Sure, obviously everything is a factor. Whether or not you have carpet or a hardwood floor is a factor. I just don't understand the point of starting these threads trying to convince other guys that they are a factor. The PUA's say not to worry about it. The DJ Bible says not to worry about it. Nobel Prize-winning scientists over the last 150 YEARS say not to worry about it. And yet...there's still some individuals who find it necessary to try to convince other guys that these people are all wrong.
Oh, and I've been driving around very drunk sluts for 2 1/2 years in a taxi...I haven't banged ONE. A good amount of these girls wouldn't shut up about how hot I am, either. So there must be something else needed even in this case.
Well maybe you don't, because you don't want to open your eyes to the truth. Personally, I see it all the time because I'm interested in this kind of thing and notice it immediately. I also live in a much bigger city than you do and have a larger sample size.
This is an opinion. "Maybe I don't see it because I don't want to open my eyes to the truth?" WTF are you talking about dude? You sound like some kind of delusional prophet. What could I possibly have to gain from ignoring the "truth?" I'm a 7-8 on the looks scale and a fun guy to be around. Either way works for me.
The fact remains: women are famous for not knowing what they want.
Basically "I have nothing to refute what you said, so I will restate my opinion."
Dude, Hillary didn't get to where she is because she's a good leader and she's good at making tough decisions. You don't really think that, do you?
Wow. Gonna try and shame me into it? She got to where she is because she was the WIFE of a male President, and adding her to Obama's ticket helped him get elected.
Wow. That's cynical. And I'm a cynical guy. But that's cynical to the point of willful and bitter ignorance. And yes, I think it's fair to say that since men are in most leadership positions, that means that they are more qualified to lead.
So you think that. Interesting opinion. Similarly, I think that since most secretaries are females, this indicates that women are better at answering phones and keeping track of appointments than men are. Everybody has their roles in society.
I have no theories. I've stated this numerous times. All I have are the facts, which people like you choose to ignore.
Well, you kinda did. You think women are rational, right? Right. So when hot chicks are trotting around with violent criminals, you believe it's a logical thing for a girl that can have a guy that is not an ex-con to do this. That's two completely contradicting statements. Obviously, it's not rational for a woman to do this (meaning attraction isn't a choice) so you feel that since women ARE rational, this also means that attraction is in fact, a choice.
I cite this stuff, constantly. I can't do it on every thread because I'm not going to baby you looks-matter guys
Lol let's get this straight... I'm not a "looks matter" guy. I'm not an anything guy. and hold your hand while guiding you to the truth.
All you'v ever said to me has been opinion. You presenting it as fact does not make it so. I'll post a couple links for you here that I posted on another thread (which you claim I never do), but after that you're on your own, buddy. I can only show you the door. YOU are the one that has to walk through it.
Cool thoughts about why looks don't even matter to peacocks:
"The paradox arises because, if all of the females choose to mate with the same few males – those with the ‘best’ genes, then there will be much less genetic variety in the population in the next generation, and over a number of generations we might expect this to lead to no variety, making it impossible to sustain any choice."
This isn't applicable. Its 1. A different species operating on a survival-only basis. No recreational sex. 2. Women aren't choosing to mate when they're at a party. They're choosing to fvck. 3. The whole thing about an in-sustainable mate pairings doesn't apply to humans. Attractive men won't often sleep with ugly azs women. Usually fat ugly disgusting women can't GET attractive men. This is off the table.
Fun excerpt:
"In a series of four studies, Sadalla, Kenrick & Vershure (1987) found that dominant behavior in males increased female's sexual attraction to them. Dominant behavior in females was not related to sexual attraction in males."
Obviously. Behavior is important. But the idea of behavior being important doesn't mean looks don't matter. They are not mutually exclusive. This does more to prove the rational, level-headed position than the "ONE THING IS IMPORTANT AND THE OTHER IS NOT111" stance.
University of Georgia faculty member on why good looks can actually HURT guys:
"For example, she says, ''the good genes' model leads to oversimplified notions that there is a 'best male' out there, a top-of-the-line hunk whom all females would prefer to mate with if they had the wherewithal. But in the viability model, a female brings her own genetic complement to the equation, with the result that
what looks good genetically to one woman might be a clash of colors for another.''
hahaha, read that last excerpt carefully. Its saying what one woman finds good looking varies from the next woman. Guess what's being inherently acknowledged as mattering in there? Looks.