1. It is in a Direct way, but it is not Direct. It is boring, it is minimal, and it is a weak attempt at best.
2. IF you have that much interest in her and you can NOT CONTROL yourself than profess your interest. Make her smile be charming, but don't be 'matter of fact' about it. Make it special..... Charm her, Woo her, Sweep her off her feet! Don't state the freaking obvious! That is Lame and unattractive! It is a mild form of begging! NO BULL SH!T NO GAMES! SKILL
3. No every Joe is not a pu$$y. A lot of guys have game and they are your competition. A lot of guys are charming and they will get that girl. Not everyone is a sissy la la. You think the average guy that talks to a girl isn't confident? Most are or they wouldn’t be talking to a girl. Some are just oblivious to society. They could be rambling on and the girls could be giving those hints and still they press forward. Why state your intent?
That is like fast forwarding to the end of a movie. It is boring. Let her figure it out that is where attraction happens. You can socially rape somebody like that. They will :kick: you to the curb. Let them fall for you! Don't show up to their door step in love. Make them chase you around the world until they fall for you. Than make them chase you some more. THAT IS WHAT MAKES IT FUN!!
Would playing Tag be fun if you just stood still and let them tag you? NO so why run up to them to to get tagged? YOU DON'T you play. You have fun. You get chased. You instigate it than run.... Let them catch you and chase them back and forth visa versa.
4. What do I know? I read his FRs the poor guy is running his feet off. He is chasing every girl and they are running a lot faster than he is. He closes a set way to fast. He tells them He wants to hang out with them...
Do you know what guy girls hate the most? CLINGY CLINGY CLINGY guys. By him making a first impression that he is, they automatically see him as a potently clingy guy. They will never give him the chance to move past that image. Why should they? He is the one coming across like that. DON'T BE NEEDY. HE IS BEING NEEDY!!!
I quit reading his post when He told me he didn't want my help. I shouldn't have wasted my time.
5. YES he did use the SAME line over and over and over and over. And got the same results over and over and over. That doesn't make any of it right! WHO CARES if he is doing DA? Your approach method doesn't define who you are. Neither does getting rejected over and over and over. NEITHER does getting laid over and over and over.
Quit defending this so called method by saying he is still doing DA. IT doesn't matter if he is or isn't. There are other forms and ways of doing DA that don't trample the fundamentals in the dirt and set you up for so much failure.
GO OUT OF YOUR WAY to change an opener? Why not just used canned than? IF it is out of your way than you need to think about where your way leads.
Keeping it simple is just that: SIMPLE. I know where you guys are coming from. I really do! I want it to be simple too, but it isn't. I know you think it is guys like me that are making it complicated. It is complicated but it doesn't have to be confusing. Social Dynamics is with in it's self a field of study. So there are text books upon text books on info about it and they still don't understand it all. To assume that making it simple in your mind is going to make it simple in the field, would be like a child pulling a blanket over their head saying: "if I don't see it than it doesn't see me"! Don't work that way at all.
I will check out the update and I am glad he is making progress!
6. In a small way they do care, but not enough for them to invest in you. So in regards to that, they do not care. It is your responsibility to get them to care enough to invest. Sad but true! They do not have time to waste on every guy that likes them. EVEN if they are confident and Direct. Now if you throw in interesting and charming than you might get some where. As long as you don’t scare them off by appearing too clingy in the beginning.
Your right they do like to be pursued. They want it to be fun and amazing and magical and they want a pony. They want rainbows and waterfalls. They want Prince CHARMING! Not a Clingy little guy humping their leg.
If you make it natural and charming and sprinkle DJ dust on them than yes they will care. They will appreciate you. If you are constantly chasing them than you are always the mouse. She will remain the cat and in the end she will eat you and Sh!t you out into a Little ball of furry AFC.
7. I don't want to talk about this form of DA anymore. This is my thread and I wanted to open up the discussion of DA. I don't mean this form of it. BUT everyone on here seems to dwell on it and diss every other form. Using the Macho Alpha Crap saying this DA makes you a Man... Blah blah blah.
All crap. This Approach or any other doesn't make you anything. You are what you are and there is nothing you can do to change that. We need to get out of our heads. Nobody is better than anybody else. Believing like that is the grounds of ignorance. This DA will not make you a better man. This isn't being real. Being real is understanding Social Dynamics and acting accordingly.
8. How can you say I am closed minded about it when I have a whole post about it? I down it, but I am not closed to it. From bringing up this topic I have learned a lot about it. I have realized what it is that makes you guys like it. I took away the reminder of how important body language is. If some guys can use this method and still PU. Than it had to be body language or Desperate girls 'cause this method sucks.
Changing up isn't necessary it is natural. Every situation is different. SO not using different conversation openers is Unnatural. It does not HAVE to be anything. Why do you keep insisting that it has to be simple, short, and to the point? Can't you just make it fun and interesting?
Again I am not ragging on the guy. I wish he would open his eyes and change up his DA. He could have so much more fun and interesting experiences if he just didn't DA like he is. Instead of trying to pick them up, he could be having fun with them. Getting to know them. And in the end if a relationship formed even better.
But right now He is opening and closing sets like doors. He doesn't even knock first. Walks up, Turns handle, See's if somebody is in there that finds him instantly attractive, and than closes the door.
It is like he is searching for that Magical; Lipton Instant Love. Something worth so much value doesn't come easy or simple. You have to work and save for it. You have to build on the little to make a lot. It takes time, effort, skill, and thought. Not just running through the numbers.