For the record
@pipeman84 is exactly correct about how I found this forum. The ex wife of my first LTR post divorce was dignosed BPD. The woman was diabolical to her ex husband, and sadly to her children as well. My divorce was final in March of 2014; I found this site in December of 2015. He was embroiled in ongoing child custody drama despite his divorce being final in early 2015. We met in the summer of 2015, through a social dancing group on Craigslist. Over time his situation became impossible for a relationship between the court stuff and her financial bludgeoning of him through the courts (she was a multi millionnaire so money was no object. I had never seen such evil from anyone in all my life...) so we parted amicably in 2016 so he could get his life straightened out. We stayed in touch & he is happily remarried to a sweet gal; he knows I am happily remarried as well.
So I found the BPD thread initially.
I stayed because much of the solid content here encourages men to develop to the best of their abilities. Much of the philosophy here echoes things that were important to my father, and reflective of things I have observed in nightlife mating environments all my adult life. So I contribute where I think it might offer something to the discussion. And because men often do not think my life is real, I get asked to explain much context that would not otherwise be necessary.
Then people complain that I'm bragging.
Its not bragging if its true. Why would I lie? And how could my content be so consistent over 10 years unless its true? You don't have to make up a thing if you tell the truth.
Honestly its silly to say a beautiful woman's perspective is useless here. I know how men simp, I know the corny PUA lines, I have been on the receiving end of that all my adult life.
Meanwhile there are various posts pointing out attractive female bloggers trying to help men.
I have always made it a point to be honest with men if they approach and I'm not interested. I am always kind, but direct. And I been complimented for having grace in those situations more times than I can count.
I was never a girl to flake. If I agreed to meet someone I did. I don't like having my time wasted and I am respectful of others so as not to waste theirs; I keep my commitments. I refused to give my contact to any man I wasn't attracted to. And frankly that was the vast majority of men. It is what it is.
I have never understood the fascination with me personally here. I'm simply one voice and I have a singular opinion.
What's odd to me is that I represent exactly the type of woman most men around here would be delighted to have an opportunity to date etc. Perhaps the anger at me represents an anger at women generally, especially beautiful (translation: priviledged) women.
I don't understand that. I mean on the one hand I do (Law 36: Disdain What You Cannot Have from Robert Greene's Laws of Power)....but if you want to be successful with high quality attractive women, you as a man need to understand the landscape in which such women exist.
So if you don't like me, use your "Ignore" button. Otherwise I simply offer a perspective. Same as anyone else here.