What IS feminism?
It appears SO distorted I bet SOMEONE takes it and distorts it to THEIR needs. It's like religion. There's so many varying kinds, some will say the Bible is the Word. Other's will say that it's been forged, or not even real. Still other's take God and warp him, and based on current religion, only 1 of the groups are getting to any eternal resting place.
The same perversion happens because of man (or woman). They take it to fit their whims. BACK then feminism fit where society was at, and what it needed. Parts of it we don't need now. But honestly, I have no background in it, nor do I care.
What I do care about are people using it as a blanket to hide behind for excuses. I realize SOCIALLY we need to be "aware", but if you want to be aware, have society work toward MORE equality and MORE personal FREEDOM. More self reliance. NOT trying to suppress any one section. We can't legislate morality.
I had a discussion with my parents who felt OUR (my) generation was getting quite messed up and thought marriage at a younger age would be better for all, and that things should go back the way they were. My point can't legislate morality, because for every group who decides what should be in and what is out, another could come up and reverse THAT. You either believe in morality and equality FOR all, or it doesn't exist. Period. That's a quote by Noam Chomsky also.
We can't focus on SUPPRESSING or altering feminism, that only fights back and creates MORE power in THEIR direction because then they feel justified that THEY ARE fighting. Rather, we have to examine equality and what's fair. We have to relieve ALL roadblocks to all pathes in life, and let people choose. But that's the hard part. MOST people, and I'd say 99%, don't want to choose their reality. They don't want to control their reality, or their feelings, minute to minute, or their thoughts. And more importantly don't realize that THAT is the world...their thoughts and feelings, and what they do with THOSE. A bazillion posts have been made on it, yet nobody's gotten it yet.
If you feel you're this GREAT ENLIGHTENED don juan, then how does feminism bother you?
If it's at work, you can try to change A whole work-based environment, OR, you can move around until you find the place you want to work.
If it's with women, why are you tolerating their behavior? If you're a great guy, you'll find a great girl, and the pool of great men will dry up and women will alter their mating strategies. (think of how women who enter their 30's and unwed begin changing who they go after).
If you see it at bars, why do you even let in your reality?
OTHER's have to choose, so unless it's bumping up against your world, and you're TRULY helpless, there's ALWAYS a way out, a solution, an answer, or another path. The point is to persevere BEYOND what normal people consider the ENDING point.
Good posts all around though.