ketostix said:
Really the only thing that separates indirect from direct is with direct you're making your interest and intentions very clearly-even verbalizing them. I don't see how that's necessary or beneficial in most cases.
This is a very common apprehension to directness. People say that it can't possibly work because AFC's are always telling the HB10's how hot they are right?
Does anyone else see the paradox in that statement? For starters, an AFC could barely muster a pathetic "Hello" without cracking his voice or wetting himself. Most are too terrified to even talk to a female.
Furthermore, you guys have the whole idea of directness completely wrong. It's not "Wow, you are beautiful" The chick already knows that and saying so just gives her more power. The whole philosophy can be summed up in 3 words
"I like you"
Its a simple yet drastic difference. All of a sudden the game is not about how hot she is. It's about what YOU apologies made. Having said that, I rarely open direct, unless I know the chick is feeling me. For most social circumstances, indirect or situational openers have done wonders. But I never wait very long to go direct.
The problem with you guys is you choose to see the game in black and white. You are either direct or indirect. You dont realize how much of this game is just calibration... switching things up based on whatever vibe you are feeling at the time.
Whether you want to see it or not, all game must become direct. No matter what opener you use. no matter what you believe is the ultimate model of attraction, you must either demonstrate your intentions and risk getting rejected, or go home and wack off.
The biggest difference between direct vs indirect is the amount of time it takes you to put your cards on the table. If you carry yourself well, have tons of confidence and instinctively know when a chick is shooting you signals, then you can show these cards a lot sooner...sometimes even on the opener.
My point is that you fellows need to stop being such extremist. Anytime someone says "X type of game never works" it sets off my noob alarm. This stance reeks of inexperience and frustration, much like this forum does as a whole.
I'd like to see more of you providing examples of why sh!t does or doesn't work, you know like actual anecdotes of you talking and interacting with a female instead of masturbating to your favorite posters.