This is why you need to be bold in your upfront conversations with them to let them know that you find them sexually attractive and want to share their company outside of the gym or where ever. Exchange numbers and go from there.
Here's the thing, When you approach a Woman....You need to have a demeanor like "You have no idea what I'd do to that pussey". Talk to her in a calm but seductive manner. You're attitude should be "it makes no difference whether you're into me or not" HOWEVER, I think a lot of guys go about this the wrong way. They put on this attitude which shows in their words and body language that "I dont give a fvck if you like me or not" and it rubs the chick the wrong way. This is why I mentioned in another post, You need to feel good about yourself first.
It depends on the setting you are in but the interaction should go something like this:
You: Hey excuse me...
Her: (blank stare) Oh Hey...
You: I didn't mean to bother you but I saw you walk by/in *Insert location* and I thought you were incredibly sexy.
(It doesn't HAVE to be sexy, It's what I say but you can use Cute, Hot, Beautiful, Attractive etc.)
You: I'm ****.........What's your name?
Her: Oh... haha name is ***** (shake her hand) <--- If she stays and stops to talk to you... It's a green light for (I'm intrigued) (look for smiles too.)
After this stage, It depends, again on the setting and location. You can lead up with "what brings you out tonight?" or at the gym "So what you're working on today?" etc. You have to get creative at this part but dont talk too much. just keep it short and sweet.
After that stage, right away, hit her with why you stopped her...
You: Well, listen, like i said I thought you were incredibly sexy, let's exchange phones numbers and go out this week or next.
Its either going to be 1 out of 3 outcomes...
Her: Haha Ok Sure! <--- if its a genuine reaction. It's all good. After dealing with many Women, you will be able to tell what are genuine interests or just complete bullsh!t interest.
Her: Haha sorry I'm seeing someone or Sorry, I have a boyfriend or Thank you but I'm not interested. <--- These are GOOD responses because they are being honest that they are not interested in you and it saves you time and potentially money. Time wasting Women wont tell you this and have you for only validation so when you
text her to hang out, all of a sudden shes "busy" or she "cant make it" or "Maybe next time" or "I'll let you know

" or "We'll see

" <---- All complete bullsh!t.
Her: Um... Haha... ok sure. <--- like i mentioned in example one... you need to judge from experience if it's all BS or is she really interested.
When it comes down to it, If she doesn't respond well or seems flaky. Don't get salty about it. Delete her number and move forward to the next Woman. But always be bold and upfront about what you think about her. If you are at a bar/lounge/party setting then get even more bold and tell her she looks "so ****ing sexy in that dress". From there judge her space between you and her, she should be drawn to you.
I'll attach 3 Videos that I think are pretty good and I could totally relate because this is what I used to do when i approached Women. It depended on my setting though, so in my case I was usually busy during the day and did all my approaching/meeting Women at night. As far as smoothly approaching them and talking dirty to them sometimes, ARC is definitely correct with this. This is why I also encourage you to always smell really good when you go out because when you're getting very close to a Woman and talking to her in her ear or just up close, she should be drawn in with your smell as well as making her wet.
Dont be fooled by how he looks, from personal experience, he definitely knows what he's talking about: