The drama runs deep in the small towns, misunderstandings.
Wednesday, 6/29/06
I went to the WC to burn up a drink chip I got before heading to the BS. From earlier FR's, you may recall "LA" hooked up with "HB8taken?/HB8FB/HBsingle mommy". Well, on my 6/24 post previously, I approached HB8Sidekick.
Well, here's the drama:
Before starting a convo with HB8Sidekick, I was talking to a dude at the bar who I had met previously. Little did I know, a jealous friend of HB8taken?/HB8FB/HBsingle mommie was listening in on our convo. I asked this guy, "What's up with the blonde?" Meaning, "What's up with HB8Sidekick?" The guy knew who I was talking about, and answered. Apparently, the jealous friend thought I was asking about HB8taken?/HB8FB/HBsingle mommy. She went to LA and explained to him that I was trying to hook up with his girl or something to that affect.
Soooooo.... not even two pulls off my beer go by and LA is in my face at the WC. (there is a funny part, and here it is...)
LA: "Now that HB8taken?/HB8FB/HBsingle mommy is pregnant with my baby, I gotta clear something up with you."
Pregnant? :crackup:
Anyway, he was drunk and belligerent. He went on and on about how his girl and friends don't lie, how I need to lay off macking his broad, threatening that "You'll have problems with me, and a lot of other people, if you don't." He wasn't hearing any sort of "there must have been some misunderstanding" or "I don't recall asking (jealous friend) anything like that".
V: "OK. I understand what you are getting at. Since you aren't hearing what I have to say, I'm done talking about it." *turns back to beer*
That pissed him off, so, he stepped up closer and started his whole rant over from the beginning... this time louder. I was kicked-back, relaxed, and maintaining EC with him as he ranted, which only fanned the flames. LA kept insisting that I was "all over" this chick.
LA: "Rant, rant, rant, lies, misunderstandings, rants....I know you said you didn't want to step on anybody's toes, so lay off of my girl... rant rant rant"
V: "I'm done talking about it." *turns back to beer*
Again, that only pissed him off more. Damn drunks.
One dude we both knew, who came over to visit when I got there, kept shoving LA away and saying "HEY! LAY OFF! Vulpine's cool sh!t, man. You're wasted." Basically, LA's body language was all about fighting, and another guy was trying to get him to chill out. The more I was there, the more LA was escalating into full-on "fight over a misunderstanding" mode.
But dude chilled him out and got him to go away.
I chatted with this guy at the bar for a bit. I asked him what was up with the HB7.5 from my 6/23 post. It occured to me that I didn't give her a "name". She has curly brown hair with highlights, so I'll call her "HB7.5Curly". He explained that she plays volleyball with them on Wednesdays, but this week was a "bye" week, so that's why she wasn't there. Maybe next week, then.
Then LA returned to rant some more.
So, I necked my beer, bid adieu to the dude who sat next to me, and rolled out to the BS.
The moral of THIS story is: People are scared of the new guy. They see me chatting up everyone. So, in their small-town-mindedness, they see me as "trying to pick up" everyone. It's cool, though, that another local had my back and was siding with me.
Anyway, my mellow was harshed, but I had business to attend to with HB-BS1A at the BS. So away we go...
V: "Hey Miss 'I don't return calls'?"
HB-BS1A: "WHAT!?! You only called once!"
V: "Ahah! So you admit you're flakey!"

V: "I actually called again earlier today. It turns out that I have a few people who would like to help you with your problem."
HB-BS1A: "Oh, you do?"
V: "We'll have to get together and work that out."
HB-BS1A: "Yeah, we'll have to."
V: "I'll get a Leine's."
Blah. So that interaction is "business". We'll see if it develops into anything more.
Later, I did Sinatra's "Summer Wind" again on the karaoke. Two HB's were talking to me while I was singing:
HB5: You're sooo young! How do you know about this song?
HB7: *starts slow dancing with HB5 while EC'ing me*
I finished up the song and opened the set:
V: "I'm sooo young? It's the dimples isn't it? How old did you think I was?"
HB5: "You're dimples ARE cute... *takes off hat - I'm bald* ... 28?"
HB7: *grabs my arm* "You're REALLY cute."
V: *EC HB7* "Aww, thanks." *EC HB5* "BUZZZZ... Sorry. Thanks for playing."
HB5: "Younger?"
V: "Nope. Wait a minute, how old are you? 34?"
HB5: "40."
HB7: "31?"
V: "On the tenth.... Ding, Ding, Ding... Good answer, good answer!"
HB5/7: *LOL*
V: "If you'll excuse me, ladies..." *turns to walk back to beer*
HB7: "You don't wanna play with us?"
V: *Sly smile* "Not in public!"

*turns around in a huff*
V: *walks back - to HB5:* "She took that waaay wrong, huh?"
HB5: "Yeah." *big toothy grin* "Yeah, she did."
V: *shrugs, smiles back big, returns to beer*
Another misunderstanding.
These chicks were suprisingly hot for their age, and I was entertaining the notion of snagging one, or both, of them up for some sexin' and/or random debauchery. What was good about this set, from a practice standpoint, was that I squared up to the HB5 and ignored the HB7 target. The HB7 grabbed my arm and tried to get my attention & gave good IOI's, which I did pick up.
There was a dude hovering behind them who they talked to often. So I assumed, given their age, that he was a husband of one of them, so I ejected from easy tail. When they left later without the guy, I was like: Ooops. I should have stayed in or re-opened later.
Anyway, after a quick look around, I stopped and grabbed a karaoke request slip and filled it out for "Love Shack" by the B-52's - you'll see why...
I returned to my place at the bar... next to... DODCoxbloxer. Why you ask? Because there was an HB7 and an HB8 next to him, that's why.
V: "How was that?" (he was watching me in the set)
DODCoxbloxer: "Good job man. It's like I said before, you've got huge cajones and I've got little shriveled ones." *makes hand jestures indicating sizes*
V: *LOL*
(chat, chat, chat)
V: "So... uh..." *Looks at DOD, looks at the two HB's, looks back at DOD, raises eyebrows several times...turns to HB's*
V: "Hi."
HB7/HB8: "Hey/Hi."
(HB8 has her back to me, turns around to EC and reply)
V: "Do you guys sing?" *motions with head towards karaoke*
HB7: "In the shower; In the car."
All: *LOL*
V: "How about you?"
HB8: *turns around to answer* "Oh, no."
V: "I'm looking for a lady, or ladies, to sing 'Love Shack' with me."
HB7/HB8 "No way/Oh no, thanks."
V: "I did it last week for the first time, it's super fun, come on! You'll love it!"
HB7: "No, really. Sorry."
HB8: "Thanks anyway."
HB7: "Hey! Ask the bartender (HB-BS1A), she's got an awesome voice!"
V: "Hmm..." *Pause* "Hey, HB-BS1A, wanna do 'Love Shack' with me?"
HB-BS1A: *High fives* "HELL yeah!"
V: *Pulls out already filled out form and writes in our names*
HB-BS1A: *sees the pre-filled form* "HAHAHA! You're so awesome!" *turns to get back to work*
V: *to HB7* "Thanks, great idea!"
HB7: *nods, smiles*
V: *turns to DODCoxbloxer, raises eyebrows several times*
DODCoxbloxer: *makes hand gestures indicating 'nut sizes' again*
V: *LOL*
DODCoxbloxer: *looks at HB's, shakes head in disbelief

The HB7/HB8 set did not give off ANY IOI's to really speak of, so I dropped it. The singing with HB-BS1A, however, went great. She'd EC, smile while singing, kino me over the bar, basically had a fun time of it - laughing at mistakes and such. HAHA! In your face, HB7/HB8! You guys missed out on the fun!
Me thinks I likey using HB-BS1A as a pivot/social proof. :yes:
Fatty came in and wanted to chat about the "LA situation". I explained the confusion/misunderstanding to her and instructed her to pass the word along that it was a case of "overhearing a convo and overhearing/assuming wrong."
I wanted to chat with Fatty about HB7.5Curly, but some dude she knew came up and was convo'ing her. All I overheard was: "..well, in a list of 3-way candidates, you're name came up..."

I didn't want to coxblox that scenario, so I quickly split to chat with someone else. Hey, fatties need all the lovin' they can get.
I gotta pat myself on the back for recovering from a serious buzz kill moment. I turned the night around and had a good time and made a couple approaches. Granted, they weren't successful, but I did them. Practice, practice, practice, as they say.
After a little reflection, there was a point where HB8 got up to use the bathroom and HB7 was isolated. I should have attempted to get her number, but, I didn't recognize the opportunity as such at the time. The 7 was probably pullable, and, after reading up on gunwitch, I should have made the ho say no since she was isolated. My bad. Hindsight is 20/20.
Edit: And I have to give props to myself for recognizing the AI's from the HB5/HB7 set. In the past, I would have never capitalized, much less recognized them as approach invites.