This is why you ALWAYS spin multiple plates. She's gone from hot piece of ass in a short skirt at the bar to turning you into a Cuddle B!tch. Be less available to her. In fact, learn from your own example here; you said you were over your ONEitis as a result of approaching this one in Wal-Mart - now go build on that. Do more approaches and leave this plate to cool for now. Tell her you're otherwise occupied, but make your reason something unavoidably responsible (i.e. helping your sick mother, or helping your best friend move, or something work/money related). Essentially, you're doing a take away. You're making a rookie mistake in that you became too available with the next girl after a ONEitis. Thus you gradually come off as clingy or locked into her as an exclusive arrangement, she picks up on this and then sets terms for her intimacy. She controls the frame now, not you.
2 Red Flags -
1.) NO CONDOM? = Automatic NEXT. No "I wanna feel you" or "I'm alergic to latex" crap. It's called birth CONTROL for a reason - YOU control the birth. No condom? SHE controls the birth. A condom is your ONLY insurance.
2.)Iron Rule of Tomassi #3
Any woman who makes you wait for sex, or by her actions implies she is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the wait.
When a woman makes you wait for sex you are not her highest priority. Sexuality is spontaneous, chemical reaction between two parties, not a process of negotiation. It's sex first, then relationship, not the other way around. A woman who wants to ƒuck you will fly across the country, crawl under barbwire, climb in through your second story bedroom window, ƒuck you like a porn star and wait patiently inside your closet if your wife/GF comes home early from work - women who want to ƒuck will find a way to ƒuck. The girl who tells you she wants a relationship first or "just isn't comfortable with you yet" is the same girl who ƒucked the "totally hot guy" in the foam cannon party in Cancun with her girlfriends on spring break half an hour after meeting him.
If a girl is that into you she'll ƒuck regardless of ASD or having her friends in the room videotaping it at a frat party. All women can be sexual, you just have to be the right guy to bring it out in them, and this happens before you go back to her place. If you have to plead your case cuddling and spooning on the bed or getting the occasional peck on the cheek, you need to go back to square one and start fresh.
Your attentions, your sympathies, are too easily gotten and she's become comfortable with you. The quality 'porno sex' you're wanting from her isn't going to happen to that degree now. You need to get back to the anxiety and uncomfortableness that she experienced at Wal-Mart. Good, hot, passionate sex comes from discomfort and sexual tension, not fluffy, cuddly comfort. That's what stuffed animals are for, not sexual partners. Do a take away for a week or a week and a half, then come back to it afresh keeping in mind cultivating that sexual anxiety from planting a seed of doubt about your interest.