does money , new car , new home really get woman these days


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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SecondHalf said:
There are some rich guys who only will date established, successful women.
The d1ck who's established and prefers dating hair dressers, beauty consultants, admins, clerks, loser-babes is ... yep, an idiot.
Kind of like the asisaphile. Where bigotry gives him his ... "edge".

Best add a third category, the rich guy who wants an equal.
Best not to envy, better to achieve for oneself.

You have a good point. Some guys do want to have that kind of woman, but it all really depends on the guy's goals. The guy who dates the established, successful women may f*ck sl*ts on the side.

You have to remember that many established, successful women by nature need to suppress their femininity in order to succeed in today's world, unless they're some kind of entertainer such as a dancer, actress, or singer, or other profession that requires women to use their femininity. Otherwise you have Bill and Hillary Clinton, a powerful couple in the business world, but in the lover's realm they are both of masculine personalities, hence why Bill cheats on Hillary with ultra-feminine women.

The girl I'm seeing now is passionate about dance and theater, and I dig that because she's ultra feminine. Women in business tend to irritate the hell out of me. Her income is irrelevant to me. Her success and accomplishments are irrelevant to me. Those three traits are things that men judge each other by, and they honestly have nothing to do with how attractive a woman is.

The idea that women need to have good jobs is just social conditioning. The fat and ugly ones do, because not many men will want to support them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2012
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Vice - many of us on this forum are over twice the age of an 18-21 year old. Things are very different re: 20 vs. 30s/40s.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2012
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wow, the faggotry in this thread amuses me. some of you guys must be super rich (in my standards) in real life to be spouting the sh*t that you do. but I can't be fcked to care lol because its all fcked up thinking.

If I were a rich dude, why the fck would I date anyone (period) when I can just flash my money and get pssy? Oh for the conversation? get the fck outta here m8, I got my guy friends for that.

Guys who mentioned the age thing. i.e. Vice and Burroughs, these guys got it right. Women nearing the 30's+ is looking for "succesful" men so they can latch their hooks onto you before their beauty completely fades. Now if you are looking for a family then sht, by all means. Otherwise, look elsewhere for pssy, like the younger ones.

Even then, why would you want an old pssy when you can have babies with younger pssy.

I have a saying that the girl who will carry my baby is not even born yet.

Note: I'm 25


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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DonJuanabe said:
Vice - many of us on this forum are over twice the age of an 18-21 year old. Things are very different re: 20 vs. 30s/40s.
Chronological maturity does not necessarily equal mental maturity.

That being said, the highlighted part above is one thousand percent correct :up:


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Espi said:
In my opinion, money DOES attract women. There is no such thing as an ugly millionaire.
If Freddy Krueger was worth 50 million dollars, he'd probably be among the sexiest men alive!

Flaunting money all over the place is a great way to get a gold-digger. But being this financially fit gives you many more options than someone who doesn't have it.

And no, I'm not a millionaire at all.

Money can really help, a Ferrari can too, call it what you want, just don't get it taken from you by a woman.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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How many of you actually have money? How many of you are actually a rich, old, f----- fat man with a house bigger than your school? End of discussion.

Yeah, I am a high school senior and I can go to the prom with a zitty boy who wants to touch my breasts, or I can go with my father's friend to Montreal to gamble, drink expensive wine, and go out to clubs until 6 am. Yeah, afterwards I can chill in this pad doing sick things with the old man....
MMM, what should I do?

Remember, the ONLY people on this earth who want young studs are gay men! The only people. Just ask Lou Pearlmen.
Every f---- night was a prom party for Big Lou. That was until he had to ruin it by running one of the biggest ponzi schemes in history. I am sure it was good while it lasted. Just ask the "Backstreet Boys" (get it) and N'Sync. If not for greed, Big Lou could still be sinking his fat stubby fingers into hunky young beefcakes. I guess money was more important than boy bands to him.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
BigJimbo said:
How many of you actually have money? None of you. End of discussion.
If every member on this forum was a millionaire or at least making a 6 figure salary, this forum would be much more different and there'd be a lot less crying threads.

Wishful thinking. Life is not a fairy tale. Women have yet to realize that not every man is a muscular millionaire.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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nismo-4 said:
If every member on this forum was a millionaire or at least making a 6 figure salary, this forum would be much more different and there'd be a lot less crying threads.

Wishful thinking. Life is not a fairy tale. Women have yet to realize that not every man is a muscular millionaire.
My point is that young females who can reproduce are not into what gay men are! Studies prove this. A healthy female can get turned on more by a new purse than a picture of a hot naked man.
A way to a female's heart is with your wallet. Sorry. Just a fact. Buy her something she can't afford and she will pay you back. Fact of life.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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How many of you actually have money? None of you. End of discussion.
could be that approve that rich men do get women that is why they are not here ?
when you are under 23 may be money is not that important to attract girls , because they know you cant be established at this age ,and most of them just look for sex (short term relationships in more polite words )
but after 23 I think money start talk


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2012
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You're taking it from Scarface.

I think money does have something to do with success with women. Women naturally look for a man that can support her offspring. But I'm starting to come to realize that confidence and the way you hold yourself plays an even bigger part. Not only with women but with yourself.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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Vice said:
You have a good point. Some guys do want to have that kind of woman, but it all really depends on the guy's goals. The guy who dates the established, successful women may f*ck sl*ts on the side.

You have to remember that many established, successful women by nature need to suppress their femininity in order to succeed in today's world, unless they're some kind of entertainer such as a dancer, actress, or singer, or other profession that requires women to use their femininity. Otherwise you have Bill and Hillary Clinton, a powerful couple in the business world, but in the lover's realm they are both of masculine personalities, hence why Bill cheats on Hillary with ultra-feminine women.

The girl I'm seeing now is passionate about dance and theater, and I dig that because she's ultra feminine. Women in business tend to irritate the hell out of me. Her income is irrelevant to me. Her success and accomplishments are irrelevant to me. Those three traits are things that men judge each other by, and they honestly have nothing to do with how attractive a woman is.

The idea that women need to have good jobs is just social conditioning. The fat and ugly ones do, because not many men will want to support them.
I agree, I've stopped dating women who are on a similar professional level to myself because of the extra arrogance it tends to include and the greater tendency for power struggles when she thinks that she's your equal (or worse, superior to you.) Only I wear the pants in my relationships, any chick who has a problem with that will find herself quickly dumped.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
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of course confidence is more important but how do we go about "flaunting" our money even if we dont make six figures?


Oct 20, 2006
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omega05 said:
of course confidence is more important but how do we go about "flaunting" our money even if we dont make six figures?
Confidence is not more important than anything. It emerges from other things.

You never flaunt money, especially if you have it.

And don't think "6 figures" ($100,000) is a lot. It's working poor. What you imagine as rich people have $20 Million. Millionares as portrayed on TV in the 1950's with a mansion and butler are Billionaires.

To keep high maintenance women happy, you don't need to be a millionaire, but you do need to be able to display a classy pad wherever you live, to have a clean car, sharp clothes, and to be able to take her on fun events and make her feel spoiled (and most importantly to give her regular orgasms). That's enough to make her fall. She will still secretly want a Billionaire, but only so she can rob half his stuff.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Vice said:
You have a good point. Some guys do want to have that kind of woman, but it all really depends on the guy's goals. The guy who dates the established, successful women may f*ck sl*ts on the side.

You have to remember that many established, successful women by nature need to suppress their femininity in order to succeed in today's world, unless they're some kind of entertainer such as a dancer, actress, or singer, or other profession that requires women to use their femininity. Otherwise you have Bill and Hillary Clinton, a powerful couple in the business world, but in the lover's realm they are both of masculine personalities, hence why Bill cheats on Hillary with ultra-feminine women.

The girl I'm seeing now is passionate about dance and theater, and I dig that because she's ultra feminine. Women in business tend to irritate the hell out of me. Her income is irrelevant to me. Her success and accomplishments are irrelevant to me. Those three traits are things that men judge each other by, and they honestly have nothing to do with how attractive a woman is
The idea that women need to have good jobs is just social conditioning. The fat and ugly ones do, because not many men will want to support them.
the problem with the guy you quoted's post is he is judging women by the same standards that he is being judged by and men don't judge women by the same standards as a man is judged by.

I mean, keep in mind that the vast majority of people marry people who they find in their social circles. But with that said, the qualities they look for or the things that are important.. you know i really do not give a **** what my wife does for a living. I really don't. or how much money she makes or how many degrees she has.

growing up i had that idea that, and i said this in another thread that, i would be on my porch having heated debates with some hot intelligent woman over the things i find interesting like history or what not. as i got out and got real world experience, i ended up marrying a woman who has for all intents and purposes has never had a real job in her life. she's not stupid by any means and if she had to get a job she could and would do well at it, but she's not someone i am going to have a heated debate with over antyhing outside of horse racing.

society has painted this (wrong) picture and tried to tell men what they should be and should not be attracted to. just beucase we have equal rights does not mean we are the same person or that i am attracted to the traits that i possess. I can't fvcking date me lol. i can't date a workaholic who never takes days off and is always at work. i can't date someone who is as agressive as i am and has to take charge at all times. to me those things aren't important. being hot is important. being carrying and understanding yet stern when need be is what i find important, not how high she can raise in the company she works for. not having to wonder who is going to cook dinner is what i like not being impressed because she speaks 4 languages.

my mother is the poster child for feminism gone bad. well having me at 19 didn't help lol, but she has a masters degree, is by all accounts attractive, makes more money then most en she dates, and men can't get away from her fast enough. no "established" man wants to put up with her independent woman bull****. the same qualities that made her what she is today are the same qualities that turn men off.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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lexluciano said:
Yup. Just look at the Notorious B.I.G.

no doubt :)

but for that you gotta be 'coogied down to the socks' these days that means Armani or LV or Gucci...

Biggie was a true genius and a poet

"Heart throb never, black and ugly as ever
However, I stay Coogi down to the socks
Rings and watch filled with rocks
And my jam knock in your Mitsubishi
Girls pee-pee when they see me
Navajos creep me in they teepee"


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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bigneil said:
And don't think "6 figures" ($100,000) is a lot. It's working poor. What you imagine as rich people have $20 Million. Millionares as portrayed on TV in the 1950's with a mansion and butler are Billionaires.
threads like this must be killing the younger or newer population of readers on this forum. When someone says something like 100,000 is the working poor, and considering the average household brings in half of that - you are literally talking about 90+% of society as the working poor.

The fact is most people don't earn even close to this. Yet, most people can manage to get women. Can they get the super hot women that athletes and actors have access too? Probably not despite what the internet superheros say. If this forum was the norm, than the entire male population would be tall handsome millionaires who just can't seem to get it done with women. lol....realistic? I think not.

Unless you have an absurd amount of money, I honestly don't see money being a huge factor in attraction at least in the women I have known. Fact is, most first generation millionaires probably don't flaunt it at all, and you wouldn't notice them unless they told you ( on SS no less ;) ). However, there comes a point where money does matter and that is to support a comfortable lifestyle. I am a regular working guy these days, but my job/lifestyle/salary allow me to take a good amount of time off, travel, and buy fun toys should I desire to do so. Its a fact that women notice this, but it doesn't seem to play much of a factor in the attraction process.

People in the USA affix too much of an importance to material possessions. Its a constant game of one upsmanship where I work. One person buys something, others have to buy something just a little better. This theme was pervasive in every company I worked for, and has even set into my social circle. Facebook is the catalyst for all of this bragging, and I have blocked these people because its excruciating to see people talk about their ****. No one cares except for the person who is going to one up them. They used debt to subsidize this lifestyle and don't even own half their crap...all in an effort to impress everyone.


Oct 20, 2006
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synergy1 said:
threads like this must be killing the younger or newer population of readers on this forum. When someone says something like 100,000 is the working poor, and considering the average household brings in half of that - you are literally talking about 90+% of society as the working poor.
People need to wake up.

How is wealth actually distributed?
• 1% gets 1/3 of the wealth (The Upper Class)
• 9% gets 1/3 of the wealth (The Middle Class)
• 90% gets 1/3 of the wealth (The Lower Class – we are here).

But how do people THINK wealth is distributed?
• 19% think they are Upper Class or will be soon (they are 95% full of shlt).
• 80% think they are in the Middle Class (they are 89% full of shlt).
• 1% admit they are in the Lower Class (The Honest 1%).

So 90% of us are in the lower class, but 99% of us think we are middle or upper class, meaning 91% of us are full of shlt.

And while 90% of people are in the lower class, only 1% will admit it, meaning 99% of the lower class are full of shlt.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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If you are all about flaunting your money you are destined to a shallow superficial life of people mooching off you for eternity.

If you are a little more intelligent in your expenses, maybe people will get a chance to know you, and decide they like your company. Without being so biased knowing you are always making weekends better for those around you.

The best thing about having money is the ability to spend time on yourself instead of working.

So just as money can be a good thing, it can be a bad thing too.

Unless you just want to get laid, then it's all green lights and open visa cards. Or shall I say Red lights?