Bit distraught to be honest.
Everything was fine before I asked her about going exclusive. Now she has turned down my offer for seeing her....doesn't want to talk about it and she wasn't where I thought she was. I have deleted her number to save me fvcking it up more.
Just confused. I want a GF, but I seem to always fail in trying to get that. I have screwed up a few times by doing this.
SHE was showing ME huge IOI but it seems like it was a trap and as soon as I show some back, I am coldly back burnered. I am sorry but I don't get this world of seeing people, building interest and rapport, only for it to evaporate when I think I am convinced on one girl....she's like "meh, I still want to keep options open"
I feel so stupid as this is MY FAULT. I've had a seriously keen woman recently and her intense keeness put me off. BUT it was nothing like this, I don't
text her all day. I don't ask her if she likes me. I spent a huge amount of time having fun and fvcking this woman, so when I say lets cut the shyt.....I find she really isn't keen on me at all, and is still open to better offers, and the act of me just asking her to be my GF has killed it.....
So, from now on, I have to just wait for them? I have to develop no feelings for any of them? I am confused off my's like I have to die inside and give up all the fun of a relationship to get them to want me. When I was cooler, earlier on, things were good. She earned my trust and actually she was doing this to find stuff out about me, so she could change her mind.
The bytch didn't even let me talk it through, just said talk it over when we next I guess it isn't totally over (I expect I will get LJBF text soon though)
How will I ever find a partner? It seems dating to me is building rapport and them, it's "let's pretend I like him so I can evaluate and find things I don't like while searching for someone else". Why spend all your time with me ffs? So bitterly dissappointed AGAIN. Just as I fall for her she cuts me off. I am never, ever showing interest or appreciation to her or any other again, they truly only respond to indifference.
I told her I had been turning down offers but chose to spend time with her instead and she was like "you should see other people too". 24 hours before we were fvking and luvvy on my couch. What the fvck is wrong with people.
Issue is now, yet again, I am losing the will to meet others. I have a hottie texting me and I just see it as another trap, another one who wants me to show interest to slap my face, again.....and confidence, balls lost. My fvking fault, again, just for asking a girl to be more than a fvck buddy....they are cold calulating creatures....either that or I am too low value.....but why date and fvck me for weeks if I am low value.....