Does becoming muscular really help your game?

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
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DJVladdy said:
Deacon, please never again post pics of those fagg0ts - its disturbing.

Check this out:
I mean watch all 4 parts, they aren't long. You'll get a point.

However, how do you explain the fact that when you go into a club - you see the muscular, big guys, nervously drinking their beer, alone, at the wall or in the corner. They usually look uncomfortable and awkward. That's a paradox.

I think the girls on that video (the ones that stripper approached) were his friends or something like this . Even if you're brad pitt youll never pull the girl that way . Not only he has no game , but he also is unresponsive , dont know how to read signs . He was really weak .


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
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San Francisco, CA
Nighthawk said:
The pro-muscles guys are largely arguing from an 'of course it's true, it must be, it makes sense' perspective. They have failed to address the point that outside of the media, in the real world, all the hot girls are with guys who don't look like they've set foot in a gym in their lives. Good-looking, tall, nice (lean) bodies, cool haircuts, good dress sense, sure. But not 'muscley.'
You have to have the shoulders and defined pecs without beer belly, thats the bottom line. Like I was trying to explain, there is a HUGE RANGE between 'normal build' and meat head. Stop acting like its easy (or even possible! for most) to reach the point where they become repellent from too many muscles. Thats a skinny guy belief. "Better not hit the gym 3x a week or I wont have this nice swimmer's build anymore!" Most of the guys on here dont have the dedication to get to that point even if they tried.

You guys can say what you want about this, I've definitely lived it. Two years bulking up, then 3 years as an absolute no-muscles wimp, now six months half-and-half, and the last 4-5 weeks I've been hitting the weights hard. The increase in female attention is obvious. I swear to god its not because I feel different, I am only slightly impacted by the confidence boost that comes from looking good. I'm not even that built yet and the attention has already increased.

If you really want to prove this to yourself, the only way is to actually build up muscles for six months and see how women react to you, then report back to this thread. I've done this so I gave my opinion.

Even girls approach you or flirt with you where there is no comptability. Pook wrote about, once he reached a certain weight, girls were trying to use him for sex. You'll get approached by girls who just like the muscles, who wouldnt be as interested if you were skinny. Women who really aren't "compatible" with you in any major way will become interested and flirty.
You become a guy many women can imagine themselves having sex with.

I'm going to sum up in one sentence the difference between the slim smooth-talking PUA and the muscular guy: the slim PUA builds rapport, gets a woman interested, and maybe through kino and sweet-talking can make her think of sex. A muscular guy makes her think of sex immediately. A muscular man makes a woman think of sex.

Women say, "I dont really like a guy with too many muscles."

This could mean:

1. they really prefer slim build guys. (But how can you know? non-lifters just assume the truth of this because its congruent to their worldview).

2. they have never had the opportunity to be with a well-built guy. Hardly surprising given that muscular guys are about 5-10% of the population max.

3. they are imagining some horrible roid-pumped bodybuilder. So they don't want to be together with a deformed hulk-like muscle man. You never had the option of reaching that level anyway.

4. they are trying to tell you, "You dont have to be a body-builder to be with me, baby!" they are trying to covertly telegraph acceptance and realistic standards. Nevertheless, they might prefer you with a bit of muscle!

5. Some women are intimidated by muscular men and have low-self esteem, non-built guys are less threatening for them. They dont think they are worth it.

6. Are afraid they couldnt attract/keep a well built guy, because he is known to have options.

These are really the exact same reasons why some guys say they prefer HB8s to HB10s. They say they dont want mind games, or its hard to keep an HB10. Well guess what, who do you actually want to fvck? An HB10.

I don't have the answer, the only reason I'm arguing the point is because big shoulders have opened doors for me. They get me eye contact, they get me lingering, "approach me please" reactions. Big shoulders get me MILFs fussing over me and smiling at me where they didnt before. They get me more girls trying to look deep into my eyes when I interact with them at my job.

The level of female attention simply goes up. I know you can PUA and get girls with a slim build and maybe have a fantastic love life. But I know you would get more female attention if you had a bit of bulk.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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You talk a lot about getting more attention and eye contact - what about actual sex?

You think (hot) women say 'I don't like muscular guys' because they are afraid they couldn't keep them? Then why don't they also say 'I don't like handsome/tall men?'

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
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Usually guys who are muscular have done sports.
Sports = more social interaction/status. Have you ever hungout with the whole football team? They are some of the funnest guys to be around. :cool:

And yea, muscualarity increases self-esteem and booosts confidence levels out of the rooof.

It makes for a good kino/teasing convo too:
My gf always touches my arms now. I'm reaally lean so my biceps like buldge out. And when i'm not flexing they shrink so muuch, but when I do they bulge out ALOT and my gf is always amazed for some reason :p

Shes starting to show off to some of her friends too haha! :D
like "Hey loook at his aaarm when he flexes!!! Isn't it crazy??"
Now I tease her for "feeling me up" all the time. lol


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
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my first post

speaking from my own experience:

I've been strength training for over 2 yrs now, and it shows (yes, i'm naturally buff).

From my experience, women associate certain traits with my physique. My body says it all (confidence, strength, self-respect, etc). It also sets me apart from all the skinny and fatties that seem to be all over the place these days.

I'm not saying a nice body will guarantee 100% ****-rate, but it does make things a lot easier. Just make sure you're not like a blond. You gotta be socially skilled too.

Having a nice body is also great for negging and sh*t like that...
A girl I was seeing once told me "your muscles are too big for me".
I simply replied "that's ur problem, not mine" - this had a huge impact on her some how. Her tits were obviously pretty big (do not say this to chicks with small tits), so I added "you're just jealous because my boobs are bigger than urs", while poking one of her tits... (so fuuun hahaha).

Having a great physique opens up so many doors... for me anyway.

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
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Nighthawk said:
You talk a lot about getting more attention and eye contact - what about actual sex?

You think (hot) women say 'I don't like muscular guys' because they are afraid they couldn't keep them? Then why don't they also say 'I don't like handsome/tall men?'
Talking about actual sex has no point on this subject, there are just too many variables involved in that to make any conclusions. But the extra attention and looks that he got is a sure sign that muscularity made girls have more initial attraction towards him.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2007
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Hitting the gym is just an all around awesome idea.

1) It teaches you how to set and work consistently to achieve a goal over a long period of time. Not many people have the drive required to build a great body. People with average need to work out and eat well consistently for about a year to develop a decent physique and 2+ years to develop an unusually great one. This is around the same amount of time it would take you to get quite good with women if you're going out to clubs and bars a few times a week.

2) Chicks will check you out a lot more when you have a nice body. They open more easily. Your confidence increases because you have these reference experiences that tell you are sexually desirable so you are less likely to feel inadequate around a beautiful woman.

3) You will have more testosterone and so you will be more inclined to give off the natural vibes of a dominant, sexual guy.

Here's the thing though: This is just a part of the puzzle and expecting having a great body to fix all of your inner game issues and make you a pimp is ridiculous. As many people have noted, while it helps to develop an attractive body (especially if you are very overweight or very skinny) it's not a necessity because others aspects of 'game' can easily overshadow it.


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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a lean and defined body does not pop thru your shirt. having some muscle mass is important.when women say they dont like muscular guys they mean grotesque body builder types. having a big chestand big arms that looks good in a t-shirt is an advantage. i've literally had girls say they feel safe in my arms. working out does help with chicks.


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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lazikia said:
What would be a good diet in order to attain this kind of look?

is that pic from your personal collection? lol.....lots of lean protein,water, refined sugar,fried foods,junk food,white bread,sweets,soda....
Apr 13, 2008
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  • 1. I've been lifting weights for over 25 years typically 4-5 times per week and I normally eat well and take protein supplements. I do it because I enjoy it. I started young and it became a habit and now it's ingrained in my system and I love it. I feel sluggish and down when I don't do it for more than a week.
  • 2. As mentioned in this thread, it is good for your self esteem. I feel better about myself after a good workout. Not from an ego point of view but from a self respect perspective (obviously I feel better physically too). Both women and men (no I'm not gay) can read this internal self respect "vibe" I have and also realize the dedication it took to get my physique and they show the same respect I have for myself back to me. I in turn show them respect as well (but then I show ALL well mannered people respect).


  • 1. The thing is don't think for a moment that in the United States that a woman will say "WOW look at those muscles, I don't care if this guy doesn't have game, I'm going to fyck his brains out". Uh, nope ain't gonna happen. When I was shy many years ago and working out heavy 6 days a week my muscular physique NEVER got me laid by itself alone. I needed inner and outer game which I didn't have back then.
  • 2. Some insecure women (not many), either hot or not, are intimidated by it and shy away, or it takes some (just a little) of the attention away from the hotter ones and they become resentful which obviously isn't helpful. Doesn't happen often though.

Being muscular will certainly help but it is just a piece of the puzzle. You also need inner game first then outer game which both can be learned on this site to complete the package.


New Member
Oct 28, 2008
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So, ...

DJVladdy said:
Deacon, please never again post pics of those fagg0ts - its disturbing
And do girls like homophobic bastards?

(If your interested, I arrived on this site by way of a Google search for "hot guys". I'm now leaving again. You people disturb me.)

Oct 22, 2008
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Exercising and being fit opens a bunch of doors in your life. Start lifting weights, running, and your life will improve immensely, both physical and emotional. It skyrockets your confidence and inner game, and it makes you feel alive and you will be amazed what you can do with your new life.

Best free website to learn about how to become fit, and they have very good information and advice.


New Member
Nov 9, 2008
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Speaking as someone who has experienced being extremely skinny to fairly big I can put some insight into this. I'm 6"2 and a year ago i was 145 pounds, which needless to say was way too skinny for my height. I was still considered attractive but I noticed I would never catch the eye of the better looking girls. Now I'm at 200 pounds. The difference is enormous. I get women looking at me all the time, even ones who I know are out of my league! It's amazing the difference it can make. Then again, women do NOT want a man who's so ripped he can't fold his arms properly. Women like strong looking shoulders and arms: it looks like you could tear them to shreds in bed (and my sex life has gotten much better since i can actually move a woman's weight around more effortlessly).


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
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Personally I believe the main components to physical attractiveness are,
1) facial attractiveness
2) Height.

That's the reason we have people who were skinny and apparently hence unattractive. Who manage to buff up and then have people say, "your too built. I don't go for muscular guys."

The skininess was just a minor factor in their unattractiveness although others tend to over attribute attractiveness to it alone. Perhaps, people find it easier to criticise others' build rather than height or face, i.e. things they can't change. Bulking up thus doesn't make them any more attractive.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
potato said:
Lifting weights as a way to a better body doesn’t necessarily bring the best results. Most women prefer men with some muscle but too much like a Mr. Universe type body builder is a turn off to most women. Gay guys are more attracted to body builders than is the average woman.

One of the problems of getting fit via gyms and body building is that often one builds muscle of little practical use, and it often looks unnatural. The typical all-American type guy tends to have built his muscle by regular strenuous activity over his life. That is playing sports, hiking, skiing, - physical activities… In other words, being athletic and toned matters more than bulk.

If you look at a football team it is not the bulky linemen that the girls are most attracted to, it is the sleek agile backs that are most attractive to women.
I have to call BS on some of this. I was and still am one of the most athletic guys you will meet - star soccer player in High school, badminton team, high jumper, sprinter etc. None of this builds muscle whatsoever. It strips fat but it doesn't build muscle.

Your typical all-american guy just has genes - whereas I am naturally skinny (6''1" and 10 stone). I started working out and now I'm about 13 stone, if you can't picture what I look like then Google 'Cristiano Ronaldo' - like that but with a bit more muscle.

And its a hell of a lot easier to pull women, I'm almost spoilt for choice in nightclubs. Just know what will look right for your genes and try to achieve that. I've asked loads of women and girls what they're ideal body is and I usually hear things like David Beckham, Brad Pitt, and English girls say other guys who look similar to that who you won't have heard of. I've neaver heard them say Ronnie Coleman

Some muscle + low bodyfat for the win. But this means that skinny guys should hit the weights hard.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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I know that losing body fat and gaining some musle in the last few months has helped me out A LOT. For one thing your face is better looking without the fat and I get dreamy eyes on me a lot now vs. before. Also girls i would have NEVER thought would be into me are really interested in me now. One co-worker that wouldn't have given me the time of day before is now blatantly telling me how her ***** is soooo wet for me (cougar ish girl). I've never been skinny, so can't speak to that, but I know for a fact that good body vs. fat is a major major difference. It's like you finally get the chance to join then f*ckable guys team when you didn't even know the team existed before. Take my advice on this one....if you are even 20 lb. overweight, so you think you are ok, but not great, losing the 20 will do HUGE things for you with women.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2008
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I have to disagree with most of you.

To the person who said they will use steriods. LOL?

You know that if you just take steroids and eat random stuff you WONT get jacked. Steriods is a SUPPLEMENT. If you get your nutrition/training in order THEN steroids will take in effect. Not eating mcdonalds 3x a day. Trust me it is not easy. Second thing is, people take steriods when they eat their genetic potential, it also helps at taht point. Take it before wont get that much gains. Third of all, you will be dependent on steroids because after you get of it you WILL lose most of your gains. I hate people who think steroid is a short-cut. It'll only be a short-cut if you already got everything else in order.

Back to the topic. Of COURSe working out helps. How do you think you would feel with 9' inch arms on a 5 7' frame?? You will feel weak, helpless, and people WILL push you around. working out gives you BROAD SHOULDERS. People won't step on you anymore. On top of that you won't feel weak and girls will feel safe to be with you knowing that you are not some short underweight weakling that gets pushed my other guys literally when they are drunk.