FR: New kid in town - the rebirth of Vulpine


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
HBRose just called to find out what I'm doing tonight...

V: "Uh... well... ...why? Don't you have to work?"
HBRose: "I got you something for your birthday."
V: "Awww... silly girl. I told you: you didn't have to."
HBRose: "Oh, well it's nothing big, well, consdidering the situation I guess it kinda is."
V: "Silly girl."
HBRose: "Wanna stop by my work tonight?"
V: "No. I don't want to bug you while you're working. It's pretty ackward."
HBRose: "Well, hmm... I can wait, if you want, I guess." *sad, disappointed voice*
V: "Do you work Wednesday?"
HBRose: "No..."

She's going to have to wait until Wednesday. I've got some plans up in the air tonight, FB's taking me out for sushi Tuesday, and HBRose is "in the saddle" anyway. I'd best avoid her for challenge sake, and for "avoid the bleeding girl" sake. The timing on this is bad...

Jeez, do you think her interest level could get any higher?:crackup:

I like this. I feel pretty damn good. I think now I should go out and use this energy for my benefit and pull a couple more - just not locally. Well, maybe, just for the sake of cultivating some drama.

I've been trying to get the Lotus out to some Madison joints, but he works a lot, so it's hard. I could rock some solo styles... Hmm...


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
Vulpine , just wanted to say this thread is an inspiration keep up the good work .....


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
The Lotus dragged me out for my B-day. Good on him. His attitude is improving, but he still resists engaging: "I don't see anyone I want to talk to."

He's pretty full of himself, or has crazy-high standards. But we got out and had a good time.

Earlier, HBRose practically begged me to stop by and get my present. Ok, it is my birthday, and the Lotus wasn't getting done with work until late, so I had some time to burn. I could drop in if I had another excuse... I rode my bike for some exercise. (I know, I was going to wait until Wednesday, but she's on the rag and emotional, so I'll be nice-ish.) She got me a fun gift, nothing major. We had a little convo, but when I was leaving, she dropped this little gem on me:

HBRose: "So, can I uh, ask you a question?"
V: "You just did."
HBRose: "haha. Seriously. Are you, uh, are you dating anyone else?"
V: "Not at the moment, no. Why?"
HBRose: "I'm just wondering. If you were, I'd be a little more guarded."
V: "Psshff. You're pretty guarded already." *smile, pokes chest*
HBRose: *coy recoil, smile*
V: "Whatever, I think you're just trying to get your hooks into me." *makes hooks with index fingers and tickles her with them* "ARRRGH, Matey!"

I'll probably burn in hell for that, but I don't "date".

Why is this worth mentioning? Let me back up and offer some background. I have great attention to detail - it's a sickness of sorts. I would say it's something that I developed in the Army. Well, as all guys should know by now, women snoop in the bathroom. I have an old favorite "trick" that I devised, and I'd like to share it with you:

The first time she was over, she was taking unusually long in the bathroom. I had a couple rubber wrappers in my bathroom trash can. They were pretty much on top (under the flip-top lid), and very visable (yellow wrapper). In my AFC days, I would have emptied the trash before she came over. I actually stood and watched a chick snoop once, and thought about it a bit more. I knew the wrappers would be seen, and wanted them to be seen.
It might have worked against me that night: it probably provoked the slvt defense.

The second time she was over, the FB had been over since, so there was a fresh one in there. I actually emptied the trash and left the new one (brown wrapper) in there with a couple of used Q-tips and that was it. We still fuxed that time, but she was bragging about having a good "photo memory". I didn't think anything of it at the time.

Do you see why this is diabolical?
1. I must be banging other women, so I must be worth banging. Value!
2. Challenge
3. Jealousy
4. Emotion

That's what women get for snooping: their own games used against them. My name's not Vulpine for nothing.

Looks like I've got the "challenge" thing handled after all!

Anyway, back to the story. When I was leaving, she was begging me to stop by later for some "birthday drinks" with her. I let her know that the Lotus was "in control of the evening, but I'll mention it to him."

Well, after we were at a different place, I mentioned it to him. Since it was Monday and everywhere would be dead anyway, he agreed, and we went to her bar: the OTP.

The Lotus pulled his weed antics and we smoked a "birthday J" in the parking lot before going in. HBRose greeted us instantly:

HBRose: *comes around bar, hugs* "OMG! You guys REEK like weed!"

We were super smoked out, and the place was crazy shady and full of FUGS. The place is in a pretty "ghetto" neighborhood, so there were a lot of "unsavory characters". The scene was defenitely harshing our mellow... until we got into it.
There were some gangsta dudes hanging off to our left freestyle rapping to the background beat about some killin' and fightin'.

Lotus: "This is a rough corner, WTF?!!"
V: "ShhhAAAdy!"
Lotus: "You're gonna get shot, dude!"
*we had a good hearty laugh*

We were too smoked up to recognize at the time what was going on. The two slickest looking dudes in the bar walk in and social proofed the bartenders, and were now laughing super loud and having a good time.

Meanwhile, HBRose is getting macked on by this black guy and she doesn't even recognize. Dude was totally smooth. He came up with this bullsh!t story that he was explaining to her about how a black guy he knew was saying that he was bringing her lunches. He was basically feeling her out. This guy was slick:

Dude: "Oh, so, are you into black guys, then?" (asking for his own sake)
HBRose: "Not at all."
Dude: "So this guy is lying?" (awesome leading)
HBRose: "Yeah. I got a boyfriend."
Dude: "Psshf. You're just sayin' that."
HBRose: "Oh yeah?" *points at me, EC's me, looks back at him*
V: (uh.. what? uh.. wait, uh.. ok, wow, I'll play along) *smiles big, nods the 'what's up' nod, raises eyebrows a bunch of times like 'yowsa, yowsa'*

I suppose I better get used to that. I was thinking, "Oh, crap. That guy is pretty big, and I'm pretty fuxed up. This isn't cool if it turns into something."

Lotus: "WTF, man?"
V: "ShhhhAAAAdy."
Lotus: "You're gonna get shot, dude."
Lotus/V: :crackup:

It wasn't long before several chicks came up and started asking for hugs. Uh... okay. Well, there were 3 of them who got hugs and made their way along. Lotus and I were cheeched out and staring at each other like:

The two fat ones of the three came back. One of them was hanging all over the Lotus, and he was freaking out. He wasn't being a d!ck or anything, but being obviously uncomfortable. She got the hint and wandered off. The Lotus and I looked at each other...
...and bust out laughing like hyenas.

Dammit! They came back again! Oh well, there weren't any hotties there (aside from the bartenders), so what the hell - I decided to be friendly.

At some point, the hotter of the fatties (if there is such a thing), waved a pen around and asked me to sign her t!tties. There was no more room! Slvt! Blah blah drunken blah... she asked if she could write on my chest.

V: "Uh... um... sure, why not?"

She starts unbuttoning my shirt. Slow. Slow. Trying to be all sexy...

V: "Hey, hey, hey! Wait a minute! Where are the dollar bills? Come on, now!"
(they scramble to pull out dollars)
FUG: "Come on... show it off..." *waving dollars*

Finally, she gets to the last button and throws my shirt open dramatically.

V: "DENIED!! Sorry, thanks for playing." *starts buttoning shirt back up* "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Awww.... no dice!"

I had a wife beater on under my shirt.

Lotus: :crackup:
FUGS: :eek::mad:

These chicks were basically throwing themselves at us after that. No thanks, but thanks anyway.

After last call, there was some drama starting with a loud-azz black chick squawking because she got busted coming in from outside with a drink in her hand. She got all beligerent and started making some threats. The other bartender (not HBRose) grabbed up the phone while exchanging with this woman who was freaking out.

Lotus and I exchange glances, stood up, and were making for the door. The cops were coming and we were waaay too screwed up to be around to chat with them when they got there.

I caught HBRose's attention, blew her a kiss, and she acknowledged with:
:eek: :yes: :wave:

*sigh* If we could have stuck around until close, I would have gotten a birthday BJ - no doubt. Blah. She did throw tasty free drinks at us all night, so that was cool.

All in all, it was a wild night. Lotus and I have the good energy going, no success or approaches, but at least the energy is right. Heck, we had FUGs opening US, so we had to be doing something right.

All I have to show for my birthday is the "31" after my age under my name.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Oh wow, man... just wow.

After a couple e-mails, there's some sexual tension already. I heard she got knocked up a long time ago, but I didn't hear anything since. I told her in the previous e-mail that:

"Since you obviously aren't looking for a daddy and only want some fun and casual sex...."

"...whatever your life issues are, they don't really concern me. What does concern me is 'casual sex' related stuff like: Does she brush her teeth? Is she fat? Did she get into a car accident and get paralyzed or lose an arm? Does she have any hot friends she wants to have a 3-way with?"

This is just plain crazy:

--- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:

> i love that you don't give a sh!t and you never
> you know how awesome that is... i do have
> major issues that i need to tell you a bit about are
> you ready?.. for starters i'm married to the huge
> worthless piece of sh!t azzhole that "knocked me up"
> i'm on the fence with divorce but for now it's all
> up
> in the air.. and i have kids, 3 girls, they are my
> reasons for doing the things i do... this is the
> last
> time your going to hear talk about them though. i
> just
> needed you to know why getting to you is so
> difficult....not for the lack of trying. okay enough
> all ready with all the drama i need some mind
> blowing
> sex with a super hot guy..know where i can find any
> of
> that?..ha i have fridays off and i'm feeling a 4
> hour
> "shopping trip" to madison coming on are you up for
> it? what is your schedule like work or
> otherewise?..i'm getting bored of fingering myself
> in
> the shower to the pic of your bald head..speaking of
> heads i'm a hairstylist, i know how to give a killer
> head massage.. and it could be which ever head you
> want. i have a pic for you it's not the best but it
> will have to laughing i'm so self conscious
> about my body you'll give me a complex or
> something..
> i work tonight (with a bunch of idiots)so you can
> call
> me and make my night and we could make some plans or
> whatever. i leave at noon so let me know if you want
> my number or nothing at all


Oh wow, man. Poor, poor, girl. Damn. She's got a gorgeous face, like a 9 easy with awesome green eyes, but it's stuck on a 6 body... god that's a shame - I hate seeing that, it really breaks my heart to see that about fat chicks. You know what the MOST fuxed up part is? She has a rose tattoo in the exact same place as HBRose.
Twilight Zone sh!t going on here.

Uh, I'm seriously considering giving this chick the "mercy fux" she is so desperately looking for. Well, because I can, and, it's almost like community service. If it's just sex she needs...

--- Vulpine <vulpine@email> wrote:

> You're picture didn't show much, so I can't laugh.
> Your face is still hot (you always had a beautiful
> face), so it's a shame that you don't make yourself
> have the body to match. You would feel 500 times
> hotter if you started getting in shape. I only say
> that because I feel SUPER hot now that I lost my
> weight. You don't need any reason to motivate you
> other than you would FEEL better.
> So, I take it you aren't getting much sex at home,
> huh? I'm not your savior, (HB). I can't fix your
> problems. If lack of sex is your only problem, then
> sure, I guess I can. But, you have to assure me
> that
> you can live with yourself afterwards. I'm not
> taking
> on family responsibility, all I can offer is sex.
> No
> trips to the zoo, no "step kids", no real future
> with
> any meaning. So, we fux, you go home to your man
> and
> kids, then what? Or you get a divorce, then what?
> Nothing.
> If all you are looking for is some action, ok fine,
> I
> can help you out. But, it's not going "blossom" or
> "turn into something more". You have to know that
> and
> accept it ahead of time.
> I work days and have evenings free.

You guys are welcome to tell me how I'll have a special reserved seat in the VIP section of hell. I already know it. I have deep moral issues with the notion of me being a home wrecker, but, my attitudes about sex conflict. Sex is just getting a nut off. I have had sex with emotion ("love making"), and there is nothing like it. So, sex is really just a physical endulgence. If she isn't getting it at home, she's obviously trying to get it somewhere else: it might as well be me. I think I'm the best person for the job since I'll urge her to work out her home problems for the kids sake, or at least weather the storm until they graduate HS.

Since the home is already wrecked, I'm just looting. Not even, I'm offering a "temporary shelter" to the needy. Seriously, this is some whacked-out crazy stuff here. Has anyone else been in this sort of position? I'm freaking out. This is free and easy tail getting thrown at me, and I'm inclined to pass, which is new to me. Yet, I'm sympathetic to her dilema: she needs a "mercy fuxing". It's hard to see the sad sh!t that has happened to a hotty you used to bang. It's not my problem, but it's still sad.

Somebody straighten me out, please.
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Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
Hey man I think you've got this all in the proper perspective. You've spelled out the terms very clearly. Of course she may disregard and still think she can "get you" but it won't work. I guess the only caveat at this point is the remote possibility of a violent AFC or psycho husband finding out.

She's made it clear that she desperately needs a good fukking and her intent is to hide it from the husband. Who knows, maybe you will make life better for her kids by giving them a way happier mom. But then again, sudden change in disposition is good sign of infidelity, and women sometimes can give themselves away very easily because they don't hide their emotions well. I think a "mercy fuxing" might be in order, but I'd say try not to let it become a regular thing. It's like criminals who steal - they get lazier and more sloppy every time they commit the crime, and eventually they get busted.

Edit: mercy fuxing... lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
--- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:

> i think that is exactly what i want a booty call
> when
> time permits and some sex talk in emails to keep
> things interesting..i know it's a fucxed up
> situation
> and i'm not asking anything of you that's why i
> looked
> for you i remember how things were...they were great
> we'd accidentally bump into each other hang out for
> a
> couple of days and meet up again months later, to do
> it all again....and the getting into shape thing is
> happening too.. i'm good with the weight but toning
> is
> my issue so your emphises on it helps keeps my asz
> going, talking about it makes me feel 28 again not
> 40 like before......

:D That's how we were, too. Fux, split for a few months, fux again, disappear again. Basically, we weren't much more serious than FB's. I get the impression she is very weary of her parenting responsibility, but wants to fill a void... er, have her void filled.

I thought about the psycho AFC dude, but, if he's the azzhole she says... he's not paying enough attention to her to notice. But still, you're right... gotta be discreet. I'm a pro at the down-low.

You're right about the sudden change being an indicator. But she says she's working out, and that's also an indicator.

The ditz didn't give me her phone number.

Edit: Yep, now she did.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Uh, guys, HBRose said this last night:

HBRose: "Would you be freaked out if I told you I've been with other women?"
V: "Heck no: women are beautiful. Good for you."
HBRose: "Oh good."
V: "Would you be freaked out if I told you I've been with other men?"
HBRose: "Uh... yeah."
V: "Good, 'cuz I haven't. Dudes are hairy and nasty."
HBRose: *LOL* "You aren't."
V: "Aww..."

I am just blown away. This chick has been with other chicks, and later in the evening related a story (sort of a lay report) about an instance. She was qualifying herself when I busted her chops.

V: "So, you'll let chicks go down on you, but not me?"
HBRose: "We'll get there, just not yet. (goes into 69ing story)"
V: "So, have you gotten off with a woman?"
HBRose: "No, that's the thing, noone has gotten me off."
V: "Hah! Well, I'm glad to see that you are so open with your sexuality. Yet, it's odd. You haven't gotten off."
HBRose: "See, that's kinda it. Since I wasn't getting off, I thought I'd try other things."
V: "That's great! Looks like we'll have to get into some 'other things'. Mmm... I do like the 3-ways: they're fun for everyone!"
HBRose: *giggles* "Hmm... ...Mmmm." *drifts off in thought, smiling*

This chick's value just keeps going up and up. She likes camping, fishing, and looks like Angelina Jolie with a better mouth. And she likes women? Ugh! I'm freaking out. What a crazy coincidence that I get out there and start meeting chicks and right away stumble on a chick of this calibre. And she's way into me? I suppose - I get her off effortlessly. I could see how she'd get hung up on that.

As hard as I try, the only fault I can find so far is a few extra pounds and some "self conscious about body" issues. Well, she want's to get a bike and she was interested in the Atkin's diet, so I gave her my book and offered to go with her when she buys a bike. So, she displays the self-improvement/maintenance trait. And she has an awesome BJ technique to boot!


Vulpine: I've been a lurker on these boards for a freakishly long time, but I just had to register to say "DAMN dude! Mad props!" Keep up the good work.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
gmonster2 said:
Vulpine , just wanted to say this thread is an inspiration keep up the good work .....
BrownOreo said:
Vulpine: I've been a lurker on these boards for a freakishly long time, but I just had to register to say "DAMN dude! Mad props!" Keep up the good work.

Thank you guys.

Cold approaching has been slow. I haven't been out much with "sarging" intent, well, I have, but there hasn't been many approachables. I keep an eye open for opportunities during day-to-day stuff, but the cuties have been elusive lately.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
--- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:

> so, i get home and nothing, no questions, no how was
> your day only a "that's all you bought how
> boring"...if
> only... i feel all butterflies in the stomach still
> and
> i could smell your cologne in my hair for the rest
> of
> the day, i was so nervous i know my performance was
> a
> little lacking i apologize, but you, oh my god i
> haven't hit the big "O" that good in years....
> ...on a different note i really had fun talking to
> you
> i hope we can do that more often too.


Not much more to tell you guys about that how that whole scene went down.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
"She says I should play games."

I had the FB over last night. She mentioned something I found to be sad and hilarious at the same time.

After a decent round of sexin', she was laying on the bed, sweaty and shaking, rambling about random stuff while I got up and went into the kitchen. She started talking about her coworkers trying to give her advice about me and some other work stories.

FB: "You remember (coworker)?"
V: "Which one was that again?"
FB: "You know, the 52 year old barbie one."
V: "Haha, oh yeah, wrinkly barbie... haha."
FB: "She told me that I should play games."
V: *looks around corner at her with a scowl* "Games? Like, Yahtzee?" *goes back to making dinner*
FB: "No, like: 'you should make him come over to your place' and 'you shouldn't call so much, make him call you.' ...those kind of games."
V: *Looks around corner again* "She doesn't know me at all, huh?"
FB: "She's met you."
V: *goes back to making dinner* "Yeah, but, she obviously has no idea who I am."
FB: "Obviously not, right?"
V: "Games. Hhahaha. Sounds like a good way to NOT get laid. Haha! Go ahead, play some games if you want, FB, we know how that'll go over."
FB: "Haha, I thought you'd get a kick out of that. No thanks, I don't need to play games."
V: "Gawd! That's hilarious! Uh, let's see, uh, make him come over equals me not coming over. And, uh, you not calling equals you not coming over here to get your booties knocked. Wow, sounds like a fun game! HAhaaha!"
FB: "HAahahah"
V: "Is it any wonder that she's 52 and alone? DUH! Those games must be working GREAT for her! Fuxing retarded b!tch. She should mind her own business." *making dinner*
FB: (changes subject, blabbers on about something even less meaningful)

This is a perfect example of how diabolical b!tches are: it's the "I'm single and miserable, so all my friends should be single and miserable too" mentality. My FB is constantly running her mouth at work about how her azz is sore or can't walk or how her mind got blown the night before, and her coworkers can't stand it that they only rocked their vibrator the night before. Jealous b!tches, reading their Cosmopolitans... poor women.

There have been soooo many instances where this particular FB tells me about all of her friends bad-mouthing me and telling her to find someone else - right after she gets done telling them how great sex was the night before. We get a good laugh out of it, but after a while I feel sorry for those chicks. It's that mentality that's going to prevent them from getting laid, so they're stuck in a vicious circle.

By the way, none of them are good looking (best one is maybe a 6.5), so that's why I haven't fuxed them myself already (they obviously want a piece of the action).

I just posted this as a commentary of sorts, like, an example of bitter women with baggage. All of the FB's sh!t talking friends are over 30, divorced or never married, with kids, fat, on anti-depressants, or all of the above.

The punchline is: This FB hadn't called for over a week and a half before this, and when she did, she tried to get me to come over to her place. I didn't call her, and no, "I'm not going to your place".

How are those games working out? Beeyotch! Go ahead, try that sh!t with me... see how it'll work out for you. :rockon:

In the days before I found this site, I surely would have been calling her and begging to go over her place. Does this site rock or what?

This was a real boost for me because it just showed that I'm doing things differently now, the DJ way! Call or don't: I have other plates to attend to!:woo:


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
My FB is constantly running her mouth at work about how her azz is sore or can't walk or how her mind got blown the night before, and her coworkers can't stand it
She talks about this stuff at work? Your FB sounds classy. (Guess that's why she's just an FB)


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
Vulpine sounds like your playing it perfectly..:rockon:

But could the Fb be looking for something more from you?

I think she's telling you the workmate stuff to feel you out...

She's telling you what they're saying(workmates) to gauge your reaction because she in fact wants more..but knows you well enuf to tread softly...

summat to think about.......:crazy:


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Hey guys, it's been a while. There isn't much to report on the seduction front. Unfortunately, my life has encountered a number of sh!t storms. So, I've decidedly put the approaching on hold and resigned myself to knuckle down and handle my personal business in order to get my life back on track. I am being negatively affected by these dramas, and I'm not feeling much like "the prize". Sure, I'm still spinning the plates I have. But, with so much going on, new plates would add far too much chaos to an already hectic and stressful time.

I've reduced my schedule to mainly "ME" related business: Work, working out, getting laid, chores, errands, etc. All I really have time for right now is work: the only recreation I schedule is sex. My hobbies are on hold. Since women are a hobby...

I wish I had some better news for you.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
Hey guys, it's been a while. There isn't much to report on the seduction front. Unfortunately, my life has encountered a number of sh!t storms. So, I've decidedly put the approaching on hold and resigned myself to knuckle down and handle my personal business in order to get my life back on track. I am being negatively affected by these dramas, and I'm not feeling much like "the prize". Sure, I'm still spinning the plates I have. But, with so much going on, new plates would add far too much chaos to an already hectic and stressful time.

I've reduced my schedule to mainly "ME" related business: Work, working out, getting laid, chores, errands, etc. All I really have time for right now is work: the only recreation I schedule is sex. My hobbies are on hold. Since women are a hobby...

I wish I had some better news for you.
Hope the sh1t in your life gets sorted out man.

I've enjoyed the field reports so far, you're a real inspiration. I wish I had your game.

I guess with regular sexing from the HB's in your FR's, then you really don't "need" to game while you get your life sorted out.

Good luck man. Without a doubt you'll game back stronger than before!


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
snbatman said:
Hope the sh1t in your life gets sorted out man.

I've enjoyed the field reports so far, you're a real inspiration. I wish I had your game.

I guess with regular sexing from the HB's in your FR's, then you really don't "need" to game while you get your life sorted out.

Good luck man. Without a doubt you'll game back stronger than before!

Thanks for the inspiration. It's hard to stay positive during the tough times. Indeed, thanks to this site, I've learned what my priority is: ME. I've failed to realize this before, and oh look, some of these sh!t storms are the fall out from those days.

I'm looking forward to the re-rebirth.

"We can rebuild him: we have the technology. We can make him bigger, faster, stronger."


Until then,


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
Thanks for the inspiration. It's hard to stay positive during the tough times. Indeed, thanks to this site, I've learned what my priority is: ME. I've failed to realize this before, and oh look, some of these sh!t storms are the fall out from those days.

I'm looking forward to the re-rebirth.

"We can rebuild him: we have the technology. We can make him bigger, faster, stronger."


Until then,
No problem man.

Hope to read more soon.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
HBRose: "I don't have a car. The guy I'm seeing brought home a company truck, so, when I wanted to go out... I was like: fux it."
YES FOLX, and THIS is why you should never let your gf go out to a BAR ALONE. Because, it basically means that she is actively looking to CHEAT on you! Yup, fug "trust." TRUE STORY - you're reading it here NOW!
Vulpine said:
During natural progression of the sexin', she started up with some issues and some "stop, no, don't" stuff. I put a grinding halt on everything, shhh'd her, and led her back out to the living room. In the living room, I proceeded to outline some house rules to her. Negativity and Evil has no place in MY bedroom: when people are in my room, it's all about the pleasin'. That breeds trust. That means no thinking about "do I look fat? can the neighbors hear? Do I smell?" Shut up and feel.

Well, she seemed to appreciate that. She offered this:

HBRose: "Well, since we're being honest, I've only let a guy go down on me like twice ever."
V: "Whaaaat? Are you kidding?"
HBRose: "No. It's just, I don't know, it's a weird feeling with the guy down there." *makes hand gestures of head in crotch*
Just be careful, you have to wonder why a grown woman in 2006 might feel "prudish" about getting eaten out?

One possibility is that if she suspects or knows that she has an STD/is dirty, she might feel uncomfortable letting a guy munch her out (and thus possibly exposing him to infection). Yet, also not as uncomfortable as the other responsible option of confessing it to the guy, lol.

Anyways, otherwise, good work and congrats! Looks like the blue balls on this thread has finally been busted! :cheer:


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
wayword said:
One possibility is that if she suspects or knows that she has an STD/is dirty, she might feel uncomfortable letting a guy munch her out (and thus possibly exposing him to infection). Yet, also not as uncomfortable as confessing it to the guy, lol.
She actually confided in me later that a few years ago she got a case of chlamydia. Eww. :nervous:

Well, I had crabs once, and I can say that having an STD does do a mind job on you. I can't really blame her for being squeamish about having someone go down on her after that creepy business.

But, the chlamydia is gone now, and I must say: she happens to have one of the tastiest coochies I have ever sampled - and I'm quite a connoisseur (100's). She has impeccable hygeine. It's funny, before interactions she'll actually "sample" her stuff to determine whether it's safe for human consumption - Naughty!

I have to tell you, it's really a treat being with someone who is so aware of their potential funks. She is very weary of her odors and she'll put on the brakes and go brush her teeth if she even SUSPECTS her breath is nasty, for example.

Bottom line: she's a quality piece of tail, despite the unsettling past.