So I've been on Plentyoffish off and on for a few months. Haven't had any luck on there or met anyone off there. Just thought I'd try the online thing but it seems superficial and is not for me. I get mail and respond when I'm interested, if I'm not...I don't. Why waste my time and his time. That's the way I see it. No sense in engaging in useless chitchat. If I see something that turns me off, like "I just got out of an 8 year relationship, I have 2 kids that are my life and no time for fun because I work all the time.." or whatever..something that says "redflag" then I see no point in getting to know them.
Is this wrong? To just ignore msgs? I'm not being selective and picky, I give most a shot...but I just got a scathing msg from some guy I don't even remember getting a msg from, accusing me being a snob and full of myself and blah blah blah...because I am on 300 peoples favourites. I've never even had a conversation with this guy.
Haha! Wow, ok read this just got funny:
its to bad you've let this site go to your head and now you think If you wait long enough brad pitt is gona email you lol, I have like 4 girl friends on here in the exact same boat as you,,they get so many emails and have way to many options that they'll never settle now cause they keep thinking they;ll meet the next hotter guy around the corner,,its to bad cause you prob werent such a snob before you started using this site,,hope you find what you're looking for
, peace
Wtf are you talking about? Do I know you? You seem to think you know an awful lot about me and "what I'm looking for" and I don't think I've had a single conversation or gotten single message from you in my life.
Pretty presumptuous of you. No wonder you're on this site.
Ive only been on here like 3 weeks lol and im starting to realize most girls are on here to boost their egos not to actually meet anyone,,i know when i see someone with over 300 favorites though they've been on here a while,,why havnt you meet anyone? you enjoy the attention to much
,,,I did actually email you before as well and pretty much like all of your mail im sure, you didnt respond. Its funny how you write me back when you feel even the slightest bit insulted lol but wite me back when i actually sent to a nice email haha no way
Perhaps you were the one with the burned ego if you had to take time out of your day to send me a follow-up msg like that. I don't remember a msg from you and sorry if I didn't respond, I guess I wasn't interested and didn't want to waste my or yours time. Guess I made the right decision if someone is just going to msg me assuming they know what I'm all about, who I've met, why I'm here, and what I'm looking for.
Good luck to you.
actually you made a really bad decision lol, Im prob one of the best looking guys on here, I snowboard and wakeboard, Im super cool, i drive an 80 thousand dollar audi and own a boat haha good luck finding a better more fun guy than me..oh and the reason you didnt resond was cause you were so caught up opening your emails that your ego was through the roof and responding to anyone at that point was out of the question,,,and just so you know my egos grounded,,when somoene emails me thats around my age attractive and has some similar interests, I email them back cause im not that superficial that i can just look at a pic and decide if im gona like someone,,good luck to you as well
Are you kidding me????? Guys, this is NOT how to woo a woman ok...
Is this wrong? To just ignore msgs? I'm not being selective and picky, I give most a shot...but I just got a scathing msg from some guy I don't even remember getting a msg from, accusing me being a snob and full of myself and blah blah blah...because I am on 300 peoples favourites. I've never even had a conversation with this guy.
Haha! Wow, ok read this just got funny:
its to bad you've let this site go to your head and now you think If you wait long enough brad pitt is gona email you lol, I have like 4 girl friends on here in the exact same boat as you,,they get so many emails and have way to many options that they'll never settle now cause they keep thinking they;ll meet the next hotter guy around the corner,,its to bad cause you prob werent such a snob before you started using this site,,hope you find what you're looking for
Wtf are you talking about? Do I know you? You seem to think you know an awful lot about me and "what I'm looking for" and I don't think I've had a single conversation or gotten single message from you in my life.
Pretty presumptuous of you. No wonder you're on this site.
Ive only been on here like 3 weeks lol and im starting to realize most girls are on here to boost their egos not to actually meet anyone,,i know when i see someone with over 300 favorites though they've been on here a while,,why havnt you meet anyone? you enjoy the attention to much
Perhaps you were the one with the burned ego if you had to take time out of your day to send me a follow-up msg like that. I don't remember a msg from you and sorry if I didn't respond, I guess I wasn't interested and didn't want to waste my or yours time. Guess I made the right decision if someone is just going to msg me assuming they know what I'm all about, who I've met, why I'm here, and what I'm looking for.
Good luck to you.
actually you made a really bad decision lol, Im prob one of the best looking guys on here, I snowboard and wakeboard, Im super cool, i drive an 80 thousand dollar audi and own a boat haha good luck finding a better more fun guy than me..oh and the reason you didnt resond was cause you were so caught up opening your emails that your ego was through the roof and responding to anyone at that point was out of the question,,,and just so you know my egos grounded,,when somoene emails me thats around my age attractive and has some similar interests, I email them back cause im not that superficial that i can just look at a pic and decide if im gona like someone,,good luck to you as well
Are you kidding me????? Guys, this is NOT how to woo a woman ok...