Americans guns by American citizens been killing more americans than terrorists and war since 1789.
Switzerland has more gun than the USA, yet no gun accident related.
In Serbia, tombs are more gun-crate than for actual people.
In Japan, if you are arrested with a gun... you basically get executed on the spot.... there is no gun violence, and they have strict laws.
In Canada, where I live, getting a gun is complicated and they have restricted systems.... we did have some accidents.
Culture plays a major role... USA culture is violent, often no education for gun-wielder, no responsibility, and mental illness create accidents. In other part of the world, everyone has military service, guns lock etc...
But if I had to pick a gun it would be this one:
Here the Ideal gun: The Igun.... its a iphone with 2 bullets charges for kids to use in self-defense:
I would upload the jpg... but seems I can't..
So basically now every cellphone could be a gun... only in America