You are just the same as these right wingers. It's nearly impossible to have a conversation with you when you ignore what I say, and add your biased opinions claiming that's what I stated when I never did. I explained to you twice already that the whole point of the protest, was NOT to cause any violence or destruction. You keep claiming it was using that as your talking point like the rest of the right wing media. A few people ruined a good thing and that is not their fault when others chose to. You have no clue what the protest was about, what our history was about, or how the media and our government works. The right wing propaganda fills your empty head and you parrot misinformation with the rest of the sheep who has their "news" spoon fed to them.
Right here, you are implying that protesting and making your position known by the mass is a waste of time. Like I said and posted with a link, it's fine for the Tea Party who are mostly whites, to protest over what they disagree with and to be arrested causing disorderly conduct, but if blacks and liberals do it they are thugs.
Blacks have already gone to the system for years, and nothing has happened to stop police brutality. Ever since Rodney King got beat up this has been a big problem in cities across America. Nothing has changed since then well over 20 years.
Again, you are not listening and have trouble comprehending. The point of the protest was NOT to loot and burn homes like your right wing media is pushing. It was to gather citizens of the community in a peaceful protest to speak out against police brutality in mass to make people aware of what's going on. Nobody across the country is going to know that folks went to city hall to object over police brutality. Nobody in the media is going to cover that. The media did not bother to cover the protests in Baltimore when it was peaceful. They only decided to cover it when a few individuals turned it violent to attack blacks and Liberals. The point was to make people aware of police brutality, not to loot and burn homes. and you are too damn dumb not to understand that. Citizens having a meeting with police officials isn't going to help, when the cops refuse to change.
You're the one changing the subject, ignoring what I'm telling you, twisting around what I'm saying to parrot propaganda with your biased position. City Councils do have meetings all the time to discuss issues in the community. The mainstream media does not report it because it isn't important. If they do show it, their local cable access channel will show it. Nobody watches that channel so nobody is going to know. It will rarely be shown on the local news when they hold those meetings. If a meeting is held in Philadelphia, people in Chicago will have no clue such a meeting is taking place. I'm not avoiding anything, if it's so important to you, why don't you search to see that these meetings are taking place?
Here's a good example of meeting that took place that happened in January. Did you ever hear about it happening? No you didn't, because it wasn't important to get big news coverage. So, the people of Oakland talked to the police of Oakland in a meeting over police brutality. The citizens went directly to the source. What has changed after that meeting? Not a damn thing. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Instead you accuse me of not answering questions and not providing information. If you weren't so lazy, you can do the research to find this stuff out yourself. You don't want to do it because you would get the facts and know the truth, and that destroys the propaganda you still believe in.
What do you have to say about that Anaconda?
You're comprehension skills, your knowledge of the media and the government is severely lacking. There is always going to be troublemakers when a protest occurs. Right wingers get arrested at their protests but you guys have no problem with that. The protest was designed to be peaceful, not violent like you are claiming with your ignorant lacking knowledge of what the intended purpose was.
Civil Rights activist got killed, beat up, maimed, and arrested by the racist cops for doing those things. That's why they had peaceful protests and marches with Dr. Martin Luther King and civil right activists both white and black to get people to join the cause and get their
message out. They certainly wouldn't get civil rights accomplished going to the racist cops of the cities having a meeting, when the racist cops didn't give a sh1t. Just the same as the police brutality today. Again, you show your ignorance not knowing what you're talking about. A small portion of people looted in Baltimore and it was wrong. But the right wing media, and you focus only on that assuming that was the whole point of the protest. It was not, it was suppose to be peaceful like with Dr. King, and some people decided to ruin it. That is NOT the fault of the majority of protesters who had good intentions, and you're parroting your right wing propaganda being ignorant with the rest of them.
You can say the same for right wing Republicans who are disgracing what the GOP is supposed to be with loose cannon right wing extreme Tea Party nuts.
Nothing you're saying here has any merit whatsoever. Just incoherent right wing propaganda rambling designed to attack blacks, liberals and me as well. Have a party some time, and if a couple of your drunk guests ruins the party is it your fault or the other people there? I'm assuming you would say no. So, why would you attack the good citizens of Baltimore who were trying to do the right thing when a few thugs ruined it. You're attacking the peaceful protest and blacks as a group to spin your propaganda. You should condemn the violent looters and not use negative stereotypes showing your ignorance to associate all blacks in the protest as the same, like our conservative media is doing.