I asked if what she said could've been something I interpreted incorrectly given the context. I did not ask anyone here if I should go up and talk to her right now.
I think the whole post went off the rails because what you are asking and what you wrote in the title on the initial post are 2 different things.
The question about the woman being promiscuous can simply be answered by a “we do not know”. Since we do not know the woman personally and we were not there, you as the receptor of the
message can only interpret the context of the story up to your own perception and past experiences.
You are a senior member here so you should know how women behave, inter-gender dynamics, and what usually happens when they are single or come off of a relationship. The correct answers to whether she indulges in a lot of casual sex or how many sexual partners she has had can only be answered by her if she confides in you. These conversations usually happen during the comfort stage of the relationship. Keep in mind too much comfort early on will land you in the friend zone, hence why they happen when you are getting to know each other in an intimate level or in the “talking” stage or dating or after sex. In order to get to this point you would have to ask her out. It is impossible for us to gather this information from a simple comment/story at a friendly dinner not knowing the context, or the tonality, or the venue, or even the people sitting at the table. You could have these answers by making a “move”, asking her out, and dating her.
Nonetheless, people are frustrated at the “should I have made a move” question. The reason being is, just as I stated above, you could answer the promiscuous question by asking her out and getting to know her. However, we do not know if she wants to go out with you. Sosuave moves under the premise that the only way to know if someone is attracted to you is by leading, and if they choose to follow, they like you. So since we do not know if she likes you because you haven’t asked her out, we do not know if you missed a move since you might not have had one at all. And since we do not know if you ever had a chance with her, we are wasting our time thinking about parameters that do not matter at the end of the day.
Hopefully you acknowledge this so everyone can be on the same page. Personally, you thinking she said this to get a rise out of you, or everyone else being in the friend zone except you, makes me think you are projecting your feelings onto her and she just might have her own agenda unrelated to your thoughts. Either that or your ego is huge. Again, it is my perception from what you told us, I could be wrong, but there is only one way to find out, and it is to get to know you at a deeper level, and to get there we would have to ask you out
No homo
The end.