FR: Approached a set at school.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
You can whine all you want. Me and lust the "wannabe's" are doing stuff that works, getting dates, numbers etc etc.....

You are having thumb wars......

And if you used some logic, YOU claimed your stories were boring, but you "were telling stories from your life experience", which means if the stories are boring, your life is boring, dumbass.

Tell you what, YOU grow up, learn how women work, then YOU come talk to ME child. Might have the maturity of a 12 year old, but at least I havn't got the sexual experience of one.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
It's really pointless arguing with this kid. He has too much pride in his "game" that he won't take any advice from people who know what they're doing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
This all comes down to one thing, the so called "Don Juan's" like Lust and Wescott actually have the maturity of a 12 year old. They come in here with so called "advice" which they themselves know is bogus. The point of posting this advice? To start a mass argument in the thread. They know I'm going to go against the advice and so they argue. They give advice without really looking at any of the persons past FR's and they try to diss the poster with bogus claims like "You have a boring life, even though I know nothing about you". Now since they have the maturities of a 12 year old, they tend to get hissy fits whenever someone doesn't follow their bogus advice. I've seen good advice before and good advice does not start arguments. Basically in the end, it's not even the bad advice that's bad, it's the fact that the ones who give advice are smartass know-it-alls. Add to the fact that the people giving the advice can't back up their bogus claims and yeah.
Read your reply again, and read mine.

Mine are all civilized points of criticism.

Again, remove your ego from your game, and you will progress much faster.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Anyway, kiddies, you can keep fighting over something completely unrelated to the thread. Meanwhile I'll be actually doing something with my life. Notice how it's only Lust, War Against Betaism and Wescott who are arguing and strangely no one else is backing them up but random known keyboard jockies like Slick101 and Thai Foon. Nobody who really means anything.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Ha ha.. talk about keyboard jockeys.. who's made thousands of posts and is still a virgin?

Anyway.. I'll back them up and say that they are honestly trying to help you improve but I'll also say that I don't agree with Lust's points about using mystery method.

I'mma give you some honest advice and its up to you whether you wanna take it or not.. Work on yourself first man.. your inner game. Spend say 50 days where you don't think about girls at all.. just work on you.. focus on your passions.. work on your body.. hang out with friends.. do things you've never done before like waterskiing or skydiving and meet some cool people while your at it. Because then, you'll actually have some interesting stories to tell.. and trust me, they won't be canned.

Anyway.. in the end its up to you whether you wanna take my advice or not. I hope you do though. Cheers bro.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Grow up kiddies. Learn that not everyone's going to take your advice, ESPECIALLY when you attempt to BASH them and act like a KNOW-IT-ALL while giving advice. When you guys gain a maturity that's beyond a 12 year olds, maybe then you should start giving advice because you honestly expect me to take advice from someone who acts like they're 12? No, not happening. An example of good advice is Kev07, he DOESN'T attempt to BASH the person he's giving advice to, doesn't attempt to be a KNOW-IT-ALL and I actually take his advice.

This is what I mean when I say BASHING and being a KNOW-IT-ALL, mostly being a know-it-all.
Lust said:
That's cause it's weird. You can't just come in and ask about their weekend with an opener like that, it's not a smooth transition. Of course it doesn't have to be smooth, but usually when it's not, it's spontaneous, and you're set was not spontaneous.

You need to engage the WHOLE set from the moment you enter. Young women have short attention spans, snap snap and she's wondering when you'll leave.

That telegraphs too much interest, you're not cool yet. They see no value in you, they won't want to tell you about their weekends. Raise value first.

I suggest you study Mystery's Method, I think it would suit you more, no matter how many times you say you don't like routines.

Direct and Indirect game are the same, you are still using routines, it's just that when you're doing it "Natural", you get a man sense of what to say and when to say it, it's still a routine, just not a "memorized-from-computer-screen" routine. So don't make a big deal about disliking canned material.

Open, time constraint, neg (If the target is hot), hook, DHV, comfort. You can leave after DHVing and build comfort later. Engage the WHOLE set, and KINO right away.

The stories you tell are lame, you keep saying that it's all about the way you project it and it doesn't matter, so why don't we try a little experiment?

Try MM, get a few canned routines to tell. Then approach a different set with your own "Natural" stories which you feel project "Your personality", and see which as the best results.

It's true that it's important to project your personality, but the personality you're projecting is just boring. Did you ever consider that you should change your personality? Become more interesting?

And why do I get the feeling that you lurk around school at lunch by yourself all day? Do you have any friends? Because you NEVER mention them, and when you go sarging at malls, you never bring them.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Anyway, kiddies, you can keep fighting over something completely unrelated to the thread. Meanwhile I'll be actually doing something with my life. Notice how it's only Lust, War Against Betaism and Wescott who are arguing and strangely no one else is backing them up but random known keyboard jockies like Slick101 and Thai Foon. Nobody who really means anything.
That's almost everyone who posted in this thread lmao.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
War Against Betaism said:
That's almost everyone who posted in this thread lmao.
Yep and were's everyone else? They don't give a hoot. One guy who posted here to support your little cause was BANNED. Most of the guys who've supported you have less than 100 posts and have not really been apart of the forum for a long time, so what they say is indeed questionable. Then a guy with a WHOPPING 827 POSTS, Bling, who knows what he's talking about tells me I did a good job.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Yep and were's everyone else? They don't give a hoot. One guy who posted here to support your little cause was BANNED. Most of the guys who've supported you have less than 100 posts and have not really been apart of the forum for a long time, so what they say is indeed questionable. Then a guy with a WHOPPING 827 POSTS, Bling, who knows what he's talking about tells me I did a good job.
All the others, like the other 2? If you're going to judge credibility through post count, then Lust has 600 and WesCottII close to 900. Your logic is flawed just like your "game". And everyone here knows what they're talking about. Well, except for one person.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
War Against Betaism said:
All the others, like the other 2? If you're going to judge credibility through post count, then Lust has 600 and WesCottII close to 900. Your logic is flawed just like your "game". And everyone here knows what they're talking about. Well, except for one person.
ElStud has a higher post count than me yet still hasn't managed to close a set, therefore his theory of post count= wisdom must be flawed.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
I think this guy is a joke. Back when I was a major AFC, I listened to everyone who tried to help me. Wether I thought it would work or not, I tried it, and made note to use it, or not use it as the situation demanded.

Elturd, you're whole mindset is wrong. You should be coming in here with a blank sheet in regards to women. You should know, that you know nothing and you should be learning from the guys that do. We're being harsh because, frankly, you've sucked ever since your "viper" days, and you accept no help and post crap FR after crap FR - then ***** and moan and claim you're improving. Be under no illusion, you're not.

Listen, try and find what works, and grow up.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
I said it's dropped. If you don't have the maturity to not cry when someone doesn't take your advice, then don't give it. And accept your mistakes, you shouldn't BASH someone when you give them advice and then expect them to take it. Better yet, you should not act like a 12 year old when someone argues with over advice. Especially when you bash somebody with statements about that person that aren't true. If you're going to bash someone, don't expect them to take your advice. Before you tell someone else to grow up, maybe YOU should try and grow up. Look back at those "crap" FRs and you will see I take the GOOD advice. The advice I don't take is when somebody BASHES me, doesn't even give that good of advice and ultimately starts an argument. It all boils down to "OMG! You don't take my advice, wah wah wah, I'm going to cry and argue with you until you take it". I look at your FEW FR's and they're not even that different from my FR's. Wow, you got a number, so you're some kind of PUA king now? That's how you act. You "interpret" that the girls aren't interested because what, I didn't get the number? Bullsh*t, if a girl laughs, shares her experiences with me and ultimately doesn't ignore me or give uninterested answers, she's interested. Learn the definition of "interest" before you try and tell someone whether or not a girl is interested or not. I know I get bad approaches once and awhile [like this one], but man, you're just really ignorant to ignore and pass off the signs that I am improving simply because "I didn't get a number". You're one of those guys that will say "she's uninterested" no matter how much a girl is laughing, asking questions and ultimately interested in me.

Check my FR's and you will see there are several of them with people complimenting me and giving decent advice. Check any FR with "KBJ's" posting and it's a flame war. I wonder why.
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Don Juan
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
I'm not trying to argue with you here ElStud; but, just so you know, there's something called just being polite. Hell, you can even have girls outright flirting with you that don't actually have interest in you. From your description of their reactions, I'd say they were minorly creeped out. Just because a girl laughs at something you say and doesn't run away screaming doesn't mean she wants you dude, and to assume so tells a lot about your past experiences with women.


And remember the age old saying: Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
You still can't defend the point, that no matter how "interested" these girls are, you can't do a thing about it.

You've got the attitude son, you're the one that flies off the handle when someone tells you your stories suck. I'm dubious these FR's even happened, a child could have made a more coherent story with a pack of crayola and a serviette.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Anyway, kiddies, you can keep fighting over something completely unrelated to the thread. Meanwhile I'll be actually doing something with my life. Notice how it's only Lust, War Against Betaism and Wescott who are arguing and strangely no one else is backing them up but random known keyboard jockies like Slick101 and Thai Foon. Nobody who really means anything.

This 17 year old Kid Is funny talking like that people that are much older than him.... Freakin Comedian....

Talkin about keyboard Jockies lol.... good point made.. this kid has A great number of posts and is still a virgin HAHA

Yeah keep talkin about how Im on the forums and BASHIN me :crackup:

Cuz we both Know at least I do that I get laid And You dont faggot:wave:

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
andreus said:
I'm not trying to argue with you here ElStud; but, just so you know, there's something called just being polite. Hell, you can even have girls outright flirting with you that don't actually have interest in you. From your description of their reactions, I'd say they were minorly creeped out. Just because a girl laughs at something you say and doesn't run away screaming doesn't mean she wants you dude, and to assume so tells a lot about your past experiences with women.


And remember the age old saying: Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded.
That was going to be my next point. Women are actually a lot more nicer and more polite than men expect. Even if they don't know you, they don't want you to feel bad and will sometimes fake it, but will later get fed on and will say "screw your feelings!"


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Haha, classic KBJ. The way you brag probably means you're not getting anything because people with real success don't have to brag. Anybody can 'say' they're getting laid, but not just anybody actually gets laid.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Haha, classic KBJ. The way you brag probably means you're not getting anything because people with real success don't have to brag. Anybody can 'say' they're getting laid, but not just anybody actually gets laid.
Ok.. why does it matter...

You still dont get laid Period GOSH :crazy:


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Bro.. maybe you should look up the definition of a KBJ before you start throwing the term around.. You're calling someone with 165 posts a KBJ when you've made thousands of posts under your accounts and forget getting laid you've never even gotten a number!
I remember the first time I ever made an approach.. I talked to her.. then I told her she seemed cool and we should catch up.. she gave me her number.. and we hooked up 3 days after that.. All because I had inner game.
You've spent years on this site, made lots of approaches and gotten **** all from it.
And another note.. the way you look at a girl, smile at a girl and touch a girl is a hell of a lot more important than what comes out of your mouth. So forget your stupid little statements over questions rule.. I ask questions when I'm genuinely interesting in knowing the answer and I make statements when I feel like it.