Americans guns by American citizens been killing more americans than terrorists and war since 1789.
The vast majority is blacks killing other blacks, or people on Prozac who grew up in daycare. There are hardly any crimes by legal gun owners. Terrorists haven't killed anyone in the US, yet you want police (with guns) to search every airline passenger?
Switzerland has more gun than the USA, yet no gun accident related.
So you are admitting that guns aren't the problem, but black people with guns?
In Japan, if you are arrested with a gun... you basically get executed on the spot.... there is no gun violence.
Except the violence committed by the Government with guns? These are the same Japanese that you say are racist for not letting in Syrians? The same ones who polluted the whole Earth with Fukushima?
In Canada, where I live, getting a gun is complicated and they have restricted systems.... we did have some accidents.
Yes, like Socialist liberals being born and trying to push their emotional drivel in America, without whose guns Canada would have been overthrown by China by now.
Culture plays a major role... USA culture is violent, often no education for gun-wielder, no responsibility, and mental illness create accidents. In other part of the world, everyone has military service, guns lock etc... .
How many guns have you ever purchased? Oh, you mean you don't really know what you are talking about? You are going by Obama's blatant lies about the gun show loophole?
Our citizens have no gun training? I invented a laser training system and later trained the Army and Marines to shoot. But I can't safely have a gun you say? I can put four bullets through same exact bullet hole in the 10 on the target, while aiming the gun at the ground in between shots, in a room full of fat women shooting. Try getting some training and becoming a man. Oh, wait, you think only Government workers can be real men (except people like me who merely train Government workers to shoot).