My Name is Nobody said:
First of all I consider Francisco a true friend.
I was just kidding around and didn't mean to offend.
Second of all, Iqqi helped me out with a plan to get this girl back and it may work.
I doubt it's going to work.
Anyway, I will write a real response to this thread since I have a free moment. What iqqi told you I highly doubt will work, and the same can be said of the
text messages you've been sending because, it's exactly like Rob says in that Swingers clip I've just linked to you. You can't do anything to make her want to come back to you. You can only do things to drive her further away.
I went through an episode like this about five years ago, but I wasn't familiar enough with SoSuave to create a 34-page thread about her and the Oneitis I had. Instead, I *****ed and moaned endlessly to friends. I tried everything to get the girl I dated back, including writing notes and trying "risky" things like iqqi suggested. But all of it only made her hate me more.
I would suggest to you to meet other women, but it appears that isn't working for you. I know I didn't get over this until I moved away from her and never saw her again for three years. Even two or three months after I moved, I was still instant messaging her and writing e-mails. Even then, I just replaced her with another pseudo-oneitis, which you seem to have tried to do as well.
It's like another poster said. Oneitis is a nasty disease and a tough one to cure. Eventually, you'll cross this bridge, but only when you completely forget about her and move on - not when you "win her back".
I just hope that in a year or so you can look back on this period of your life and not feel ashamed or embarrassed. I know I felt horribly about my Oneitis and wouldn't talk about it openly (even on this message board) until maybe a year ago. It even still has a slight effect on relationships I get into and is probably one of the reasons I don't get into many LTRs.
Every guy on this board has probably been Mikey from Swingers at some point in their life.