Hey guys, before I respond to some of your comments, I want do debrief you on my first outing yesterday night.
I decided that I would make an experiment of the eye contact exercise, so yesterday night I went to a local mall and for a period of one hour, I walked around trying to lock eye contact with anyone I could. The twist though, was that I would attempt to capture eye contact without smiling. This way, for my second outing I can try eye contact while smiling, and compare the difference in results.
Anyway, after an hour of walking all around the mall, I managed to capture eye contact with eight people. Of those, two smiled.
So the end result, after one hour, and with NO SMILING was 8 eye contacts with 2 smiles initiated my strangers.
I'm guessing that with a smile the results will be much higher, but I'll know for sure tomorrow, and report to you then.
"Said hi to aprox. 4 person but waved at a pretty girl who was looking at me some kind of romantic )) after my waving she was kind of puzzled and insecure. A great feeling for me actually )) I was also waving at a group of girls passing me ... I hope this will also count?"
Yeah, I love pulling that stuff! I'll find a group of girls, smile the biggest smile in the world, c*ck my head to the side then back up again, and wave like I know them. I crack up when they start giggling... great feeling!
"I'll easily hit 50 by the end of tommorrow, but I'm going to keep doing this all week. I'm going to go for 75. I'm going to make the rest high quality, and really work on the eye contact thing even more."
That's the attitude bro!
"what is up with eye contact???? the second i make eye contact with someone, they look away in some other direction....are people that nervous??? i never noticed it before until i started this excercise. what gives?"
Yeah, I know what you mean. It's amazing how little self-esteem some people have... either that or they are completely unaware of what's happening around them.
On the bright side though... this is the reason why something so small as looking people in the eye conveys so much confidence!
"Does this practice apply to saying hi and eye contact to guys as well?? Or does it have to be purely women and girl???"
Anyone you want... I think the reason so many are focusing on the women is because eventually that is whom we will be pursuing, so it's just practice for when we get to that point.
As for your situation with the lack of response, don't let that bother you. You'll find that as you approach more and more people, you won't care about those who ignore you. Just keep on saying hi to people, and you will improve, with the only caveat being that you will want to try different approaches. Don't forget, this is an experiment... so as others have already mentioned, experiment with different styles. Hi didn't work, no problem, try hello, or how are you. Hell, just for the fun of it, as I was walking by I saw a girl and told her STOP! She turned around and as she was wondering where the fire was, I just merely smiled and told her "Hello" with a huge smile. She smiled back and probably thought I was a weirdo... but who cares. This is an experiment... have fun with it!
And guys, I am stoked to see the kind of results some of you have been getting! The increase in confidence is just amazing... and this is only first two days! Just wait a few more weeks...
Also, I think it's great that we're all sharing suggestions and helping each other out. That's what this Boot Camp is all about!
Master of the Universe
"Life's a joke... take it too seriously, and the joke's on you"
message has been edited by Master of the Universe (edited 04-23-2002).]