FR: This is what's wrong with men these days


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
so I decided to go to the strip club last night. I had about 1k to blow, all in my pocket for some lucky lady.

So I see a girl, good looking, can actually dance, so I give her a modest tip while she was on stage, 15 dollars, just to let her know I was interested.

She comes, gets off stage and talks to me, and asks me if I want a 20 dollar lapdance, of course I say yes.

After the dance, I tell her, in so many words, that as long as she sits and talks to me for the night, she will be more than fine.

I didn't go to the club with the intentions on ****ing, I just wanted to have some fun and spend a little money.

I guess she didn't believe me, because as soon as she left, she went to the VIP section (Which down here is nothing special)

AFter going to the VIP section for 30 mintues and not getting one tip,s he goes on stage.

So this time while she was on stage, I made her dance for me, and I gave her about 120 dollars while she was on stage, 6 twenties.

Now, you would think, this would be enough to grab someones attention that hey, this guy has some money that he wants to spend on YOU (didn't tip anyone else the entire night, no one else worth tipping)

So she comes back, and sits down for like 20 mintues, I order us both drinks. She seems cool, seemed to be enjoying herself for the most part. I mean, I'm not an ungly guy by any means, I just like the strait forwardness of strip clubs.. I know what you want and visa versa, that's refreshing to me. I am a cool guy, we talked about her growing up and how she got kicked out the house when she was 15, blah blah blah, kept checking her phone and sending texts, etc while talking to me, which It hought was disrepsectful to say the least. Not once did she ask me anything about me. NOt what I did for a living, not why I am here, nada.

So she leaves, again after like 20 mintues. So I find her, and decide I am going to take some inniative, and drag her back there and make her give me a lapdance, I told her i shouldn't have to do her job for her (in a joking manner of course). I mean.. I don't stink, I was dressed nice, and I had over 700 in my pocket to blow on HER if she would just act right and act like she wanted it

I mean, I wasn't going to tell he how much money was in my pocket because it's your job to EARN it, not me to give it away, that's my feeling.. that takes the fun out of it.

So I get 3 lapdances, 20 each, and she leaves because she says she is tired.

So we go back out, and she is talking to this other guy.. and I'm cool, I eman.. i can't knock the girls hustle at all, it's her job.

So I outbidded him.

She got on stage, and he was tipping her 10's, so I though 300, 20 at a time dollars on stage and told her " you will learn to stay where the money is"

YOu would think that THIS wo uld get this girls attention?


I couldn't even get her to come and say thank you afterwards. Wait, she did, but the second after that she went to go sit with the other guy, who from what I saw, didn't give her a dime besides the 15 dollars on stage.

I mean, am i really missing something here? I thought the point was to make as much money as possible. I know if I was a stripper, my rationale is, any guy that throws over 400 dollars on stage to see you dance in PUBLIC is probably willing to pay a hell of alot more to see you do it privatly.

Like I said, I wasn't trying to have sex or do anything illegal, just wanted her company for the night and was willing to come out of my pocket to pay for it.

Also, we are in Arkansas. On an EXCELLENT night,t he best stripper MIGHT make 400 dollars and that's a MIGHT if she is extremely good and lucky. Very often, even on saturdays, good/decent looking girls walk out with less than 50 dollars.

I actually felt insulted.. like my money was not only not good enough, I wasn't good enough. I mean, it sucks to pay someone 500 dollars for what amounts to you sitting wtih me for 25 mintues and 3 lap dances, when I WANTEDT to pay y ou m ore

Now, this is the funny part. I was telling this guy I know today at the mall my experience.. He's an AFC and sells makeup to alot of strippers.

So he said " you made her feel like a *****" and "you shoudln't have said what you said to her about coming to the money"

I looked at him like he had lost his damn mind.

First of all, IT'S A STRIP CLUB. I can't begin to state how much I don't give 2 cents about her feelings. lol, I am giong to pay YOU money to hear about YOUR problems, how much sense does that make? I pay you money to feel important or whatever, and to pay for your time.

That's the equivlant of paying a hooker ot eat her *****.. isn't the point for me to feel happy at the end of the day?

Secondly... I mean.. if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.. I mean in all honestly, she told me about all of the guys that she has dated, how all her guy friends have crushes on her (and she's cute, really cute, but has nothing on my ex's and can't hold a torrch to my old oneitis).. and you work at a strip club... I am not calling you a ***** babe.. but if you were to call yourself one.. I wouldn't necessarly raise an arguement.

So, I told the guy.. look. I'aid her for a service I didn't get.. and I did something wrong?

I can tell you exactly what happened. She saw me, a young black guy and the other guy, a 35ish white guy who was dressed semi nice.. wrinkled blue jeans, knockoff blazer, etc, and assumed he had more money than me.

Even though I had already spent about 400ish on her, she assumed he had more money or that I was out of money.

either that or she just doesn't like black guys, which would be stupid because money is green and doesn't care what color you are.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
You were ready to blow a $1000, just so some naked trushy girl can rub her tits and her ass in your face is not a sound investment and it ain't worth it (but hey its your money so I ain't knocking on you).

Originally posted by backbreaker
Now, this is the funny part. I was telling this guy I know today at the mall my experience.. He's an AFC and sells makeup to alot of strippers.

So he said " you made her feel like a *****" and "you shoudln't have said what you said to her about coming to the money"

I looked at him like he had lost his damn mind.

First of all, IT'S A STRIP CLUB. I can't begin to state how much I don't give 2 cents about her feelings. lol, I am giong to pay YOU money to hear about YOUR problems, how much sense does that make? I pay you money to feel important or whatever, and to pay for your time.

That's the equivlant of paying a hooker ot eat her *****.. isn't the point for me to feel happy at the end of the day?

Secondly... I mean.. if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.. I mean in all honestly, she told me about all of the guys that she has dated, how all her guy friends have crushes on her (and she's cute, really cute, but has nothing on my ex's and can't hold a torrch to my old oneitis).. and you work at a strip club... I am not calling you a ***** babe.. but if you were to call yourself one.. I wouldn't necessarly raise an arguement.

So, I told the guy.. look. I'aid her for a service I didn't get.. and I did something wrong?

Your friend was right. A woman that works in a strip joint does not want to be treated like a hor, she still accepts to be treated with respect. You probably scared her and reminded her with your attitude that she is just 2 cent ***** and working a job that is demeaning. In her eyes she is an "Exotic Dancer" and not a low life. You and her know what this is all about but it shouldn't be brought. If you were cruising the car looking for a prostitude and tell her to get in the car like a good little *****, I bet you she won't do it.

Also just because you are flashing some money she doesn't owe you to spend all day with you so I don't see why you get all upset and bend out of shape. She did her "service" and is looking for another sucker. I think she thought that since you are spending a whole lot for her ass that she was going to blow you.

Every woman from a ***** to a princess wants to be treated like a lady and not what she really is.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
here is the thing thought, and you are right for the most part.. I didn't treat her like a *****.. if I did I most have a male chovinest personality by default.

I never asked her for any special favors.

All I did was sit there and buy drinks for her and leth er complain about her hard her life was.

I told her that I wasn't interested in lap dances as much as I was just her time. I told her flat out she could name her price, all she had to do is sit here and talk to me for the rest of the night.

I really don't understand how that is making her feel like a *****.

Damn, if I was a chick I would feel special that someone thought I was worth that much moeny out of all of the other girls there.

So you mean it's disrepectful to a woman to give good tips?

I mean, I see the rationale in a way, but that's the sillist **** I have ever heard in my life, even though I wouldnt' be suprised if you are correct.

AS far as the blow money thing.. one thing I have learned from experience, is that at least I, am alot better off financially when I take a little bit and blow it. 500 here, 1k there, not too often but enough to get the act of blowing money out my system so I don't go MC Hammer and buy a Gulfstream Jet or some **** like that.

You have to live a little.. I mean, you can't **** your money. I like to have fun from time to time. trust me when I say I wouldn't do if if I couldn't afford it but you gotta get it out your system from time to time

Anyway back to the subject at hand.

I'm not really complaining.. I mean, it's her lost, because even though she was at a strip club, I didn't think she was a *****, didn't come off as one to me,s he came off as a woman doing what she has to do at a job she really doesn't like but does it because it pays. She was 20, told me she had 4.0 in dental school and graduates in 2 months (which can be said about almost every stripper in a strip club)... However It's the principal of the matter. anytime you pay someone that much money, espically down here, you shouldn't be without.

I mean, it's not like I was sitting here and telling her to STFU and rup on my ****.. I told her she doesn't have to give me a lapdance if she doesn't want to, because that's not what I was there for.

Plus.. everyone is worried about this "poor little girl's feelings". what the **** about my feelings damnit: :crackup:

Again, I pay you to worry about your feeligns? I mean, I'm not an ******* and I will listen to you, but ****, can't a brotha get some love around here? A "so how has work been" or a "what the **** do you do for a living so where you can drop 300 dollars on stage and not blink" would have been nice

You mean I got to pay you to in theory, fufill my fantasy, but the entire time I have to worry about your feelings and your emotions about what you do for a living? like I said, i'm not an ******* whatsoever so it's not like I was throwing money at her and telling her to "get low *****", we were literarly sitting there, drinking and talking. That's it.. that's all I felt like doing.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I dunno where to start with this....

It sounds like you were a total're willing to throw down $400 just to get some attention from some stripper. How desperate and needy does that look? think about it...someone who thinks they have to give out large amounts of money to get attention seems very insecure.

Try reading "How to be a pickup artist" by juggler - it has a good example of how to pick up strippers.

I'm tired so I'll leave it there...maybe someone else will agree and elaborate on what I'm saying.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
I get your point backbreaker.

You gotta admit, once you read what you did, it sounds like what someone desperate would do. And we all know you won't do it again.


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2005
Reaction score
I just dated a stripper.. ok more like a fling, but from my experience, these girls are still girls no matter what they do for a living and despite all of their issues and problems. Believe me, the girl I dated had problems, but I still treated her like a lady (at least at first until she started her sh*t).

I however, do agree that you shouldn't treat a stripper like a *****, unless of course she treats YOU with disrespect first. If shes being a straight up b*tch for no reason, then put her in her place and move on to the next chick.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Originally posted by Silex

I however, do agree that you shouldn't treat a stripper like a *****, unless of course she treats YOU with disrespect first. If shes being a straight up b*tch for no reason, then put her in her place and move on to the next chick.
What back means is that is her ****ing job to do some hoing here and there to get the money and he shouldn't be following her to get more action. Back made a mistake and it was from the get go. The ho made a mistake and could have gone with 500 in each side of her bra.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
For a thousand dollars you could have bought yourself some new clothes, the mystery method dvd archive, David Deangelo's Advanced Dating Techniques and god knows what else.

I'm guessing you are a man of means, but there are better ways to spend your money.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by SamePendo
What back means is that is her ****ing job to do some hoing here and there to get the money and he shouldn't be following her to get more action. Back made a mistake and it was from the get go. The ho made a mistake and could have gone with 500 in each side of her bra.


I've dated strippers beofore.. I'm ****ing one now.. not at this actual moment but you get the point.

I'm not t rying to PULL her or get her to like me.. to be honest, I don't give a **** if she thinks I am the biggest Ahole or an Ewalk,w hich I am not.

lol, stop it KBJ's, your lack of real life experiences is funny. Just because you go to a strip club doesn't make you an AFC.

Just because I spent 1k, or was willing to doesn't make me an AFC either. It's what I choose to do, different strokes for different folkes. I like going to strip clubs. They are the most honest places you can find. You give them money, they give you attention. Cut and dry.

In strip clubs, it's alot like what life is supposed to be like, as in the MALE who has the most influence or the most to offer gets his pick of the litter, where as the male who can't provide gets left for sraps.. unlike going to a normal club (which I do often as well) or regular dating (which I also do) where the girl thinks she is a princess to be won and you have to knock the ***** off her stool and let her know what's up.

If I was smart, and i am, but you get the point, is just be honest up front in what I was looking for, and negotate a price for the entire night and give her half up front, and half when I got ready to leave. If she wasn't up for it, I could have saved or spent the extra money on someone else.

BTW, damn near every other girl in the bar was trying to get at me after they saw how much I spent on her, but they sucked ass, and the only one that was fine had an attitute problem.

I wasn't desperate by any means, I really wasn't (why should I be).. tipsy yes... clouded judgement, sure, but desperate no. I don't like to loose and I get what I want.. and I will piss someone off to get it. I guess I might have diesrepected her by throwing money at her.. I didn't really throw it at her, but I made her dance for it, but that's how I solve most problems.. just throw money at it, and it usually works.

Like I said, I wanted to blow some steem from working my ass off all week, I was tired, and I had won a nice amount of money. So I went to a strip club. It's not like I am a regular, I haven't been more than 7 times in my life.

The Juan and only, let's just say I wouldn't spend more than I feel comfortable loosing and I will leave it at that.

lol, I've blown WAY more than that on Horse Racing, on stupid picks, "huntches" and "insider info".. WAYYY More.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
This is all constructive criticism dude:

You say you don't care whether she likes you or not..and yet the tone of your post indicates otherwise.

Something I've noticed is this:

People post a field report or a question asking for advice/what happened.....and then when somebody tries to tell them what they did wrong they start being defensive. They tell everyone they're KBJs, back-track on their original story, make all kinds of claims about how they're actually f*ckin a stripper right now yada yada. If you know what you're doing then why did the stripper ignore you - even though you put down a lot of cash?? because she thought you were a desperate loser maybe?

You need to improve your game, I do too, but at least I'll admit it.

Trying to impress women and overtly boasting about how rich you are, how cool you are, how many strippers you're f*cking just isn't the way to do things.

You were trying to get that stripper's attention, you failed, and I've told you why I think that's the case.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
He wasn't hitting on her. He wanted her to do her ****ing job. He learned the lesson and next time he won't treat the ho like the ho she is. Because she is a ho.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Originally posted by SamePendo
He wasn't hitting on her. He wanted her to do her ****ing job. He learned the lesson and next time he won't treat the ho like the ho she is. Because she is a ho.

I know what you're saying. The woman was a stupid b*tch who obviously doesn't know how to make maximum cash....or just plain doesn't care. But then we know women aren't logical and tend to act in the moment - giving the most attention to the men they're attracted to.

I'm just pointing out that women in strip clubs shouldn't be treated any differently from women elsewhere. If he'd run some better game, she would'e been far more interested..and maybe he would feel more satisfied with the service.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Re: This is all constructive criticism dude:

Originally posted by The Juan and only
You say you don't care whether she likes you or not..and yet the tone of your post indicates otherwise.

Something I've noticed is this:

People post a field report or a question asking for advice/what happened.....and then when somebody tries to tell them what they did wrong they start being defensive. They tell everyone they're KBJs, back-track on their original story, make all kinds of claims about how they're actually f*ckin a stripper right now yada yada. If you know what you're doing then why did the stripper ignore you - even though you put down a lot of cash?? because she thought you were a desperate loser maybe?

You need to improve your game, I do too, but at least I'll admit it.

Trying to impress women and overtly boasting about how rich you are, how cool you are, how many strippers you're f*cking just isn't the way to do things.

You were trying to get that stripper's attention, you failed, and I've told you why I think that's the case.
when did I say I told her how rich I am, or how much money I have?

As a matter of fact, I speceficly said she asked absolutly nothing about me, and i didn't tell her.

There are only 2 people who know how much money I have.. I like it that way.

Like the guy said, If you went to say... a massage person, and you paid them up front, and they didn't give you a massage, you would be quite pissed.

same thing. I paid her to do her job, not because I liked her, and she didn't do it. Not only did she not do it, I am looked at as being an ******* becuase I demand her to do her job. That's what gets me.

Did I ever say I told her I was ****ing a stripper? lol, I didn't even tell her my real name. The only thing she bothered to ask me was where I got my DKNY jacket I had on from.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Originally posted by The Juan and only
I know what you're saying. The woman was a stupid b*tch who obviously doesn't know how to make maximum cash....or just plain doesn't care. But then we know women aren't logical and tend to act in the moment - giving the most attention to the men they're attracted to.

I'm just pointing out that women in strip clubs shouldn't be treated any differently from women elsewhere. If he'd run some better game, she would'e been far more interested..and maybe he would feel more satisfied with the service.
I agree. Totally. That's why, we all learnt the lesson through back and when in the situation in present discussion, we won't treat the ho like the ho she is.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
She got you to part with half your money for basically doing very little.

Yes, it makes no sense, it is her job so you would assume should would go straight to you, but women don't make sense. You were essentially paying for her attention but she was getting your money by ignoring you! If you started tipping another girl then she probably would have got jelous and started paying you more attention.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by The Juan and only
I know what you're saying. The woman was a stupid b*tch who obviously doesn't know how to make maximum cash....or just plain doesn't care. But then we know women aren't logical and tend to act in the moment - giving the most attention to the men they're attracted to.

I'm just pointing out that women in strip clubs shouldn't be treated any differently from women elsewhere. If he'd run some better game, she would'e been far more interested..and maybe he would feel more satisfied with the service.
I was going to go off on you,b ut then I looked over and saw you were 17 and don't know have the slightest IDEA on how strip clubs work.

Run game at a strip club? The only game that should be ran is how much I am going to pay you for what.

If there is anywhere you DON'T need game it's a strip club.

In fact, it's where most guys go who don't have any game and spend their entire paychecks in the hopes they might get lucky.

Hell, lol.. If I am going to game a girl, what's the point of paying for her services? What has she done to deserve any money? Why not go to a regular club and game a girl that I will probably ****?

I am seeing someone(s).. if i wanted to ****, I would have went to see one of them.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
no I agree, she was a stupid b1tch who should be prepared to do her job, and provide a fair service...I just explained WHY I think she didn't give you all that much attention.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
By game he means not treating the ho like a ho.