1. What was the point of this whole thread to begin with? Oh yeah, all SS threads lately find their way down this rabbit hole, denigrated and off topic, rather than pointing toward any real resolution or broaded spectrum of thinking.
2. If you came to SoSuave, you're wise enough to people in general, not just feminists. The Rocky Balboa speech, albeit a fake character, is on the money about the victim complex infecting everyone, even If you're here, you're wise enough NOT to accept crap from people, AND, to roll with the punches. If you're not, then you swallowed the pill, but hate what reality presents because you're too weak to handle it, and therefore, your genes will be washed away, in your belief-infested sea of feminists, never to procreate due to your own internal bitterness toward human life.
3. Do these statistics impact your life on a Microeconomic scale? Life isn't perfect, and the responsibility of coordinating life has always fallen on a few, select people to make it more right than not. I hear about divorce rates, baby birth rates, etc, but what's the big deal? You're aware not, be happy you're not one of them, and most of you are still young. You can't create in someone else's reality. Moreover, if it happens to you, roll with it. Living life encompasses change. There's no guarantee in life, only possibility.
4. YOUR reality is YOUR reality. Hence why PUA tactics alone won't cure you, or any other afflictions of mass society. And who cares about mass society? If mass society was perfect, nobody would be here. It isn't. Get over it. I realize Pook writes very eloquently, but there are MANY marriages NOT operating from the vantage he speaks of. I wonder if he has experienced that first hand and writes from a realist standpoint, or one of only theory and conjecture. The FAULT in a BAD marriage lies not in the woman, BUT in the MAN who abides by such stupid demands. If she makes excessive demands, do you know the word NO? Can you stand up for yourself? And if she threatens divorce SO BE IT! Do you honestly want a drama queen who's going to pull the Ultimate Card on you, when it's only a minor or incidental situation?
What I hear guys saying is...WAAAAAAAA....Then, WE WANT THE PERFECT, HARMLESS, LIFELESS, LOVING WOMAN. Basically, a harem from which to pick from. If you want that, GO get it. But don't get pissed because American women don't fit the bill. It isn't your loss. It's THEIR's. Let them push their agenda on whomever. Control YOUR reality and everything in it.
I had a client who was "afraid" of making noise in his town, despite loving his property. He operates a small home based business, wants to expend his home slight, and wants to register his burgeoning business. However, he's "afraid" that small town America might kill his American Dream and the land he loves. That's a catch-22. On the one hand, he LOVES this land, YET, the land he LOVES won't let him do and be what he wants. Misguided love, wouldn't ya say?
Yet, men do that everyday! They LOVE her, then let her get away with stuff they don't respect, YET wonder why she repeats the process IN THE FUTURE. It's like training your dog to piss in the same spot by not training them RIGHT. Actions speak louder than words, so even if you say "this pissed me off," without RIGHT action, it's meaningless, because OVER time nobody respects a person who doesn't act buy only talks.
You WANT to MELT feminism, then don't FOCUS on fighting or living up to its principles or expectations, or even being its enemy, BE your own example. I've written on that alot. If you only go as far as to MATCH wits with it, you're setting a LOW bar example. HOWEVER, if you go, as a man, making yourself as the SUPREME example, what wouldn't MELT at your presence? Maybe not every woman, but the birthing process isn't perfect, so we'll get a few r-tards thrown in there.
Thing is, you guys are way over focusing on building this NEGATIVE mindset through and through, yet you don't realize you're excluding the women who don't fit the feminism stereotype.
And the famous quote, as I'm from a big city...
You can take the girl out of the Ghetto, but you can't take the Ghetto out of the Girl...
You can take the girl out of feminism, but you can't take the feminism out of the girl.
MOVE on. Find a better woman. Foreign autopart makers AREN't the only make and model. There are local models (American made), though in shorter supply, driving up demand. So what? Be a better MAKE of AMERICAN MAN so you're on par with what you're asking. GOOD AMERICAN men are hard to find. Just because you're an AMERICAN guy, who can make ABOVE the average for the world in income doesn't mean....
-You treat the woman right
-You do your responsibilities as a man
-You're honorable, noble, or worthy of praise
Big WHOOP, American Guys, by virtue of being BORN and RAISED in the currently most prosperous nation can basically PICK who they want to date and from what country. Place those SAME guys in other countries, SANS the money, and they'd fail. Their whiny, blame-everyone-else attitude would get them shot and killed, or hungry and starving. Women would dump them immediately because they're shallower than the kiddie pool. At best, they have surface knowledge of TONS of minial things, like cars, or local politics, or local criminal events, but are no deeper than a puddle found on a rainy day. And they wonder why the women they seek only match themselves, yet brush up against the mirror to see the true problem.
Cry me a river, America.
Good luck to all the guys who've escaped the booby trap otherwise.
And Lay of Wyldfire, beginning a post like this only to divert attacks at the few feminine posters we have is not only childish and immature, but provides a lucid example of WHY feminism keeps cropping it's head up...