Depressing reddit post - what advice can be given to the masses of men in this situation?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Someone asked me what I would do if she said X. I told him you can have a response regardless of her response. That made no sense to him, so I'll put it here:

I once smiled at an attractive chick, and she nastily snarled back, "what are you smiling at?". :mad:
I met a lot of women like this, everyone who isn't incredibly attractive will get this or a similar remark. Her 'question' isn't a question, it's your cue to walk away or bear the full brunt of her ire. That you're probably not responsible for her sh!tty mood doesn't matter.

So you might as well have fun with it, like I do here:
"I'm smiling at a beautiful apple with a totally rotten core."
And then widen your smile and wait for her response, which will be either amused or angry.
The important thing with the line above is that you have to be relaxed and show amusement at her 'drama'.
Why do I widen my smile? Why do I keep looking at her? Because she's trying to make me feel 'guilty' for looking/smiling at her. By persisting in my behaviour, showing even more inner amusement will either cause her to:
>realise that she's being an unreasonable brat and start mirroring my amusement, or:
>Make her realise that I'm FVCKING MOCKING her and stirring her sh!tty mood into fury.
Regardless of her response, you can say, "Are you going to prove me wrong?"
Whether she's amused or angry or disgusted or whatever, this line doesn't require a verbal response from her. No matter what expression she shows, you should just study her facial expression and challenge her. "Are you going to prove me wrong?"

Now her responses and how I would respond (this is not a script, just a show of possibilities):
Let's say, she says: "Why would I do that?"
Me: Because you started flirting with me. Are you giving up already?
"Flirting? I'm not flirting with you!"
Me: (quizzical) So, you're not interested in my opinion?
"I don't give a sh!t about your opinion!"
Me: (shrug) Then don't ask me. Do you always ask questions you don't want answers to?
"I'm not asking for your fvcking opinion."
So you didn't ask me what I found amusing about you? Nobody ever smiles at you?
"Not like you."
Well, the shiny part was alluring until you opened your mouth and revealed your core. So far, you're not proving me wrong.
"I don't have to prove anything to you."
Well, you don't have to get so upset. Just walk away if you don't want to talk to me. Don't worry, you're not ruining my night.

Basically, you can take any open sentence into whatever direction you want to take it, but you will have to lead the conversation. She wants attention and validation, she wants to be seen and heard. And if she wants that from me, she has to earn it.

Someone expressed worry about making women angry. Anger is fine. A very useful emotion. And you want her emotional response, because emotion = investment. If she truly didn't care, she'd just walk away. Nobody is keeping her from leaving your presence.


If she wants to leave, you can ask her if she's always this 'dramatic' or only on Fridays. .
Or you can tell her that if you hurt her feelings, if you offended her somehow, she should... just suck it up like a mature person and not pout and stomp around like a toddler.
And if she asks why you're such an anus to her, you can tell her that you like to get the quarrels out of the way at the start of the relationship.

Whatever you do, don't become emotional beyond bemusement. Whatever she says, she's lashing out. Don't take it personal, but twist it around and feed it back to her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Plenty of guys already have your belief about average women, even in bars and other places, where they'll be less picky and more down to earth and the hot ones are completely unobtainable. It isn't just on the apps.
This attitude is an automatic woman repellent so you've already lost before you even begin

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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I have another recent post that goes into how men are more religious than women these days.
They are, but churches are gynocracies now.