David DeAngelo's stuff is crap

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Feb 24, 2005
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I feel sorry for all the poor guys out there who think by being "****y & funny" it will immensely help them attract the ladies.

He's said such things as "bust their balls", "treat them like your little sister". Yeah, that's really gonna make them feel a "gut level attraction" for you. Retard. Yes, beautiful woman will date unattractive men, but THAT's the exception, not the "Rule" garbage Mr. DeAngelo preaches. The fact of the matter is, most of the time attractive looking woman are picky. That's just how it is. I don't care how funny you are. If you don't have something physically attractive about you, chances are you're not getting a date. Now I'm not saying ugly men can't get a good looking woman, I'm just trying to help you realize that Mr. DeAngelo doesn't really know, or care what he says. The guy gets money off people subscribing (i.e. paying MONEY) for his "material". You've seen infomercials, right? Well, this is the online version. All those e-mails he posts from people saying "Wow, your stuff is gold! I woke up one day and started being ****y & funny, and now I've got beautiful woman flocking to me." Yeah, sure you do.

It doesn't work that way. Sure, maybe it sounds good while you're sitting there at your PC reading it, but guess what? Most of the time woman are going to write you off as either insecure, immature, a dork, or just plain stupid. Some of his scenarios he's written about should be scripted for a Hollywood movie. But wait, he's "SEEN THIS STUFF HAPPEN HIMSELF". Of course he has, when people are paying money for your nonsense, what are you going to say?

I mean, the guy always goes on about going up to a woman and being C&F for 3 minutes, then asking her for her e-mail address (rofl) or her phone number, and just like magic, she'll give it to you. Wake up people, that doesn't fly. If you're extremely good looking, that MIGHT work.

It's just sad to see guys who are unsuccessful in the dating department being brainwashed into thinking this stuff is what's going to change everything for you. It's not, and you're gonna have to accept it.

Be friendly, outgoing and be yourself. Socialize with people who are popular. Things will take care of themselves. There is no magic pill that's going do it for you.


Feb 28, 2005
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I completely agree with you Ryan. Being a woman, that stuff doesnt work on me, or any of my girlfriends.


Feb 27, 2005
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yeah, what you're saying makes sense. I do believe tho that confidence is key. but for the most part, david deangelo is just out to make money.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2004
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Is it just me or does he not talk about rapport?


Feb 10, 2005
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I haven't been able to have any success with C+F, in real life or online. Now some things he says might be good to implement, such as, making presuppositions, i.e., telling the girl things like "you love me", but that would have to be after you went on a date or two, I'd think. And another thing that might be usueful is teasing, i.e., playing hard to get, push and pull etc.

I think C+F is just a repackaged and marketed rendition of flirting. Most girls I've met are put off by C+F, they just simply walk away. Now granted the manner and content of the C+F is a factor, but I don't see it as being very universally well accepted by females. I guess C+F might be better than stand there silently wondering what to to talk about or asking boring questions, so it could be used as a crutch.

I'd be interested in hearing others' take and experience with DYD and C+F. Does anyone else believe the emails in the newsletter aren't legit. Isn't it possible that any technique could work sometimes and Deangelo's only showing hand selected success emails and never showing the vast majority of all the emails that aren't so complemantary?


Feb 24, 2005
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Of course he only prints the "legit" ones, which probably aren't even legit to begin with. You really think he's gonna post the majority that say "Your stuff sucks, bite me." ?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Oh yeah, i've always said this about David D and his stuff. He claims that he has been with actresses, models, etc. But what about now? Who is he with now? He never mentions who he is with now, because he probably isn't with anyone!

Being C&F is just another way of flirting. David thinks that by doing this, you will create 'sexual' tension for said girl. And of course, she'll have to relieve her frustration on you later in the sack, because of all that tension ya know.

I do agree that attraction isn't a choice as he states, and that also by being a challenge can be a good thing.

It's odd, every girl worth her salt that i know has always chased the guy she is with or married to. We're talking about really going after him. I've never seen it the other way around for some reason.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
It's all about having a spirit of fun

Certainly being a witty, fun person makes a man more attractive. I've found C+F quite effective when it flows naturally. But only then.

Everyone has their own strengths and shortcomings. Some guys can pull women just on their looks, without having to have anything else exceptional about them. Some guys can dazzle with wit. Others just carry themselves well. And every woman responds to different things in different ways.

DeAngelo makes a lot of points that can help guys who botch things up with women, but many of them are negatives: "don't be a wussy," "you can't buy a woman's attraction," "attraction is not a choice," yada yada.

I'm more interested in positives. Like Disciple's sublime "Becoming a King, Part II" thread that is available at no cost right here.

I do agree that a guy who really lacks the verbal chops will not improve his success with women by trying to be "****y and funny."


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2004
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Originally posted by RedKnight04
Is it just me or does he not talk about rapport?
You're right. He doesn't.

David's whole schpeel is based around playground flirting that only works with REALLY immature little girls, and that only the most socially-retarded are not familiar with, those kinds of guys usually have good jobs doing something boring but high-demand, and he wants their money.


I've read some of his newsletters, but have not ordered his DVD or CD's, thank God. He never even touches on ANYTHING like actually SEDUCING a woman, or gaining rapport with a woman, or pretty much ANYTHING other than C&F, C&F, and MORE C&F.

C&F should be part of a DJ's attitude, his personality, but if it's all you exhibit to women, you're in for some long, long nights alone. And that really sucks in the wintertime.



Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
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yea, i agree

Well, I got to admit... he is kind a dumb ass... I don't know... I don't do **** he talks about in his so called "best book ever for seduction" They have a great dj bible here.. anyone who wants to learn DJ'ing learn from here... Great DJ bible for free... No need for money... just takes a longer time to look up... But you get it for free and you get it from different sources... so it's all good...

FM 3321

Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
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It's sad to see threads like this saying "something is crap" and then having females posting here saying what works or doesn't work for them.

David DeAngelo, the DJ Bible, and most of the stuff that's been compiled for us to read is great material. Just because someone isn't successful with something doesn't mean they should discourage others from gaining from the same material. I got my first "relationship" with the help of David DeAngelo's techniques so is it crap for me? Hell no.

This thread kinda makes me upset. Especially with females posting here with disinformation, what the fukk. :rolleyes:

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
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Fort Bragg, NC
I feel sorry for all the poor guys out there who think by being "****y & funny" it will immensely help them attract the ladies.
If you think ****y & funny is the only thing he talks about, obviously you haven't read the book. He speaks about other things like creating sexual tension, and how attraction isn't a choice. When you're attracted to someone, you don't choose to be attracted to person, it just happens.

It doesn't work that way. Sure, maybe it sounds good while you're sitting there at your PC reading it, but guess what? Most of the time woman are going to write you off as either insecure, immature, a dork, or just plain stupid.
C&F has done wonders for me, i'm sorry it hasn't worked for you but keep trying and i'm sure you'll develop it soon. Forced C&F is what i think you have a problem with. When you're trying to be ****y and funny it comes off as being sleezy and could be easily sniffed out like a smugler with drugs at the Mexico border. I usually wait until i have an angle to work with before i even initiate. When that angle opens it just flows naturally without me even thinking.

I completely agree with you Ryan. Being a woman, that stuff doesnt work on me, or any of my girlfriends
When it's obvious, of course it's not going to work. I let my girlfriend read the whole book (DYD) and she still can't pin point anything in the way i act. When you meet a guy sweetheart, you don't deside wheater you're going to be attracted to him or not. It happens for a reason that you can't even explain to yourself.

Besides, if you think David D has the only eBook about dating then you're in for a rude of wakening cause there are plenty that teach all types of techniques.



Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
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David D. is just a mercenary twit, he is only in it for the dough. Instead of giving people a fair return for their pay, he keeps reiterating the same bullwash. The whole dating game cannot be simplified to the beholded C&F technique, it is more complicated than that. Whenever anyone asks him a question that is beyond his limited scope, he untactfully evades it. Most of the mail he publishes is praise mail, very likely to be fake but if they are boosting his ego then let it be. I sent him a mail criticising his work, and as you would expect he ignores it. But my mail offended him so much that he decided to kick me out of his mailing list. Ironically, he always rambles on and on in his messages about how macho he is by lashing out at wussies. Guess what Davey, your as much as a wuss as they come. Below is the message that I sent to this pathetic fool:

Hey Mr. Dave,

First of all I want to make it clear that the
criticism that I am about to impart is not based upon
your ability to attract women (On the contrary, I can
reasonably assume that you are a gigollo) but about
the failure to provide optimal dating tips for the
public. I read through your mailbags regularly and
notice the same repetitive pattern that you employ.
You provide the same answers to your reader's question
and dodge the new meaningful questions that might
arise. Not to forget your overdependency on buzzwords
such as "****y and Funny" expecting that they would be
sufficient enough to make a strong statement. I also
have noticed that you only publish the emails where
the author praises your work or portrays how much of a
wuss he can be. Why do you avoid challenging emails?
does it make you feel macho to show your readers how
tough you are by only showing the favorable mail? I
have sent you a mail earlier which you failed to
respond to because it was insulting. Well, I can
reasonably say that you are the one that has got some
wussiness issues that need to get taken care of
before you go out attempting to dewussify everyone


PS: does anyone know if Davey posts in these forums? I bet not because he cannot handle the insults.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
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when i'm going out and having fun, i'm normally ****y & funny, but that's because it's a PART of me, now

when i was doing it cuz i tried deangelo's stuff, it got me nowhere

but now i tell girls how they are SO in love with me, that's it not even funny, and they eat it up...

i'd say his e-book serves as a great way to get your feet wet in the whole seduction thing

but that's about it. his e-book, his advanced series are very good for the guy who knows ABSOLUTELY nothing about women (except what he read in magazines that he should become a metrosexual)....

but you're going to need more if you ever want to become a PUA


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Great Point Alpha

I agree that David's stuff is appropriate for the fledgling that has no clue about women. Kind of like Kindergarden education, but the knowledge gained from there is not sufficient to go out there and chase some women. You got to delve into the more advanced materials provided here in order to really improve yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
It works because Im good-looking.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
Some of you guys are too quick to discount the power of C&F... I certainly don't rely on C&F alone, but use it as a part of my overall game...
RedRose1980 wrote: I completely agree with you Ryan. Being a woman, that stuff doesnt work on me, or any of my girlfriends.
Of course it wouldn't work on you since you already know what this C&F stuff is meant to achieve... and you won't buy into it!!! Thats sad, you're really missing out!!!
Disturbed wrote:
David D. is just a mercenary twit,
I'm a little disturbed myself at your oppinion of David D and his work... Obviously you've bort his material and failed miserably coz you couldn't be the type that read his stuff and without field testing it just conclude that it doesn't work!!!... care to share the primary motive for your hate


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
I feel sorry for all the poor guys out there who think by being "****y & funny" it will immensely help them attract the ladies.

I guess someone should tell the women (married, single, in a relationship) I’ve encountered the last 12 months, who have expressed how they would love to 'show me a good time', that it actually DOES NOT work.

Better make it quick though, I'm on a role here...


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Disturbed and alphawolfx nailed it

That's about it. An elementary education. I must admit I spent $20 on his latest magnum opus, and it was kinda like "Dating 101 for WBAFCs." $20 well spent for one who's pretty well clueless (provided he has the sense to not force C+F), but there weren't any great insights for me, and it glosses over half the puzzle: the most important half, IMNSHO.

The other half of this puzzle is developing the sort of aura that attracts women to you. Some have it naturally, some (like me in my frustrated chump days -- I was never average) sometimes have it, sometimes don't. Others need work. This sort of confident, "well put-together" aura has an effect on most women analogous to the effect a pretty face and shapely body has on men -- at least for a man that's reasonably decent looking.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
I feel sorry for all the poor guys out there who think by being "****y & funny" it will immensely help them attract the ladies.

I think you may have missed the point. DeAngelo is on the money. C +F is not just about ****y and funny, its a bit more than that. It actually shows a girl that you are not intimidated by her and that you are sure of yourself.

Therefore it is all about how you carry yourself and the delivery, if you go over and launch a c+f attack on some chick, but you appear nervous or uncomfortable you'll get shot down.

It is more about the confidence projected than anything else. There are many ways to let a chick know you are confident, c+f is just 1 of them. And when you get it right it works a charm.

So you probably aren't carryng yourself properly or appear nervous or something!
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