Guitar_Whizz said:
Over 95% of the time you do a direct approach, you will be point blank rejected. So that being so, why on earth do people claim that direct is the way to go.
Seriously, aren't we just eluding oursleves into believing direct is the best method. With such high rejection rates, it surely is NOT.
Have some class, don't just be a h*rny idiot who goes around saying "you're cute I want to meet you". Geez guys!
In order to successfully seduce a girl, you have to dance the dance of seduction! You have to play by the rules. You should NEVER verbalise your intentions to a woman.
By verbalising your intentions, you just look like every other AFC who says 'you're beautiful'. You have to stand out from everyone else, cos if you don't, then why should that HB10 want to talk to you
I want to believe that direct game works, but in my experience all it gets is a rejection and makes the woman feel awkward or 'weirded out'. This then makes me feel like a f*cking idiot as I walk away from the girl knowing I've just got rejected and given her a weird reaction.
And don't give me any crap about 'project better body language' etc etc. I have my style, body language, eye contact and tone of voice all I don't need improvement there. It's the METHOD that's not working....
So come on, stop lying. I know that you're ALL getting well over 95% point blank rejections from direct approaches, yet you're clinging onto the f*cking fantasty that one day that will change.
Guys - the definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting a different result!
Look, I really wish Direct Game worked, but with a rejection rate of over 95% that's a lot of work to get to a girl that IS interested.
So why on earth are do you advocate Direct Game then?
Personally my goal is to get laid....NOT to approach women and get point blank rejected 95% of the time!!!!! What is YOUR goal then???
I'm a fairly seasoned PUA now (still remember getting on this board a clueless AFC, learning jack ****, ignoring the community, getting hooked on MM a year later, and slowly building it up, but I digress) and I think direct game functions so well inside the Mystery Method, most people just don't understand it. See, to seduce a woman, she needs to feel attracted to you, and comfortable with you, if a woman doesn't know you and has no opinions on you yet, you can rest assured that she's neither attracted nor comfortable with you. So most people use an indirect opener, try to convey status and attractive qualities, build comfort, and then move into seduction.
However, if you are: 1) good looking, 2) high status, and you are capable of conveying this quickly and nonverbally, you can skip wasting your time for 20 minutes and moving quickly into seduction. Whats important in direct game is the frame, you're not a needy guy hoping she'll like you, you're an attractive guy who is part of a good social circle who finds her attractive, but isn't invested into whether he can get her or not. The fact that you are physically attractive and socially proofed (group of attractive friends, with another girl, have a good reputation) will mean that the girl won't feel scared, afraid of losing status by showing attraction to you, or bored of you. Instead, you can approach a girl who you understand is attracted to you, or, if you're really good-looking / well-groomed, approach a girl who doesn't know you with the foreknowledge that soon, she will be attracted to you.
Basically: direct game works under a combination the following circumstances,
1) you're good looking
2) you have a good reputation
3) you have social value (socially proofed, accomplished in some impressive way)
4) the girl is already attracted to you (was checking you out, her friends were commenting about you in a positive way)
If these statement hold true, you can run direct game. But people who face 95% rejection rates are generally people who: 1) are not good-looking, and we can't all win in the gene pool, 2) approaching women who have no prior knowledge of them and feel instantly uncomfortable with the seduction, 3) not conveying status the way they should be. Usually its a good combination of all 3.
So. Word to the wise: if a girl finds you attractive already, and you feel you could skip on openers / etc and run direct game, then run direct game, but if she's the hot girl in the club, hasn't laid eyes on you yet, and you aren't hot enough / whatever enough to instantly have equal social status to her the moment you approach and make your impression, then direct game won't work for you.
Its all about the right tools for the right people, trying to Direct Game every girl you meet is just dumb. Even naturals who I'm friends with and would identify with direct game have a few safety nets: 1) they don't show too much attraction, if a girl rejects them, they don't let people see it, they coax it into smooth social interaction, 2) they direct game women who they know they can get. They don't make fools out of themselves by spitting game at a girl who doesn't know them and won't have a positive initial view of their status.
To direct game, you need to have your **** together. Women will pick up on status clues quickly, you can either indirectly hint your status to her with different gambits, or quickly convey them with direct game, if you're running direct game on an attractive girl who doesn't know anything about you and you seem like you don't have your stuff together, you're not physically attractive, and you don't seem to have that much social status, then it just won't work (word to the wise: social status is more than body language, body language is something that gives you away when you **** up, you need actions to show status, a confident pose has less value then a normal pose sitting next to an attractive woman).
Direct Game requires women to quickly see you're attractive to let you game them, indirect game is for when women won't quickly see you as attractive, i.e., you're not they're type / not the best looking man in town / not part of their closed social circle, and so you do work to become attractive, and then transition into directish game. If you're not good-looking and high status, direct won't work for you. Get your **** in order, start working out, get a healthy tan, get a job, dress better, build a good and active social circle, and slowly you'll convey your status much better than working on your body language.