My approach to bang ratio was probably 1 in 100 to 1 in 200.
I think mine was/is very similar. Despite all of my knowledge. I honestly love hearing from other people who aren't just full of **** lol.
On seddit you see so much nonsense from fantasists and/or coaches or people shilling for a coach. ''You got rejected 5 times in a row??! Bro, you're doing something seriously wrong!! You need to learn my pushpull lines and get my course on female psychology!! I get laid 1 in 3!' etc. If you told them you made 150 cold approaches and didn't get laid, they'd literally laugh you off the forum as if you're the most clueless person in the world, but the irony is that it's them that's clueless and their numbers aren't based on reality
It's a ridiculous statement on their part. I mean, imagine some old fat guy going to some victoria secret models convention. By their logic, if he's read a PUA book, if there's like twenty-five 10/10 models there, he's guaranteed to get laid! Staggering!! lol. They don't take into account the millions of factors that are out of your control. If you are not her type, it's game over. It's a numbers game. Hence the ACTUAL success rate of cold approachers.
The problem is the shady PUAs that sell them a dream, they think every approach is supposed to lead to a bang if they have enough "game".
With a few exceptions, I like that most here keep it real. You read some ludicrious claims on other forums and on discord PUA rooms etc. ''My lay count is 3000 and I pull 1 in 3 cold approaches'' etc etc. Unless you are spitting when you talk and just running the worst 'game' in the world, most rejections are completely out of your control. It is what it is. People will always sell the dream, but over time, it seems that people are becoming less naive and gullible about it all on the whole
As for the OP, I still cold approach every week. I only do night game though, personally. I've journalled hundreds of my approaches.
I don't tend to write them anymore. I stopped seeing the point. Once I eventually decided that it really is more a game of numbers than 'skill' there seemed little point. I was either setting myself up for some stupid feedback from people (in the event of a rejection) or I just felt like I was essentially bragging in the case of a pull (because i'm pretty sure a pull just means a girl thought you were good looking and you didn't creep her out and had the balls to escalate)