Originally posted by Tempest
Wrong, man. Wrong, wrong, WRONG! The advice which I supplied applies the EXACT same to women. Marie, from the DYD Interview series suggests the SAME THINGS to women.
You're saying if a woman is CLINGY and NEEDY towards you that it's attractive? Give me a break! These aren't strict rules which only apply to men here... it's part of HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY. It applies to HUMANS, not just males.
Anyways, my evidence is supported by psychology research, David DeAngelo, and Marie, from the interview series (who teaches this stuff for women).
Your beliefs are too logical and based off what your mom probably told you or what you saw on tv. Change your beliefs, man. I supose my advice on getting a life is terrible, too!
This is based off of EXPERIENCE. Get in the field, man! Get a life!
I am not saying that a woman being overly clingy and needy is a good thing. But as a man I like women to be that way sometimes. The more I can focus on being the strong protector and not the nurturer of the relationship the happier I am. When a woman takes on her role as the nuturer my relationships work out great. As a man I am not responsible for building the relationship that is her job. In fact I don't even think in terms of "The relationship".
I can also tell you that I DO find it attractive when a girl is all over me. The more she acts like an emotional female the more attraction I have for her. The more she turns me on the happier I am. But if she starts to become demanding that I spend a lot of time with then I get pissed off.
In fact I find it attractive when a woman acts like woman and doesn't try to act unnatural. I also wouldn’t' want a woman who plays your stupid "attraction games". In the end they are shallow and pointless. Sure they might get you a quick lay but that is all.
My last gf tried the **** that you are suggesting and I found her less and less attractive as time went on. She started reading the articles and books that you have and it destroyed everything good about our relationship.
All I have to say about modern books and experts is "F-UCK THAT".
Just be a man and be yourself. If you are a woman be a woman.
A woman is most attrative to a man when she is affectionate and nurturing. Affection shouldn’t be mistaken for being clingly. A lot of women revoke their affection because they are afraid that they will seem too clingly. This only backfires on them and then the man doesn' t want anything to do with them.
I don't want a woman who is strong! I want a woman who is affectionate. That is the natural order of things.
These shrinks that you worship are not always right and your interpretation of their analysis on attraction is most likely flawed.
The fact remains that men and women are attracted to different things. You can't reject that concept. So you can take all your gender bending concepts of attraction and flush them down the drain with your tampon.
You may not like girly girls, but I love them