blitzwing said:
Thanks for the reply, I'll take a look at that, I've heard a lot about that book, pros & cons.
If you could also suggest some extra in complimentary or...well, by those who "con" the D Angelo book & got an "opposite" way as better just so I can compare & pounder etc
Finally, before I got to run; What are your thoughts on PUATRAINING.COM? Worthy material? Furthermore, Worthy the fee & inscription?
Thanks in advance.
Mmm...I took a look at the website you gave me. You came across Gambler's
stuff - an English PUA. I have personally bought his book
The Natural Art
of Seduction. Unfortunately, I'm in college and it has just been sitting in
my desk as I haven't had time to read it. Gambler's book has pretty high
ratings online. If you decide to buy his book, though, don't buy it from his
website. You'll end up receiving a load of e-mails, paying more and possibly buying
something you won't like. Get the book from Amazon, instead; it is only about
US$6.50 for a used one and about $8.00 for a new one plus shipping.
Here is a link to the book on Amazon:
Secondly, don't go around buying all the stuff that sounds really good. The
guys that put these websites and hook videos together are really into
psychology and know how to get you to buy their stuff and will most
likely take advantage of you and steal your money. I'm a psychology
major and I have wanted to buy their stuff myself - that's how tricky it
is. Try sticking to a reputable person. I, personally have stuck to David
DeAngelo's stuff for the simple reason that it works. No, I don'twant to
sound like I'm trying to sell you hiss stuff, haha, but most guys here
would agree his stuff is awesome. The book I recommended you
Your Dating), comes with two or three other books that will give you a
hand in other areas of your game. Also take a look
The Game by Neil
Strauss; his book has almost perfect satisfaction reviews. I'm thinking about
getting that book myself. Again, buy it on Amazon as it is only $18.00 used
and $21.00 new.
Here is a link to the book on Amazon:
Thirdly: puatraning. Their thing is taking guys out and pushing
them to the limit and charge a lot. This is what I have to say to that: :moon:
You aren't even at that level yet, anyway. These books I mentioned will keep
you busy for at least two months, especially since you say you have a busy
schedule. Instead, go out and make friends with some guys who are already
successful with women and listen to what they tell you. Sometimes they may
criticize you, though, but don't take it the wrong way. Thank them and take it
as constructive criticism; after all, they're giving you advice and helping you
out. These guys will dramatically increase your chances of success. Also,
make friends with some attractive women; and don't worry if you're just
friends with them and nothing else because for some reason, they always
turn out to have other amazingly attractive girls with whom they'd love to
hook you up if they see you're a desirable guy - which of course, you will be
after you do your homework.

Also, think about what you want to get out of this work you're doing. Do you
want a long-term girlfriend? Do you want party girls? Do you want a wife in
the long run? Most guys don't know what they want;hence, they fail to get
it and never feel satisfied - think about that. There is two ways to get where
you want to be: expensive and acceptable quality, and inexpensive and
high quality. You are your own best mentor; by stepping out of your comfort
zone, you will make dramatic changes in your way of thinking, you'll meet
your goals faster, AND you won't spend much. So which one is it going to be,
brother? :yes:
Last, but not least:
Vice said:
David DeAngelo's Deep Inner Game and On Being A Man are also great videos to watch. Awesome stuff.
David DeAngelo's
Deep Inner Game and
On Being a Man
programs are
highly advanced programs that will only confuse you.
His programs build on top of each other. Think of it as this: you have to know
basic arithmetic before you can move to statistics and calculus, otherwise
you'll have no idea what of what you're doing and you'll end up frustrated.
Worry about setting the foundation for now and you can most likely check out
those programs later as you progress.
PS: Thanks for this.
blitzwing said:
Someone else willing to give good advice & suggestions like Robyn923b rather than **** generic-simplistic-justgottopost like the 1 above?
I try to answer questions thoroughly because I know what it feels to get
crappy answers. You can always add some points to my rep if I helped by
simply clicking on the scale on the left of this sentence. <--
Not that I want to influence you or anything, though haha.
Let me know if you have further questions.