For Men Who Strongly Dislike Feminism (British and Canadian men please read this)

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Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by rgeere
Yeah, well let's see how long you can hold a debate when the opposite side starts throwing crap at you and saying every negitive personal thing they can because they decided to take some things personal that you were saying when everyone else knows they shouldn't take it personal. I think we are all just getting sick of this crap.
rgeere...different thread, different day. You seriously need to stop it. We had a problem on the other thread because you basically called me a feminist and kept telling me that I am "submissive" when I am neither. I responded by being a biotch to you. I don't have a problem admitting to how I behaved and am able to explain WHY I behaved as I did. Why is it so hard for you to just acknowledge YOUR behavior and then just freaking move on, already? We had an argument where we insulted each other. Big whoop. It happened yesterday and SHOULD be over and done with, but you insist on trying to bring that issue onto every other thread. Stop posting links and whining about how mean I was. You're not a damn were an active participant in a nasty argument and you are JUST as responsible for it as I takes two to fight, afterall. You're acting like a girl and it's very unbecoming...


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by 00Kevin
like I said previously. she is a woman who acts like a man.
Not quite, Kevin. I am a woman who often thinks and communicates like a man. I don't really "act" like a man, though. But without actually knowing me in person, you can't really know that. It's really best not to make assumptions, though, because quite often they are wrong.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by rgeere
And yet, she still overreacts and personalizes things like a woman ... she is like superwoman on a bad day pms trip.
If she was a girl i knew in person I would let my DJ instincts kick in and tease her about how she should always wear something sexy.

When it comes to women overracting I guess it is to be expected. That is why I usually like to just imagine them as Bond girls in a sexy bikini.. That does not include the modern girls who are super human ninjas.

Wyldfire is like a modern Bond girl who tries to steal the show away from 007. The only problem is that she doesn't try to dress sexy.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
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What a joke!

Originally posted by Wyldfire
it takes two to fight, afterall.
hahahahahahahahahahhaa... that line just makes me laugh harder every time i hear/read it... Here's a news flash for you... women can very easily find their way to fight by themselves, they will bring a small issue up, and turn it ito world war 3, as u are doing, in a sence.................. typical:D :rolleyes:

I'm actually not even going to reply to this thread anymore... all i can say, is SHAME.



Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by 00Kevin
post a poll on this subject and see if all the feminist haters are canadian or not. i'll bet most are from the US
Kevin...almost every guy on here who has exhibited the behavior I am talking about either has their location listed as the UK or Canada. Some just use the British/Canadian spelling of certain "realise" instead of "realize". There IS a pattern. If there wasn't I wouldn't have pointed it out. I don't have anything against the British or Canadians. Why would I? I'm simply being honest and forthright about what I see.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by Wyldfire
Not quite, Kevin. I am a woman who often thinks and communicates like a man. I don't really "act" like a man, though. But without actually knowing me in person, you can't really know that. It's really best not to make assumptions, though, because quite often they are wrong.
u just finished saying this

Kevin...I think like a guy and have a lot of masculine traits in my personality

so you act like a masculine


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by rgeere
And yet, she still overreacts and personalizes things like a woman, and she lacks the general cooperation skills that men have and women don't ... she is like superwoman on a bad day pms trip.
Kindly point out where on this thread I have over-reacted or personalized anything? In fact, is actually you who are displaying the very behavior you are claiming that I have. Methinks you project too much...


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by Wyldfire
Methinks you project too much...
she wants to know your penis size.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
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Fort Worth, Texas
Wyldfyre, I am not going to retract what I said meerly because you chose to flame me over something that was neither personal nor aimed at you. If you want to continue to believe feminist lies, and then claim that they arn't feminist lies and that you arn't submissive, there is nothing I can do about that. Apparently you are lost to the point of no-return, and all anyone can ever do is accept that fact.

That is fine, I'm not going to try to change that or your viewpoints, but I would appreciate it if you would stop taking everything that is said in this forum personal and responding with deflammatory insults, because we don't deserve that. This is a forum for men, and we cooperate to a point to where things are not taken personal. If you want to continue to post here, you need to accept this. Don't expect men to always want to side with your view 100% of the time.


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by 00Kevin
If she was a girl i knew in person I would let my DJ instincts kick in and tease her about how she should always wear something sexy.

When it comes to women overracting I guess it is to be expected. That is why I usually like to just imagine them as Bond girls in a sexy bikini.. That does not include the modern girls who are super human ninjas.

Wyldfire is like a modern Bond girl who tries to steal the show away from 007. The only problem is that she doesn't try to dress sexy.
But do you know I don't "dress sexy"? Fact don't know. If you seriously picture me as a "Bond girl who tries to steal the show" all I can say is that you couldn't be more wrong. You shouldn't ever make assumptions about how a woman looks, dresses or behaves in a relationship based on how she debates online.


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by 00Kevin
u just finished saying this

so you act like a masculine
Not usually...unless, of course the situation calls for me to. As a single mother I do occassionally have to play the traditionally male role simply because for kids to grow up healthy and well-adjusted they need to have a balance of both feminine and masculine guidance and activities. Unfortunately, my ex husband has Borderline Personality Disorder and as a result he really isn't in much of a position to give our children what they I have to. The fact that I do have that masculine side has proved to be a very positive thing for my children...especially my sons. My boys have been taught (by me) to resist those negative messages feminism has brought about. They stand up for themselves and challenge those messages in a rational way. It wasn't their father who gave them that was me. My 16 year old son has a girlfriend and has girls approaching him and giving him their numbers without him even asking. My 14 year old son has older girls chasing him constantly. All teenage boys should be so lucky as to have a parent that raises them to not feel guilty or shameful for being male. Neither of them will ever need to turn to a site like this because I made sure to raise them to be confident, secure and wise young men.

Tell me again what is so bad about a woman like me?


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by 00Kevin
she wants to know your penis size.
No, I can't say I do.
Nov 13, 2004
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What are we all still arguing about here???

1) Feminism is a bad thing.
2) Feminism influences many women who aren't genuinely feminist, screwing them up as far as guys are concerned. (For brevity I'm referring to both feminists and those who believe some feminist lies as "feminists" - so sue me :D)
3) Its in a guys own interest to assume any woman he's interested in is not a feminist until proven guilty, otherwise we miss out on potentially fulfilling relationships.
4) Guys don't owe feminists anything and feminists have nothing of value to offer guys. If a guy finds that a woman he's involved with is a feminist, he is better off without her.
5) Guys are not under any obligation to be nice to feminists or teach them the error of their ways - this will generally be counter productive.
6) Feminists that demonstrate a willingness to change should be encouraged to do so and helped by men - thats good for everyone.

Who has a problem with any of those points???

Does anything other than that matter so much that we're having a massive debate?

All I can see is a whole load of ego!


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by rgeere
Wyldfyre, I am not going to retract what I said meerly because you chose to flame me over something that was neither personal nor aimed at you. If you want to continue to believe feminist lies, and then claim that they arn't feminist lies and that you arn't submissive, there is nothing I can do about that. Apparently you are lost to the point of no-return, and all anyone can ever do is accept that fact.

That is fine, I'm not going to try to change that or your viewpoints, but I would appreciate it if you would stop taking everything that is said in this forum personal and responding with deflammatory insults, because we don't deserve that. This is a forum for men, and we cooperate to a point to where things are not taken personal. If you want to continue to post here, you need to accept this. Don't expect men to always want to side with your view 100% of the time.
Read what you just said in this post. Then go back and read the first post in this thread and REALLY think about it. Then come back and explain how you are not behaving in the very way I described in that first post. All you have done in this thread is attempt to derail it and turn it into how much of a victim you are. It is you who are behaving like a feminist...not me. It's got to be obvious to anyone reading this, too. You seriously need to just stop and reflect about that first post.


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by sexual_intellectual
What are we all still arguing about here???

1) Feminism is a bad thing.
2) Feminism influences many women who aren't genuinely feminist, screwing them up as far as guys are concerned. (For brevity I'm referring to both feminists and those who believe some feminist lies as "feminists" - so sue me :D)
3) Its in a guys own interest to assume any woman he's interested in is not a feminist until proven guilty, otherwise we miss out on potentially fulfilling relationships.
4) Guys don't owe feminists anything and feminists have nothing of value to offer guys. If a guy finds that a woman he's involved with is a feminist, he is better off without her.
5) Guys are not under any obligation to be nice to feminists or teach them the error of their ways - this will generally be counter productive.
6) Feminists that demonstrate a willingness to change should be encouraged to do so and helped by men - thats good for everyone.

Who has a problem with any of those points???

Does anything other than that matter so much that we're having a massive debate?

All I can see is a whole load of ego!
The thread is about #3 on your list. There are a few guys here who REALLY need to understand #3, but don't. That's what the debate is over.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
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I'd suggest focusing on some different threads. Stop giving her posts so much attention. If you're not going to treat her just like another poster then quit giving all her posts and threads so much attention. Seriously, I do not care how masculine she may seem on some views and her sense on logic in her posts. IT DOESN'T MATTER. Hell, if she gives some good advice that helps you awesome! I actually have a female that i can call and get pretty good advice from. They are rare, yes, but they are out there. I have yet to meet another one. You don't have to believe me either. In fact, i caution you to not believe me because you'll know if you ever find one.
Nov 13, 2004
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Originally posted by Wyldfire
The thread is about #3 on your list. There are a few guys here who REALLY need to understand #3, but don't. That's what the debate is over.
In that case - I think you'd find it easier to come at the issue another way - you should be appealling to our selfishness :D - not our better natures.


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by sexual_intellectual
In that case - I think you'd find it easier to come at the issue another way - you should be appealling to our selfishness :D - not our better natures.'s not just about not assuming women men are interested in are feminists...but just women in general. I mean, when some guys call a VERY anti-feminist woman a feminist then you just gotta KNOW that there is something seriously wrong with the way they are looking at women in general. That's what motivated me to start this thread. Go to the tips section and read Pook's posts in the Feminism thread. In that tip he made he quoted me using some of the rants I made about feminism that he collected and saved. Anyone who reads that post will clearly see that there is no way in hell that I'm a feminist. So, if someone actually thinks I am a feminist it is obvious that they just think all women are feminists and are looking for any excuse to feel victimized by women. That is one of the most self-destructive attitudes a man can have.
Nov 13, 2004
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Originally posted by Wyldfire's not just about not assuming women men are interested in are feminists...but just women in general. I mean, when some guys call a VERY anti-feminist woman a feminist then you just gotta KNOW that there is something seriously wrong with the way they are looking at women in general. That's what motivated me to start this thread. Go to the tips section and read Pook's posts in the Feminism thread. In that tip he made he quoted me using some of the rants I made about feminism that he collected and saved. Anyone who reads that post will clearly see that there is no way in hell that I'm a feminist. So, if someone actually thinks I am a feminist it is obvious that they just think all women are feminists and are looking for any excuse to feel victimized by women. That is one of the most self-destructive attitudes a man can have.
I know that you don't believe in feminism.

I think that the people on here who jump to conclusions and call you a feminist do so because you're a woman posting frequently and assertively on a male advice site. I don't think its anything to do with the way these men see women. Just the way they see women who visit!

That is wrong - but its not going to wreck anyone's life.

Look on the bright side: if you keep attacking feminism here, and people keep reading the DJ Bible, then sooner or later, people will judge you on your actions, and you won't get called a feminist any more!

In the meantime, why not just enjoy being the enemy a little :D


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by sexual_intellectual

In the meantime, why not just enjoy being the enemy a little :D
Oh, I think it's pretty clear that I'm always up for a heated debate. Problem is that I'm better at it than those who view me as the enemy. Reducing those who challenge me into snivelling whiny girls gets boring after awhile, if you get my drift. I'd much rather just give advice and offer my input on things and do without all the ridiculous drama. But hey...there is that Irish/Native American stubborn pride thing that won't allow me to back down. At least I own my own
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