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Embrace's Journal: The Road to Self-Possession


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
u see that hot girl with her muscular bf?? she ****s him every nite and u get to be alone

hows that for motivation for ur lazy ass? lol

ull feel better if ur body is in shape, girls really care about that kinda thing, and the hotter the girl, the more she cares about looks/body


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
just like I wouldnt like a girl without a nice body I dont expect girls to like me without a nice body. I still believe I can pick up chicks without working out but I realize I need to workout.. I need to feel great about how I look. I would call myself a 6/10 right now and if I got some muscle definition maybe an 8/10


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
Embrace said:
I believe that I am attractive but I would loopk better with muscle definition. I am a small guy so I ought to bulk up a little... I dont always want to have to be covered up by clothes ya know.

I think im too lazy to work out I guess... its stupid but I dont know.

No motivation. I feel like I could pick up girls without working out but I dont think I would f*ck a girl because I dont have much muscle so my body wouldnt look very attractive ya know?

I dont need to be ripped but atleast have some definition
First off, awesome job so far, great progress.

Second thing I recommend for this problem is watching MTV shows about "I want the perfect body" the guys there are intense, pumps me up.

I also recommend using Nitroexplosion to help boost up your energy and motivation for the gym. It helps you bulk up quick (I gained 5lbs in muscle within a week) and since it has a bit of caffeine, it pumps you up a bit.

Another peice of advice, never rate yourself lower then a 10, because thats what you are man. Confidence is key (at least for me) and saying affirmations about how good looking I am sure as hell helps my game. I have had about 4 HB7 - 8 open up to me because they see how fun and confident I am just by the way I act.

Keep up the great work man! :up:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Rocko said:
First off, awesome job so far, great progress.

Second thing I recommend for this problem is watching MTV shows about "I want the perfect body" the guys there are intense, pumps me up.

I also recommend using Nitroexplosion to help boost up your energy and motivation for the gym. It helps you bulk up quick (I gained 5lbs in muscle within a week) and since it has a bit of caffeine, it pumps you up a bit.

Another peice of advice, never rate yourself lower then a 10, because thats what you are man. Confidence is key (at least for me) and saying affirmations about how good looking I am sure as hell helps my game. I have had about 4 HB7 - 8 open up to me because they see how fun and confident I am just by the way I act.

Keep up the great work man! :up:
Cool dude thanks.

I'll start working out. I know it will be worth the time in the long run...

My step dad is trying to get me big so im sure if I show interest he'll help me out. We have some weights downstairs I can use.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Day Twenty-One

A couple nights ago I hung out with some freidns and a couple cute girls.

First I hung out with one group who had a cute girl in that group then later I hung out with a different group with a different girl.

I had success using c&f and teasing.

I had the girls laughing a ton and I generally was the center of attention most of the time.

HB#1 was very touchy feely. Any time she'd laugh she would touch me. I acted weirded out by her after saying some ****y and funny comments. I told her her how I wasnt so sure about her and scooted away smiling.

Success if becoming more natural so Im starting to get sick of putting in entrys.

I may change my entrys to only times when something out of the norm happens.. or I succeed in something new.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Oh and HB#2 I decided to show her a little bit of my nice guy. I was totally grilling her all night teasing the crap out of her and she played along and had a good time with me. She was laughign all the time and it was fun.

We were driving to meet some kids at the store and she didnt know which way to go.. when we got on the right track I sort of made myself feel like an AFC on purpose so I could show some nice guy. She earned it after all. I asked her if she knew where the store was from where we were and i told her in a gentle voice. Where as all night I was teasing the crap out of her.

It may not make since when reading it here.. but I think it worked.

She deffintley earned a break. She was a trooper. I actually todl her she was a trooper and held out my pinky for some pinky love.

She threatened to break it in a jokingly way... she pretended to bend it and this gave her an opportunity to hold on longer I think


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
This is still part of 9/10/06

Its happened after the previous entrys

I was at work and i hear a girl call my name. I look over and a HB that I've done ton of flirting with does a little girly way and ****s her head. You know how girls do that sh*t right? Trying to be cute or something.

Now imagine this:

She caught me so off guard that I got a weird feeling in my stomach and for a second I believe I was a complete AFC. I was actually nervous when I saw her.. I dont know what the problem was. I guess I just wasnt prepared at all? It was weird.

I might of blushed, I hope not.. but its very possible. I just said "Sup kid?" with a smile making eye contact and went back to my work.

Later when she was leaving I pointed at her like I was angry. Playfully obviously. She gave me a "huh" type of look.

I glared at her and gave her the "I'm watching you" gesture. (Pointing at your eyes them pointing at the person.)

I had to redeem myself with something confident.. so I think that helped.

Anyway, I found it interesting how much I was caught off guard and it just kind of shows me that the AFC is still trying to pull me back in. I'm overcoming it however


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Some more stuff tonight

Now that I flirt so often with girls the natural high that I get from it seems addicting.. like im excited to go where cute chicks will be so I can game em.

Tonight when I went to improv class I decided to test the waters with the girls there. One of my chick friend never flirts back... another doesnt either. But one did. I blocked her when she was walking so she ran into me.. playfully. This started it. She would kino me a little.. try to tease me. I would tease her and playfully kino her.

We did a blind fold game to get to know the new area.. so the whole class was blind folded. She used this as an excuse to touch me a ton.. I noticed that when I'd say something she'd follow my voice and bump into me... at one point she grabbed on to me and I was like "ahhh get off of me".. she was feeling around a lot.. I'm assuming on purpose.. she "mistakengly" touched my crotch.. and I said "Geez careful where youre pokin around!"

Anyway, it was fun flirting sh*t...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Day Twenty-Two

I'm feeling kind of down tonight.

I feel like im not progressing and i dont know what to do. I flirt a lot and I get good vibes from girls but im not able to get enough rapport with them I dont think. I need to set up dates or im not going to ever get anywehre.. it just seems like im not able to even get enough rapport with chicks to feel comfortable asking them to hangout sometime.

I realize why im not progressing and I have a goal to get a date with a chick as soon as possible. No longer am I working on being comfortable around girls and attracting them.. but i need to work on hanging out with them so they wnat to be around me and that we get enough rapport for me to advance more and more.

I think a sophmore chick was a little interested in me at school. She's a little cute.. little bit pudgy. A guys I know who's pretty annoying is going out with her. I would like to steal her away from him just for the sake of doing it. I wouldnt want a relationship.

I'm going to pull some ****y and funny stuff with them tommroow and try to AMOG. I want her to leave him for me.. and im curious to see if I can do it.

I kind of feel bad because im not really interested in her.. but how cool would it be tfor everyone to know I jacked her from this guy. It would help social status for sure.


Recently I'vve been thinking that I havent been very mature. I saw in the tip section a thread about being mature and I glanced over that quickly and it reinforced my beliefs.

I'm going to try to be a mature, fun guy.
I really need to work on my maturity. I'm going to watch my older co-workers around 20 years old that are successfull with ladies and see how they act maturity wise.


Get a damn date.. i've had enough of just f*cking around with girls for fun. Its time to advance

Be mature - not boring.. but mature
I'm a senior for f*ck's sake. It's time to start acting like one. I'm nearly an adult

There are kids that do a lot of immature stuff at school to me and to eachother. Rather than doing the stuff back I'm going to be the more mature person and stand up for myslef without stepping to their level


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Rocko said:
Good progress, now is the time to go in for the kill my friend. Step up your game, show us results. We want kiss closes now, forget number closes! Go big or go home

Im getting tired of the lack of results too. I'm definitley motivated to move on...

I have to set up a date though with a chick before I can.

Any suggestions on how I should ask a chick to hang out?

I dont really want to give her any power over it.

I'm thinking of telling a chick that im off on 2 days and she can chill with me one of those days


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Day Twenty-Three


Litterally 30 minutes after posting my previous post I set up a date.

This friday im hanging out with a chick at a football game and then going to a dance.

We had a discussion over aim abotu a bunch of stuff and I asked "When the hell did you plan on askign me to hang out?" sort of playfully and it turned out that I said we'd chill this friday as long as she promises not to flake.

She said shes going to the football game and dance so if I want to do that then for sure.

I'm not going to post anyting else untill after friday unless something really significant happens

The only thing im worried about if a friend of mine i skind of dating her. They both like eachother and theyrew kind of seeing eachother.. nothing official. I even asked him today when she was brought up in a conversation.. he shrugged and said kind of.

I figure its free game...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Day Twenty-Eight

I just got home from a party. The success I had with interacting with cute women was RIDICULOUS. The high that I had afterwords is also ridiculous. I smiled the whole way home.

I'm going to keep this simple - and im going to say now. I didnt hook up with anyone.

So me and a ton of friends, male and female, are going to this guys house. We'll call him K. I had a class with K freshmen year.. went to school with him, but besides that we wernt "friends" or anything.

We get to the house.. a good maount of kids are there that I dont know. The alcohol isnt there yet, people are chatting, hanging out.

I see a cute chick sitting on the couch under a blanket. She's HBA. My radars are locked in. I was litterally thinking, "she's mine."

So anyway, beer finally comes.. a buddy of mine brought it and I didnt know he was goin to be there. Along comes some other people that I dont know.. I see another cute chick. She's HBB. There turns out to be two HB's that I dont know and one who is a friend through friends. We'll call the friend HBC.

HBA and HBC are sitting on the couch.. somehow I ended up next to them and was in a conversation with them... I brought up the fact that HBC stole my sunglasses and that I wanted them back. I teased her a lot about it. Me and HBA were saying how she has a shrine of me with my glasses on there and a lock of hair.. yadya yadya yadya.

At this point HBA see's I am a fun, friendly person. I'm in good with her.

We're all at the table late on and a girl is doign some card tricks.. this gave me a reason to pop a squat next to HBA.

Anyway, HBA, HBB, me, and some other kids are at the table. I'm on fire working these girls.. and then I get ****BLOCKED.

The host of the party says "Hey HB's! Want to listen to me playing guitar?" They jump up and run in the other room. I'm sitting at the table in shock. I couldnt believe what just happened.

Skippign right ahead, I need a ride to my friends house so that I can get my car and drive home by my curfew. I ask HBB if she can bring me to my friends (her step sister) house so that I can grab my car. I offered her 5 bucks after she didnt sound like she really wanted to. She got excited and jumped on the offer.

I said "Jeez youre a gold digger!!!!" While smiling. She backed off right away.. she didnt want anythign to do with my money. She said "no its ok I dont need money.. I'll give yo ua ride out of the kindess of my heart." I smiled and said "I'd appreciate it."

She paused untill she realized what had just happen. "Oh my god!! Youre so manipulitive!" I acted shocked... this was all playfully.

Anyway, She doesnt want my money... im forcing the five buxcks on her and she keeps saying no I dont need it.

I tease her, we joke around, talk the drive to my car.. and I tell her im going to leave the money in her car whether she wants it or not. She said "Well I'll just donate it or somethign!" thniking she wasa clever.. getting out of taking my money :).
I replied "Well you can do whatever you want with it... i'm leaving it in the car."

That was that pretty much.

I hopped out of her car, through the five bucks on her lap and shut the door. Then I went "Oh!" I opened it back up, thanked her, and walked over to my Jag.

BONUS: She's seen my improv performance without me knowing.. she has come to see her step sister (my friend) who does it with me, and remembered me from it.

Anyway I think it was awesome interaction.. I was sober the whole time. I dont like to do drugs... the high I get from success with women is enough.

Have you ever seen the anti drug commercial with the guy saying how he's chatting up all the ladies at parties while his friends are sitting lone stoned? Thats how I was... I was on fire.. and sober as a ****in bird.



Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
Embrace said:
Any suggestions on how I should ask a chick to hang out?

I dont really want to give her any power over it.
Sorry about the late response, internet went down. Maybe my story will help you.

Some chick came into my work, HB7, started talking to me. I was totally ****y and confident and I guess she saw that because she said she'd visit me at work the next day. I joked around with her and all that and then the next day she shows up right before work (she works close by me) and asked for my number. She called me and we talked for a little bit then I asked her if she had plans over the weekend. She said not on saturday so I asked her to an early dinner.

Another example is when I started talking to another girl I thought was cute. I suggested we hang out, telling her that I was not free on tuesday, thurs - saturday, leading her to choose when she wants to see me. By doing this, you are making it seem like she is in control when in reality you are. You are forcing her to pick a day that YOU are fine with.

As for your most recent post. Keep up Kino and make sure to isolate. It sounds like you at least could have kiss closed those girls.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Keep the approaches coming man. If you need any ideas, then read my Approachzilla journal. I have 50 some approaches all logged in that thread. Most of my approaches come from bars/clubs, but you can still do some of the stuff I did in day game or in school. Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Good stuff. Thanks Rocko.

I feel really stupid for not even number closing those girls.. it just slipped my mind. I guess I was more caught up in other stuff besides girls. Interesting.

I like hte idea of telling a girl when youre available to give them some days to choose from.. giving them the idea that theyre in power when I am actually


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score

Day Thirty-two

Last night a girl at work told me she had a question for me and continued with whatever she was doing. When she was in earshot I asked her what the question was. She said she'd ask later.

This kind of creeped me out.. because I dont wanna hook up with her. She's probably a 5 and my standards are higher than that. Afterall I believe I'm higher than a 5...

Anyway she ended up asking me once we were alone:

Her: Why dont you have a girlfriend?
Me: Are you hitting on me?
Her: No!
Me: I dont know. I dont want one? (Incase she was interested in me I wanted to shut her down right away)
Her: Blah blah
Me: Besides I have a lot of girlfriends... just nothing serious
Her: A lot of girlfriends huh?

I threatened to fill out a sexual harrassment report just jokingly that night.. telliong co-workers that she isolated me and started to hit on me...

I hope she doesnt like me... its just habbit to tease and flirt with any girl now adays.. even if theyre nasty.

I even found myself at a party previously flirting with a nasty girl like I would a hot girl I want to f*ck.. the way I spoke, the way I made eye contact, the way I smiled and all that.

I guess its good that its habit but I dont want to start attracting UGs.. I do however want everyone to like me. I guess the difference between a UG and a HB is I'll hook up with the HB and not the UG.

Anyway, the co-workers question kind of made me realize: yeah... why DONT I have a girlfriend? There's no reason why I shouldnt. She was pretty much saying that she likes me and would want me if she didnt have a boyfriend as far as I'm concerned.. and she's not the nastiest b*tch around.. but I dont want her.

There's bound to be cuter chicks who feel the same way


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
Embrace said:
I hope she doesnt like me... its just habbit to tease and flirt with any girl now adays.. even if theyre nasty.

I even found myself at a party previously flirting with a nasty girl like I would a hot girl I want to f*ck.. the way I spoke, the way I made eye contact, the way I smiled and all that.

I guess its good that its habit but I dont want to start attracting UGs.. I do however want everyone to like me. I guess the difference between a UG and a HB is I'll hook up with the HB and not the UG.

Anyway, the co-workers question kind of made me realize: yeah... why DONT I have a girlfriend? There's no reason why I shouldnt. She was pretty much saying that she likes me and would want me if she didnt have a boyfriend as far as I'm concerned.. and she's not the nastiest b*tch around.. but I dont want her.

There's bound to be cuter chicks who feel the same way
I have the same problem with girls (not really a problem, more of a situation). Lots of girls tell me I'm a huge flirt, but I don't even realize it. I mean, up until last year I had NO EXPERIENCE with a girl, not to mention I was **** at social interactions such as flirting.

About the second part, yes there are cuter girls with great personalities. Unfortunately most are taken or are crazy hehe (refering to the first girl who number closed me and kiss closed me; she wants to be friends first now haha). Just don't go looking for it, the ***** will come to you man. You just have to find the one person who you feel you can have more then a physical relationship with and go for them.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Day Thirty-Six

Been flirting with a chick a lot... shes pretty hot. I think she has a boyfriend.. or somethign that isnt official I'm not sure.

She uses C&F on me... I find that pretty funny

She also plays a lot of hard to get.

Dont get me wrong.. its not her shutting me down and me assumign its her playing hard to get. I know the difference.

I verbally dominated this guy she's seeing and she found it ammusing. I'm always smashing on him.

I left a big comment mocking him on her myspace and doing all the gay **** he does.. acting all arrogant.

She said she deleted it because it was un-called for but she had to admit that it was genious. :up:

We're going to homecoming.. should be good.. I dont know when homecoming is. Soon I guess? I went ahead and told her I needed a date and if she wanted to go. She wasnt too quick to say yes.. I think it was part of her game. in the discussion we were talkign about how its semi formal and I told her that I didnt really want to go if I had to dress up.. then she said she'd go.. hahaha

Whatevs, I have fun with her. We'll see

She enjoys when I punish this guy she's seeing. Thats got to be a good sign


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Day Thirty-Seven

I hund out with one of my chick friends and another chick (from day 36) today after school. I brought my 3 year old brother with me because I was curious how it would effect my game. I had to pick him up from preschool anyway so I figured Id keep him with me for a bit.

Obviously there was the "Oh he's so cute", "oh my god you guys are so alike" type stuff.. btu I found being as he is crazy I had to focus on him 90% of the time rather then my game makign sure he didnt run off and get hurt some how.

We went down town and hung out for a bit.. went into a few stores. It was a nice day today so we were basically enjoying it.
I wanted to not give the HB from day 36 much attention next time I hung out with her anyway because the last time we hung out it was very memoriable.. lots of stories came from that night.

It was clear that I was interested in her so I thought I would tease her and not act nearly as interested this time.

I didnt let up completley.. I just cant help but to game a little. Its becoming natural.

So nothing very significant today.. I dont think I'll be bringing the little guy with me any more. It's too difficult to watch after him at all times. I know why my mom doesnt bring him anywehre now...

It was fun though, the girls were laughing and enjoying him being there.. so hopefully it will be good.


I'm really considering doing some approaches... at first I just wanted to meet girls as I met them.. or meet girls at parties. But I'm getting impatient.. I want a girlfriend NOW.

Its been 5 weeks and I havent progressed very much. I'm sort of stuck... I need to advance and actually hook up with someone