DJBC for high school guys


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
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Always nice to read your newest experiences, man :up:

One tip, i got quite a while ago because of so *****y girls: why don't you try some c&f like "Hey, whats up? Are your dildo's batteries empty, or why are you such a bad mood?"

Keep up the good work! :cheer:


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Thanks for the advice that sounds good I will do that next time.

Yesterday I was planning on takeing off and was not feeling up to it but I forced myself to go out since even if I get nothing offical done I notice everytime I miss an approach opportunity (which I did) I think it over in my head as going over really well which increases my confidence so I do better the next time. What happened was I was in a store and saw a real hot girl on the line but she was on the phone we looked at each other in a flirty way I wasn't planning on approaching and I kept walking then we both just glanced again as I walked by I didn't know what to do because she looked really flirty and attrachted but she was really into her phone convo later I thought I could of just handed her a pen with a peace of paper and smiled wish I had now but will next time. (This was a hb 9 by the way). I also got in lots of his and have been doing like I have during the whole bc trying to put myself in as many situations where something should be said as possible (acting like looking for something so a store worker will ask and I just reply with one or two sentences) I also got in two short convos with cashiers I will count them since they were not quite 2 minutes but I have like 10 convos that are like one minute and these were like a minute and a half 3/10 I will still try to get better ones to replace them if possible though.
Collection of confidence arrived yestarday I finished step 1 and will work one step 2 exercise in addition to this while I am out the bonus meditations also look awesome I listened to the approach one twice. Plus it is great that it came because just looking at it gets me exicted to complete it and it says volume one so I am thinking wow I can't wait to get this done and see what volume 2 has. One last thing I forgot I have the phinx of imagination and did it yestarday I noticed with it I don't feel much after it is done but tired and I feel really upset during parts of it but a few days later stuff he says starts running through my head and so does the feeling like I will think I feel good. You feel good. at the same time in my voice and his voice. So hopefully today or tomorrow I will get that effect.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Darn !!!! I had a super long awesome post that got deleted. Well I will try and shorten it then.

I didn't feel like going out at all forced my self out and after a few greetings and short convos had a breakthrough. I got in 3 short convos (one of them was with an old lady and was like 40 minutes long) 6/10 these were off of very cold approaches (didn't even wait for greeting or ec just forced myself to make a comment about something. I got in a super short convo with a hb6 working in a store. Worked tons of ec and got great at very sexual non verbal flirting the reactions are either very good or very bad and I find either one amusing and enjoy both and this has really really improved my confidence by a ton!! I approched an hb 8 for directions I really needed them but I walked by like 50 other people to get to her and did not wait for ec before aproching which I used to try to do and now realize is a huge mistake ( I would stand there like staring at them waiting for them to see me not realizeing they still see you out of the corner of their eye intill they got annoyed and looked at me in the very wrong way Like **** off with there eyes lol) but this made me realize you just start to walk toward them from the front and they look up at you and make eye contact. I really felt much more confident doing the same things today and really wanted to approach girls and only got a little nervouse but would subconciously stop my self. (every time I am in the situation I feel more comfortable and get closer ad closer to doing it.) I also completed the step 2 exercise of collection of confidence while I was out ( I was out for like 3or4 hours only working on that and this with no other purpose). I am really happy because I now have a great base in just 7 days like in the things I worked on (ec,greetings unfortunetly not yet with hbs, walking confidently, non verbal communication with girls) I am better than anyone else I see and appear more confident. I can not wait till I do the approaches and hb talking and complete this week because if I am at the level I am at now for these things in everything in this course I would definetly be a dj!!

Forgot about another great thing I learned is that before when I was doing the greetings I used movies and tv to think of that is funny to put me in a good mood I was running out of material but now am laughing at myself and the girls reaction if it goes bad (like I check them out really obviously and they have hilariouse reactions) this is great since the bad ones actually help me and I really enjoy them because I find them so funny now I can't wait till I can do that with number closes or kiss closes!


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Damn look what I just found from sin jester

No, just no. You shouldn't be asking this

Don't worry about eye contact. Seriously. When I was new I worried about it too. People misenterpret eye contact. Is is important WHEN YOU ARE TALKING TO HER. Beforehand it is irrelevant. Don't worry about getting her to look at you, walk up at talk to her! She will be looking at you then.

Girls don't check out guys like we check out girls. It's not in their nature. Eye contact before initiating conversation at all. She will be pleased that a cool guy (you) pops out of nowhere and starts talking to her.

Exactly what I had to find out on my own today wish I found this a few days ago lol


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Yesterday I was dead tired tried going out and literally could not walk a mile and felt sick this is from no days off since I have been walking 5+ miles everyday and tons of exercise tried about 3 times to go out and could only walk a few blocks. But later I found out about a going away party for a 25 year old freind of my moms so I decided to go since it would at least be work on my social skills and her teenage sisters were supposedly their. I did tons of talking as a group. I also got in 2 of what I would count as short convos since these were not just talking in the group but starting an entire new topic that had to do with a specific person did this with her two sisters one was my age and was a hb2-3 and one was her age and a hb7 I spoke to the young one but she looked down hesisted and got nervouse the first few times but with her sister in the group was ok (her sister was very ugly 300+ pounds or more but very confident and funny and had good social skills and naturally seemed to make everyone more comfortable) The hb7 was there for like 5 minutes seemed really fake nice and obviously didn't want to be there I wanted to either give her a hello or goodbye hug but she didn't even come near us she was avoiding people as much as possible I asked her about a tatoo of hers which which I couldn't see which ended up being name of a old boyfreind who died of cancer (what luck) so that was not a very long convo put her in a worse mood and she left right after. But in the group I was really good and got asked questions about stuff and gave good exciting answers and stories. Its good because I got to rest my body while still working my skills so will hopefully


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Also yestarday my confidence was way down and I was even slightly nervouse going into a party of old people and ugs. But I have heard a lot about this and it does not mean the confidence is gone almost everyone on hypnoticas forum was saying that when you are improving it goes in cycles and normally 2 days a week your energy and confidence will be lower. And another good thing I heard is that on days like this you are still improving just as much as before but you just do not get to see the improvement intill later. So hopefully today will be an awesome day and hopefully I will go for some approaches today if I felt the way I did 2 days ago because I was really wanting two.. Another awesome thing about today is my mom is home so I will have a ride instead of walking 2 miles each way to get to places that have people so more field work less walking!


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
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Wow, you realy like writing those things down. Reminds me of Pooch's monster-posts :p

Wednesday i decided to start the bc, b/c i just didn't want to wait any longer just because of my ****ing job. (fortunately it's over by today). So Yesterday i walked to the supermarket and held eye contact with every person along my way.
I also got a 10-15 min talk to a mid-aged (28-29, a little out of my territory :D ) bank-accountess and i managed to look her in the eyes all the time. Didn't change much about my self-confidence or her reactions...
However by now I've got 3/10, but no hi or something (except i would count the convo...)

The Grey Fox

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2008
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me and my mate actually started doing the bootcamp a couple of weeks ago, we will be going out in a few days to do week 3,

The first 2 weeks are easy, had a funny conversation with one of the most stunning women I'd ever seen. This weeks should be a bit harder though because we'll be approaching girls are age and teenage girls are always in packs in the city centre and that's when they get ****y and confident, should be fun. Keep up the good work guys :up:


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score

I also did hypnoticas step 2 meditations and they had a big effect on me.
One of my short convos was an hb 5 and one was a middle age woman. I also got in my first convo for week 3 and attempted to number close and got my first rejection (she ended up being 19 years old) I have decided my new line for I might be a little old for you I am 18+ I will just say oh really so am I.:crackup:


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Yesterday i finally ended the ferial job and got out to do the exercises. I greated nearly everyone is saw and i can really say,I've got 30/50 or so. I also held eye contact with as many persons as possible, and as i aproached 7 girls yersterday, i think i'm also nearly done with this quest :cool:
I recognized, that approaching girls isn't my problem. From that 7 girls i got 3 #c, 1 of them had a friend, 1 was over 20, 1 was both (friend and 20+) xD and the last didn't want to give me her number. I just wasn't able to build up enough attraction, i guess.
However, my porblems are
1. beeing c&f / tease the girls. I always have a nice convo. I don't try to be nice or something, i am just not mean enough :p
2. not beeing "the good friend", but i guess that comes a little later...

P.S. I'm thinking about skipping the first 2 lessons, as i haven't problems with those things.

so far


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
3 days and no new message?
I'm worried^^

Unfortunately i was ill the last two days, so nothing new from my side too :moon:


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Internet is really screwed up and might not be able to post much for ahwile I can't get on and when I do I can't log on. But I am still working and have made good progress on this week. I have like 6 short convos and was also feeling sick the last few days but feel better today and will definetly go back out. I have 7/10 now.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Ok last few days have not been so good mentally haveing lots of ups and down but with short ups forcing my self to go out but getting not much done. I still have till wensday to complete this week so hopefully I can rebuild my momentum and get more than 10 since this is my toughest week. I have no fear of rejection but I have a fear of performing badly and some approach anxiety which has been a lot worse this week. Today I have a few ideas to try to get back into a positive mindset to get things going good again.
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Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
today I spent the entire day makeing a mind movie being sure it was perfect I know it does not make things come to you as some people selling it would like you to beleive but my writen goals in detail were huge in my positive attitude and progress and this is just adding pics and musice to get me back in the positive state. so I can have a very productive week may visit new towns so can go way out of comfort zone and collect rejections without the outcome mattering at all also I am going to start a new minimum for myself where 6 days a week I need at least 5 greetings and one short convo with anyone because I realize what has always screwed me up when I used to try going out pre bootcamp was putting tons of pressure on myself to find girls and thinking about it focusing on the greetings took that pressure away so I would just see a girl and things mostly happened without thinking and my bad progress this week was reverting back to that and not upholding my habit of greeting people I was only thinking about girls ignoring everyone else and then getting less positive. . And this way the downs can never be 2 bad since this is a big improvement and I wil eventually add to this one approach once I get better and this is in addition to anything else I am doing at the time so I can never get too unproductive or in a bad mood. Plus I hear it takes 3 weeks to get a habit and after 5 greetings I am in the mood where I automaticly greet people when it is appropriate( not like yelling it to people across the street who don't notice me just to get the numbers up lol) so once I am done with my 5 greetings + short convo I will be in a good social mood and after 3 weeks hopefully it will build that habit so I am like that all the time. I also did no more hypnosis for a 2 days because I think I did way too much and it was messing with me since I hadn't processed it.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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I got another one yestarday wasn't great but at least getting something done again I kept talking about myself and she kept trying to talk about herself and I basicly ignored it without thinking. But I geuss getting confidence is what I need first before skills since if I were afraid of talking it doesn't matter how good I was at it. 8/10


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
I Am ****ing Back!!!!!!!!

Hurt toe and foot real bad couldn't walk didn't get last 2 but had amazing epifany tomorro I start coc step 3 20 approaches a day for a week. I realized something my whole life I have had horible social anxiety and depression and the only things keeping my happy have been my dreams and I realize If I wasn't way below afc and had all these problems I would just be an afc and because of going through all of this I will be great and 16 years of badness is worth the rest of my life being great. I realize it doesn't matter how I feel or the outcome this is one of the things I have been dreaming about and I get depressed when I think they wont come but this one dream I have being rid of my social anxiety can be mine in just one week and fear doesn't matter I want my dreams a million times more than anyone else wants anything if you told me for one week I would be strapped to a table in hell with my organs being ripped out but afterward I would be healed and enjoy approaching women with no fear and finally be able to get what I want I would say yes without blinking how can I let a fear of nothing stop me from getting something I want so bad? The answer is I wont and tomorrow will do 20 approaches.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
I have social anxiety and depression as well. It sucks but dont let it hold you back, which it isnt.
Have completed week 2 btw. Talked to one HB 7 at apple store asking for directions to the urban outfitters store in the city. Feeling good right now, the approaches give u a boost of confidence.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
I got the 20 approches and ended up with 21 done mostly just a few words but probably got like 10 short convos didn't go for any numbers. That was the hardest thing I ever did when I went to the place where I was gonna do it I got driven and literally had a anxiety attack and felt like I was gonna puke when I get out of the car but I sucked it up and just ignored it and when I said I had social anxiety I dont mean I self diagnose I mean like literally haveing doctors wanting me to take drugs and haveing real full blown anxiety attacks since first grade and this was a real one so I walked around for a little while trying to calm down then made my first approach saw the girl across the street and asked if she had a a sister named something and she said yes lol and said the girls last name and I was like o not her what a coincidence and left next one passed this girl a few times while I was haveing my anxiety attack but you could not see it on my face so it was ok and I saw her standing there she was really hot and intimidating looking and I said didn't I pass you like 3 times and she actually laughed said ya and had a super positive reaction I noticed this with all the hot girls who looked intimidating who were alone they had real good reactions. Most of the rest of what I said for the first 10 were for directions I half needed but only asked hbs for them within 3 seconds of seeing them and a few where I said I thought I knew them from somewhere. I changed locations for the last 10 and my nervs actually from restarting were even worse and I felt like pukeing again and walked around for like 5 minutes the nervs actually didn't improve during each of the last 10 like they did with the first 10 and I was exhausted so they got worse with each one it was mostly asking for directions and one I think I know your sister and like two questions about other things. So i had to keep telling myself how bad do you want to beat this(anxiety and depression) and for the last 5 I had 2 say to myself you either get them or you don't eat. But I am super pround of myself because I have done things that sound 10 times harder than this but for me with my social anxiety this is the hardest thing I have ever done.


Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Ok after doing all of that the nerves made me exhausted my legs were ultra sore and had a pounding headache I slept for 13 hours! And woke up feeling still tired but I have enough energy to be so happy that I did the 20 approaches this is something that sounded impossible to me and I said I am going to do it and promised myself all the while feeling like it was impossible and I did it. I forgot to mention that on that day I decided to do it I was in a deep depression the entire day thinking that maybe my dreams which give me chills thinking about and were the only thing that could keep me going would never happen then I thought to myself this is one of my dreams where nothing but myself and my fear of nothing is stopping me and I could have it in just one week and decided I would do it. This morning I didn't have much left mentally but watched my mind movie about 10 times (your supposed to watch it once in morning once at night and I think I average around 50 views a day lol) and got some energy back and I also watched this a few times and at parts in the speech I get the same chills that I get when watching my mind movie or thinking about what I want. I found that video here and I also read what it said which was great I am thinking now no matter what happens how far I have come this was the first school year I have had were I didn't didn't leave in the middle of the day at least once with an anxiety attack or more recently in a deep depression this was the first year I got this feelings a few times on certain days and stayed and fought them and even then a few months ago when