Hello Friend,

If this is your first visit to SoSuave, I would advise you to START HERE.

It will be the most efficient use of your time.

And you will learn everything you need to know to become a huge success with women.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!

Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2002
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Sapiens said:
Speaking of hot chick’s mishaps, this rank’s up there with some of the worst for me, other experiences and things that have happened with the chicks I have dated:
4. Some had halitosis with the strength of chemical weapons.
5. Burst out crying while having sex…
Been there, done that... Especially the whole crying thing. Damn.
Sapiens said:
How can a woman so beautiful produce such a nasty stench?
Oh, the irony of life...

Keep going, I support this whole business of yours.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Seducing Kathtryn part 3…

I made it to the birthday party of the hostess where K works. She held it at one of those trendy clubs in SOHO/NYC. I took along GH to check out the scene and see what would come of it. Well, we got there at the right time, the place was packed. The DJ was playing some major techno/alternative stuff. Since I didn’t know anybody, GH and I decided to split for a bit, work the room and make friends.

Once I got the chance, I said hi to the b-day babe and continue to mingle with the crowd. As I walked around I didn’t see K and after asking around for a bit it seemed that she wasn’t going to show up. So, not to worry, I continued to mingle with the crowd and there I spied a three set. Two of the HBs in the three set got asked to dance and I moved in on the last one while she stood alone.

Sapiens: -smile- “Hey!”
HB7.96: -smile- “Hey.”
Sapiens: -smile- “You here for Carly’s B-party?”
HB7.96: -smile- “Yeah.”
Sapiens: -smile- “Me too. How do you know Carly?”
HB7.96: -smile- “We went to college together.”
Sapiens: -smile, with sly sarcasm- “Cool, I didn’t know Carly went to college.”
HB7.96: “How do you know her?”
Sapiens: -LOL- “I am her parole officer.”
HB7.96: -crazy look- “WHAT?”
Sapiens: -smile- “I am kidding!”
HB7.96: “That wasn’t funny.”
Sapiens: “Oh, yeah right. Let me start over. “Hi, I am Sapiens; it is good to meet you.”
HB7.96: “Not interested!”
Sapiens: “Damn, that’s harsh. What is it? My looks, my overly irresistible charm?”
HB7.96: “You are an ass.”
Sapiens: -LOL- “You are right. It takes one to know one, see ya.”

So I moved on, I know I blew it. No matter, there is always next time.

I spotted GH talking to a two set; I walked toward him and joined them. He introduced me to the HBs. I listened for a bit, one of the HBs was talking about how she is an independent woman, blah, blah… GH was winning them by paying attention. I wasn’t too interested and decided to separate from them and continue to work the room.

I spotted another HB by the bar and I made a bee line to talk to her.

Sapiens: -smile- “Hi!”
HB8.3: “Hi.”
Sapiens: “You here for the b-day party?”
HB8.3: “No, I am supposed to meet some of my friends here.”
Sapiens: “Cool.”
HB8.3: “You here for the b-day party.”
Sapiens: “Yeah, It’s Carly’s 28 birthday.”
HB8.3: “Really, looks like fun. This is a nice place.”
Sapiens: “Yeah, this is my first time here, I really like it.”
HB8.3: “Me too.”
Sapiens: -smile- “My name is Sapiens.” –extends hand-
HB8.3: -smile- “Hey, I am Claudia.”
Sapiens: -smile, shakes hand- “Good to meet you Claudia.”
Claudia: -smile- “Same here.”
Sapiens: “So, you a native New Yorker?”
Claudia: “No, I am from Michigan, I now live here, though.”
Sapiens: “Wow, someone from the great lakes; cool. How do you like the City?”
Claudia: “I love it, it’s a great place. Where are you from?”
Sapiens: “I am from Jersey.”
Claudia: “Oh, how do you like it there?”
Sapiens: “I like it a lot; it’s really convenient for me.”

Blah, blah, blah…. Something you may find amusing:

Claudia: “So, what do you do?
Sapiens: “I am an analyst.”
Claudia: “Really? What do you analyze?”
Sapiens: “I am an Intelligence Analyst.”
Claudia: “An Intelligence Analyst, wow, you know, I am told I am really intelligent. I have a really high IQ.”
Sapiens: -trying really hard to keep a straight face- “Really, I can tell you are very intelligent by the way you speak.”
Claudia: “I know…blah, blah, blah..”

I don’t have the heart to tell you the rest. Yes, I had a moment of weakness…… How can I live with myself…?



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Seducing Kathryn part 3.01….

Claudia is not the brightest candle but she does shine easy on the eyes. I excused myself from her and continued to work the room. I planned to come back to her, to continue developing rapport. I saw a pregnant HB about five feet, eleven inches in height (180 cm), long black hair to just below the shoulders and creamy ivory skin. She is the only pregnant woman I ever seen that looked so damn sexy. I approached and began to talk to her.

Sapiens: -smile- “Hey, when is the baby due?”
PregnantHB: -smile- “1st week of October.”
Sapiens: -smile- “Congratulations!”
PregnantHB: -smile- “Thank you.”
Sapiens: -smile- “So is the lucky father here with you?”
PregnantHB: -smile- “Yeah, my husband is around here.”
Sapiens: -smile- “Lucky guy, I sure envy him.”
PregnantHB: -smile- “Oh yeah, why is that?”
Sapiens: -smile- “Because he beat me to you!”
PregnantHB: -LOL- “What makes you so sure you could have a chance?”
Sapiens: -LOL- “Look at me, don’t I look like a cross between Mr. Rogers and Brad Pitt? How can you said no to that?”
PregnantHB: -LOL- “Mr. Rogers used to scare me; I felt he may have been a pervert and Brad is just too pretty for my taste.”
Sapiens: -grin- “So I didn’t have a chance huh?”
PregnantHB: -smile- “Nope.”
Sapiens: -smile- “Well, I know you hear it all the time, but you look like the epitome of food for lust. I have never seen such a sexy pregnant woman such as yourself. As a matter of fact I didn’t think pregnant women could be sexy.” –LOL-
PregnantHB: -LOL- “You know, I have been hit on more often now that I am pregnant that when I was single, I wonder why is that?”
Sapiens: -smile- “Maybe you were a stuck up, Bitc….Babe.”
PregnantHB: -LOL- “No I wasn’t a bytch, I’m nice to everyone.”
Sapiens: -smile, rolls eyes- “Sure you were, nice I mean.”

Her husband shows up and I congratulate him. We chat for a bit and I find out he’s an investment banker with one of the big banks of NY. I said good bye and continue with my quest of working the room.

I see GH again and he signals me to join him. I do join him and the chick that was talking about how independent she is, now is talking about how men do not respect her mind or take her seriously. She tells us that men and women can never be friends because of sex; men will always make a move on women she snaps. I laugh and tell her that when she is able to turn off the desire of her womb, that will be the day that men will turn off the desire to bang sexy women regardless of their intellect. She calls me a chauvinist pig; I agree with her and move on.

I find Carly and puff her up about how awesome her party is. She asks me about Maria, I tell her she is with her boyfriend, and then Carly tells me that she thought that Maria was my girlfriend, I tell her no that we are just friends. Carly then introduces me to some of her girlfriends and I continue to mingle.

I then spot Claudia with her three newly arrived friends; I then introduce myself to her friends and spend the rest of the night with them. I dance with all four of them, and while dancing with Claudia I whisper into her ear:

Sapiens: “I want to ravish you, I want to penetrate your orquid with my stem and feel the heat of your sweet nectar flow.
Claudia: -moans and grinds hard against me-
Sapiens: “Let me feel the embrace of your luscious legs against my buttocks, and the aroma of your flesh.”
Claudia: -moans and gives me sly look-

I take her hand and head to the restrooms; there we go in a stall and I close the door. Then, I pull out a fruit flavor condom and put it on. I grab Claudia from behind by her hair and kissed her neck. I then raised her skirt and moved aside the string of her thong to penetrate her. My stem slides right in and she squeals with delight. After a few minutes I turn her around and she clutches my waist with her legs while riding my crotch. Having relieved ourselves we head back out to join the group, I act like nothing has happened and continue the rest of the night to dance with Claudia.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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A Film to Open Your Eyes..

Many so called libertarians hate having to pays taxes and rant against the IRS. The fact is that in order to live in a civilized society we must pay for government, hence we have to pay taxes.

The other side of the coin is that once the monster of bureaucracy is developed and the people don’t actively participate in their civic duties due to apathy, enslavement is not too far behind.

Do yourself a favor and check out Aaron Russo’s film AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM so you may become better educated as to what’s going on in our country.


and a link to the forum.




Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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It’s Here, The American Draft..

Ok. Gentlemen you will have more to worry about now than getting laid.

There is a bill in the U.S. Congress to require all persons between the ages of 18 to 42 to do two years of mandatory service.

Read the text of the bill here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h109-4752

Take action as you see fit, but please do not let apathy rule your life. Next thing you know they may declare illegal your right to sarge…



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Notes From The Field…..

I want to share this with you. Grasshopper was timid when he got the guts to ask me to train him. The guy is very ambitious and driven, so even though he lacked confidence he already knew what he wanted.

After several of our weekly reviews and feedback from him, I realize that by seeing me in action and out of his own trial and errors GH has develop the ability to handle rejection without pain.

Let me tell you, the most painful part of this is when you first get rejected, I can tell you that the pain decreases as you continue to practice. How insensitive can you become? Well, I just witness GH open a 7 set without any nervousness (I have never done that) and in total control, he even got the HB’s number that he wanted. Yes, I am in awe.



Don Juan
May 20, 2006
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Rangel is a moron, but hes got balls. That bill is political suicide for anybody who votes for it. and up to age 42? thats a huge chunk of voters who will despise it. I doubt it will leave commitee. I would be surprised if it even gets a serious vote in commitee. If it looks like its going to the floor of the house please update us. twice last summer I called every rep and senator in the country to tell them to vote for/against certain things. I was such a political junkie:(

I broke my addiction to following current events (politics) a few months ago. I was spending all my time reading up on what was happening, and no time actually working to make my life and the world a better place.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
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Long Beach, NY
Sapiens said:
Ok. Gentlemen you will have more to worry about now than getting laid.

There is a bill in the U.S. Congress to require all persons between the ages of 18 to 42 to do two years of mandatory service.

Read the text of the bill here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h109-4752

Take action as you see fit, but please do not let apathy rule your life. Next thing you know they may declare illegal your right to sarge…

Glad I served already. good luck


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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The Eyes Have It…..

If a woman gives you eye contact, smile and don’t look away until she does. This means she finds you attractive. If she looks at you again, it means she is interested. Go for it and don’t look back.

What’s so complicated about this? Nothing, except that if you are a newbie you will look away first and look like a wuss in her eyes. No problem, just keep practicing until you master it, which you will in no time if you keep at it.

We did some research where we tracked what women said was the most important thing they needed to do before having sex with a man and what the women usually responded was: “First, I'd really like to get to know him.” This tells us that rapport is very important, that’s why you must act like you have known her for a long time and that anything you do is no big deal. Laugh a lot and have fun.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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A Three Part Question....

Someone sent me the following question:

Sapien your religios belief about the creator are kooky, if you believe in god why are you promiscuous and say satan cant offer you anything ‘cus you can get it yourself?
I don’t know what you mean by my beliefs being “kooky.” But let me tell you this: No one has told me and neither have I discovered how the first spark of life began. I have searched and have not found a plausible answer to my question, one thing is certain to me, I admire life and the wonderful iterations of it and I believe this to be the work of a “Creator” or higher being. This does not mean that I believe he intervenes or interferes with our daily lives and actions; it is up to each of us to make anything happen according to our volition. I also believe nature to be independent and has its own substance.

In reference to my sexual lifestyle, which you call “promiscuity” I will answer you this:

The definition of Promiscuous is: Having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. Lacking standards of selection; indiscriminate. Casual; random. Consisting of diverse, unrelated parts or individuals; confused.

I do not have casual relations frequently, nor am I indiscriminate. I have standards and my selections are not random. However I think you mean your question in a religious sense, if that is the case I will say to you that my partners agree to have intercourse out of their own consent and volition. Being that the case, I do not believe it is a sin to have sexual intercourse with individuals that have the ability to consent to intercourse out of their own volition.

Consent and volition are defined as follows:

consent: compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another; specifically : the voluntary agreement or acquiescence by a person of age or with requisite mental capacity who is not under duress or coercion and usually who has knowledge or understanding.

volition: The act or an instance of making a conscious choice or decision. A conscious choice or decision. The power or faculty of choosing; the will.

In reference to your questions about Satan, I have this to answer:

When I was a child, I remember is Sunday school reading these passages from the bible:

Luke 4:5-8. "And the devil, taking him up into a high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."

Matthew 4:8-11. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."

The question that rose in my mind was why did Satan want or need Jesus to worship him? And the answer that came to me was that Satan is one of us, yes just like you and me and all you need to conquer the kingdoms of the world is to convince people to follow you and worship you, the same thing that Satan was trying to do with Jesus. Why only worship God? Because he gave us the opportunity to live through the gift of life and free will to do with it as we choose.

So, that is my answer. You are responsible for your actions or inactions and it's your obligation and responsibility to defend yourself from my malevolent ways.


Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2005
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So, that is my answer. You are responsible for your actions or inactions and it's your obligation and responsibility to defend yourself from my malevolent ways.
Man Sapiens I learned this from your bootcamp and took it to heart. You have no idea how my life has changed for the better! Thank you!



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Seducing Kathryn part 4…

Kathryn did not show at Carly’s birthday party, even though she had been invited.

The following Wednesday I went to el Bistro for an early dinner. When I arrived I asked to be seated at the bar since I was alone and did not want to be seated at a table by myself, I told the hostess. She laughed and said, “Not to worry, outcasts are always welcome here!”

I was taken by surprise by her dry quick wit, but readily recovered and replied, “That is why you and I fit here perfectly.”

She took this as a sign I may have been flirting with her, unfortunately for me, I am not in the habit of dating sweet young chicks that look like Igor the Hunchback. The igorette then escorted me to a seat at the bar. The bar was empty except for the single patron that looked way too happy to be there. I greeted the barkeep with a smile and asked for a beer and a menu. After a little chit-chat with the barkeep, I placed my order.

After ordering the “Insalata Di Moscardini con Finocchi e Pomodori Arrosto”, marinated baby squid with fennel and roasted tomatoes if you are not up to date on your Italian, I looked around to assess the venue. It was early and there weren’t that many patrons in the place. I spotted K setting things in her area of service and with careful disinterest I watched her move about.

K’s work area is opposite the men’s restroom and I had to be careful in how I appeared to bump into her. I saw her head into the greeting area where the hostesses were. I know she didn’t see me, so I walked toward the greeting area and took my opportunity to bump into her there. K approached the igorette and talked for a second, then K turns to head back to her work area and at this very moment she makes eye contact with me. I am smiling and she smiles back at me, then I quickly turn somber and cease to smile, she lets out a weak hello and I pass her without reply or acknowledgement. I act somewhat aloof and head to exchange some words with the igorette.

Charming Igor smiles and greets me with, “Ah, you could not resist to be away from me, I see you have returned; how may I help you?”

Feigning meekness and flattery I say to her, “Sweetheart, may you be so kind as to give me the number to call to make future reservations?”

“Certainly,” she replies and proceeds to write down the telephone number. I thank her and head back to my seat. K is nowhere to be seen and this tells me my aloofness has startled her, since every prior encounter has been very friendly and charming.

The rest of the time I am at el Bistro that evening, I take care that K doesn’t notice me looking at her to gauge her actions. From time to time I notice how she tries to head to the bar to confront me, yet at the last minute she withdraws and takes no action. This is what I wanted to see, this confirms that I have cause anxiety in her and she is wondering why I did not greet her in a friendly way.

Having accomplished my task, I say good bye to the barkeep and Mr. Happy Libation.

Next the Reluctant Date….


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Baby Steps, Baby Steps….

There is no point in complaining about your life.

You have a choice to make and that choice is to continue living the way you are living or to live a different life.

So where do you begin?

You begin with a small step. You begin 1st by accepting that your body is your vehicle for this journey and that it will have to last you until the end of this journey.

Next, begin by taking good care of your body. Get some exercise and keep a record or journal of your activities. These are small steps, baby steps, but certain steps to a new life.

Soon you will discover you are living the life you wanted to live. Yes there will be obstacles and people to hinder your journey but they will fail to stop you. Choose to begin now, and do something different, something positive and something new, now!



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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The Secret and Reason of America’s Great Wealth…

Since I was a small child I wondered why there is such great poverty in the world, while other lived in great luxury. As I grew into an adolescent and then an adult, the answer still dodged my mind.

Slowly and through great study and edification I was able to piece the answer to my question. I traveled the world and saw how some countries, although being neighbors, within the same geography and only divided by an imaginary line for a border the population of one country was extremely poor and the other very wealthy.

The answer to my question proved elusive for many years, yet I would get hints to the answer here and there. Then, about the age of twenty four years, the first major break through came. I figure out that the reason that some societies were very wealthy and other very poor stemmed from their Judicial System. Yes, the pillar that supported the great wealth of a rich nation was a fair and just Judicial System.

Although this was a major break through, it was not the complete answer; there was something more, something more fundamental than just the wealthy nation’s way of dispensing justice as the answer. Again, I headed to search for the rest of the answer to the puzzle.

Within a few years and with concentrated effort came the final break through. The foundation of the pillar that supported the wealth of rich nations was the basic and fundamental belief of its people.

What is that basic and fundamental belief, you ask?

Well, the basic and fundamental belief is this: All beings are created with the equal and inalienable right to exist, but not all are created with the same abilities.

Being that the basic and fundamental belief; how does a fair and just Judicial System becomes the pillar supporting a rich nation’s great wealth?

Simple, by resolving disputes and controversies in a fair and just way, peace can be maintained. The expectation that disputes and controversies will be resolved in a fair and just way leads to certainty, and certainty allows you to plan in a long term basis. By planning in long term basis, you can invest and by investing you can be reasonably certain you can make a profit.

But let us go back a bit to the basic and fundamental belief or principle: All beings are created with the equal and inalienable right to exist, but not all are created with the same abilities.

What does it mean in practical effect? Well, think about this: If you and somebody else have a controversy or dispute, both of you know that you have the same and equal right to exist but not of equal abilities. He or she can’t demean your existence but he or she may be smarter or dumber than you. So the key to solve your controversy or dispute in a fair and just manner is for a third party to review the facts and governing laws in an objective and impartial way. Then, that third party can render judgment in a fair and just manner. So, in effect it becomes crucial for you to know that justice will be served by holding you responsible and accountable to your word. So be careful to what you agree to do or not to do, this is where the Golden Rule comes in for guidance: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you: Do not do to others as you would not have them do unto you. But I will leave that for another post.

Well, that’s it. The reason America is so wealthy is that for most of its existence it has being governed by and its people adherence to the Rule of Law.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Which Would You Choose?......

Be a Man. Be yourself. What do women want? Does she like me? Those are things you hear and questions you ask yourself. Let’s look at some things and see if we can figure them out by simple logic.

Let’s say for example you have 10 women of which you may choose one for yourself; they are all beautiful, sexy, charming and loyal, in effect all 10 women are identical. Which one would you choose?

Does it matter which one you choose? No, they are all the identically the same.

Ok, same scenario as above, except that of the 10 women, one of them has a lighter or darker shade of hair color; making her prettier or uglier depending on your preference.

Which one would you choose?

Well, it depends on your preference; if you like the darker shade of hair color you may believe that makes her prettier and if you dislike the lighter shade of hair color that may sway you to believe that she is uglier. What is the point? The point is that beauty is subjective. What you find attractive may not be attractive to someone else.

Women do the same with men, except their standard of what they find attractive in a male is different than what men find attractive in women. (Yes, I know. Duh!)

Given their biological circumstances and requirements in procreating (womb and all), women attraction to male physical beauty is a notch less important than the man’s ability to provide and his potential for high status.

Picture this, there are 10 identical men, they are all good looking and physically attractive, except one of them is the leader the others followers. Which one would you think a woman would choose?

Yes, the leader, all things being equal.

So what does this mean to you and me in everyday life?

It means you must differentiate yourself from others. Make yourself attractive. Dress well, improve yourself: physically and mentally. Learn to lead, show ambition. Develop confidence in your abilities and go for what you want.

If you are a slob, don’t shower, look sloppy, your car is dirty and shabby looking, even though you are a good looking guy and make no effort to look attractive, you won’t get the girl. WHY? Because the guy that does make the effort will beat you to her. He will show her what she finds attractive and desirable to her, while you will be wondering how that ugly dude landed the hottie.

Enough said.


Point Blank

Jul 11, 2006
Reaction score
Wow! This Is A Huge Topic!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Seducing Kathryn part 5….

The following Sunday I arrived at el Bistro for lunch. I asked to be seated in K’s section. When K appeared I smiled and said hi.

She wasn’t too friendly.

K: -somnolent smile- “Hi, you in a good mood today.”
Sapiens: -smile- “Yes I am! I woke up on the positive side of my bi-polar disorder.”
K: -rolls eyes- “Good for you. Would you like to hear today’s specials?”
Sapiens: -sad look- “Hey, Whoa! What’s the matter; you seem upset at me or at something? What’s going on?”
K: -somber look- “Nothing, can I take your order?”
Sapiens: -blank look- “You know what K, never mind. I will go have lunch somewhere else. I don’t want to trouble you.”

I began to get up, but she interrupted.

K: -worried look- “Ok, OK! I am sorry; just let me take your order, ok?”
Sapiens: -nonchalant look- “K, no need to apologize. If I have offended you, I apologize. It has not been my intention to harm you.”
K –sad look- “It just that last time you were here you seemed to have avoided me.”
Sapiens: -concerned look- “Yeah, I had a terrible day and was not much of a gentleman. I am sorry about that. Look, let’s be friends again (- extends hand in friendly gesture and smile.)”
K: -smiles and shakes head- “Friends, ok then, (- shakes hands -)”

Sapiens: -smiles- “Ok, now that we are friends again, PLEASE don’t spit on my food.”
K: -grins- “Oh, you know I wouldn’t do that.”
Sapiens: -concerned look- “YEAH, famous last words…..”

I placed my order and in between my meal made conversation with her..

Sapiens: -smile- “So K, what time you get to go home today?”
K: “I get off at 6:00PM.”
Sapiens: -smile- “There is a poetry reading at 6:30 at the local B&N (book store) why don’t you join me?”
K: “Oh, I have lots of stuff to do and I am really tired by the time I get out of here.”
Sapiens: “I understand, forget I asked.”
K: “Oh, I didn’t mean it that way.. it’s just that I have lots of stuff to do at home.”
Sapiens: -Smile- “Look, it doesn’t matter; I just thought you would like it. Don’t worry about it. No big deal.”
K: “I do like poetry, but you know……”
Sapiens: “I completely understand, anyways, I will be there. You are welcome to come if you change your mind. I think it lasts until 9:00PM.

I left it at that, paid the check and took off.

She showed up at around 6:45PM, she had gone home and changed. She came dressed in tight jeans and a pink tube top, she looked smoking hot!

After the poetry reading we talked and I invited her out for ice cream, we talked and set a date for Tuesday.



Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
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yo sep,

i commented on your blog regarding "what will you do if she hears about the birthday girl", please respond here :)