Alright let's write this **** down before i crash and forget it all (still drunk). I'll try to remember some conversation but it will be a narration for the most part.
So i'm working the 1-10 shift, sucks right? Anyway, today was hb8.5SKINNY's last day and she came and talked to me for a good 10min before she left and it was very obvious the whole time she was trying to get me to ask for her number or something, but i already asked once and she decided to play games, and i aint gonna ask twice b!tch.
On to the main story of the night. I'm working and about to get off right, plans were to go chill with some good friends and party it up locally. I call my friend about an hour before i get off and he said not too much is goin down and that he's gonna go to sunset for some random ass reason. Very soon after I get a
text from HB9model asking what i'm doing and that her friend is having a party and they want me to come.
HB9MODEL: Hey what are you doing
Me: Just about to chill with some friends, not too much going on tonight as it IS sunday and all. How about your bad self?
HB9MODEL: Zoe's having a party
Me: Oh reeeeaaaaally.
HB9MODEL: Come! We have 4 bottles of champagne.
Me: How very strange, i'll let you know in a little bit.
HB9MODEL: Haha ok.
I was pretty set on going but wanted a little bit of time to try and get some friends to roll down with me. I go over to the sneaky corner of my work and make a few calls and after no luck I get my 2 twin friends to come with me, they are totally down. I've never partied with these 2 but they are hilarious and would seem to be very fun guys.
Just as my shift ends I call up HB9MODEL and let her know that i'll be coming and that i'm bringing a couple buddies, she gives me directions and i head on over to pick them up and head to the party.
This could take very long so i'll try to cram it just a tad.
We get to the party and it's like a 4:1 ratio of girls to guys(having girl friends is just a baller situation) and things are lookin good. One of my friends kicks over some cat food by accident and refuses to pick it up, pissing the host of the party off and I cleaned it up to avoid some **** between them. This is where i first noticed that these two may be hilarious, but just a tad rude and selfish.
Over the next two hours or so we do what we do at parties and whatnot, but I notice some fool trying to get all handsy and close with HB9MODEL, i wasn't having none of that. Numerous times throughout the night I had to go over and AMOG him, which was easy but I had to do it a few times since i was all around socializing with all the people I hadn't met, and he'd sneak right back to her as soon as I left.
Time rolls around to 2am or so and we get the word that we all have to leave, normally i'd be able to sleep over since i'm cool with the host but she had to leave herself to go to her dads or something, understandable. I forget who came up with the idea but I think it was either me or HB9model, and we decide to roll over to the beach. This guy (we'll call him CREEPERbro) tells her to come outside because he's about to leave and tries to get her to go to the beach with him(get your own ideas you assclown) and as he says his goodbyes I notice him trying to get very close to her face for a kiss.
Me: What's cracka lackin.
HB9MODEL: saaaaadaaaooooo
Me: Hey, help me kill this drink, and no baby sips you little girl, i want this **** GONE!
HB9MODEL: Haha! Yes let's do it!
She brushes CREEPERbro away and comes to me, he leaves in shame(haha b!tch).
Me: Did I save you just now?
HB9MODEL: Oh my gosh yes!!!!
Me: Hah, I noticed him getting a bit close all night, but I wasn't sure if you were into it or what.
HB9MODEL: No no! And it's weird because he's a really good friend of mine, but he's never been like that before.
Me: I suppose tonight was his night to strike, but failed miserably.
HB9MODEL: Yea, it's just really weird, thank you though!
Me: It's my specialty. So we goin to the beach or what!
HB9MODEL: Yea for sure, i don't want to go home yet.
Me: Me neither.
So me, my 2 twin buddies, and HB9MODEL head down to the beach in my car, i was totally DUI'ing it but it was a very very close drive and luckily i happen to be a nascar driver when drunk, some serious skills.
Once again this could get very very long, so i'm going to CRAM.
We arrive at the beach, go chill out in front of the waves for a little bit, chat it up. I give my buddies the signal to FVCK OFF and they graciously head to my car for the next 45min or so. Meanwhile we're just talking and laughing and having a good time, i was in no hurry to try and hook up because I was enjoying the chat and I knew the hookup wasn't going anywhere, i had all the time in the world. So it's pretty cloudly in my mind but I think we just generically got closer and closer until we hook up for the next 45min-1hour(no f close, it was FREEZING at 3am on the beach.)
Remembering some of the things i've learned here, I ended it after a good while and dropped her off at home, also she forgot to give me back my sweatshirt but hey whatever, it'll be a good reminder of me that will be in her room.
So I DUI it back to my territory, through the canyon and all. Drop my buddies off, roll home and i was trying to be really secretive and ninja style but we just got a new dog and she's a total bust on my strategy, completely woke up my family. Luckily I wasn't asked why i was dressed 100% differently, sandy, and holding my shoes and socks haha.
The night was good, reinforced IL with a passionate hookup and created even more sexual tension between us that's ready to EXPLODE(yes EXPLODE) on prom night
edit: Tried out some serious kino tonight, with MULTIPLE girls at the party and it was very well received. I had one girl telling me how cool, awesome, and funny I am and that she's extremely glad that i'll be in her prom limo to liven things up. I really learned how important it is to be the life of the party and be the most social person there.