What are we all still arguing about here???
1) Feminism is a bad thing.
2) Feminism influences many women who aren't genuinely feminist, screwing them up as far as guys are concerned. (For brevity I'm referring to both feminists and those who believe some feminist lies as "feminists" - so sue me
3) Its in a guys own interest to assume any woman he's interested in is not a feminist until proven guilty, otherwise we miss out on potentially fulfilling relationships.
4) Guys don't owe feminists anything and feminists have nothing of value to offer guys. If a guy finds that a woman he's involved with is a feminist, he is better off without her.
5) Guys are not under any obligation to be nice to feminists or teach them the error of their ways - this will generally be counter productive.
6) Feminists that demonstrate a willingness to change should be encouraged to do so and helped by men - thats good for everyone.
Who has a problem with any of those points???
Does anything other than that matter so much that we're having a massive debate?
All I can see is a whole load of ego!