

The only reason any media coverage was shown, is because a few people decided to turn the protest violent. Then every media outlet swarmed like ants to get in on the coverage to shows blacks in a negative fashion. Is that your "Liberal Media" bias? They sure are doing a terrible job of being biased aren't they?

From the first moment the coverage began, the mainstream media began to attack Liberals, President Obama, and black run communities. They started calling Gray a criminal and a thug, claiming he was the one who did damage to himself and not the police. Baltimore's NBC and ABC affiliate produced a video in favor of the white police trying to claim that Gray was fine until he was in the van and began to smash his head inside. That was broadcasted on Fox Propaganda.

Now, if the mainstream media is so "Liberal" being "anti white and police" the "Liberal Media" wouldn't attack Liberals, blacks, and President Obama showing black violence. Local ABC and NBC affiliates wouldn't try to produce videos to favor the white cops. Instead, they would look for ways to be biased against the cops showing favor for Gray. They would also praise President Obama instead of attacking him. They would refuse to show coverage of any violence at all. Just like they refused to show any coverage of the peaceful protests, but managed to show coverage of Tea Party protests when they gathered together to attack Democrats.

After you look at all of that, you can see that the media isn't so "Liberal". If that is what you call a "Liberal Media", right wingers should hope for a lot more of it. Just another nail in the coffin for the right wing "Liberal Media" myth, when it's really the conservative media attacking the Liberals each day.

Tictac said:
Embers - What! No quoting learned economists that don't know the difference between a quantity and a rate?

Who are these 'economists'?

Tictac said:
Now type some more about states, states, states, states and maybe states.....

And grab what's left of your cheeks with both hands before nothing is left.

You are the only one here that believes you have made a single coherent point.

Go jerk off some more you can ever get it up E84.

What a loon!

You're off your rocker old man, dementia must be setting in. Go get a medical check up for your own sake. Here's your states, states, states rights that your right wingers love to push sponsored by who else? Your favorite Senate right wingers.

Senate Republican to push states' rights in response to healthcare law

A Republican senator is planning on introducing legislation this week that would allow state officials to challenge federal regulations before they go into effect.

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) told The Hill that his states'-rights bill is in large part a reaction to Democrats' healthcare reform law, which Republicans claim would create 159 "boards, commissions, bureaus, programs and offices of the federal government." That figure may be open to debate, but states have certainly raised concerns with the law, with 43 so far joining in legal challenges or taking other action to prevent certain provisions from taking effect.

"That's certainly a statute that invites a lot of regulatory overreach, which could be reviewed and challenged on an expedited basis with this legislation," Wicker told The Hill.

The proposed law could also be used to challenge other regulations, such as those from the Environmental Protection Agency, he added.

The legislation, called the 10th Amendment Regulatory Reform Act, mirrors a bill introduced by Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on March 25, two days after the president signed healthcare reform into law. It would allow designated state officials to file a legal brief challenging the constitutionality of proposed regulations during the time when they're open for comment.

The head of the federal agency whose regulation is challenged would then have 15 days to certify that the regulation doesn't violate the 10th Amendment. That certification, and a link to the state's legal brief, would have to be displayed prominently on the agency's primary webpage within 15 days.

State officials could also challenge the regulation in district court and get expedited review at the appeals level. It would be up to a judge to decide whether to freeze the regulatory process as a challenge makes its way through the courts.

The Obama administration did not respond to queries about whether it would challenge the bill if it became law and how it could affect the regulatory process.

Wicker said the provision could save time and money.

"This would allow a challenge earlier, by governors, lieutenant governors, attorneys general or state legislative leaders, to go ahead and take the matter into federal court," he said. "And it requires the agency to engage quickly in response."

Wicker was one of the Republican senators up for reelection who was recently identified by the conservative blog Red State as a potential target for a Tea Party challenge in 2012. He said his support for the bill was influenced not by political considerations but by a genuine interest in legislation that's nevertheless likely to be popular in conservative Mississippi.

A spokesman for Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) said the governor is aware and supportive of the legislation. State officials could conceivably avail themselves of the new states' rights in the legislation, said Dan Turner, depending on the regulations.

"We're obviously reviewing the [healthcare reform] legislation," Turner said, "and we'll be tracking [regulations] closely."

Wicker said he's looking for co-sponsors for his bill. He said he wanted to introduce it during the lame-duck session in order to draw early attention to it before picking it up again next year.

Wicker said he favors getting rid of the healthcare reform law and will push for a vote on repeal early next year, to get everyone on the record on the issue. But, he said, his bill is one potential way forward given that repeal isn't likely to pass in the Senate.

"I think it's going to take another election, and probably another president, to get this taken care of," he said. "But this is a step. It's a salvo."


( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Embers84 said:
As American citizens, it our Constitutional right to assemble publicly to protest demonstrating over any issue that is concerning to it's citizens.
lol at this leftoid shill trying to talk like a conservative when it suits the narrative. Funny how sh!tlib media never showed this part of the "demonstrations"



Embers84 said:
They started calling Gray a criminal and a thug
A career criminal with a rap sheet of 22 arrests :crazy:.......You're right he was probably on his way to church and turning his life around.

Embers84 said:
Our police is here to serve and protect, not to kill and maim
Did you miss the part where this career dindu in all likelihood limited himself? :rolleyes: Another "da man(whitey)be holdin us down" fail.

The sources quoted by the Washington-based station said the medical examiner had determined Gray's death was caused by a catastrophic injury after he slammed into the back of the police transport van while inside it, "apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van."


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Embers84 said:
As American citizens, it our Constitutional right to assemble publicly to protest demonstrating over any issue that is concerning to it's citizens. Who are you or anybody else to say they can't? Seems to me you have a problem with a certain group of people speaking out against injustice in our society.

The idea of trying to change right away isn't the point if you know about history. Blacks did not achieve civil rights on the first march and protest they assembled. It was an ongoing commitment that finally lead to acquiring those rights. People are marching and protesting to voice their concerns about violent police treatment in the black community. Citizens are hoping one day to end the discrimination and violent treatment that is occurring in inner cities all across America. Our police is here to serve and protect, not to kill and maim. That is the point of the protesting, to make people aware, hoping one day it will stop.

The Right Wing media continues to push their propaganda telling us that Liberals hate "whites and cops" and President Obama and the "Liberal Media" incites them. A total lie, but that is what they spin.

The "Liberal Media" did not bother to show one ounce of coverage when the protests were peaceful. If the media was so "Liberal" and "anti white" and "anti police", don't you think the "Liberal Media" would be all over it to trash the white cops showing a clear bias for blacks and Liberals?

The only reason any media coverage was shown, is because a few people decided to turn the protest violent. Then every media outlet swarmed like ants to get in on the coverage to shows blacks in a negative fashion. Is that your "Liberal Media" bias? They sure are doing a terrible job of being biased aren't they?

From the first moment the coverage began, the mainstream media began to attack Liberals, President Obama, and black run communities. They started calling Gray a criminal and a thug, claiming he was the one who did damage to himself and not the police. Baltimore's NBC and ABC affiliate produced a video in favor of the white police trying to claim that Gray was fine until he was in the van and began to smash his head inside. That was broadcasted on Fox Propaganda.

Now, if the mainstream media is so "Liberal" being "anti white and police" the "Liberal Media" wouldn't attack Liberals, blacks, and President Obama showing black violence. Local ABC and NBC affiliates wouldn't try to produce videos to favor the white cops. Instead, they would look for ways to be biased against the cops showing favor for Gray. They would also praise President Obama instead of attacking him. They would refuse to show coverage of any violence at all. Just like they refused to show any coverage of the peaceful protests, but managed to show coverage of Tea Party protests when they gathered together to attack Democrats.

After you look at all of that, you can see that the media isn't so "Liberal". If that is what you call a "Liberal Media", right wingers should hope for a lot more of it. Just another nail in the coffin for the right wing "Liberal Media" myth, when it's really the conservative media attacking the Liberals each day.



You're off your rocker old man, dementia must be setting in. Go get a medical check up for your own sake. Here's your states, states, states rights that your right wingers love to push sponsored by who else? Your favorite Senate right wingers.

Senate Republican to push states' rights in response to healthcare law

A Republican senator is planning on introducing legislation this week that would allow state officials to challenge federal regulations before they go into effect.

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) told The Hill that his states'-rights bill is in large part a reaction to Democrats' healthcare reform law, which Republicans claim would create 159 "boards, commissions, bureaus, programs and offices of the federal government." That figure may be open to debate, but states have certainly raised concerns with the law, with 43 so far joining in legal challenges or taking other action to prevent certain provisions from taking effect.

"That's certainly a statute that invites a lot of regulatory overreach, which could be reviewed and challenged on an expedited basis with this legislation," Wicker told The Hill.

The proposed law could also be used to challenge other regulations, such as those from the Environmental Protection Agency, he added.

The legislation, called the 10th Amendment Regulatory Reform Act, mirrors a bill introduced by Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on March 25, two days after the president signed healthcare reform into law. It would allow designated state officials to file a legal brief challenging the constitutionality of proposed regulations during the time when they're open for comment.

The head of the federal agency whose regulation is challenged would then have 15 days to certify that the regulation doesn't violate the 10th Amendment. That certification, and a link to the state's legal brief, would have to be displayed prominently on the agency's primary webpage within 15 days.

State officials could also challenge the regulation in district court and get expedited review at the appeals level. It would be up to a judge to decide whether to freeze the regulatory process as a challenge makes its way through the courts.

The Obama administration did not respond to queries about whether it would challenge the bill if it became law and how it could affect the regulatory process.

Wicker said the provision could save time and money.

"This would allow a challenge earlier, by governors, lieutenant governors, attorneys general or state legislative leaders, to go ahead and take the matter into federal court," he said. "And it requires the agency to engage quickly in response."

Wicker was one of the Republican senators up for reelection who was recently identified by the conservative blog Red State as a potential target for a Tea Party challenge in 2012. He said his support for the bill was influenced not by political considerations but by a genuine interest in legislation that's nevertheless likely to be popular in conservative Mississippi.

A spokesman for Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) said the governor is aware and supportive of the legislation. State officials could conceivably avail themselves of the new states' rights in the legislation, said Dan Turner, depending on the regulations.

"We're obviously reviewing the [healthcare reform] legislation," Turner said, "and we'll be tracking [regulations] closely."

Wicker said he's looking for co-sponsors for his bill. He said he wanted to introduce it during the lame-duck session in order to draw early attention to it before picking it up again next year.

Wicker said he favors getting rid of the healthcare reform law and will push for a vote on repeal early next year, to get everyone on the record on the issue. But, he said, his bill is one potential way forward given that repeal isn't likely to pass in the Senate.

"I think it's going to take another election, and probably another president, to get this taken care of," he said. "But this is a step. It's a salvo."


This diatribe doesn't even make sense. Its random, typed nonsense from a girl that believes her own b*ll****. Such gibberish wouldn't pass for a middle school essay in your urban public school drooler. Little more than proof that a monkey could type Shakespeare given enough time.

But I'm sure in your narcissistic private world you 'won' girlie.



Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score

The PD that assaults pregnant women, beats a man till his kidney fails, and then only pays out a max of $200,000 per settlement because of garbage legislation. Meanwhile others around the nation get millions in their brutality settlements.

But hey, I guess when the PD has over 100 cases lost in the last few years, you gotta save the taxpayers money somehow.

PS - The stuff some people are reading from low tier conservative blogs, is straight up BS and lies. Especially the one about Freddie Gray and insurance

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Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Embers84 said:
As American citizens, it our Constitutional right to assemble publicly to protest demonstrating over any issue that is concerning to it's citizens. Who are you or anybody else to say they can't? Seems to me you have a problem with a certain group of people speaking out against injustice in our society.

Do me a favor:
  1. Quote exactly where I said that people do not have the right to assemble
  2. Answer my question to give an example of exactly where these people had a peaceful protest with people who can actually change the system like a city council.
For someone who who tenaciously copy and pasts information from the internet, why haven't you posted an example of a peaceful protest while meeting with people who truly matter?

But if all you can do is change the subject to some arbitrary strawman, it's no wonder that your methods veiled as "honest discussion" never advances to any type of resolution.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Tictac said:

This diatribe doesn't even make sense. Its random, typed nonsense from a girl that believes her own b*ll****. Such gibberish wouldn't pass for a middle school essay in your urban public school drooler. Little more than proof that a monkey could type Shakespeare given enough time.

But I'm sure in your narcissistic private world you 'won' girlie.

Couldn't even answer a simple question either. Perhaps we should form a mob and go to Embers house and protest the riots that are occurring.