your looks and fat / body have very very little to do with it.
it is usually the fairly good looking guys, who arent quite GREAT LOOKING that get ridiculously annoyed with this point because they try very hard to change there asthetics and beat the system.
If the guy is a slob and doesnt do anything yes the hot girl wont be interested... who would? if the dude is fat, yet positive, motivated, ambitious, makes her laugh, doesn't let her ride all over his boundaries, good in the bedroom, dominant, socially aligned
How many hot woman have you scene with fat guys dude? what kind of garbage are you talking. Why would a girl hook up with a fat guy in the first place? because he makes her laugh? wow BFF! think not..
seriously, it all counts but its not the fact that your body fat percentage is 10% it is the fact that you are pro-active and taking care of yourself.
10% isn't fat do you even know what a body fat percentage is for you to be overweight? over weight is 25-30% not 10. Do you know how lean a person is at 10? Most guys with six packs hover around there give or take a few percentages down. depending on genetics for where the body fat is displaced and how much water they hold naturally.
same as a fat guy who has a power walk or does exercise but just eats more, she will view that as attractive.
You think if a fat guys tells a woman he workouts she's not gonna laugh at that notion unless he looks like a strong man?
FAT DUDES / UGLY GUYS can get hot women but you need to work on everything.
Keep dreaming dude woman know within 5 secs of seeing you weather they'd have you munch on their cookie or not. Not 50 hours into having 20 cool amazing dates with you. *i'm not gonna sleep with him but maybe i'll chat with him for the next long time to see how amazing he really is.* *omg this fat dude / ugly guy isn't doing what i want him let me put in another 20 hours to mold him into my personal slave* *or wait maybe since i'm not attracted to him i'll just call this guy for a bit longer so he can show me how amazing he is and then well be happily ever after* lol dude do u hear what your saying? If some fat chick or ugly chick was playing hard to get or trying to stand up to you, your gonna keep talking to her and wasting time on her? how little do you value your time and energy?
Hot women care a lot less about your looks than average girls because they dont look for their friends approval. Average girls usually cant make a decision unless society agrees or their friends agree, so will girl code. A hot girl will usually just make a decision because she knows what she likes and you are ticking her boxes so bang, decision made.
How many hot woman have you been with? Hot woman are more insecure and seek approval of their friends more then average girls. Most hot girls are head cases i've had my fair share and still date a lot of them. They have more luggage most of the time then other girls because of the fact there hot they go out more meet more people go on more dates. aka been ****ed over a lot more.
if you are really ugly, then get whatever it is fixed. are we talking disfigurement? because then you would need a lot more value in the other areas of your life, still completely possible though.
if you are really obease then for the sake of your health you should be losing weight.
A cool guy looks after himself, if you are cool u get laid, if you aren't you dont. Women are very good judge of characters, so become cool by improving your whole life.