sexybeast said:
Openers are not important... you do not have to open declairing how gorgeous/beautiful you think a girl is...
There's no "one way" to be direct. You have to incorporate the Direct principles into your own "personal style.
When you approach in direct manner you want to come in with an underlying attitude of, "I KNOW for a fact that you want to share my company .... there is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND that you want me!!
I'm not into pre-rehearsed pick-up' lines. So, I'm not really into the whole "you should say this!"..."you should say that!" crap (Indirect). As long as you're expressing your sexual desires to the girl in a upfront, to-the-point, honest, and unapologetic manner ... your being direct and very natural. Like I have said already "let your own personal style and personality dictate what specific words and phrases you use.
Alright, that's cool man. I think I'm starting to understand a little more now.
But, I still have no idea how to approach them and be direct. Can you give me some examples or just some sample coversations or anything to get me started? The only thing I can think of is "Hey how are you?" or "I think your beautiful" Etc, and then a brief intro with names.
Btw, its JUKEbox...not Jokebox (unless that was intentional..hahah)
agentzero said:
If you approach her and ask her directions,
But what if you DO genuinely need directions. What if I'm new in town and I need directions to a good club I heard about. (I.e. when I was in San Diego, I asked someone directions to On Broadway) I think that would a be a good way to tell them that they seem like interesting people and even ask them if they want to go with you. Worst case scenario, you get directions to the place you REALLY DO want directions to.
Same applies for opinion openers. For instance, what if you do want female opinions on whether a certain outfit looks better than another or whether you look better with glasses or not (I actually used this to get a lot of conversations and VALUED opinions when I was considering getting Lasik surgery. I got a lot of decent advice, but for now I have settled for more stylish glasses). Anyways, those are just examples, but there actually are female opinions that I genuinely care about...and I would seriously ask any girl, ugly or not.
But I agree with you 100% about not using B.S. opinions and situational openers you couldn't care less about just to a girl to take her panties off.
Also, to let you know a bit about me. Right now, I don't care about getting laid or one night stands. Unlike a lot of people who are just looking for "5 quick and easy steps to trick her into my bed so I can stick my d1ck in her", I'm more interested in;
1. Improving my social competence and self-confidence when it comes to women. I just want to get comfortable approaching attractive girls and being able to carry on a conversation and be perceived as a fun and interesting person, without seeming like some desperate AFC who just wants to Fvck her.
Because honestly, I don't really want to have sex with any girl just because she's hot...unless they earn it.
2. Developing a social circle...or social proof. Because I don't have any friends who aren't committed to serious relationships which occupy most of their time, save one...but he's more of the friend I hang out with to watch movies or play games for fun and such. SO at this point, even some honest LJBF's would be alright...if they actually thought I was cool and wanted to be friends.
3. Dating women and finding one that's right for me. In case it wasn't obvious before, my real goals are developing solid relationships with women. Since I've never really had a serious relationship with a woman, I think this would be a good way to get the experience I need so when I do meet the "Woman of my Dreams" or a mature, intelligent and attractive girl I do want a long-term relationship with, my odds will be a lot better.