Hi, I recently went on a date with the a girl I met off a dating app.
We texted for about 3 days before the date and it was honestly the best connection I’ve felt over
text, the banter was flowing and we matched each others humour (something I’ve not experienced before).
Fast forward to the date (which was a walk among nature) and the vibe felt completely different. Maybe I was a bit nervous and she said she was ill, but her interest was much less than it was on text I.e. I was asking her all the questions, she barely smiled or asked me any questions. The banter was also massively missing.
After the date she said it went okay but the vibes in person didn’t match the vibe on text.
This has dented my confidence quite a bit as she was extremely attractive, and I’m struggling to understand what I did wrong. Was she not as attracted to me as she thought? Maybe I wasn’t being playful although I did try to crack a few jokes and she never did like on text.
I just would like to know how I can learn from this and not take it personally, because it felt personal the way she lost interest when she saw me. Especially as a similar thing happened (but not as good a connection on text) a month ago.
Ive worked massively on my appearance and confidence in the past couple of years and are starting to get dates with much more attractive girls than I’m used to. Perhaps my old insecurities and lack of confidence are holding me back thinking I don’t deserve a girl like this or something. But the fact I couldn’t match the vibes on text got me wondering as to whether it’s a confidence issue.
thanks a lot.