Day Twenty-Eight
I just got home from a party. The success I had with interacting with cute women was RIDICULOUS. The high that I had afterwords is also ridiculous. I smiled the whole way home.
I'm going to keep this simple - and im going to say now. I didnt hook up with anyone.
So me and a ton of friends, male and female, are going to this guys house. We'll call him K. I had a class with K freshmen year.. went to school with him, but besides that we wernt "friends" or anything.
We get to the house.. a good maount of kids are there that I dont know. The alcohol isnt there yet, people are chatting, hanging out.
I see a cute chick sitting on the couch under a blanket. She's HBA. My radars are locked in. I was litterally thinking, "she's mine."
So anyway, beer finally comes.. a buddy of mine brought it and I didnt know he was goin to be there. Along comes some other people that I dont know.. I see another cute chick. She's HBB. There turns out to be two HB's that I dont know and one who is a friend through friends. We'll call the friend HBC.
HBA and HBC are sitting on the couch.. somehow I ended up next to them and was in a conversation with them... I brought up the fact that HBC stole my sunglasses and that I wanted them back. I teased her a lot about it. Me and HBA were saying how she has a shrine of me with my glasses on there and a lock of hair.. yadya yadya yadya.
At this point HBA see's I am a fun, friendly person. I'm in good with her.
We're all at the table late on and a girl is doign some card tricks.. this gave me a reason to pop a squat next to HBA.
Anyway, HBA, HBB, me, and some other kids are at the table. I'm on fire working these girls.. and then I get ****BLOCKED.
The host of the party says "Hey HB's! Want to listen to me playing guitar?" They jump up and run in the other room. I'm sitting at the table in shock. I couldnt believe what just happened.
Skippign right ahead, I need a ride to my friends house so that I can get my car and drive home by my curfew. I ask HBB if she can bring me to my friends (her step sister) house so that I can grab my car. I offered her 5 bucks after she didnt sound like she really wanted to. She got excited and jumped on the offer.
I said "Jeez youre a gold digger!!!!" While smiling. She backed off right away.. she didnt want anythign to do with my money. She said "no its ok I dont need money.. I'll give yo ua ride out of the kindess of my heart." I smiled and said "I'd appreciate it."
She paused untill she realized what had just happen. "Oh my god!! Youre so manipulitive!" I acted shocked... this was all playfully.
Anyway, She doesnt want my money... im forcing the five buxcks on her and she keeps saying no I dont need it.
I tease her, we joke around, talk the drive to my car.. and I tell her im going to leave the money in her car whether she wants it or not. She said "Well I'll just donate it or somethign!" thniking she wasa clever.. getting out of taking my money

I replied "Well you can do whatever you want with it... i'm leaving it in the car."
That was that pretty much.
I hopped out of her car, through the five bucks on her lap and shut the door. Then I went "Oh!" I opened it back up, thanked her, and walked over to my Jag.
BONUS: She's seen my improv performance without me knowing.. she has come to see her step sister (my friend) who does it with me, and remembered me from it.
Anyway I think it was awesome interaction.. I was sober the whole time. I dont like to do drugs... the high I get from success with women is enough.
Have you ever seen the anti drug commercial with the guy saying how he's chatting up all the ladies at parties while his friends are sitting lone stoned? Thats how I was... I was on fire.. and sober as a ****in bird.