IMO many guys are misunderstanding direct game or have no understanding of it at all.
Badboy and Shark were the main proponents of direct game back in the day. The basic gist is opening with "Hi, I like you and I want to get to know you" and then you proceed to build rapport and qualify and then go for the close, whether that be a venue change or a makeout or a phone number.
One of two things will happen. The girl will smile really big and tell you she has a boyfriend OR she will smile really big and say "Hey, whats your name?" and you're IN.
Is it less subtle and less polished than "indirect" game? Yeah. Does that make it INVALID and USELESS as a way to open and attract girls? No, not by any means. It works, but it relies HEAVILY on your bodylanguage, including your voice tone, eye contact, etc. Also your core sense of confidence. If your inner game is waining then it will not work well.
It's a little more "hit or miss" compared to indirect game, but when it works, it WORKS and its ON. No bull****, no feigning disinterest and playing the power games, it's easy and natural.
Does that make it "better" or "worse" than indirect game? No. It's just different. It's suited for a different type of headspace.
In my experience, the girls love it and are always flattered even if they say they have boyfriends. Could these boyfriend excuses have been circumvented by going the indirect route? Possibly, but sometimes it's fun to just put yourself on the line and connect directly with a girl with no barriers between the two of you.
I like direct game for the fact that I can't "hide" behind a false persona. It keeps me on my path, because if I become lax and let my inner game wain, then it shows very quickly, whereas you have more leeway with indirect game to sell a persona. Conversations also tend to be more 50/50 with direct whereas its more like 80/20 with indirect, so that's a relief if you're not naturally a motormouth.
But both are valid and effective if done properly.
Direct game is NOT supplication and it is NOT in any way shape or form needy or creepy. It is honest, natural and will come off well if you're relaxed, have good style, bodylanguage, and confidence. It actually syncs up well in a girl's mind and creates comfort from the get go if you're a confident, cool guy, because that is how girls IMAGINE themselves being approached. They do not imagine some guy running rune routines, reading palms, doing methodical backturns and thowing out backhanded compliments.