Path 1
We can fight and push against Feminism. Attempt to educate all the uneducated and ignorant folks, and MAYBE, just MAYBE, they listen and we hit critical mass AND things change. And maybe they don't? Yes, we'd be doing a CIVIC duty, but who's to say what's right and what's wrong? Again, legislating morality means other's can legislate YOUR morality, and if you walk around parading the FEMINISM is wrong and there's some UNDERGROUND conspiracy as MAKOW suggests there is, then they, being the feminists and grand designers will feel more victimized AND justified. The pushing AGAINST them and making them feel like victims will simply be, 'what they want.' See! They're the bad guys, look what they're doing! They want our rights!
This takes ALOT of focus away from other things in life. And if you break life down into 24 hours, then what are you spending it on and what are YOU not spending it on?
Path 2
You can focus SOLELY on masculinity, being a better man, being a better DJ, what have you. Focus on FINDING the women who don't find feminism appealing (there are groups out there dedicated to downing FEMINISM). FOCUS on enforcing and educating on POSITIVE life issues. Mother Theresa EMPHASIZED peace, not war. You can try to spread peace, or get better at waging war, but you can't do both, and being better at war, only brings MORE war as people see you as a threat; observe all the countries trying to arm themselves right now. Instead of emphasizing peace, they're emphasizing armament, and in turn, now we, the USA, are the world police. TEAM AMERICA!
How much energy has this topic consumed in trying to what...?
Convince guys Wyldfire is a troll?
That Feminism IS to blame and should be something all men take up against?
That it's real and should be stricken from the planet?
I'm not sure of what the position is, and what the intended outcome is.
What I'm pointing out is, how people get dragged down by life, or rise up. Right now, people are wallowing in the crap.
How many guys get blown up speaking to women who are taken, d-bags, or just flakes? They wallow in the misery of that 1 or 2 defeats, rather than press onward for success, getting closer to the goal they desire.
If you were to visualize it on a linear path, stopping to OBSERVE what feminism might be (although we all know it's morphed into something else), doesn't get us CLOSER to what anyone wants, at least those here, who have a limited understanding of it. Now, if you work TOWARD some goal, toward building and spreading and fostering something, that linear path TOWARD a better end IS possible. However, it's not possible so long as you STAY put and say..."Gee this sucks, I don't want to be here." Well, duh, you stopped moving. If you don't want this, WHAT do you want? Are you working toward getting it?
Good example from Equilibrium. Anyone who hasn't seen the movie, it's essentially a Matrix-Type movie, where all human emotion is eradicated through the use of a daily injection. It keeps people from warring with each other, supposedly. All art is banned. Human touching is outlawed. No sex is allowed. Anything remotely close to emotion is illegal, and people report each other. That is until Christian Bale misses his daily dose, and slowly starts to UNWIND from his stupor.
During a discussion with his partner, Sean Bean, Bale feels like there will be an 'end' and that there's no war. What he fails to realize is, that the very disease they sought to get rid of is now known as the STATE, or the EMPIRE. They do the killing. They burn pieces of art and books and poetry. The very monster they seek to eradicate and dispell HAS become the state. So while they preach NO EMOTION, NO KILLING, NO VIOLENCE, the state that preaches this out the side of one of their mouths, is committing the atrocities they seek to prevent.
Doing what is suggested here is turning into the MONSTER they vilify.
Wouldn't we be LOWERING ourselves just to fight something we KNOW to be bogus?
Isn't embracing the attitude of F* feminists, accurately proving their point?
I fail to see how a movement AGAINST an idea or people can successfully go anywhere. GOOD or EVIL is a matter of perspective and of who writes history.
I would say those bitter males who HATE a certain sect of women are precisely the monsters they warn against, because those monsters exhibit the traits of what they stand against, so it only reinforces and strengthens their position.