DJBC for high school guys


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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I just started week 1 today since I think I have had enough reading and need more experience in a structured way. My goal is to do the first 6 weeks but will aim for the whole thing. Does anyone else want to join me in doing it so we can post on this thread tips and support. It doesn't have to start today this is just for anyone doing it this summer.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Awesome. We'll post at least one field report a week ( i'll likely do more than that). What I am doing is in addition to that keeping a log which I recomend you do the same I write down what me weaknesses seem to be and read it before going out it is true what people say about learning far more in the field than by reading. I also am keeping an eye on the calendar to stay on track. So far I have 7/50 hellos I have found that you should think of funny things while walking around so you are in a good mood and give a smile which puts them in a good mood so you get a good response.
Good luck, lets get through this whole thing!


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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Haha yeah, I'll start with the first week tomorrow and tell you how everything goes for sure.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Today was great I wanted to be sure to make up the 3 I missed yesterday but ended up getting 17/13 and am at a total of 24/50 It has become a habit. I kept being to nervouse yestarday to do hbs but today did my first one and felt fine. I got lots of good replies and felt great once I got number 13 because I was on track for my goal (wanted 10 first few days so I am ahead of game just in case). My confidence is definetly improving and my comfort zone definetly increased it is turning into a habit.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Got one more today and am now half way there. Maybe I can get it done in5 days which would leave me one day practice short convos before next week and one day of rest.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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Okay, today/tonight I didn't get any approaches. But tonight was pretty fun. We played ruit at my friend's house, with like 11 or 12 people, it was a very chill night. All of the girls were taken (except one, which was nasty). I'm def. going to start on the approaches tomorrow though.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Got 4 more today mon wensd friday I lift weights which takes up hours so I will likely always get the most done on tues thurs and saturdays. I also had to go to the doctor. It started out with bad results for the first two but by the 3rd I got a positive reply and on the fourth got a very short convo in.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Going Strong!

I got at least 11 more today it could of been up to 14 but I am sure I will make the deadline. 41/50 I am also doing hypnoticas COC and am listening to the attractor factor very often which is really helping since I am in such a obviously positive and good mood and maybe the attractor factor is helping I have had lots of very short convos started with me and have been asked for directions many times even when there are multiple options. I also got tons of eye contact from people and a lot of them were hbs( I have worked eye contact before and it was no problem but a lot of hbs would not make it and they now are). It is funny I am walking alot to find people to get the hellos and about 10 different streets think that I must be there neighbor or live very close. It is awesome though to start I did my neighbors and now it was a snowball effect since they smile when they see me when they have guests near them the geust has a positive reaction to me so I get another hi in. With each hi I get more confident and happy regardless of the reaction but I am always not in such a great mood for the first one or two. I think it will be the same for approches of hbs and I will remember that when I get up to it so I can just get the first one of the day done to gain momentum. Before coming to this site I had my entire life in order and super high goals but was starting from absolute 0 socially so what I have done is tried to talk to acquantances more and my family is often boring anoying convos which I avoided but I no longer am and am practicing makeing them more interesting for both of us. Also I got a lot more funny which is awesome since from the confidence going up if I think of something funny to say I do not think it just instantly say it I could do that with family but now do that with freinds. And if I could do that with strangers that would be amazing and with hbs that would be the best. It is really true about the flawless natural stuff you already have it starting with in your head then you need to carry it to people you are comfortable with then strangers than hbs intill you are just your best self in any situation.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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moneybanks24 said:
Okay, today/tonight I didn't get any approaches. But tonight was pretty fun. We played ruit at my friend's house, with like 11 or 12 people, it was a very chill night. All of the girls were taken (except one, which was nasty). I'm def. going to start on the approaches tomorrow though.
Howd it go?

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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wait... theres a bc for highschool?


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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No, It is just the same one I am in high school so I posted it here since other people doing it will have similar experiences and the tips we give eachother will be useable since things are different with girls when you are 15-17,18 than when you are in college or later.


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
I'll join the party =D

Unfortunately i come from quite a small village, so here are no strangers xD Moreover i have to work quite long hours this week , so i won't be able to start until next week.

Hope, i don't get too far away from your progress, guys ;)


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, over saturday and today, I've gotten 10/50. I'm counting employees at certain stores asking a question to them. For example, I was going to my gym, and there was this really cute girl working at the desk. We locked eyes and I was basically speechless and I think she was too. I said hi to her though (as confidently as I could). Four of the approacehs were like that, the rest were people in the street I saw (one HB). I haven't gotten many good responses, except for one who smiled back at me and said Hi. Will try for 10 more tomorrow. Aiming to finish week 1 by friday.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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Btw, gonnamakeit, how are the hypnotica cd's working for you? I downloaded them too.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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COC has not arrived yet but the first step is availible for free on his site writing my goals out in detail really helped me I used to just repeat a goal 100s of times in my head but writing it out in detail really gives you not just more dedication but a mental boost whenever you read them I listened to the first meditation today it was pretty good but the field work is helping the most. The attractor factor is very good I am not the best looking and used to be unable to get hb eye contact and since listening to that have gotten a lot more.

Today I only got 4 offical ones, I was very tired since everyday of the week but today I train twice a day in very intense physical activity (one root of my social problems has actually been no balance because since 8th grade I discovered combat sports and fell in love and spend nearly all my time doing that). but I got in multiple very short convos with store workers and everytime a resonable question pops into my head I ask which I used to sometimes be too shy to do. 45/50. I also definetly got all the eye contact done but every day when I have less his I am doing tons of eye contact and every hb that I see I hold ec in a hopefully non creepy way. I will hopefully start the offical(cold approach) short convos tomorrow so I will be able to meet all deadlines since I may end up more busy later in the summer.

Good luck everyone!


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
I always get pumped up reading this very positive thread I felt great and could not wait till tomorrow so I went out and got up to 54/50. Felt amazing getting all 50 and that high made the last four literally natural just smiling and saying hi cuz I was so happy. I will be sure to keep this a habit since it really helps put me in a good mood.

WEEK 1 COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus I could feel I am just on the tip of the iceburg of wanting to start convos with people and hbs. A new resturant opened right near me and tomorrow I will go in to ask what kind of food and details etc. for practice plus all the workers are hb7+!!
Definitly keep this thread all positive I think only positive thoughts and of what I want to happen especially when I write things down which makes me feel great when I read them. I recommend you guys all do the same because it happens when I read someone elses positive posts two so it will hopefully just keep creating more positivity for all of us which means better results so a never ending cycle of positive improvement for all of us!!!!!!


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
What has struck me very positive, is the fact that some of my friends have come up to me and said, they find it great, how much self-confidence I have or that I have the heart to just go up to a girl in the underground talk to them. That gave me so much more self-esteem!


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Thats awesome man!

I went out today got in a few super short convos which I won't count (hows it goin, good how are you, good) I will start trying to turn them into short convos when I say good I will make another comment. I got tons of his (10-20) which I stopped counting. I wanted to approach a group of 3 girls I got super nervouse and missed the 3 second rule at first I thought too late I am very nervouse now but I forced myself the furthest out of my comfort zone I have been and approached we were walking in opposite directions I made eye contact and said hows it goin to one of them she had a bad expression on her face and walked away . For ahwile now I have learned to channel negative experiences feelings and emotions into positive results (like extreme intensity while lifting) that does not work socially since I am angry when I do it so I would obvisouly get poor reactions to approaches but for just the past few weeks I have learned to turn the negativity into actual positive emotion I was on my way home angry thinking that she thought she was better than me when I work much harder just because she was born rich(expensive clothes) and good looking but then I thought not chance in hell am I letting her or anyone else try to stop me and I thought of how great it was that I stepped out of my comfort zone by as much as I ever have and got over my nerves more than ever and I started to walk with more confidence and happy bodylanguge and was smileing slightly cuz I felt so good everything else then felt easy I said hi 2 with a huge super happy smile on my face to scariest looking guy I had seen all day. And then I saw a really cute girl on a bike and I didn't even get nervouse I just thought wow she is cute I would love to see her smile and I said a very happy hows it goin with a smile on my face and she answered hi in a similar way with a great smile and I felt amazing!


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Went to that resturant and got in one short convo with the owner no hbs were working but the food looked awesome. 1/10