FR: New kid in town - the rebirth of Vulpine


May 21, 2006
Reaction score
So, what's your point? Do you have a problem? You seem to have your life together-good work, man!



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
A turn of events...

So, I shoot trap on Sunday afternoons. I leave the phone in the car because I wouldn't hear it ring over the shotgun blasts and I have earplugs in. I finished up my rounds and pack it up: there's a message on my phone.

HB-BS1A had called.

The message consists of the standard "Hi, this is so-and-so. I have a question for you. Call me back as soon as possible. You can call my home number: ***-**** if you can't reach me on my cell. Talk to you later."

When I got home I called her back. Uh... um... it's an odd convo:

V: "Hey, what's up, HB-BS1A?"
HB-BS1A: "Not much, you?"
V: "Just finished shooting trap."
V: "So, what was your question for me?"
HB-BS1A: "Well, uh... pardon me for being so direct and whatever, but, uh..."
V: *Thinking 'ooh, she's bustin' a move'*
HB-BS1A: "I, uh... just got some mushrooms out of my mom's garden."
V: "Mushrooms? *LOL* From 'your mom's garden'? Hahah. Riiiiiight."
HB-BS1A: "No, come on, follow me here. Do you know anybody that's interested in them? Cuz, I don't do them myself."
V: "You know, this is a really odd call for you to be making."
HB-BS1A: "Yeah, I'm sorry. I just got these and need to get rid of them."
V: "Well, hmm... I might have some people interested, but, I'll have to call around."
HB-BS1A: "Would you? Oh, thank you, thank you."
V: "Don't go thanking me yet, I might not be able to help you."
HB-BS1A: "Well hey, I've got some people over and I'm trying to play housekeeper or whatever."
V: "I see. Playing little miss hostess, huh?"
HB-BS1A: "Yeah, but call me if you find anything out or whatever blah, blah, blah. Or call if you want to hang out or something blah, blah, blah." (she was actually saying "blah blah blah")
V: "Well, I have plans tonight and Tuesday night. So far I have tomorrow free."
HB-BS1A: "Ok, well, call me tomorrow night then, and maybe we'll hang out."
V: "It sounds like you are on a crazy bender. Why don't you call me instead: something might develop from your party."
HB-BS1A: "Oh no, I won't be doing anything Monday, so hit me up."
V: "Alright. If nothing else maybe we'll hook up that Scrabble game."
HB-BS1A: "Oh YEAH! We gotta do that!"
V: "Ok, I'll talk to you tomorrow then."
HB-BS1A: "Great. Talk to you then. Bye."

I've gotten some crazy calls before. And, I've heard some goofy excuses for calling. But this one, this one is about the wackiest excuse to call I've heard yet. "Can you move some shrooms for me?" That is some shady sh!t there, whoa!

Hmm... well, I'm a little put-off by the shrooms business. However, she sounded very interested on the phone. I guess that she feels comfortable with me being "in the scene", or thinks I'm a "party guy", so it's not so goofy. Whatever the case, it's pretty bonkers.
I'll have to see how Monday works out. If she pushes the shrooms issue much more, I'm going to have to leave her alone. If she doesn't, then it's on.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
So, if you wondered how Monday went with HB-BS1A, it didn't.

Ya think? A chick calls and tries moving shrooms? Then, after having some time to realize what she did, is going to answer the phone?

I didn't think so either. She's probably way too humiliated to answer the phone; I got the voicemail.

Too bad. It would have been nice to bring her over to check out my scene.
Blah - with the extra time I had, I went and caught some fish instead...

:up: FB's coming over tonight for some "maintenance" anyway! :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
The drama runs deep in the small towns, misunderstandings.

Wednesday, 6/29/06

I went to the WC to burn up a drink chip I got before heading to the BS. From earlier FR's, you may recall "LA" hooked up with "HB8taken?/HB8FB/HBsingle mommy". Well, on my 6/24 post previously, I approached HB8Sidekick.

Well, here's the drama:

Before starting a convo with HB8Sidekick, I was talking to a dude at the bar who I had met previously. Little did I know, a jealous friend of HB8taken?/HB8FB/HBsingle mommie was listening in on our convo. I asked this guy, "What's up with the blonde?" Meaning, "What's up with HB8Sidekick?" The guy knew who I was talking about, and answered. Apparently, the jealous friend thought I was asking about HB8taken?/HB8FB/HBsingle mommy. She went to LA and explained to him that I was trying to hook up with his girl or something to that affect.

Soooooo.... not even two pulls off my beer go by and LA is in my face at the WC. (there is a funny part, and here it is...)

LA: "Now that HB8taken?/HB8FB/HBsingle mommy is pregnant with my baby, I gotta clear something up with you."

Pregnant? :crackup:

Anyway, he was drunk and belligerent. He went on and on about how his girl and friends don't lie, how I need to lay off macking his broad, threatening that "You'll have problems with me, and a lot of other people, if you don't." He wasn't hearing any sort of "there must have been some misunderstanding" or "I don't recall asking (jealous friend) anything like that".

V: "OK. I understand what you are getting at. Since you aren't hearing what I have to say, I'm done talking about it." *turns back to beer*

That pissed him off, so, he stepped up closer and started his whole rant over from the beginning... this time louder. I was kicked-back, relaxed, and maintaining EC with him as he ranted, which only fanned the flames. LA kept insisting that I was "all over" this chick.

LA: "Rant, rant, rant, lies, misunderstandings, rants....I know you said you didn't want to step on anybody's toes, so lay off of my girl... rant rant rant"
V: "I'm done talking about it." *turns back to beer*

Again, that only pissed him off more. Damn drunks.
One dude we both knew, who came over to visit when I got there, kept shoving LA away and saying "HEY! LAY OFF! Vulpine's cool sh!t, man. You're wasted." Basically, LA's body language was all about fighting, and another guy was trying to get him to chill out. The more I was there, the more LA was escalating into full-on "fight over a misunderstanding" mode.
But dude chilled him out and got him to go away.

I chatted with this guy at the bar for a bit. I asked him what was up with the HB7.5 from my 6/23 post. It occured to me that I didn't give her a "name". She has curly brown hair with highlights, so I'll call her "HB7.5Curly". He explained that she plays volleyball with them on Wednesdays, but this week was a "bye" week, so that's why she wasn't there. Maybe next week, then.

Then LA returned to rant some more.
So, I necked my beer, bid adieu to the dude who sat next to me, and rolled out to the BS.

The moral of THIS story is: People are scared of the new guy. They see me chatting up everyone. So, in their small-town-mindedness, they see me as "trying to pick up" everyone. It's cool, though, that another local had my back and was siding with me.

Anyway, my mellow was harshed, but I had business to attend to with HB-BS1A at the BS. So away we go...

V: "Hey Miss 'I don't return calls'?"
HB-BS1A: "WHAT!?! You only called once!"
V: "Ahah! So you admit you're flakey!"
HB-BS1A: :eek:
V: "I actually called again earlier today. It turns out that I have a few people who would like to help you with your problem."
HB-BS1A: "Oh, you do?"
V: "We'll have to get together and work that out."
HB-BS1A: "Yeah, we'll have to."
V: "I'll get a Leine's."

Blah. So that interaction is "business". We'll see if it develops into anything more.

Later, I did Sinatra's "Summer Wind" again on the karaoke. Two HB's were talking to me while I was singing:

HB5: You're sooo young! How do you know about this song?
HB7: *starts slow dancing with HB5 while EC'ing me*

I finished up the song and opened the set:

V: "I'm sooo young? It's the dimples isn't it? How old did you think I was?"
HB5: "You're dimples ARE cute... *takes off hat - I'm bald* ... 28?"
HB7: *grabs my arm* "You're REALLY cute."
V: *EC HB7* "Aww, thanks." *EC HB5* "BUZZZZ... Sorry. Thanks for playing."
HB5: "Younger?"
V: "Nope. Wait a minute, how old are you? 34?"
HB5: "40."
HB7: "31?"
V: "On the tenth.... Ding, Ding, Ding... Good answer, good answer!"
HB5/7: *LOL*
V: "If you'll excuse me, ladies..." *turns to walk back to beer*
HB7: "You don't wanna play with us?"
V: *Sly smile* "Not in public!"
HB7: :eek: *turns around in a huff*
V: *walks back - to HB5:* "She took that waaay wrong, huh?"
HB5: "Yeah." *big toothy grin* "Yeah, she did."
V: *shrugs, smiles back big, returns to beer*

Another misunderstanding. :(

These chicks were suprisingly hot for their age, and I was entertaining the notion of snagging one, or both, of them up for some sexin' and/or random debauchery. What was good about this set, from a practice standpoint, was that I squared up to the HB5 and ignored the HB7 target. The HB7 grabbed my arm and tried to get my attention & gave good IOI's, which I did pick up.
There was a dude hovering behind them who they talked to often. So I assumed, given their age, that he was a husband of one of them, so I ejected from easy tail. When they left later without the guy, I was like: Ooops. I should have stayed in or re-opened later.

Anyway, after a quick look around, I stopped and grabbed a karaoke request slip and filled it out for "Love Shack" by the B-52's - you'll see why...
I returned to my place at the bar... next to... DODCoxbloxer. Why you ask? Because there was an HB7 and an HB8 next to him, that's why.

V: "How was that?" (he was watching me in the set)
DODCoxbloxer: "Good job man. It's like I said before, you've got huge cajones and I've got little shriveled ones." *makes hand jestures indicating sizes*
V: *LOL*
(chat, chat, chat)
V: "So... uh..." *Looks at DOD, looks at the two HB's, looks back at DOD, raises eyebrows several times...turns to HB's*
V: "Hi."
HB7/HB8: "Hey/Hi."
(HB8 has her back to me, turns around to EC and reply)
V: "Do you guys sing?" *motions with head towards karaoke*
HB7: "In the shower; In the car."
All: *LOL*
V: "How about you?"
HB8: *turns around to answer* "Oh, no."
V: "I'm looking for a lady, or ladies, to sing 'Love Shack' with me."
HB7/HB8 "No way/Oh no, thanks."
V: "I did it last week for the first time, it's super fun, come on! You'll love it!"
HB7: "No, really. Sorry."
HB8: "Thanks anyway."
HB7: "Hey! Ask the bartender (HB-BS1A), she's got an awesome voice!"
V: "Hmm..." *Pause* "Hey, HB-BS1A, wanna do 'Love Shack' with me?"
HB-BS1A: *High fives* "HELL yeah!"
V: *Pulls out already filled out form and writes in our names*
HB-BS1A: *sees the pre-filled form* "HAHAHA! You're so awesome!" *turns to get back to work*
V: *to HB7* "Thanks, great idea!"
HB7: *nods, smiles*
V: *turns to DODCoxbloxer, raises eyebrows several times*
DODCoxbloxer: *makes hand gestures indicating 'nut sizes' again*
V: *LOL*
DODCoxbloxer: *looks at HB's, shakes head in disbelief :rolleyes:*

The HB7/HB8 set did not give off ANY IOI's to really speak of, so I dropped it. The singing with HB-BS1A, however, went great. She'd EC, smile while singing, kino me over the bar, basically had a fun time of it - laughing at mistakes and such. HAHA! In your face, HB7/HB8! You guys missed out on the fun!

Me thinks I likey using HB-BS1A as a pivot/social proof. :yes:

Fatty came in and wanted to chat about the "LA situation". I explained the confusion/misunderstanding to her and instructed her to pass the word along that it was a case of "overhearing a convo and overhearing/assuming wrong."

I wanted to chat with Fatty about HB7.5Curly, but some dude she knew came up and was convo'ing her. All I overheard was: "..well, in a list of 3-way candidates, you're name came up..."

:eek: I didn't want to coxblox that scenario, so I quickly split to chat with someone else. Hey, fatties need all the lovin' they can get.

I gotta pat myself on the back for recovering from a serious buzz kill moment. I turned the night around and had a good time and made a couple approaches. Granted, they weren't successful, but I did them. Practice, practice, practice, as they say.

After a little reflection, there was a point where HB8 got up to use the bathroom and HB7 was isolated. I should have attempted to get her number, but, I didn't recognize the opportunity as such at the time. The 7 was probably pullable, and, after reading up on gunwitch, I should have made the ho say no since she was isolated. My bad. Hindsight is 20/20.

Edit: And I have to give props to myself for recognizing the AI's from the HB5/HB7 set. In the past, I would have never capitalized, much less recognized them as approach invites.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

You're the tenth, Vulpine? I'm july 9th.

By the way, you probably wrote it, but where did you move from and to?

Nice FR. Sounds like everything is going perfect.

"Just Keep Swimming."



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
I moved from Orlando, FL to Verona, WI. Verona is a few miles south of Madison... about 100 miles west of Milwaukee.

Cancer's up... Ho's down.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Maybe it's covered in your posts, but why did you move from the Southeast Coastal area to the Midwest?



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
My family is originally from here. Since my mother got breast cancer, I moved back to be closer. You know, shave your head, bring her over ice cream and flowers... that sort of stuff. I'm the only child since my brother committed suicide, so, it's really the right thing to do.

Yes, it does put a hurt on my social life. But, if I wouldn't have came back here, I would have never found this site. So ultimately, I guess I'd rather be in Wisconsin on my way to DJ-dom than in Florida as an AFC.

I look back at my Florida experience and almost want to cry. It seems like such a waste! I mean, I can't even list all the missed opportunities!!!! For example, I was at Mako's one night and two chicks tried to pick me up for a 3-way. I didn't, at that time, have the capacity or the balls to think they were serious... much less make it happen - not on a cold approach in a club, anyway. Ooh, then when a roommates' gf brought a friend to visit for a weekend... yeah, sitting in a hottub at night... palm trees... swim suits... booze... *sigh* I just wasn't empowered to drop the hammer like I am now. I fuxing guarantee if those scenarios were to present themselves now, it would be an entirely different outcome.

It may sound like regret, but it's more like disappointment in my past. Nowadays, my life is more in order than it ever has been. Shoot... I'm going to be 31 in ten days and I'm closer to a washboard stomach now than I ever have been. Not even in the Army was I as cut-up as I am now. It's things like that which keep me from being down. And, with my newfound positive attitudes and outlooks, more and more positive things happen to me.

Example: Late last night my mother called. She said that I have a check in the mail from the government - my tax return. I was like: :eek: "uh... ma... I paid IN for taxes this year. You better open that for me. I hope I'm not getting audited..." It turns out, I made a mistake and they ACTUALLY CAUGHT IT AND SENT ME BACK A CHECK FOR $1250!
:woo: :rock: :rockon: :cheer:
"Happy Birthday, Vulpine. Love: The U.S. government"

Wait, I need one more of these here:


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Muahahahah! *wringing hands*

Take a minute to re-read on page three the "Saturday Fun & Prizes" post (and continuation). I'll wait...

Hmm, hmm hmm, hmm... done? Okay.

Oh, you remembered HBRose? The hottie black-haired sister of HB-BS1A?
MMM.... Yummy!

Wait for it... So I've had my eye on a black Skagen Titanium watch to match my ring... I picked it up Friday. It's nice. I'm happy. Oh, I flirted with the counter girl. HBSoul. She was a 7. She's got my number - doubtful she'll call back. (I jumped her with it, she felt ackward - but who knows... positive, think positive. I told myself to move on "captive audiences", and did.)

Saturday, I went to where my FB works. A jewelry store. She's getting me a bracelet to match my ring and watch at cost. W0oT! I'll post a pic of my joy when I get it... tomorrow (actually today, Sunday. I'll pick it up after shooting trap. I'll be out of town right after that. No pic until Wednesday, sorry.)

When I got home from working out and running the errands, I cleaned up and hit the BS. I explained the WC "LA drama" to the Lotus. He told me simply: "You need to stop going to the WC." Seemed like sound advice.

Once at the BS, HB-BS1A came in and came right to me.

HB-BS1A: *Sour look on her face* "I'm hungover."
V: "Hey, I got a call from like, 4 people asking about 'any luck?'."
HB-BS1A: "Naw, sorry."
V: "Blah. You're a tease, I knew it."
HB-BS1A: *:eek:*
V: "Don't worry about it. Anyway, sorry you feel like crap. Drink more water before going to bed."

I scanned the crowd. I parked it at the bar with a couple that I had met previously but haven't commented on. In fact, the chick of the couple came over to my place and flashed her ta-tas. She's 37, and friends with the upstairs neighbor, so it's only remarkable because of the social proof factor. The chick of the couple hangs all over me and tells me how great I am.

Chick of the couple: "I need to hook you up."
V: "Thanks, but, no, you don't."
Chick of the couple: "You're a young, good looking guy... I'm not hitting on you... but, you deserve the best: You're so cool."

(Guys, I don't need to embellish the truth here. It sounds fuxing corny, but, imagine a drunk bar slvt hanging on you... you know it's right. I mention it because it re-framed my night: from blah to GRRRR!!!! It was an awesome confidence boost, right off the bat.)

Anyway, after scanning the sector, I noted a hot black-haired girl on the corner of the bar as well as a couple other approachables that I haven't seen before. I was in a goofy mood, so I requested "New Kid in Town" by the Eagles for karaoake. I thought it was appropriate - I was thinking: This one goes out to all my SoSuave brothas. (This place is crazy about karaoke... it's like they're Japanese around here or something.)

So, I sang it. From the proximity, I got a good look at the HB black-hair. HB-BS1A came over and started visiting with her... I'm pretty sure it's her sister, but I don't recall: it was a while ago.

After the song, I went back to my place at the bar next to the couple. For whatever reason, I ended up 'double-fisting' it. Someone poured me a beer in addition to my ****tail. Dang. I'm getting MORE free drinks now? Nooyce.

HB black-hair AI'd me: EC, look away, EC again, smile.

I couldn't move on it right away, I was "detained" by another couple that came up on the other side. I had to be friendly and finish that convo. Meanwhile, HB black-hair fired up the video game.

YAHTZEE!!! It's her for sure! I pulled the plug on the convo and charged over.

V: "I was going come over and ask if you were going to play the nudie games again."
HBRose: "HEEEEEEYYYYyy! I didn't recognize you!" *Hugs*
V: "Yep. It's me. I DO have more than one set of clothes, you know? And, oh look... *points at her* do you!"
HBRose: *LOL, reaches up and grabs my arm* "How you been?" *EC, Smile*

:yes: Oh, gawd! It's so on. :rockon: Doubt it? Here:

HBRose: "How old are you?"
V: "Sounds like you are hitting on me. Does age matter?"
HBRose: "haha. How old are you?"
V: "Hmmph. I'm going to be... wait, how old are you?"
HBRose: "22."
V: "Too young." *Sigh*
HBRose: "HEY! What do you mean? What happened to 'Does age matter?'" *grabs my arm, again*
V: "Oh, yeah." *Heavy EC lock, smile*
HBRose: "How old are you?"
V: "How old do I need to be?"
HBRose: "28?"
V: "Gotcha covered." *playing game*
HBRose: "You aren't 28?"
V: "I'll be 31 in a few days."
HBRose: *playing game seemingly quiet*

We played games, split up for a while, resumed games, fluffed, flirted, etc. The night wore on until last call. I made a move for my wallet and pulled out a "business card" that I printed up Thursday. A picture of my bar and a phone number. "For a good time call xxx-xxxx" Humor & purpose.

I waved it around, tapped it on the bar, played the video game with it in my hand...

*LAST CALL... blah blah blah alcohol....*

V: *hands HBRose the card, EC*
HBRose: *Looks* "Holy Sh!t!"
V: *LOL* "Everyone says it the same way." *LOL*
HBRose: "Where is this? Is this your house?"
V: "Yep. A block up that way." *points*
HBRose: *Pause, LOL*
V: "Yeah. For a good time... I'm glad you caught that." *EC*
HBRose: *LOL, Flips over and reads the "terms and conditions" on the back of the card* "You're so cute! *touches arm* 'No Drunk Driving'... *reading card* ...and I get breakfast?!"
V: "Yep. Chef-boy-r-Vulpine will serve you up. It's a fun scene. YOU'RE fun." *playing game, game over.*
HBRose: *Pulls out wallet to feed money into the machine*
V: *Spies ID card, not drivers license* "What? You don't drive? I thought you said you drove some P.O.S. truck here?!" (recall from fluff)
HBRose: "I don't have a car. The guy I'm seeing brought home a company truck, so, when I wanted to go out... I was like: fux it."

V thinking:
"Yep. She dropped the bomb. Or wait? Test? How do I act now? Pssssshf... I know this answer. (Thanks, DJBible) :yawn:"

V: "But, it's an ID card...?"
HBRose: "I don't have a car. But like I said, the guy I'm seeing left this truck, so..."

V thinking:
"Yep. She dropped it again. She WANTS me to hear it. Where is this guy? Why is she EC'ing me and Kino'ing me if this guy was ACTUALLY a factor? Whatever, this guy doesn't even exist. GRRRRR... I AM MAN! HEAR ME ROAR!"

V: "Thief."
HBRose: "WHAT!?"
V: "You totally stole some dude's truck just to come down here and see me."
HBRose: *LOL, grabs arm, leans head agains V's shoulder while LOL'ing*
V: "That's cool. I walked here." *shrugs*
HBRose: *EC, Smile*
V: "Is this your natural hair color?" *Points to ID* (ID photo is sandy brown hair)
HBRose: "No. *pulls out another ID card* This is." (Even lighter brown)
V: "Damn." *leans in to talk in HBRose's ear, puts arm around shoulder* "Leave it black... please?"
HBRose: "Awww..." *Leans head on my shoulder* "Thanks."

There was a lull, I was getting pressured to leave.

V: *gets up to leave, stops two feet from HBRose, looks around* (my work here was as done as it could be)
HBRose: "So... "
V: *turns around to EC*
HBRose: *waves card* " what if I just wanted to call?"
V: *Sly smile, EC is locked* "That's why you got the card in the first place."
HBRose: "OH, Good... I was..." *Smiling, voice trailing off as if she is censoring her happiness*

:rockon: < I love that guy!

That's it. UH... do you think she'll call? MuahahhHAHAH! I don't care if she does or not! OH GOD... I FEEL GREAT!

With the small town isolation problem, plus the fact that she's the bartender's sister, an F-close or even a k-close is virtually impossible. What's more... I think they BOTH want me. OOooh, the drama! FUX! I slam-dunked the "boyfriend" thing...

Have a great Independance Day, US citizens. Hell, everyone have a great Independance Day! For a good feeling, thank a prior-service member for having served - watch their face: :eek: > :)


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
Only good things can come of this. Think of all the seeds you've planted...

1) HBRose wants you but she's wrestling with the fact that she's officially seeing someone exclusively. if that ever changes, and it easily could, just add water and you've got some instant hookup

2) these chicks, especially if they both want you, will spread good words about you.

3) social proof factor is increased again for all subsequent visits to this bar. the payoff might be when some new chick is there

4) That business card is brilliant. It's different. Nobody does that. In your small-town setting in particular, it might set the stage for numerous gatherings at your pad, not to mention the random unexpected booty call from some chick you gave it to.

But you already know all this. Btw karaoke in small towns does rock. Music adds a lot more excitement to their lives than it does to city people's.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
RedPill said:
1) HBRose wants you but she's wrestling with the fact that she's officially seeing someone exclusively. if that ever changes, and it easily could, just add water and you've got some instant hookup
Well, she didn't wrestle with it too long: she called Sunday night to "grab a bite to eat and hangout".

Uh... except I was way out of town, so my phone took the message. But, the caller ID was whacked, so the number came up as "restricted".


I can't call her back!



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Hold the applause.

HBRose just called again. She was nervous on the phone, I wasn't. (ooh, MAN I love this site!)

HBRose: Sooo... do you work tonight?
V: "No, I'm at work right now. What's up? You coming over to rub some aloe on my sunburn tonight?"
HBRose: *LOL* "Sunburn?"
V: "Oh yeah... I'm fried. I was trout fishing this weekend... without sunscreen. Duh."
HBRose: "Um... well... the thing is... I haven't gotten a car yet since I've been back."
V: "No problem. I've gotta do some stuff around the house and shower after work, so it's looking like 7 or 8. Where do you live?"
HBRose: (gives me directions)

Sweet. She's coming over to rub me down with aloe!

Time to start with the "reaping what I've sown".

Expect a LR.

On a side note, I bumped into the 20 y.o. FB from a while back this weekend. She had a friend along and they got all into talking naughty. One of them called "3-way" as I was walking away. Without turning around I said "Crank it up, sh!t talkers." Her friend replied: "You're walking away." I spun around and while back-peddaling said: "Look... I've got things to do here tonight: a fire to build, fireworks to light, booze to drink, you know... you naughty girls should keep it in mind for another time."

Man, they were hanging on me, smelling me, hugging... and it wasn't even possible to pull off the 3-way that night: it was a family gathering with limited beds and prying ears.
FUX! I'm calling that FB tomorrow! Hmm... I think I'll have her drive the hour and a half to rub aloe on my sunburn, that seems to work pretty well. "Bring your friend to help with the aloe." ;)



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Booo. Slvt defense.

When I picked her up she greeted me with a big (strong and long) hug...

mmm... things are looking good right off the bat.

We start driving back to my place. The plan was to rub some aloe on my back, right? Well, on the way she asks:

HBRose: "So what do you wanna do?"
V: "I told you. I wanna get some aloe rubbed on my sunburn."
HBRose: *LOL*

I quickly changed the subject. We were going back to my place, period. Well, after we got there, we got inside for a few minutes and she flopped on a futon and she asked again:

HBRose: "So, what do you feel like doing?"
V: "Hey, let's walk up and get some ice cream! The place is right up there!" *Points* (she was freaking out about the scene, obviously)
HBRose: "Mmm... ice cream! Yeah!"
V: "Cool. Lemme use the bathroom first."

We took off on the little walk. The kino was great. We'd joke and play: playful shoves, grabs, squeezes. On the way we cut through an elementary school playground. "Ooh, fun!" "Hell yeah. Let's hit the swings on the way back!"

We got to the ice cream joint. She bought my ice cream.

HBRose: "Naw. *pushes away cash* Don't worry about it."
V: "I 'spose. I mean, I DID have to drive all the way to Madison and back to pick up your non-car-havin' azz."
HBRose: :eek: *shoves*
V: "What? Was I going to make you get a cab? Hmmm... now that I think about it, you better watch your step - you'll be walking home." *Laughs*
HBRose: "Hey!" *frowns pouty style*
V: "I'm scoring free ice cream, so you're doing ok so far." *winks*
HBRose: *giggles* "Good."

So we chowed the ice cream and headed back. We stopped to rock the swings. FUN! Adrenaline! Excitment! Ok, not that crazy, but it was good energy. After a little bit of that, we headed back to my place again. Good, positive convo, lots of rapport building and relating mixed with plenty of humor. I can glaze over the details, let me just say it was one of the best "dates" I have ever been on. When we got back to my apartment, I went straight to the bathroom to retrieve the aloe. I handed it to her and took off my shirt. She complied with the application.
She was obviously getting more nervous, so I put my shirt back on and backed off. I gave her the tour of the pad, she took an interest in the bar... it turns out she tends bar at a place in Madison. She spied my movies and picked one she hadn't seen for us to watch. I fired it up and we plopped on the futon to watch it. Guys, it was awesome, she started up with the hand on my leg, rubbing my hands, you know... "familiar touching". So, of course, I escalated.

Once the movie ended, our convo somehow got onto her getting on the shot and losing her sex drive.

V: "So, no sex drive, huh? Does that mean we aren't going to be making out now?"
HBRose: *giggles* "I wasn't really thinking about it."
V: *LOL* "Liar." *LOL* "Whatever, it's time you STARTED thinking about it."
*I shifted around to obviously accomodate a makeout session, waited for her to look back to EC, did the "triangle gaze", and leaned in...*

After some yummy making out, she was getting worked up and pumped the brakes.

HBRose: *foot starts wiggling, puts hand upon shoulder, pulls back* "I can't."
V: "That's ok, I CAN." *smiles, leans in and kisses her again*
HBRose: "Mmm..."
(making out)
HBRose: *foot wiggles, pulls back* "I... no."
V: "Okay." *pause, EC, leans in and kisses her again."

She shut up for a while, but when she was obviously getting into it she stopped it again.

HBRose: *foot starts tweaking out, pulls back* "I can't."
V: "...."
HBRose: "I just don't want to... I donno... I don't want to get worked up and not be able to stop."
V: "That sounds hot, actually. Why not go with it?"
HBRose: "I... uh... it's just what I'm feeling."
V: "Nervous, I see."
HBRose: "Well, yeah."
V: "This is nice, isn't it?"
HBRose: "MMmm hmmm."
V: "Well then...?" *kisses her again, starts working on neck on ears*

She's getting way into it now, and is showing signs of being lathered up for further escalation...

HBRose: *Pulls back* "No. I'm sorry."
V: "I'm not sorry." *kisses her briefly*
HBRose: "I'm sorry I'm not living up to your expectations."
V: "You're making sh!t up now. Who said I expected anything? I'm just enjoying." *kisses*
HBRose: "Mmm..." *whimper, whine*

We made out for a while longer, which was nice, but she started to stiffen up. I got up, made a comment about it getting late, and took her home.

When we got to her place, she started appologizing about not meeting my expectations again.

V: "There you go with the expectations... you know what I expected?"
HBRose: "Huh?"
V: "I expected: 'I'm seeing someone.'"
HBRose: *:( - busted look on her face* "Well, no, uh... it's just... well, my ex started contacting me again."
V: "Shhhh...." *kisses her* "Now you don't have to jack around with that mess, huh?" *kisses her again*
HBRose: *while kissing* "uhmm uhmm." *finishes up kissing* "So, you can call me whenever, (outlines work schedule for next meeting potentials)"


Now, I'm going to withdraw contact for a few days to negatively enforce her bad behavior.

The FB just called and is coming over tonight. Crap! I'm really and truly getting "busy". I've got, let's see... FB, HBRose, 20 y.o. FB, the chivalry friend HB, HBUT... I've got plates! It's a new feeling for me, guys.

Cripes... I gotta work out tonight and have enough time to bang FB? :D Listen to me whine... hahah. Aww poor baby, right?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
^ ^ Jeeezus, you sound like me^5th power about a year ago !!

Never had the luxury of it being that easy though, stone-cold New Yorker here. You small community folk have it sooo easy, but the ass isn't as green as it is over here... egyptians, puerto ricans, japanese, koreans, israeli, iranian, south african ect.... ;)

Pardon my hate, I promised myself I'd never return to my former self but reading your reports ALMOST makes me envious of my prior life :( The good times of being on those highs of just pimpin the sh*t out of women, ughhh....

::Cod3r goes to wrap Tiffany & Co. ring and write a sweet love letter to gf for b-day dinner tonite;:

I hate you Vulpine lmao !



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Crazy sh!t out of left field! Creeeeeepy! Random!

> --- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:

>Did you graduate from Small Town High School?

--- Vulpine <vulpine@email> wrote:
> > I did. Now what? Why are you trying to find me?
> > Why are you vulpinefinder? Waaaay freaking me out.
> > Don't make me disappear!

> --- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:
> > Do you still live in WI? in Watertown?

--- Vulpine <vulpine@email> wrote:

> Halt! Who goes there? Identify yourself! *points rifle*

> --- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:

> I came across your name and I remembered it from your
> license plate. Just started wondering how you are
> doing. I don't mean to freak you out. I just made up
> the the name to get your attention and question you?
> Is the stuff on your profile true?

> --- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:

> I would like to know if your still single or not???

--- Vulpine <vulpine@email> wrote:

> This is fun and all, but I still have no idea who you
> are. I have a few "lost loves" that I would be
> ecstatic to find out came back into my life.
> However, I have a few "lost loves" that I would rather have
> stay out of my life... which are you?
> Yes, I'm single. No, I don't live in Watertown.
> Identify yourself directly or I'm not responding
> anymore.

> --- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:

> Okay, it's been like 10 years. I don't know if you
> will even remember me, we spent a little time together
> in high school and after you came back from basic
> training we hooked up on and off for a couple of
> it goes my first name is (HB). I'm
> sorry for how I kinda started this like a creepy
> stalker but I didn't know if I would be a good or bad
> memory...

--- Vulpine <vulpine@email> wrote:

> Hahah, (HB), you were totally stalking me. Whew!
> Wow, how are you doing? Are you healthy? Please
> don't tell me you porked-out!
> I just moved back from Orlando a few months ago, my
> mom got breast cancer. :( I'm living and working
> in Verona now.

> --- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:

> so you remember me...i wasn't stalking i just had to
> do something when your email popped up i took a chance
> and man i was scared as hell to tell you who it was.
> but anyways, orlando huh last i heard you were in
> calif. something about your dad i think. you sure
> get around. that's cool though because i'm still stuck
> here in good ol (Small Town). i did a private college
> in madison, now i work in ****** dam. i think about you
> everyday i go to work. i pass by your old yellow
> house on "D" and think of good really, i think
> wow we fuxed in that house, the next corn field, wash's
> old house and so on and so on haha. i shouldn't talk
> like that but what the hell. do you still drive the
> crx? i knew you back when you drove the pinto with the
> fork hanging off the's your mom doing?
> i'm sorry to hear she was sick i know you both are
> tight.

--- Vulpine <vulpine@email> wrote:
(subject: You’re naughty... or)

> horny, or, both.
> Okay, well, I remember you gave me crabs (from sharing a friend's
> undies?), didn't know how to get off (you'd stop me because it
> "tickled") and some good stuff. Like playing Mortal Kombat
> downstairs at your parent's place, then R. Kelly in your room later.
> I composed a longer e-mail, but wouldn't you know it,
> email got crashy on me. So whatever, you get the
> abridged version.
> My mom is fine and finished up her treatments.
> I do still drive the CRX. It gets 44 mpg, has nearly
> 300k on it, and it still does over 165. I used to
> have a shop, so I hooked it up a bit.
> "your email popped up"? What kind of sh!t is that? Like, it
> popped in a seperate window like an ad? Whatever, you're
> totally stalking me. I can't blame you though, it's not often
> that someone gets a "round 2" with the person that... heh, uh...

(note: *I took her virginity*)

> I can't even imagine who you are these days. Last I
> knew, you were a giggly, nervous, school girl. I know
> that I've been 7 or 8 completely different people
> since then. Now, I'm living a rockstar lifestyle: no
> kids, no wife, no debt, no diseases... Oh yeah,
> I've been living it up: check out the picture (if
> you've been stalking, you've already seen it). Can
> you say "Friday night ****tail parties" boys and
> girls? Mmmm... so much debauchery. But you? You're
> a trash talking woman these days. Are you hot?
> You dodged the fatty question... I don't know. What
> were you hoping to do, anyway? Send me pics, get
> directions, and drive to Verona to mess up my bed for
> "old time's sake"? You're naughty. No wonder you
> were scared - this is one crazy booty-call.

It's quite flattering to have a stalker. I'm going to make her send me pictures. If she didn't pork out, it would be pretty novel to see how she's evolved sexually. As I recall, we weren't ever much but fux buddies. Now I got another FB throwing their hat into the ring? Sick. If she porked out, I'm going to tell her to dump however many pounds and get ahold of me when she's skinny.

It's Saturday. I have another "date" with HBRose. I'll let you know how that goes.

In other news, I haven't went out for a while. I've started pushing the big weights after doing some "localized lifting". Squats, Deads, Bench. And, since booze is bad for recovery, I've been hiding out - I drank way too much this last weekend anyway.

Well, HBRose works across the street from where I lift and tans next door to where I lift after she's done with work. I've (unfortunately) bumped into her twice. So, we've seen each other three days in a row, it's going to be 4. That's no good. Talk about "too available". :down: To compensate, I haven't been calling her at all, only talking in person. I've gotten a message about "I'm calling to find out what happened to you?" after I didn't call when I said I would. Basically, I flaked when she told me to "call her". I am really going to have to struggle to keep up any mystery or challenge.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
I'd like to hear some feedback about the stalker scenario from you guys. I know it's a crazy red flag, but, it may be a horny girl just trying to track me down for more strings-free sexin'. I'm sketching out and laughing at the same time.

How would some of you guys handle this? I know it's bonkers, but, try to put yourself in my position. What would YOU do?


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
I thought you handled it very well, not letting her go on the issue of, well, letting herself go. I personally would be very cautious, espcially with how she approached you. Normal people don't do that.

If this chick is around your age I bet you she's in a state of crisis because she isn't married/hasn't reproduced yet. A lot of women (at least in my experience) with the small-town mindset think they're an old maid if they aren't married by 25.

Due to all the red flags, if you decide to meet up and bang her use extreme caution. As in condoms arrive with you and leave with you. I can't think of any other good reason why this chick has looked you up other than desperation. Actually, since you mentioned it, she's been dodging the "are you still hot?" questions, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if she looks your typical midwestern cow that you'd find grazing in the aisles of wal-mart.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Thanks RedPill. Those are the exact thoughts I had. "The signs point to..." she's fat and busted. I wouldn't doubt she's a single mommy to boot. I'm definately screening her with the pictures.

But the stalker stuff isn't as scary to me as it would be if this chick was from a city. From my current experiences and former experience: "prospects" and "candidates" for sexin' or, well, anything are in short supply in the remote towns. So, there is a certain amount of "drastic times/drastic measures" I'm willing to read into the situation.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Now this is a FR... love it, has inspired me to write my own from the weekend.

By the way, nothing wrong with your game at all, just make sure you don't stop writing... cos this is entertaining...


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
So, what DID happen Saturday?

Plans were originally for 7 or 8 Saturday. HBRose had to work beforehand. When she got home from work she called and said "I'm going to take a nap."

V: "What?!"
HBRose: "Is that okay?"
V: "...*sigh*...I suppose, actually, that's fine - I'll take a nap too, then."
HBRose: "I don't have to, I mean, If it's not okay I won't."
V: "No, no. You take a nap. I'd much rather hang out with the cheery refreshed HBRose than the grumpy, pissy, tired HBRose."
HBRose: "Heeey! The other night was just..."
V: "Don't worry about it. Take your nap. So when NOW? 9? 10?"
HBRose: "I'll get up at 9, so I'll be ready at 10. I'll call when I get up."
V: "There isn't much open after 10."
HBRose: "Yeah. Well, that's ok. We can just rent a movie and chill at your place."


Blah blah blah, fast forward here to some good stuff... On the way to pick her up, I picked up three movies. When I picked her up, she seemed shocked by my smooth planning and effiecient time usage. In reality, I didn't want anymore hang-ups like screwing around in a movie store for 45 minutes: here are your choices 1, 2, 3. Done. None of this "hey, did you see this one?" crap.

We got back to my place, had a couple ****tails during the movie, started making out after the movie, and I led her into the bedroom. During natural progression of the sexin', she started up with some issues and some "stop, no, don't" stuff. I put a grinding halt on everything, shhh'd her, and led her back out to the living room. In the living room, I proceeded to outline some house rules to her. Negativity and Evil has no place in MY bedroom: when people are in my room, it's all about the pleasin'. That breeds trust. That means no thinking about "do I look fat? can the neighbors hear? Do I smell?" Shut up and feel.

Well, she seemed to appreciate that. She offered this:

HBRose: "Well, since we're being honest, I've only let a guy go down on me like twice ever."
V: "Whaaaat? Are you kidding?"
HBRose: "No. It's just, I don't know, it's a weird feeling with the guy down there." *makes hand gestures of head in crotch*
V: "Yeah, I suppose. It's a submissive postition, that's true. Let me make something clear: I want to because getting you off gets me off. It's not a chore, it's not an obligation, I WANT to."
HBRose: "But I really like going down."
V: "That's nice. *shrugs* Most chicks don't do nearly enough ball work."
HBRose: "I do. But, that's not all. *pause* I've never gotten off with a guy before."
V: "Oh come on! You really expect me to believe that?"
HBRose: "No - I'm serious..."
V: "Yeah, seriously making sh!t up." :rolleyes:
V: "But you CAN get off, right? Like, by yourself?"
HBRose: "Sure. No problem."
V: "Whatever, then. Relax and don't worry about that. Let's get back to this, and stop worrying about bullsh!t." *takes hand, leads back to bedroom*

Making out, escalation, disrobing...

V: "I'll tell you what, since this is the first time and you're uncomfortable, I won't go down on you."
HBRose: "Okay."

Foreplay was limited to fingers only, but she got off predictably. She came quicker-than-average, in fact. Which, got me thinking: "I don't even care what game she's playing. Since I can 'operate' her, she's going to be hooked."

After the first time she came, she had the :eek: face on. But I didn't let her speak; I just proceeded to reach over the bed, grab a rubber, and coordinate the second fingering orgasm to the classic "during orgasm insertion".

Ultimately, she got rocked. Afterwords, she spoke first:

HBRose: "Well. That seemed TOO easy."
V: "Hmmph. Yeah, well, that's how it goes." *shrug*
HBRose: "I mean, guys just don't have that consistency or something."
V: "And just think, this was our first time."
HBRose: *laying there smiling big*

So, after some pillow talk, we went to sleep. In the morning, I got up and made cappaccino and breakfast. She sat on the couch and played X-box Tetris while I fiddled in the kitchen.

HBRose: "Mmmm... I feel so pampered."
V: "Well, don't feel TOO pampered. I'm hungry. It's rude to eat in front of guests without offering them any."
HBRose: "But (?) you made my cappaccino first."
V: "Guests get served first. Or, ladies first, if you rather see it that way. I'm just being a gracious host."
HBRose: "Awww..."

After breakfast, we were getting dressed (she was running around my house in panties and a hoody from my closet :)) and from the other room came a scampering and...

HBRose: "Oh, SH!T!"
V: "Huh?"
HBRose: *scampers into bathroom, talks through door* "I got my period early!"
V: "Haha... awww... That's been known to happen."
HBRose: "Sh!t, Sh!t, Sh!t!"
V: "What now?"
HBRose: "Um, well, I have enough supplies to last until I get home, but I have to get back pretty soon."
V: "Aren't there any tampons under my sink?"
HBRose: "I don't see any."
V: "Phooey. I usually have some hinding down there." *walks into kitchen and adds to shopping list*

Dang. In my moving, I totally forgot about a few of the "finishing touches" on my pimp bathroom.

Bad timing on her period. My birthday is today (Monday, 10th).:(

She called me later that evening already. Oh yeah, she's hooked. I've been on cloud nine ever since. The FB that was getting me by was really only about a 5.5. Rose, on the other hand, blows her off the map. Dang she was hot! Oooh... it's been a long time since I've had a chick with areolas smaller than a quarter.

*Careful, Vulpine. AFC... one-itis... mind the other plates.*


Check out the stalker trying to qualify me:

--- aaaa bbbb <vulpinefinder@email> wrote:

> hey, the crabs thing i think we're going to have to
> agree to disagree on that one... the invitation to
> your place was so hot i wanted to come but not just
> yet, you got me thinking about it all weekend, i'm
> not
> the nervous little girl anymore, do you want me to
> list my favorite sex positons? your fatty questions
> suck. i have always been a "healthy" girl even back
> then so yeah, i've got some cushion for the pushin,
> so
> what, i'd still look good in your bed....anyways,
> who
> have i become over the years, who knows..too
> complicated right now that's why i found you to help
> me forget it... i like your pic it looks like your
> ass hasn't changed a bit and i want to see a pic of the whole
> you
> and i'll look around for a pic of me that doesn't
> suck
> and get it to you soon... what do you do for work
> these days?

Beyatch! Get out of my pockets! Damn - already with the money grubber questions! Does it never end!