for skip2mylou

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Jun 18, 2006
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I Know This Kid!!!

BOWIE said:
I'm new here but I also agree that Skip needs to back off. I wouldn't say he needs to get banned (yet) but his threads suck, they're not founded on any sound techniques, and are just plain demeaning to women.
You can tell that the guy's not getteing any, he's just wasting time on the computer w/ his internet ego.
Dude.. you and the other kid.. have no clue.. Let me tell you something, its one thing to KNOW what to do and another to DO IT!!! I known this kid since he was before 19, and unlike me, his not natural at picking up girls, and he has improved SO MUCH... and when ever i (naturally) pick up a girl, he quotes SOSUAVE.COM saying, ohh you just used this or that technique.. This kid SERIOUSLY studied this site and used the techniques in real life.. His mad cool and NICE guy, whos getting ass cause his actually following the rules and advice of SOSUAVE to me its so funny to see him catagorize or classify the steps he does, i.e. how to increase interest etc.. its just so funny to see it in action... u know what...IT WORKS... I do it naturally, but him pointing it out made me realize how these steps are important (i.e. like randomly finding ways to touch the girl, as to prepare her for the kiss at end of date.. etc..)

So kiss it :moon: cuase SKIP is mad funny the way he peals girls with the stuff her learned ON THIS SITE!!!!
Jun 18, 2006
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You Are Anti Suave!!!!

KoalaKing said:
It seems a bit strange to me that you are only 21 and state on one of your threads that you Fu-cked six different hot babes within a one month period, if you were 41 then I would be more likely to believe it.
HAVE YOU NOT BEEN REEDING THE SITE.... it is not how good looking you are, but you game son! I am 28 right now, when I was 21 I fcked 3 hot babes in one night (had a 3some, and girl before that)... why? NOT cuase I am mad hot and have a great body... BUT cuase I PLAY THE NUMBERS,,, the more you play the more chance you will win.. I have been rejected in the 5 figures so far YES,, I bust game EVERY DAY... Not a day goes by that I will not talk to some random girl (and yes SKIP sees me in action).. even If I am plaing b-ball.. all sweaty and nasty.. I will STILL bust game.. so.. who u think has more chances of getting some.. even if better looking guy outscores me 10 to 1... even 100 to 1... but if I bust game on 20,000 girls, I got more ass then he did... for example, girl mad at her boyfriend, and I happen to be there, i will FCK her in restroom in some random spot,,not cause im hot, not cause she wants me,,,but cause i was at right time and didnt hesitate.... Case closed! :moon:
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, okay, lol. First off, everybody sit down and calm down.

Everybody is jumpin on skip for going out in the field and getting results. Similar to sales, when you go out and succeed, you get so excited that you want to come back and tell somebody about it. The worst thing I would want my sales team to do, is to begin to get jealous and go to the boss and say, "Why does DJF always come in all excited and talking about how many deals he has? We don't wanna hear that crap!"

Lol, it's very wrong to say that, especially when I am working in the same office as you and can relate some valuable information so you can get similar OR ABOVE the results I am getting.

Skip, don't stop posting. The moderators may not want you posting a lot, but I say do it. On sites like, guys post a lot over there but instead of posting theories, dumb questions that has been answered already, their dumb insecurities, the folks over there are like skip, they post about 5 posts a week talking about how they are getting laid. I would rather come here and perhaps "increase" my game from learning from another top guy, then come and answer replies to a thread with some guys whining about a question that has been answered in the DJ Bible, the Holy Bible, the Satan Bible, okay.....maybe I am going tooo far, lol, but majority of the posts here have been answered before. Stop thinking you are a loser, you are not, now just relax and have fun, and go get some women dude...what's your problem?

Lol, skip, keep posting. If anybody decides to fight you, I got ya' back.
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
And for the originator of this post, L777, you post this shyt

Battered by the Czech Republic...

WTF, do you not have anything else to do? No wonder you are pissed because a guy on a "how to get women site" is talking about how much pvssy he's gettin because you're not getting any because you have so much time on your hands to make pointless threads.

I would rather come on here and read a Pook post, a Gunwitch post, A skip2mylou post, or any post where a guy is talking about his success, majority of it will be similar to what you heard before because damn, how to fvck women today really isn't that different than how my uncles and father did it back in the day, lol.

I encourage successful posters to keep posting, whiners read and do a search before making a thread.

Peace got stuff to do.
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
THE TRUTH PLEAAAASE READ...and learn.. u noobs

Homeless people approach for change because they are desperate, and people give them money ONLY because they feel sorry for them. Read that again. ONLY because they feel sorry for them. Pity. So you think to be DJ you shold make chicks feel sorry for you, and they'll give you pity sex? Dumbass.

(MY REPLY)Some homeless people make more then you do in a weak, they just spend it on drugs.. i.e. on a good spot you can make a couple of hundred.. YES YOU CAN.. its called a hustle... i.e. all about reading the person and knowing when you can get the most out of them, just like getting the most of your date.. i.e. knowing when to chouch her, or to kiss her.. i.e. when to hustle for that pssy...

Saying that all womena ren't funny is a completely stupid generalization. If you don't think any woman is funny, it's probably because you're the butt of their jokes. Dumbass.

The point is that not often will you click with the girl, i.e. to find each other funny and entertaining, sht that means its a match, but most of the time, NO MATCH.. therefore, it wont work,,but if your Don Juan you will still fck her.. cause you dont care about funny or not funny, there is certain things, if you do, you will probably hit it cause they DO WANT TO FCK.. u just gotta do the right things and you will do it, (keep in mind since she is not your match you will always have to play by the adices of this SITE.. or you will loose her...

This shouldn't even need an explaination, but you are a dumbass so.... Get a grip, masturbating thinking about a girl that you've met is no different that masturbating thinking about anyone else. You're still masturbating, not banging the girl. If you think that masturbating with some girl that you have seen on the bus helps you at all, it's because you're an idiot. Or a dumbass.

At my peak would masterbate almost into double digits, would masterbate after hooking up, even next to my x after fcking her... unlike what you think, the more you masterbate, the more you seem to want it.. (i.e. think of a girl who masterbates once a month, vs one that masterbates everyday maybe even twice, which you u think would probably more likely to take it in the ass) ohh by the way.. try to squeze your ballz next time you masterbate right before you *** :p

One of the high points of your dumbassedness. Call random girls and hope that one of them doesn't think you're a total freak. You know, I've found an even more powerful version of this "tip". It's called a "phone book". Just call anyone in there with a girl's name and hope for the best. Trust me, it'll work just about as well as your stupid plan. Dumbass.

SEE.. you have a lot to learn son.. cause if some girl calls me (trully wrong number) i will realize that its a wrong number, and then proceed to saying, "Hey I am bored over here, what do you suggest", ofcourse she will be shocked and reply something like this "ammm, aaaaa," or "aaaa ummm I don know" and then I will help her out by saying, "well, might as well have a good conversation on the phone since I got you on... I'm in (city) where you abouts?..."she answers" if she is reluctant "I dont know, I think I gotta go" I will continue with "Ohh come on, I am bored, keep me some company... How old are you by the way (this gives me an idea of what im dealing with).." SEEE you guys are not believers, but guys like me WOULD do this, and WOULD fck your girl, just cause I do what you wouldnt do.. its like a girl that wants to dance with you, YOU have to ask her..rare that she will (does happen).. I one time pulled up to a girl on street (i was on lunch), asked her what she was up to.. then said, "hey I am on lunch want to stop by my place".. she was shocked I asked.. and I saw she was thinking about it.. so this is where I sealed the deal by not letting her answer I open the passenger door and say "come on, get in, lets go" ... 4 minutes later were fcking in my place.. what u dont realize, its not like it just happend, I talk to girls on street in my car EVERY DAY.. so, the question is not "will it happen" but, "how many times I need to try before i get lucky"
Hey, here's a clue. Let's just say that hypothetically, the girl you accost doesn't immediately slap the sh!t out of you, ok? You put this tip forth thinking you could help guys who can't approach and talk. Are you really so dense that you think a guy who doesn't have the balls to talk is going to have the balls to just jump down a girl's throat? Do you really? Wow, you're a dumbass.

So you're a huge loser (and a dumbass), which you have a right to be. But there are many people who come on this board to learn things that will actually help them, and readin and believing your crap is hurtful to their game. But they don't know that you're full of it because you try to come off like you have a clue what you're talking about. I can see through it, many of the other successful guys on here can see it, but the noobs don't know the difference.

By the way, let me ask you something. Since a large portion of your threads are about how great MySpace is and how easy it is and how great your MySpace success is, why on earth would you delete your account? That would be pretty dumbass thing to do, wouldn't it?

Here is a suprise for you.. (again, im 28 yo) I was one of the first on this internet dating sht.. I started on sierra online (do u even know they came before aol)... anyways.. I was one of the first aol users ..I had all the top screennames that you now would never get.. like (LookingForLove, HotGuy, SexyGuy, Lookin4Love, HotSex4U, I had TONS of screennames... with no numbers, anyways, to make it short, THERE WAS NO PIX to send, it was all description (i was 15 yo) i talked to hot model/trainer 22 yo, met her at KFC and then fcked her in my home... and all she had to go by was my typing, as you can see I can type a storm FROM PRACTICE... Honestly, IT DOESNT MATTER what source you use, it can be MYSPACE, it can be a fcking gas station, as long as there is a girl there, there is potential for sex.. and no matter where I am, I am ALWAYS busting game.. and what you dont relize.. I USED TO BE SHY.. and thats why I became obsessed with busting game, to overcome my fear (fear of comming up to a girl).. and YES ITS TRUE... MODELS dont get hit on a lot.. GUESS WHAT.. MODELS WANT TO FCK.. how many guys will come up to them, grab their arm, and go straight for a kiss.. well, you know I WILL!!!.. not cause im hot or good looking, but cause.. I dont want to have regrets later.. i.e. find out right... go for it.. :) do it to 100 models.. and I promise you, you will fck a hot girl in the ass who looks untouchable...

Ive been doing it for a long time, this site is AWESOME.. cause it works.. i.e. can you play the piano>? well go to a piano site and learn.. can you fight? well go to dojo and learn (it doesnt mean that you will be the best fighter, but u will learn enough to be able to beat a lot of people.)..and same goes for pimping.. u might not be the best or be Don Juan, but you can become better if you read and TRY TO BELIEVE to people... cause man.. IT WORKS.. Gil and her boyfriend come to reasterant.. I go to restroom, and she happens to be there and drnk and asks where the girls restroom is.. i walk her there, holding her hand to see what responce she gets.. well, got blow job in restroom,, later on i go to my table, and she go's back to her table to her boy only about 2 tables away from me.. SOOOO.. which guy do you want to be.. the guy in the restroom (me) or the guy at the table... case closed.. :moon:


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
DonJuanByNature said:
Homeless people approach for change because they are desperate, and people give them money ONLY because they feel sorry for them. Read her boy only about 2 tables away from me.. SOOOO.. which guy do you want to be.. the guy in the restroom (me) or the guy at the table... case closed..
Aww, skippy, did you forget you sign out of your new account? How embarassing. Poor guy....


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2001
Reaction score
Don't worry about it
KoalaKing said:
It seems a bit strange to me that you are only 21 and state on one of your threads that you Fu-cked six different hot babes within a one month period, if you were 41 then I would be more likely to believe it.
WTF, I've fukked 5 different hot babes in one month and slept with another and the reason why i didn't fukk her was because I fukked 2 the day before and my diik was numb, one was a ons and the other was my ex 6 hours later. Just b/c you don't have game like that doesn't mean no one else does bro...oh and I'm 23 now, I was 21 when I did that $hit...holla back son

Man Of Adventure

Master Don Juan
May 21, 2001
Reaction score
Illinois USA
This thread just needs to be shut down. Its almost a *****fest...with a lot of peoples panties in a bunch. If we find results well want to post them. Sometimes they can be hard to convey. I realize that. If you dont find skips posts interesting...Dont bother to look at them. I dont even remember if I replied to a single one yet, maybe. I aint gonna start a hatepost though if I dont find his **** worthwhile to read. Both sides should just need to remember that were trying to accomplish something with girls in mind. Both sides need to stop flickin **** around too. Ive read the posts. Personally it comes down to the mod's...and if I was a mod this post would have been deleted.

You know what the mod's can take care of this, besides....I just had sex with a 9 twice in the last like 12 hours. Im goin to bed. Peace out bro's.....sweet dreams for me.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Wow, Skip, I actually felt bad for you for a minute but DonJuanByNature is OBVIOUSLY you. That's kinda weak to make up another name to defend yourself. You lost all credibilty there. I even defended you on your HOMELESS GUY post.


Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
my field report outlines tips on sosuave IN ACTION as opposed to theory, and the best advice sosuacve has to offer is me weeding out what I consider to be the best advice from the site.........whats your problem?

since u see me "boast" so much, then u mite see that i AM experienced, and i dont actually boast, i just say it how it is, so stfu bytch.......i bumped a couple of my posts back to the front page cuz they are interesting, as opposed to some bs posts on the front such as "should i call her?" and "i need help"

get a life instead of being on ur knees trying to preach to the moderators.........i bet u the moderators enjoy my posts, whether they agree or disagree, they see ORIGINAL opinions from me backed by true life experience
rather then bragging online aka internet why won't you brag in real life by telling your friends,rather then posting it on here your probaly too scared to say stuff in real life.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
i dont have any other accounts u idiot. if ur so gay, why dont u ask the Moderators to check the IP addresses of the 2 accounts. that just happens to be my friend who i didnt even kno joined until i saw his posts on this thread


Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
i dont have any other accounts u idiot. if ur so gay, why dont u ask the Moderators to check the IP addresses of the 2 accounts. that just happens to be my friend who i didnt even kno joined until i saw his posts on this thread
skip man I actually now envy you because most of the guys here are losers like me,who don't get no sex so we get jealous dude your posts are motivating me now.The moderators are no different they spend more time moderating online then getting girls,I mean I admit im a loser so should EVERYONE here expect for you skip since it seems like you have a life.


Jan 14, 2006
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i post here when im at work (cuz i got a computer) to help losers like YOU who post things such as "do i call her?" and "should i kiss her?"

lol anyone who thinks donjuanbynature is me should get off this site rite now........just happens to be my friend who GASP defended me because he believes in being suave too unlike all u losers who r flaming on me for NO REASON


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
yea im an accountant and im at work so i post here while at work cuz the day goes by slowly....y dont u see how much i post on the weekends and everyday after 5 - ALMOST NEVER so stfu.....btw is donjuanforever also me on a 3rd sn??? LOL


Jan 14, 2006
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DREAMHENRY - u lame-azz u dare post about ME in a negative way, while YOUR the one whos making posts askign somethin so ridiculously lame as where to meet girls???? stfu and dont tell me ANYTHING


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
You realize what this guy does right?

Ask thousands of women, gets 1 to ****.

Anybody can do that.


Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
Bvbidd said:
You realize what this guy does right?

Ask thousands of women, gets 1 to ****.

Anybody can do that.
no he actually gets girls,we are losers Bvbidd he isn't!


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Is that sarcasm? :rolleyes:

I know he gets girls, 1 out of a thousand. They don't actually have feelings for him and any that do are other 999 that feel utter disgust.
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